GBN / Adam Chapman: "'Say what you want about Morrissey...he was right about Islamic terrorism in the UK' - Brendan O'Neill" (September 25, 2024)

'Say what you want about Morrissey...he was right about Islamic terrorism in the UK' - Brendan O'Neill


The Spiked Political Editor tells GB News that Morrissey summed this up perfectly during a gig at the Palladium in London a few years back.
The former lead singer of The Smiths was introducing his new song at the time, ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’, which is about the Manchester Arena bombing in 2017.
Mr O'Neill, who was in the crowd that night, alleged Morrisey looked out at the audience and asked: "How come you know the name Myra Hindley but many of you won’t know the name of the man who bombed the Manchester Arena?"

It's such a good question. We all know Myra Hindley and Ian Brady. But if you went out on the streets and asked a hundred people to name Salman Abedi [the Manchester arena bomber] I bet they wouldn't be able to," the Spiked Political Editor said.
It's a striking observation given the asymmetry of the crimes and when they occurred: Abedi killed 22 people at the Ariana Grande concert in 2017 - and Brady and Hindley murdered five children more than 50 years ago.

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If you think that nobody is above the law this only serves to highlight that you do not understand how the real world works. Many, many rich people are above the law simply because they have lots of money. Money buys power. Power buys influence.
look at p diddy,he is going down for a long time,hope he likes porridge.
Gordy doesn't count as a person. He's an entity, a living drone, spouting off opinions and thoughts he has heard from other people.
anything i write comes solely from me,everybody uses quotes from other people,sure you have done it many times.
anything i write comes solely from me,everybody uses quotes from other people,sure you have done it many times.

I don't think you've ever had an original thought in your entire life. That's no bad thing. Most people haven't, even Morrissey.
I don't think you've ever had an original thought in your entire life. That's no bad thing. Most people haven't, even Morrissey.
ahhh,is that the time.
look at p diddy,he is going down for a long time,hope he likes porridge.

Yes, and how long was he above the law before this? How many men are currently getting away with horrendous crimes because of their wealth and influence? f***, even normal, everyday men get away with horrendous crimes without wealth and influence.
and why does it always take so long for prople to come forward,we are seeing that this week with al fayed,we are up to 200 women who were sexually assaulted by the old f...,surely one of the 200 could have come forward,and before someone says he was too powerful no one is above the law no matter how much money they have.
Britain has some of the lowest rape conviction rates in Europe. Assuming your case makes it to trial (which can take years and the stress means many women will drop out), given how corrupt and institutionally misogynist the police and CPS are you'll be lucky to get a fair hearing. You'll be grilled to within an inch of your life and subjected to humiliating questions from the defence team. Most people think of rape as a scenario where a stranger leaps out of bushes and attacks lone women, but these cases are incredibly rare and the majority of rapes are committed by someone known to the victim. Unfortunately if your case doesn't fit that open-and-shut 'dragged into an alleyway' profile, you'll also find a lot of juries are sceptical. I've been through it with a family member. Many people underestimate the pure hatred and contempt that the Establishment have for women and girls in this country.

You're also forgetting that Al Fayad, like Jimmy Saville, was on very,  very friendly terms with the Met Police. Any woman coming forward would be warned to drop the investigation. Money and power talks. Who would believe a silly little woman over a well-respected, influential billionaire?
Britain has some of the lowest rape conviction rates in Europe. Assuming your case makes it to trial (which can take years and the stress means many women will drop out), given how corrupt and institutionally misogynist the police and CPS are you'll be lucky to get a fair hearing. You'll be grilled to within an inch of your life and subjected to humiliating questions from the defence team. Most people think of rape as a scenario where a stranger leaps out of bushes and attacks lone women, but these cases are incredibly rare and the majority of rapes are committed by someone known to the victim. Unfortunately if your case doesn't fit that open-and-shut 'dragged into an alleyway' profile, you'll also find a lot of juries are sceptical. I've been through it with a family member. Many people underestimate the pure hatred and contempt that the Establishment have for women and girls in this country.

You're also forgetting that Al Fayad, like Jimmy Saville, was on very,  very friendly terms with the Met Police. Any woman coming forward would be warned to drop the investigation. Money and power talks. Who would believe a silly little woman over a well-respected, influential billionaire?
Is it any wonder that many rape cases don't even make it to court when in 2024 the state of womanhood is given so little respect that a man can make claim to it, just because of how he claims to 'feel' inside, and gain full access to women-only spaces? A male rapist was housed in a female prison. Women rape victims have even been forced in the witness box, on threat of being in contempt of court, to say things like 'he raped me with her penis'. And in Berlin recently, a woman who sent an abusive Tweet about convicted rapists, was given a longer custodial sentence than the rapists. And then we wonder why rape trials are a joke?
And maybe Mohamed Al-Fayed was just another Asian Muslim in the UK benefiting from his 'Asian Muslim privilege'? You know, like all those other Asian Muslim rapists who preyed on young white working class girls? But the police took no action because they didn't want to be called 'racist'? I wonder what would have happened if the victims had been middle class or upper class girls? But white working class girls are the lowest of the low in the eyes of society.

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