BANG Showbiz / Yahoo! News UK: Dana Gillespie was invited to tea by Morrissey after he loved her Spent the Day in Bed cover (May 30, 2024)

Dana Gillespie was invited to tea by Morrissey after he loved her Spent the Day in Bed cover​

Iconic singer Dana Gillespie was left stunned when reclusive star Morrissey emailed her to say that her cover of the song 'Spent the Day in Bed' was better than his original.

In fact, Morrissey was so impressed by Dana's interpretation that he took her out for tea at a posh London hotel.

Dana says: "It was such a thrill. Morrissey is such a brilliant songwriter, we had such fun together. What I love about the song is how relevant the lyrics are to today's world. It's about how it's better not to mess up with your brain by watching the news."

Dana's song can be found on her new album, 'First Love', which is being released on 31st May by Fretsore Records.

She told BANG Showbiz Managing Director Rick Sky during an outrageous two-hour video interview at London's Sanctum Hotel in Soho: "This album is technically my 74th album, and it's the first time for 50 years that I let someone else produce me and make some of the decisions. I have known Marc (Almond) and Tris (Penna) so well that I could trust them implicitly.

"Also, Marc and I have very similar taste in much of the music that I like, and he's been a great friend for years."

The single 'Spent the Day in Bed' went straight into the vinyl singles chart at number three and the physical singles chart at number six.

Commenting on the new record, Dana said: "It’s very unusual for me to do an album on which I haven’t written all the songs and it’s the first time in years and years that I’ve let someone else produce the album for me. Normally I do everything but, in some ways, it’s a bit of a relief and a joy to give it over to Tris and Marc, who are old hands at this."

She added: "I have some reason for having every song on this album, they’re not just thrown in there, randomly."

Marc Almond said: "Dana sings the life she lives and what a life indeed. The last of the great ladies of Bohemia, exotic troubadour and muse of Legends. An open mystery."

He continued: "A treasure waiting to be rediscovered, and famous for being unknown. The secret is out."

Has it come to this? Yahoo News article.
Might not be a bad thing he's not waded in there, he's not the most politically astute people after all.
If you give him lip service or adoration he generally doesn't care what you stand for.
You can take very valid aim at the Israeli state and their mass punishment rhetoric. However not at the full population as many there hate their own state just as much as you do.
Just as the social cleansing Tories do not represent or speak for me and the mass majority.

In terms of the full population, it's presently only 2 in 10 Israelis who think the carnage in Gaza has been "too much." And that's after 7 long months; it doesn't mean they didn't think it was too much during the very first month, when Israel cut off food, water, and power, and rained as many bombs on Gaza as the U.S. did in Afghanistan in one year.

So as not to be moved to Off-topic (since you're an anon), I doubt Morrissey discussed this subject over tea with Dana Gillespie.
Who knows Dana... G ?. I learned of its existence here. Russell... He's not famous either, I mean to be known worldwide. Morrissey, if he's well-known and doesn't need to stick to Dana's version G.La version of the song, he's bad in my opinion. A lot of people want to hear and see Moz, but he self-cancels. You can't complain that they don't want you. He's the one who doesn't "get together" Then come his complaints
There’s so much destruction all over the world and all you can do is complain about Yahoo! News UK reporting on Morrissey inviting someone around for tea.
Even in a small way this is a nice distraction from current dire world news. Morrissey and DG have managed this by just sharing a cupper.
There really is something magical about seeing M sit down for tea with someone. I'd hope chat would never get much heavier than opinions on accompanying biscuits or whether milk is poured first etc.
THAT's a news story? Man invites admirer around? Is that the extent of it?

To be fair, I'll bet Morrissey's new management company has him on a tight leash. The next divisive thing he says and he's out the door. Hence his silence on Israel, for instance.
To be fair, I'll bet Morrissey's new management company has him on a tight leash. The next divisive thing he says and he's out the door. Hence his silence on Israel, for instance.

But, he is not a dog on a chain!
Even in a small way this is a nice distraction from current dire world news.

Er... I'm afraid I'm going to need slightly more than that to distract me from frequent signs of imminent Apocalypse.

I mean, we're not even told about cake here.
After watching Morrissey's chat with Victoria Wood, I'd have mixed feelings about being invited to tea with him.

On the one hand, I'd be meeting Morrissey but then things would quickly sour as I would repeatedly insist he left the bags in the pot a bit longer.
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After watching Morrissey's chat with Victoria Wood, I've have mixed feelings about being invited to tea with him.

On the one hand, I'd be meeting Morrissey but then things would quickly sour as I would repeatedly insist he left the bags in the pot a bit longer.

Don't mention cucumber sandwiches either.....

Surely a Morrissey favourite - so much so he can't help consuming them all before his guests arrive (and then pretending there were no cucumbers to be had, not even for ready money) :ROFLMAO:

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Forgot about Non Stop Erotic Cabaret when I did my top 10 on here a few weeks about, It's an outstanding album and I also think there are some similarities in the way Marc and Morrissey tell their tales through their lyrics.
It's one of those rare albums with not one duff track on it, it grates that all they seem to be remembered for is Tainted Love when there is so much more to them, not just the stuff from '81 but tracks like Torch, Where the Heart Is and Mr Self Destruct, which was a great album opener for This Last Night in Sodom, also, like Moz, they couldn't be moulded by their record company who wanted 'cuddly' Soft Cell, not 'dark' uncommercial Soft Cell. And also like The Smiths, bloody great B-sides.
After watching Morrissey's chat with Victoria Wood, I've have mixed feelings about being invited to tea with him.

On the one hand, I'd be meeting Morrissey but then things would quickly sour as I would repeatedly insist he left the bags in the pot a bit longer.
Yes, his description of skimming the teabag in the boiling water put me off, id have to bring me own Yorkshire Gold bags.
After watching Morrissey's chat with Victoria Wood, I've have mixed feelings about being invited to tea with him.

On the one hand, I'd be meeting Morrissey but then things would quickly sour as I would repeatedly insist he left the bags in the pot a bit longer.
It's not the bags that bother me - I'm also a light "bagger" if I'm drinking bagged tea.

It's the fact that he is using teabags in a teapot that bothers me. Get some nice quality loose leaf, Morrissey!
rik mayall bottom GIF

Nope, that's the "Morrissey invites a young one" gif. Doesn't really apply.


Edit: fascinating tea debate on this thread.
Yes! And considering his music video has him being rolled around in a chair and she was sat on the sofa in hers, they should have done a duet with a music video of them both in bed together drinking tea.
And Joey Barton can be the butler having to explain the cucumber sandwich situation.
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She made a splash back in 1973 and her outré image + Bowie association was right down Morrissey's alley. I totally get it.
"A splash back in 73" is one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time! I reiterate, who the hell cares???

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