Sydney - State Theater (Dec. 11, 2023) post-show

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You're The One For Me, Fatty / Suedehead / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / How Soon Is Now? / I Wish You Lonely / Irish Blood, English Heart / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / Girlfriend In A Coma / Half A Person / Our Frank / Let Me Kiss You / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Darling, I Hug A Pillow / Alma Matters / / Saint In A Stained Glass Window / Jack The Ripper / Everyday Is Like Sunday / The Loop / Speedway // Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of (Note: order not 100% confirmed).

  • Photo from Thiccystardust / Instagram story posted by Famous when dead (original post):

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That’s the happiest and most relaxed I’ve seen him this tour. Looks like it was tremendous.
📸 by @celeste_2190 ( Instagram )


the time difference is an issue,a lot of people didnt realise the show was in the morning in the uk and europe.
Ah, that makes sense. I love it when it's morning here and we get comments, setlists, videos and photos posted from the other side of the globe.
I actually prefer Carmen Vandenberg's treatment here to Alain Whyte's. Hers is Pink Floyd, Whyte's was Flying Burrito Brothers.
Carmen...... :thumb: I like her job in Glass Window . Really cool !
We got You're The One For Me Fatty as the opener. He also played Saint in a stained Glass Window. It was one of the best Morrissey gigs I've seen. Gotta crash and I'll post my clip in the morning, well later in the morning.
glad you enjoyed it marred.
Tom Blom, did you get any mobile coverage at the venue tonight? I didn’t (I’m with Telstra) so I couldn’t see if you were posting the set list during the concert nor could I post it myself.
I was very close to the stage and tried only twice but it was worse than the day before. I have Optus
This set list isn’t quite in the right order but I’m not sure exactly the right sequence. This is based on video clips that I took. Did anyone get the set list from the stage?

Here’s the order of my clips and the time they were recorded:

9:08pm - You’re the One For Me Fatty
9:25pm - How Soon Is Now?
9:34pm - I Wish You Lonely
9:38pm - Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings
9:41pm - Girlfriend in a Coma
9:46pm - Half a Person
9:56pm - Darling, I Hug a Pillow
9:58pm - Our Frank
10:11pm - Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want
10:14pm - Saint In a Stain-glass Window
10:24pm - Speedway
10:31pm - Encore
- Band & Morrissey thank yous
- Sweet and Tender Hooligan

I know Alma Matters was a lot earlier too but I don’t have a clip. It was probably after HSIN or IBEH. Not exactly sure.

I hope this is a help with working out the set order.

CR x
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...but then

Sydney , Night 2 by @basia_ana

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Baisa 4.jpg

basia 5.jpg

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