Morrissey interview + Polaroid photo in German Spiegel magazine

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"Ich bin für Klartext" - Spiegel Online

(Excerpt before paywall via Google Translate)

Morrissey's worldview "I'm for plain text"

"Morrissey praises the Brexit referendum, defends Kevin Spacey and calls Berlin a "rape capital" because of its open borders. seriously?"

Whether the Briton Steven Patrick Morrissey, 58, a musician just Morrissey calls, now Genius is or Schrat, self-actor or choleric poet, will probably never settle final. Certainly the man from Manchester, who became famous in the eighties as a singer of pop band The Smiths, is a great eccentric of pop. Whether concert or interview, he maintains the pose of the diva. The meeting took place on the occasion of his new album "Low in High School" in Los Angeles; It was arranged at very short notice and then postponed several times, domination gestures want to be maintained. After all, Morrissey is ready to talk. However, the photographer is referred by one of his managers rude of the room: "Get out of my hotel!" The Polaroid photo was taken by the interviewer.

An interview with Juliane Liebert


SPIEGEL: Mr Morrissey, in your new song "Spent the Day in Bed", you recommend that you no longer see any news. A serious proposal?

Morrissey: Yes. People should stop doing so for their own sanity. You have to stop. The news is just social engineering, and it's about control, not information. There are no more messages. Only control.

SPIEGEL: That sounds like Trump's fake news, but you just spoke out against Trump at a concert.

Morrissey: Trump has received so much attention, especially when compared to other candidates - Bernie Sanders, for example. Although the media said he will not win, every day, all the headlines: Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump! The American media helped Trump, yes, they first created it. Whether they criticize him or laugh at him, he does not care, he just wants to see his picture and his name. The American media have shot themselves in the leg. Since he was in power, he has exhausted the world. He grabs after everything like a little child. He is not a leader. He is a vermin. A huge vermin.

SPIEGEL: Do you think that he will be re-elected?

Full transcript (Google Translate to English), original German text posted by Cornflakes

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Can anyone offer a reasonable (not frothing at the mouth) explanation as to why someone so keen on 'Brexit' happily embraces recording/living in Italy, mixing in France whilst making a song about Tel Aviv? Given that his view was supported by 52% of voters.
I don't really do politics due to my views about Internet arguments being futile, but if anyone can shed light - I'd be grateful.

Because the EU and Europe are not the same thing, however much Verhofstadt and his clown car full of Commission weirdos think it is.

I voted leave and adore Europe. You would have to be a dolt not to adore Europe.
There is a separate case of Spacey in a full-on sexual relationship with a 14-year-old:

Let us know what you think about this situation: The kid for any reason doesn't leave "on his own free wil". He stays and Spacey has sex with a 14 y.o. boy. Would you say he didn't rape him? Children's sexual consent doesn't exist. What is Spacey supposed to be when he was going to have sex with a child? No wonder why he needs urgent help.

Talking about Weinstein, apart from the complete lack of ethics in using your job to get casual sex with people whose livehood and career depend on you (like fishing in a bathtub), which by itself diminishes the sexual consent, imagine yourself being a woman locked in a room with someone who managed to get you there under false pretenses and having to say no to a man who doubles your size. Did he warn those women they were going there to give him massages, oral sex or anything sexually related? Obviously no, because most of them wouln't have assisted to the meeting. He acted like a hunter preparing a trap for his preys.

If this were a true democratic and equalitarian society, free of covered by the law sexual explotation, Weinstein and Spacey would be in jail. Clin ton and Tru mp, too.
For years he's been hiding behind email interviews with fanzines. I want more of the Spiegel stuff. How many casual sales do you think he's losing in Germany this weekend? LOL!

L O L all those silly/stupid email interviews :rofl:
We now have him by his "Heinz Baked Beans" yet again with #spiegelgate


Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Can I ask a question? Now that no one is allowed to be a Morrissey fan, what is the purpose of this site? Can we have carification? Is it just a site for the Moderator 'yes-men'? Please be candid and let us know and then we can all sling our hook. Perhaps it's time to close the site. What would be your purpose for existing if the 'enemy' went elsewhere? The site would just fall silent or it would just become a laughable farce of. 'isn't Morrissey a tw*t?' 'Oh, I know, he's awful' 'did you hear what he said?' 'oh, I know, it's awful' You'd all be at a loss as to what to discuss. I don't agree with lots of what Morrissey says but until he upsets me personally (i.e, slags off ginger people or gays) I won't be 'converted' to see the error of my ways -I'm selfish like that.
There's 3.5 million people of Turkish descent living in Germany today. I wonder if Morrissey regards them as Turkish, German or both? Does he think that the presence of 3.5 million people of Turkish descent has weakened or strengthened 'German Culture'?

I'd like a list of what Morrissey regards as 'authentic German culture'.
For years he's been hiding behind email interviews with fanzines. I want more of the Spiegel stuff. How many casual sales do you think he's losing in Germany this weekend? LOL!
Haha, you call El Pais, El Periodico, Billboard, Rolling Stone et al 'fanzines', the stupidity shines all the way through once more.
And he will fill even larger arena's once more on the next German tour, no worries about that.
Ah ok I hadn’t realised Spacey has admitted it.

Did he deny the accusations? He just said he didn't remember because he was drunk. The only way to prove this kind of crimes is with the testimonies of victims. The sad part is that a lot of different testimonies are required to spot this kind of behavioral pattern, and even so, it's very difficult to arrive to a criminal prosecution. That contributes to impunity and social tolerance of these crimes, enhanced when the criminal belongs to a powerful community, such is Hollywood and its investors.
Haha, you call El Pais, El Periodico, Billboard et al 'fanzines', the stupidity shines all the way through once more.
And he will fill even larger arena's once more on the next German tour, no worries about that.

No, you're the idiot.

Plenty of tickets available for UK arena tour. Morrissey's last German gig was at Berlin Tempodrum with a capacity of 3800. I very much doubt he's going to be asked to play German arenas this time around!

Ahead of the release of his 11th studio album (and first since 2013's World Peace Is None of Your Business), Morrissey answered a few questions from Billboard via email
i dont think morrissey is saying the chid is to blame, at least that's not how i read it. how i read it is morrissey is questioning the truthfulness of the adult the child became, because the whole thing to him doesnt make sense. that's why he said it lacks credibility.

Former Conservative Prime Minister Edward Heath had long been accused of being a paedophile even before his death a decade ago. Recently the Wiltshire Police conducted an inquiry into the claims against him and a million quid later said that had he been alive today the evidence was such that he would be called in for questioning on six allegations. Not charged, but questioned.

The Heath Estate responded by congratulating the Wiltshire plod for whittling those allegations down to just six people from the original ten thousand people who made such claims at the start of the inquiry. That doesn’t in any way excuse the six potential criminal acts, but serves to underline that nuts do often come out of the woodwork to cash in.

If that is the point Morrissey is driving at in his Spacey comments he is technically correct, the best kind of correct there is, but as so often before he seems unable to address these points lucidly.

As for Hollywood generally, the real heroines are not Angelina Jolie or Gwyneth Paltrow, neither of whom I would suggest have been short of invitations to get their knickers off down the years, but those women who refused and instead of embarking on a potentially lucrative career as an actress were forced back to work at their local Walmart. Maybe they should have a Hollywood star too.
Yes, so since when is Billboard a fanzine then?
Get your glasses on, or pour some more wine please.
And listen to a singer you do like, as I doubt there are any.
erm....he picked him up, put him on his bed and lay on top of him..... *rollseyes*

He met the 14 year old Rapp and his 17 year old friend in a nightclub and invited them back to his apartment. They accepted willingly. Is that grooming? This is the spite of one mediocre actor taking revenge on the better actor 20 years after the (fairly banal) event.
He met the 14 year old Rapp and his 17 year old friend in a nightclub and invited them back to his apartment. They accepted willingly. Is that grooming? This is the spite of one mediocre actor taking revenge on the better actor 20 years after the (fairly banal) event.

I don’t know the precise law in the USA, but being a mature democracy with full judicial oversight I’d be surprised if it wasn’t illegal for a twenty-six year old to try to tup a fourteen year old, even if years later that child would be partly responsible for Star Trek Discovery.

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