Fretsore Records / YouTube: Dana Gillespie - Spent The Day In Bed (Official video)

Maybe not all cases, no. But you are usually quite troubled if you are jumping into bed with just anyone. You are looking for the attention you perhaps didn't get elsewhere e.g. off your parents.

Really, I think that's quite sexist, it's because she's a woman right? I mean what about Led Zep, Bowie, Iggy, NY Dolls, Aerosmith, etc etc all from the same era that partook in the groupie scene? Don't be so narrow minded. It's rock'n'roll.
As FWD and an anon already pointed out, his post can easily be read as a criticism of Jesse’s contributions. Reread it, and you shall see.
I read it as praise for Gustavo. Why on earth should Alain say nice things about Jesse, when at the time of ROTT, none of his vastly superior songs (think pigsty or anybody’s hero) were released as a single, and pretty much the same holds for YoR?
And I actually share his opinion: this song was a fresh departure / welcome return to a lighter and poppier sound at the time.
Really, I think that's quite sexist, it's because she's a woman right? I mean what about Led Zep, Bowie, Iggy, NY Dolls, Aerosmith, etc etc all from the same era that partook in the groupie scene? Don't be so narrow minded. It's rock'n'roll.
No it's not sexist. I criticise the men just as much as the women. Don't try and turn it into something it isn't. Oh, and if you think that having principles that mean you don't screw people just because they're famous is narrow-minded then so be it.
Yes!! I also thought he was a transvestite, that is, TRABA TRABUCO IN ARGENTINIAN ,TRAVIESO...JAAA

You mean like Rocky Horror style?

As FWD and an anon already pointed out, his post can easily be read as a criticism of Jesse’s contributions. Reread it, and you shall see.
I think that’s an overly negative and a bit paranoid interpretation. He didn’t say it was the only good single released post 2004.
This reminds me of my great aunt (RIP) jokingly covering something on a Saturday afternoon.
I am happy it's/he's getting some well deserved attention but she can't sing. It's more like talking. It's pretty cringe, I'm not going to lie.

It seems, from what I've read, that she's famous for sleeping around with rock stars and producing more albums than anyone could ever produce in a lifetime. Unless they are sub-standard that is. Sounds like she slept her way into her records being produced rather than anything else. I appreciate talent when I see it, even if it isn't for me. But this is not it.

Each to their own, though. She's clearly having fun and not hurting anyone so long may she continue for those who do listen to her.
You sound hyper censorious. Sounds to me like she has had an amazing life - singing, recording, acting, and, yes, hanging out with talented and creative people. She was beautiful as a young woman - if she used that to her advantage, good for her. She is also the organiser of an annual blues festival on Mustique in the Caribbean, at which Mick Jagger did a star turn one year, and it is now in its 18th year. That is a pretty amazing and 'cool' life by most people's estimation. And if she likes Morrissey, and Bowie, then she also possesses something else that is precious in life - very good taste.
You sound hyper censorious. Sounds to me like she has had an amazing life - singing, recording, acting, and, yes, hanging out with talented and creative people. She was beautiful as a young woman - if she used that to her advantage, good for her. She is also the organiser of an annual blues festival on Mustique in the Caribbean, at which Mick Jagger did a star turn one year, and it is now in its 18th year. That is a pretty amazing and 'cool' life by most people's estimation. And if she likes Morrissey, and Bowie, then she also possesses something else that is precious in life - very good taste.
I am when it comes to topics like this. I just don't like the fact that most people keep their brains between their legs.

Yes, she has had an amazing life and I don't begrudge anyone of that. However, she would never have "made it" without sleeping with Bowie, etc, who helped her record albums and get her albums produced. She also admitted that she's never met or spoke to M and hasn't heard much of his other music other than STDIB which I read on social media where she was replying to comments. You say she has good taste but is that in men or music?!

I know about Mystique and it doesn't surprise me. It's where the royals go to escape and she came from an aristocratic family so she'll fit in perfectly there.

It wouldn't matter who it was - man or woman - famous or not I just don't think sleeping around is something you should do.

Anyway this could be discussed forever without getting anywhere.
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Correction: the annual blues festival is now in its 29th year, as of January 2024.

In total, more than $100,000 EC Dollars was raised for the Basil Charles Educational Trust.
The Basil Charles Educational Foundation is dedicated to providing education and opportunities to children in and around St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Since its inception in 1996, over 600 students have been helped with full-time scholarships, bursaries, and other educational pursuits. All proceeds from the Mustique Blues Festival go to the foundation.

I am when it comes to topics like this. I just don't like the fact that most people keep their brains between their legs.

Yes, she has had an amazing life and I don't bedrudge anyone of that. However, she would never have "made it" without sleeping with Bowie, etc, who helped her record albums and get her albums produced. She also admitted they she's never met or spoke to M and hasn't heard much of his other music other than STDIB which I read on social media while she was replying to comments.

I know about Mystique and it doesn't surprise me. It's where the royals go to escape and she came from an aristocratic family so she'll fit in perfectly there.

It wouldn't matter who it was - man or woman - famous or not I just don't think sleeping around is something you should do.
What on earth does 'sleeping around' mean? And is 'judging' the (supposed) actions of another human being in the bedroom really something that any intelligent person still does in the 21st century? As long as no crime was committed. Especially when they are actions that no one knows anything about - just what you have read on the internet. Maybe she was the bastion of chastity in all her relationships with men? And does any of that actually matter?
Morrissey appears to have had several sexual relationships in his life. Is that 'sleeping around'?
I think that’s an overly negative and a bit paranoid interpretation. He didn’t say it was the only good single released post 2004.

Yes he didn’t. But he could have.

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This reminds me of my great aunt (RIP) jokingly covering something on a Saturday afternoon.

She sounded like a fun and creative person. You should be proud.
What on earth does 'sleeping around' mean? And is 'judging' the (supposed) actions of another human being in the bedroom really something that any intelligent person still does in the 21st century? As long as no crime was committed. Especially when they are actions that no one knows anything about - just what you have read on the internet. Maybe she was the bastion of chastity in all her relationships with men? And does any of that actually matter?
Morrissey appears to have had several sexual relationships in his life. Is that 'sleeping around'?
The fact that you resort to indirectly calling me unintelligent for having principles is why this conversation is over.

Let's focus on the positive news that he is up to playing shows soon.
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I am when it comes to topics like this. I just don't like the fact that most people keep their brains between their legs.

Yes, she has had an amazing life and I don't begrudge anyone of that. However, she would never have "made it" without sleeping with Bowie, etc, who helped her record albums and get her albums produced. She also admitted that she's never met or spoke to M and hasn't heard much of his other music other than STDIB which I read on social media where she was replying to comments. You say she has good taste but is that in men or music?!

I know about Mystique and it doesn't surprise me. It's where the royals go to escape and she came from an aristocratic family so she'll fit in perfectly there.

It wouldn't matter who it was - man or woman - famous or not I just don't think sleeping around is something you should do.

Anyway this could be discussed forever without getting anywhere.
I completely agree with you, people who sleep around do not have healthy self esteem and usually have other serious problems. I have known women who have slept with rock stars or former rock stars and they are usually very troubled young women.
I completely agree with you, people who sleep around do not have healthy self esteem and usually have other serious problems. I have known women who have slept with rock stars or former rock stars and they are usually very troubled young women.
Morrissey was a troubled young man. I'm guessing many on this website were/are troubled young people. It's what draws us to the music of The Smiths and Morrissey.
It's often the troubled young men and women who go on to become the singers and poets and artists and musicians etc.
Thank God for troubled young men and women. The world would be a much less interesting place without them.
Morrissey was a troubled young man. I'm guessing many on this website were/are troubled young people. It's what draws us to the music of The Smiths and Morrissey.
It's often the troubled young men and women who go on to become the singers and poets and artists and musicians etc.
Thank God for troubled young men and women. The world would be a much less interesting place without them.

This is sort of a paradox, but one aspect of the young Morrissey being "troubled" is that he had certain hang-ups and repulsions regarding sex. So even if the cock-rockers and their groupies were "troubled" too, Morrissey was troubled in the opposite direction and occupied a pretty lonely position. He disliked artists who bragged about sex or made sex appeal part of their act. I think this is part of what draws us to Morrissey. Deliver us from 2 Live Crew and Samantha Fox.
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