Morrissey Central "MILEY IS A PUNK ROCKER" (December 24, 2022)


Miley Cyrus now wants to be taken off the song ‘I Am Veronica’ for which she volunteered backing vocals almost two years ago. This comes at a time when Morrissey has disassociated himself with Capitol Records (Los Angeles), who control the hidden album ‘Bonfire of Teenagers’.
Above, Morrissey and Miley during Miley’s session for ‘I Am Veronica’.

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This is Morrissey flexing. Showing the PR people how easy it is for him to generate headlines. Notice how he suggests its Miley that wants her vocal taken off, like its personal rather than contractual. He's hoping Miley will respond, either to confirm or deny. He's creating traffic, making waves. If she responds he'll be trending. There is no point in having Miley on the album unless the association generates publicity.
What a crazy view of art you have . Trouble is I expect you are f***ing right . In the old days I would have argued the shit out of your comment but these days you are probably right . He probably only got the famous people on the LP for clicks . This doesn't make him look good though and will not help him sell it all just makes him seem toxic as f***
Capital released Rebels
So I'm guessing they may release more ? I'm guessing this Miley news is a month or so old . So before Rebel was released
They paid for BOT and they can make some money back So I think it will come out either as a digital lp or something.
If Miley is a M fan I can't see her letting a record company have her taken off the LP, the record company would want to keep her sweet so why would they rock the boat ?
This drama is f***ery
Capital released Rebels
So I'm guessing they may release more ? I'm guessing this Miley news is a month or so old . So before Rebel was released
They paid for BOT and they can make some money back So I think it will come out either as a digital lp or something.
If Miley is a M fan I can't see her letting a record company have her taken off the LP, the record company would want to keep her sweet so why would they rock the boat ?
This drama is f***ery
Credits have changed on Spotify. It's now Morrissey and UMG, no Capitol anywhere.
thats what he gets for thinking an association with miley cyrus is something cool that will make him look hip and relevant. he's like every other doddering old fool just wanting to relive his youth through any avenue he can grasp at.
Bored. Losing interest fast. At best it will be a 5-7 album. We’ve already/heard half the songs.

Release this fiasco however you must and get started on the finishing touches of a Whyte/Morrissey lp.

When you co-write songs w an under-qualified song writer, out of obligation, you please a total of two people. The musical writer, and….. uh……someone help me.
record companies will try to scrape as much money as they can and in any way they can.lets face it mylie could walk into most record companies and they would be falling over themselves to offer her a deal.this is a setback but one that can be overcome with a bit of finger twiddling on the mixing desk.
This is all so strange. Okay, Miley -- or Columbia, doesn't matter -- wants her vocals off the album, which she/they have every right to do. But what has this to do with Morrissey's deal with Capitol? Surely Morrissy should understand it's not the label's fault.

For some reason I have been playing Vauxhall & I a lot recently. It really astonishes how consistently brilliant M's writing is here compared to what we've heard of BOT so far.
The state of Morrissey’s career is sad beyond words. He should be revered as a living legend, one of a kind, and his career should reflect this. Instead, he is shunned and reviled, his career is in shambles and and run by mentally challenged yes-men with no skills whatsoever and no idea how to manage a recording artist, and he himself is seemingly only interested in self-destruction. I can’t believe that this just keeps happening.
This is Morrissey flexing. Showing the PR people how easy it is for him to generate headlines. Notice how he suggests its Miley that wants her vocal taken off, like its personal rather than contractual. He's hoping Miley will respond, either to confirm or deny. He's creating traffic, making waves. If she responds he'll be trending. There is no point in having Miley on the album unless the association generates publicity.

Bollocks, all he has done is made himself look stupid and pathetic yet again
Have a look on "Central News". "The singing voice is LOVE" vs one bitter pill after another. You can't get more torn and unworldly than that.

It probably needs something completely different here. A paper by Fiona Dodwell on "Cancel Culture, Diversity, Idle Management AND fake friends in business (Smiley)".
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This is Morrissey flexing. Showing the PR people how easy it is for him to generate headlines. Notice how he suggests its Miley that wants her vocal taken off, like its personal rather than contractual. He's hoping Miley will respond, either to confirm or deny. He's creating traffic, making waves. If she responds he'll be trending. There is no point in having Miley on the album unless the association generates publicity.
That´s an interesting ´spin´. But very doubtful. The position Moz is currently in with regard to BOT isn´t a good one. He must be gutted. To refer to the album as ´hidden´ makes me think the chances it may never be released are now greater than ever. He has been diminished of late - and it´s tragic to watch.
If the label has control of the album and is now on the outs with M but has already paid for it... why wouldn't the obvious decision be to just digitally release the album without Veronica at all? No more dollars toward a remix of that sing at all. Probably still get their investment back and can tell M to bugger off in the future...
As always., Speculation works well. Keep it coming. . Great work. marry Christmas ho ho ho!!
"Miley is a Sp#*k Bucket" would be more fitting.
I can't stand her, she's an awful role model for young girls.

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