Infowars / Paul Joseph Watson "Morrissey: Diversity is Conformity" (November 30, 2022)

This! It just seems at best clumsy, criminally thoughtless and self sabotaging to have even the faintest association wtih Alex Jones when you have just released a song about teenagers killed in a massacre.......This was a golden opportunity for SER to not post something that would be co opted by racists (even though what M was saying was about culture rather than race) and he threw it away.
I think your point about children in a massacre is actually the stronger point. I didn't even connect the two, even tho I posted about the lawsuit. Alex Jones was sued by parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre (which is coming up on the 10th anniversary on the 14th of December) because he said it was not real and it was staged, the children were not really dead, etc. There were 2 verdicts recently in October and November, I think. So, no, not a good idea to attach yourself to Alex Jones when you are trying to push a song and album named Bonfire of Teenagers, about children being massacred.
I think your point about children in a massacre is actually the stronger point. I didn't even connect the two, even tho I posted about the lawsuit. Alex Jones was sued by parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre (which is coming up on the 10th anniversary on the 14th of December) because he said it was not real and it was staged, the children were not really dead, etc. There were 2 verdicts recently in October and November, I think. So, no, not a good idea to attach yourself to Alex Jones when you are trying to push a song and album named Bonfire of Teenagers, about children being massacred.

OMG, that is a terrible association for Morrissey. Particularly when naming a song and an album about these murdered children, he is seen to be making money off of that tragedy.
I watched the video of PJW and now it was actually linked on Central. He resembles in the rhetoric of the unfortunate Morrissey interviews and audience statements 2017/2018. The fact that it is now officially supported by him on his homepage still means indirectly that Morrissey (or his nephew) has hopefully dealt with the content and unfortunately also stands behind it.
I wonder what Mrs. Dodwell would ask about that?
I watched the video of PJW and now it was actually linked on Central. He resembles in the rhetoric of the unfortunate Morrissey interviews and audience statements 2017/2018. The fact that it is now officially supported by him on his homepage still means indirectly that Morrissey (or his nephew) has hopefully dealt with the content and unfortunately also stands behind it.
I wonder what Mrs. Dodwell would ask about that?
I wanted to say exactly the same thing. It doesn't matter if M posted it himself or if he just lets a person in his circle do it. We all know he is obsessed with his image so he knows exactly what's being posted on Central, so he somehow stands behind this views. And he really isn't able to let this topic go. I mean he got from talking about record companies to "diversity" because of BMG and then to the cultural aspects he already mentioned in the Spiegel interview. We got his/his circle's point then already and a lot of people thankfully disagree.
It's really fascinating, how the people who don't want to see any flirtation with the right in Morrissey's 17/18 pronouncements, now completely fail to mention, that he makes the same statement he made in the 2017 Spiegel interview. He just replaces "difficult" words like "immigrants and rapists" with "diversity." Even he learns something from the mistakes he made. Why are we Europeans losing our cultural identity? Because of immigrants or because of diversity? Or do both belong together in his mind?
He talks about immigration in his 'interview' with SER from 2021. The woman was cleared of murder but f0und guilty of manslaughter and got a life sentence, but he doesn't say that. I am really not sure how to view this now.

But you experienced life with your Mother for 61 years, whereas some people are parted in a short space of time.
Yes, I think of Emily Jones the 7-year old girl from Bolton who had her throat slit whilst cycling through the park on Mother’s Day. The killer was from Albania and was only recently allowed into Britain, and was then cleared of the murder of Emily because the killer hadn’t been taking her medication … blah, blah, blah … you know how modern British law is. Interesting how the killer didn’t slit her OWN throat … she wasn’t too confused to do THAT. But I can’t imagine how Emily’s parents cope with something like that … if they are even still alive?
Let him keep talking like he did in 2017/2018 or 2021. Not holding anything back or packaging it differently. The fans at the concerts don't seem to mind. Only the record companies. Nevermind.
It is unforgivable to bring this video now on Central. Once in a lifetime, do not celebrate the wrong attention!
The real problem I have with him is
say it, but own it - or-
don't say it, don't blame others
No matter, as long as a few people still defend the events, it goes on here. It's getting more and more bizarre and a high number of people, who don't post anything in a fan thread, but are disgusted by his media appearances and statements wouldn't attend a concert or buy a new record anymore either .You might want to keep that in mind when doing posed interviews and reaching for the stars commercially.
No, I don’t know them personally. Unlike Dirk Blaggard, I have never come across either one in a pub. And I don’t know if any rough trade strangers flail around Watson’s chambers. What I do know is that Dodwell professes to be vegan, and that Watson is on record as mocking vegans. You’d think that would be sufficient for Morrissey; it certainly is for me.

You can also glean it from their presentation. Dodwell is calm and politely-spoken; Watson is brusque and bristling with impotent rage. My YouTube algorithm coughed up this amusing little piece.
I don’t necessarily disagree with your comments about PJW, although I would never waste any mental energy getting worked up about the guy. I’m no fan of either him or Alex Jones, although I saw recently there were reports of PJW throwing Alex Jones under a bus in his deposition to court about Sandy Hook, so the current nature of their working relationship is unclear. Both of them are indicative of people who live their life on and through social media – forever preaching with a style that is shouting and haranguing. Not a style I like or enjoy. And only interested in grabbing your attention, with facts and truth, and civility, way down their list of priorities. Apart from the occasional visit to Moz Solo I try to avoid social media as much as I can. Maybe that's a generational thing. The only time I have ever watched PJW is when he has posted something about Morrissey and it gets posted on Moz Central. The only time I have ever watched Alex Jones is a few interviews he has done with David Icke. I have always found David Icke an interesting character, especially his thoughts on the nature of consciousness, less so his more conspiratorial theories. There is clearly a market for the conspiratorial world view, and social media is the perfect medium for that market. In many ways the 1960s and the assassination of JFK ended our belief in what governments tell us, but I think it goes deeper than that. Ultimately human beings are hard wired to ‘believe’ in something. Religions are really just socially acceptable ‘conspiracy theories’. Marxism is a conspiracy theory. Fascism is certainly a conspiracy theory. 'Woke' is a conspiracy theory, with 'systemic racism' and 'patriarchy' replacing God and the Devil as agents in history. We love to believe that there is an invisible hand moving and shaping events in the world. Whereas really it’s mostly just random accident. And no one in power has a bloody clue what they are doing. Or do they? It’s that doubt that makes us all want to believe in something – because the idea that it’s all just random and meaningless is the most terrifying thought of all. And so we believe. Or we worship. And we have our heroes. And here we are, on Moz Solo.
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Let him keep talking like he did in 2017/2018 or 2021. Not holding anything back or packaging it differently. The fans at the concerts don't seem to mind. Only the record companies. Nevermind.
It is unforgivable to bring this video now on Central. Once in a lifetime, do not celebrate the wrong attention!
Unfortunately we are talking here about an artist who uploads to his official site pics of a wall spray painted with a Smiths/Morrissey lyric, Sold Out signs outside gigs, celebrities wearing Smiths/Morrissey T Shirts etc, so there was a certain invitability about it.

In his "interview" with Fiona, he references "diversity" with Capitol not releasing Bonfire. Maybe this video uploading is part of the "woe is me, free speech" narrative of the albums non release.
Whatever the point Morrissey is trying to make about art or culture, he does himself no favours by tethering his message to opportunistic reactionaries. How can he not be tainted by association? The link on Central completes this circle of implication.

At this stage, record deals should probably be conditional on reigning in Central. This needless sabotage will otherwise amount to the self-perpetuating loss of credibility.

Morrissey tells us that Bonfire is a beautiful work, so why spoil its release by cosying up to these hate merchants? Seemingly starved of mainstream approval, Morrissey now has to surround himself with contrarian advocates, who threaten to deprive his art of any remaining nuance and light.

As people have already pointed, Watson is anti Vegan and soft on Trump. Does Morrissey even understand these ideological differences?
Unfortunately we are talking here about an artist who uploads to his official site pics of a wall spray painted with a Smiths/Morrissey lyric, Sold Out signs outside gigs, celebrities wearing Smiths/Morrissey T Shirts etc, so there was a certain invitability about it.

In his "interview" with Fiona, he references "diversity" with Capitol not releasing Bonfire. Maybe this video uploading is part of the "woe is me, free speech" narrative of the albums non release.
Or even a pic of a toilet wall. Quite...
But I think he just enjoys winding up middle class 'woke' lefties. Same as John Lydon.
Being on the left used to be about fighting to improve the lives of working people. Now it's about having the correct pronouns in your email signature and lecturing people about having 'white privilege'. They are a total f***ing embarrassment. The woke left is held in absolute contempt by most working class people. Moz pissing them off and winding them up by posting videos from idiots like PJW is just hilarious.
Or even a pic of a toilet wall. Quite...
But I think he just enjoys winding up middle class 'woke' lefties. Same as John Lydon.
Being on the left used to be about fighting to improve the lives of working people. Now it's about having the correct pronouns in your email signature and lecturing people about having 'white privilege'. They are a total f***ing embarrassment. The woke left is held in absolute contempt by most working class people. Moz pissing them off and winding them up by posting videos from idiots like PJW is just hilarious.
No it's actually not hilarious. This "woke lefties" bullshit is the same as any other excuse to say right-wing crap. Then stand by it and live with the repercussions as someone who actually means what he says (as he always claims) and don't moan about free speech being silenced by the "conformist" majority. No one says you can't have right-wing views but you also have to live with it that people call you out for it.
As people have already pointed, Watson is anti Vegan and soft on Trump. Does Morrissey even understand these ideological differences?
Not when it comes to being praised/complimented.

When the then leader of the British Conservative party, the party of Margaret Thatcher, said he was a Smiths fan, did Morrissey call him out like Marr did?
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If these flirtations with disreputable voices continues, and results in the cancelling of Bonfire’s release, would we even know?
Oh look, it’s on Central. What can this possibly mean?

Has Watson perhaps converted to Morrissey’s pro-immigration (contra Douglas Murray) stance?
Not when it comes to being praised/complimented.

When the then leader of the British Conservative party, the party of Margaret Thatcher, said he was a Smiths fan, did Morrissey call him out like Marr did?
Yes, as I recall, Morrissey did respond negatively.
Or even a pic of a toilet wall. Quite...
But I think he just enjoys winding up middle class 'woke' lefties. Same as John Lydon.
Being on the left used to be about fighting to improve the lives of working people. Now it's about having the correct pronouns in your email signature and lecturing people about having 'white privilege'. They are a total f***ing embarrassment. The woke left is held in absolute contempt by most working class people. Moz pissing them off and winding them up by posting videos from idiots like PJW is just hilarious.

No offense, but I think you're pulling a Malarkey here. The problem with this theory is that Morrissey 's pissing off the woke left by posting videos from Watson comes with the reputational cost of people thinking he actually supports Watson. It's like how Malarkey thinks it should be obvious to the casual reader that Messages from Morrissey is messages from his nephew. Given various other comments made by Morrissey in recent years (and we all know what they are), the non-gnostic who does not glean Morrissey's intentions to wind up the woke wagon (if that's what's going on) is justified in thinking Morrissey likes Watson's content.
TTY statement re: Cameron & in support of Marr.

If Morrissey was consistent, he could just replace "Cameron" and "hunting" with "Watson" and "hating vegans," and condemn Watson on the same principles. This is a glaring disconnect, where David Cameron, Prince Harry, Gordon Ramsay, and Jamie Oliver are roundly condemned, and Watson gets a pass. Jamie Oliver publishes a meat-free cookbook, which ought to be worth at least something in terms of credit, while Watson does nothing but sate macho right-wing meat-eaters with rote mockery of effete purple-haired vegans.

Sorry, Morrissey. Some people think you actually read this forum, which is almost surely not true, but if you somehow do, then j'accuse—you are being inconsistent, and sullying your reputation in the course of it.
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