Morrissey Central "MILEY IS A PUNK ROCKER" (December 24, 2022)


Miley Cyrus now wants to be taken off the song ‘I Am Veronica’ for which she volunteered backing vocals almost two years ago. This comes at a time when Morrissey has disassociated himself with Capitol Records (Los Angeles), who control the hidden album ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’.
Above, Morrissey and Miley during Miley’s session for ‘I Am Veronica’.

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Everyone here seems to be getting overly dramatic about how overly dramatic Morrissey is. Morrissey will be fine. This is just yet another blip on the radar of a career most would die for.

Trouble loves him.

Remember that.
It’s not just another blip. It’s another example of a career being wasted and destroyed because of self-destructive behavior and moronic yes-men. And no, most would definitely not kill for his career. Are you nuts? He’s had a career filled with setbacks, controversy, embarrassment and headaches. Sure, we love him and he’s made our lives better, but let’s separate that from this. He’s an iconic lyricist, but that’s hardly enough for people.
Social media numbers don't determine decency. And record companies are in it for the money; we certainly don't expect them to determine it either.

In her defense, she was vegan for a time and I think is now pescetarian. She's also said she doesn't want children for ethical reasons. So she's not a moral degenerate; she just acts like one in public.
she was a child actor who became a singer then did the awards show where she was sticking a big foam hand down her crotch,these things are suggested by management and agents,designed to shock,same as madonna kissing britney,it worked because it was so unexpected and made headlines the world over.most artists do things record companies suggest but wouldnt be seen dead doing normally.
Morrissey doesn’t come out of this smelling of roses: that Central post has hung Miley Cyrus out to dry, without sharing any details that would afford any balanced judgement.
Agree, I am not a Miley Cyrus fan but I think the post on Central was really uncalled for
What Moz has said has no bearing on the point I'm making, people like her are the reason society is in the mess it is.
Zero moral compass, Zero Dignity & Zero Decency.
can you tell us a few examples of her zero moral compass,zero dignity and zero decency,the clips of her shows on here over the years is an audience of young girls and children having a good time at her concert,nothing controversial,no bad language,sometimes people really hate someone and they have no idea why,done it myself over the years.
can you tell us a few examples of her zero moral compass,zero dignity and zero decency,the clips of her shows on here over the years is an audience of young girls and children having a good time at her concert,nothing controversial,no bad language,sometimes people really hate someone and they have no idea why,done it myself over the years.
Do you live under a rock? Google it?
can you tell us a few examples of her zero moral compass,zero dignity and zero decency,the clips of her shows on here over the years is an audience of young girls and children having a good time at her concert,nothing controversial,no bad language,sometimes people really hate someone and they have no idea why,done it myself over the years.

I think it's totally obnoxious of people on here to say that this woman is without a moral compass, or to denigrate her for having bodily confidence. It's likely true that early in her career, some putrid record company executive made certain that she be marketed as a scantily dressed mime complete with hammy, scripted tongue and foam finger antics, but as a performer she's evolved from that into a run of the mill mainstream pop singer with a massive mainstream fan base. It's misogynistic in the extreme to suggest that she's somehow a worse role model for women than say Cher who was prone to being scantily clad on stage before most of you were even born. That all being said, Cyrus is NOT culturally important and I think she understands this and this is why she is accepting a 7 figure fee to host NY EVE festivities in the hell mouth that is Times Square. The soulless marketers of late capitalism claimed her when she a wee child of Disney, and she's been one of their more lucrative avatars ever since. She probably does yearn to be perceived as more intellectually substantive but at the end of day is accepting of her fate - which is to fall back on a mountainous ash heap of cash that she really doesn't even deserve.

Anyway, i'm going to airport now. Toodles to all of you plain thinking people. And many congratulations for surviving another Christmas during the Anthropocene.
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I think it's totally obnoxious of people on here to say that this woman is without a moral compass, or to denigrate her for having bodily confidence. It's likely true that early in her career, some putrid record company executive made certain that she be marketed as a scantily dressed mime complete with hammy, scripted tongue and foam finger antics, but as a performer she's evolved from that into a run of the mill mainstream pop singer with a massive fan mainstream fan base. It's misogynistic to suggest in the extreme to suggest that she's somehow a worse role model for women than say Cher who was prone to being scantily clad on stage before most of you were even born. That all being said, Cyrus is NOT culturally important and I think she understands this and this is why she is accepting a 7 figure fee to host NY EVE festivities in the hell mouth that is Times Square. The soulless marketers of late capitalism claimed her when she a wee child of Disney, and she's been one of their more lucrative avatars ever since. She probably does yearn to be perceived as more intellectually substantive but at the end of day is accepting of her fate - which is to fall back on a mountainous ash heap of cash that she really doesn't even deserve.

Anyway, i'm going to airport now. Toodles to all of you plain thinking people. And many congratulations for surviving another Christmas during the Anthropocene.
well said.
Do you live under a rock? Google it?
i asked the question its up to you to prove me wrong.not everything on goole is correct,if the location of the nazi gold was true then i would be digging for it right now.
perez hilton,guys a cartoon.
I won't make the obvious joke because Perez Hilton is so skeevy
Sorry, i just hate italics when used in a very dry tone. I just find it to be a very facile way of imagining oneself as sounding smug and superior. You do it a lot. In fact, I dont think you have any other posting style.
Again, quite bizarre.
It’s not just another blip. It’s another example of a career being wasted and destroyed because of self-destructive behavior and moronic yes-men. And no, most would definitely not kill for his career. Are you nuts? He’s had a career filled with setbacks, controversy, embarrassment and headaches. Sure, we love him and he’s made our lives better, but let’s separate that from this. He’s an iconic lyricist, but that’s hardly enough for people.
His career is full of setbacks, embarrassment, controversy and headaches.? Oh well say it ain't so! And there's me thinking Morrissey's career was gonna be smooth sailing. Don't I feel like an idiot? :ROFLMAO:
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Miley Cyrus is not "sexually liberated", she is sexually subjugated. Any woman who has to use her body in a sexual way to get attention and make money is not free, it's the exact opposite.
His career is full of setbacks, embarrassment and headaches.? Oh well say it ain't so! :ROFLMAO:
You are right about his having a career most would kill for - the vast majority of people in any creative endeaviour struggle to find any income or any fame. And Moz has found both of those.
I do think though the current struggles to get BOT released feel different to previous ´searching for a label´ times in his career, by both nature and degree. How likely is it any new album will see the light of day? There is a terminal feel to these current record label travails. And is there perhaps a terminal feel to the title of the yet to be recorded album?
Miley Cyrus is not "sexually liberated", she is sexually subjugated. Any woman who has to use her body in a sexual way to get attention and make money is not free, it's the exact opposite.
Don´t we all ´use our body´ at some point to get attention? It´s called being young. It´s why the full length mirror was invented - to check out the attention factor before you go out on a Saturday night. Youth is a gift with a built in time limit. She looks like she is having fun as a pop star. Good for her.

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