Dublin - Vicar Street (July 15, 2023) post-show

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How Soon Is Now? / Suedehead / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Irish Blood, English Heart / Girlfriend In A Coma / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Notre-Dame / I Wish You Lonely / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / The Night Pop Dropped / My Hurling Days Are Done / Half A Person / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Knockabout World / The Loop / Our Frank / Bonfire Of Teenagers / Jack The Ripper // Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of @ACTON

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Morrissey and fans at Dublin Vicar Street 15/16 July 2023. By Dickie Felton

Morrissey came on stage with a very large plaster (or band aid if you are American) stuck to the side of his neck. I was slightly concerned that maybe something had happened to him, even some medical procedure related to that throat cancer scare he had a few years back. However, with the heat and sweat it peeled off after a few songs and I didn't see any signs of injury, so it was likely just a bizarre fashion choice, same as he went through that period of wearing plasters on his fingers all the time.
A video of Kristeen Young brought this bandage to mind, as she is wearing something similar. A sign of support/re-attachment perhaps?


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