Fretsore Records / YouTube: Dana Gillespie - Spent The Day In Bed (Official video)

I was genuinely open to this and was quite hopeful but put simply this is the worst things I have ever seen or heard. The backing track and production isn't bad it's just her voice is shot to shit. In comparison the original is like a multi Grammy winner.
Actually, this came across well. Apart from anything else, hearing someone cover one of Morrissey's songs tends to bring out the songwriting itself, abstracted from Morrissey, and it's often surprising (I don't know why I should be surprised) how solid it is.
wonder if it was marc almond who put ther on to this song,i always thought M and marc almond were almost seperated at birth,they have more in common than say boy george.
does anyone remember the urban myth about marc almond and the motorbike accident,it was doing the rounds in the late 80s.
wonder if it was marc almond who put ther on to this song,i always thought M and marc almond were almost seperated at birth,they have more in common than say boy george.
does anyone remember the urban myth about marc almond and the motorbike accident,it was doing the rounds in the late 80s.
Urban myth? You mean, it wasn't real?
Poor at least is a tribute to the singer. But it wasn't horrible the video and the version. Thanks, but no....
I'm sorry, but she seems sexually aroused.... He has a libidinous voice. No, I don't like it! Maybe if the lyrics were erotic regarding the use of the bed

(Alain has cursed any chance of returning 😅)
A one in the eye for Jesse by Alain.

yep, not a smart move on Alain’s part.

Though, I guess he’s satisfied(?) with his own solo career anyway.
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