Der Spiegel audio file of Morrissey interview released

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Here you go. The recording of the interview.

Der Audiomitschnitt zum SPIEGEL-Interview mit Morrissey - Spiegel Online
Sänger Morrissey fühlt sich nach einem Interview mit dem SPIEGEL falsch zitiert und will nun nie wieder mit Printmedien sprechen. Hören Sie hier den Mitschnitt des Interviews.

English version:

The Audio of DER SPIEGEL's Interview with Morrissey
British pop singer Morrissey has accused DER SPIEGEL of falsely quoting him in a recently published interview. The magazine stands behind its reporting and has made the decision to post the audio online in response.

On Friday, Nov. 10, DER SPIEGEL culture reporter Juliane Liebert told her editors that she had been offered an interview with British popstar Morrissey and that a decision needed to be made quickly on whether to accept. We agreed: The former lead singer of The Smiths doesn't shy away from speaking his mind - and he also doesn't grant interviews very often.

The following Monday, Liebert flew to Los Angeles, where she was to interview Morrissey on Tuesday. The interview appointment got delayed several times before finally taking place on Wednesday and lasting 40 minutes. Edited versions of interviews published in DER SPIEGEL are usually authorized by the interview subject before publication, consistent with established procedure in German journalism. But in this instance, Morrissey's team elected to forego authorization.

After its publication on Nov. 18 in DER SPIEGEL, the interview (available behind the SPIEGEL Plus paywall in German) generated headlines not only in the German-language media. English publications like the Independent also wrote about Morrissey's statements regarding Trump, Brexit, the #MeToo debate and questions of national identity.

The musician then sought to distance himself from the published interview. "Unless you see the words form in my mouth and then you see or hear the words come out of my mouth... please, if you don't see that, I didn't say them," he told fans at a concert. He said he would never grant an interview to a print journalist again.

On Monday, Morrissey followed up with a post on his official Facebook page casting doubt on whether his statements had been reflected accurately by DER SPIEGEL. He also alleged that the fact that the magazine had not yet posted the raw audio of the interview was tantamount to an indirect admission of guilt.

To counter that claim, the editors of DER SPIEGEL have decided to post the audio of the interview online.

You can listen to the interview conducted with Morrissey in Los Angeles on Nov. 15 here:

Posted by Famous when dead:

Interview mp3 - yours to keep:
(the exact file as used on the site).

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Nope, if you check out her website she’s interviewed a number of artists.
I agreee that she could have been a little more professional and should have done more research, like when she asked if he’s ever been to Tel-Aviv. But, I did like her style overall and a lot (not all) of the questions.

I think it was worse that she didn't know the name of "this organization". She could have googled BDS 5 minutes before the interview.
Quite. Seems the private story is that she doctored the tape. Cut it right off in parts, then said: Here you are bitches, the full version - enjoy. Maybe Moz said a few things not fitting with her bastard narrative.
Here you are bitches
That's called professionalism for the millennials
Nope, if you check out her website she’s interviewed a number of artists.
I agreee that she could have been a little more professional and should have done more research, like when she asked if he’s ever been to Tel-Aviv. But, I did like her style overall and a lot (not all) of the questions.

Yes, a lot of the questions were good. Maybe she did them by herself when she was sober.
Quite. Seems the private story is that she doctored the tape. Cut it right off in parts, then said: Here you are bitches, the full version - enjoy. Maybe Moz said a few things not fitting with her bastard narrative.

Maybe this, maybe that. You can say anything when you're making it up and have zero proof.
WtF? the so called interviewer <probably a very strong feminist woman> giggling like a little stupid girl throughout the interview... then afterwards in the editing process she got all feminist and tough. LOL
Frankly I think Moz should sue the F out of them.
Maybe she will claim humasexual harassment in five years or so. LOL

Absolutely. Let him get on with that legal action.
WFT are you talking about none of us saw The Smiths live? Who the hell are you? Yes, there are lots of people that come here and post anonymously or don't post at all, etc. There are quite a few people here that have seen The Smiths live, FACT. Maybe not any of these cretins arguing back and forth in defence of Morrissey's recent verbal diarrhoea, but I assure you there are plenty of people still around here who saw The Smiths. And by the way, the was no VH tour. Kill Uncle was his first tour as a solo artist, so unless you were at Wolverhampton Civic Hall, you didn't see anything close to a Viva Hate tour.

But yeah, he is over.
Perhaps I overstated, or mis-stated what I was aiming at. I don’t believe that ANYONE who fell in love with or was deeply, personally influenced by the Smiths during their active period is in the current Moz-apologist camp. I don’t know where they came from, when they hopped on the train or when it started to veer off the rails. It’s really ugly. That’s all I was trying to get at.

Right you are about VH. No tour. My bad. Apologies for that. There’s a bit of blur to some of those times. ...also an overwhelming amount of love, passion and compassion. In my heart, it was so real.

I know it’s over.
What a wonderful few days it's been!

So delightful to see The Cult Of Morrissey is absolute disarray as even the craziest of loons struggle to find words to exonerate Dear Leader. They are mortified, in abject distress at the humiliation visited upon them by their false idol.

And how pleasingly discordant and tinnitus-ridden it must be tonight inside Morrissey's head as he is forced to face a new reality wherein he is openly mocked and ridiculed for his stupidity.

It's going to be a delicious interlude as we wait for him to finish his mental contortions and try and come up with some excuse that isn't utterly silly. Or he could apologise. Now, that would be the funniest thing to read ever....

He is finished. Only a fool would now give any credence to any previous interview he's ever done.

In some lonely prison cell 5 star hotel room, a collapsed narcissist is fuming.....we can only hope that when he can no longer withstand the knowledge of his public ridicule that his attempt to reverse this PR catastrophe continue to be as amusing as his ridiculous interview with Der Spiegel.

This is the defining moment in his career. The moment when it all goes tits-up.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving twit.

Maybe. But maybe not. You simply just don't say this is the full recording when it clearly isn't.


'You simply just don't say this is the full recording when it clearly isn't.'



'You simply just don't say this is the full recording when it clearly isn't.'



Yes in the full recording Morrissey calls his fans gullible fools for believing that he was celibate and is humasexual when in fact he is a devout homosexual. Not that there is anything wrong with it. He also calls for the execution of all carnivores and would dearly love to sever their heads with a blunt bread knife.

I am a long time Morrissey fan and have lurked on this site for many years. This is my first post.

I am pro-EU and have tremendous sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian peoples in their unequal struggle against the Israeli military juggernaut.

Still here’s the thing: I’m compelled to scribble a few quick lines of support for Morrissey in response to the hysteria whipped up by the completely one-eyed hatchet job of an interview conducted by Ms. LIEbert. I’ve listened to the audio. Yes, Morrissey expressed some opinions I wholeheartedly disagree with. But in the interview he’s articulate, erudite and unfailingly polite while his interviewer flails around, consults her notes and talks about herself an awful lot.

Morrissey was actually too generous and showed too much naivety. I mean, what sort of a leading question is the one about pushing a button to kill Trump?! The Gallagher brothers would have probably swerved it with a “fook politics, politicians are all a bunch of fooking c*nts”, and the media would have no-doubt smiled at their incorrigible wit and raffish disdain.

Morrissey’s sensitive and insightful comments on music and his craft and the new album were completely ignored in Liebert’s copy, which focused on the click bait Spacey comments. While ill informed, for me Morrissey was essentially stating here that we should not be too quick to judge, which is of course a reasonable position.

Anyway, for those wishing to hound Morrissey into silence, congrats I fear you may well be winning this time. He’s a sensitive soul, thin-skinned I think. And I am sure the latest cancellations are related to the vitriolic abuse he’s coped from the internet keyboard warriors for this interview.

But please also remember this: music is eternal. With his Smith’s masterpieces and his body of work as a solo artist, Morrissey will be remembered long after Liebert and all the trolls on here are dust.

We will miss him when he’s gone.
The deeply inadequate journalist who struck lucky... noticed how she was laughing along agreeing with absolutely everything he said. Does that make her racist and evil too?

She was laughing because:

Morrissey is entirely ridiculous and only Morrissey and his most delusional 'fans' fail to see this.

People often laugh when faced with incredible situations. She probably couldn't believe she was witness to a supposed 'legend' self-destructing on tape before her very eyes/ears. The only sadness to the poetic justice of Morrissey's downfall is that this interview was only recorded on audio and we don't have video images of The Delusional Dear Leader raving away about Berlin being the 'rape capital' due to 'open borders'. Berlin was the rape capital of the world after the fall of the Nazis, Morrissey, you absolute dick-head. Perhaps you didn't even realise what bomb you were detonating as you were hoist by your own petard. Moron.

A standard journalistic technique is to offer open, non-judgementalism until the subject clarifies contentious views. Please note how Juliane terminated the conversation after Morrissey shot himself in the head with his inane nonsense about Germany. She didn't want nor need to violate the corpse of his career and public reputation any further. Der Spiegel have acted with impeccable decorum in this matter. It was Morrissey who forced his own oblivion by contesting the recorded facts, by pitting his own pitiful 'media brand name' against a giant totem of German print journalism. Juliane was probably in shock as she realised that history will forever now record, applaud and laud her as the person who finally put an end to Morrissey's meretricious drivel with such flair, precision and fairness that her interview stands as a work of art that exceeds anything Morrissey has ever achieved.

Allowing somebody to spout delusional garbage about German history, culture and contemporary politics doesn't imply agreement with that garbage. I'm replying to your garbage comment but that doesn't mean I agree with your undignified attempt to rim Morrrissey's arsch clean of this shitty mess.

Am I part of The Cult? because I've been having a lovely week, it's sunny where I am, I've done all my Christmas shopping, I eat well and I sleep in great sheets, all in all it's been a pleasant few days. Shouldn't I be battling some type of inner turmoil or at least be weeping in distress? Please give me guidance oh great one!

No, your comment history offer nuance and critical thinking. I may not agree with your views but you clearly are able to articulate a version of reality that isn't ruthlessly scripted by whatever nonsense spews forth from The Delusional Dear Leader Morrissey. I am also quite sure that in real life you have more important things to do than endlessly cogitate on The Fall Of Morrissey. So do I. I've just had a great breakfast in this hotel and I'm passing time on the hotel lobby computer until my taxi arrives. The only discordant element in this scene is the fact that Ed Sheeran is on the hotel speakers. One does not come to Milano to listen to Ed Sheeran.
Was there anything the journo said or didn't say or did or didn't do to make the fault be on her? I dunno. She scored a prize in getting Moz. I don't think she set out to play "gotcha" journalism. She doesn't strike me as that clever. She did seem, however, to encourage Moz when he went down the Spacey downward spiral but it almost felt like Moz got the vibe that she knew where he was coming from so he felt safe to give the "other side" of the coin without being pedantic. Obviously she didn't get where he was coming from and didn't bother to fill in the lines or ask for clarification. Perhaps that is why he said they didn't present his views "fairly". I really wish she would have probed him to clarify the brow-raising comments rather than just move on through and excitedly rush to writing the piece, drooling profusely and laughing maniacally. I can understand WHY Moz might feel a bit betrayed. But why the f*** didn't he just say that his words were taken out of context??!! Instead he just makes it way worse than it should have been. "If you didn't hear the words come out of my mouth". WTF? Was he setting himself up for this in some self-destructive need? Then to double down with a fb post that instead of clarifying remarks gave people the impression that he was denying saying those things!! It almost sounds scripted, doesn't it?

Didn't anyone say to him, "Lord, master, your highness, love booger, are you sure you want to dare them to release the audio? Do you remember what you said?". Now it looks like to Joe Public that Moz got caught flat out lying. I mean to be cross-examined and discredited using your own words?!? Ouch. Hey I still luv ya, Moz, if you're not going to clear things up at least please go write some more great songs. I said, "please"

Morrissey entered into a contract with Der Spiegel which allowed him to review the interview prior to publication. He chose not to. He has exercised his right of reply and can do so again in response to the audio publication. Morrissey is responsible for his own words and any failure to express nuance, not Juliane. Stop trying to make excuses by blaming a journalist for excellent investigative journalism. If Morrissey is so delusional that he cannot remember the words he said but still believes he has the right to malign and discredit a journalist's public integrity and reputation then that just clarifies that he is not a truthful nor accurate witness to the events of his own life. Anyone re-reading 'Autobiography' should bear this in mind. However, I do not recommend anyone does such a perilous thing. Simply throw it on the bonfire of vanities alongside Low In High School and List Of The Lost.

You seem to think that there is anyone within a hundred yards of Morrissey who isn't in service to his delusionality. He is a collapsed narcissist and will fight tooth and nail to avoid digesting this intrusion from consensual reality visited upon him by Juliane. The fact that it is a professional female journalist who has ended his career is more karmic justice given his appaling misogyny in lyrics and prose.

Morrissey is a laughing stock. There's no going back. This is it. He is FINISHED!


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I'm still intrigued about what was said in the rest of the interview. You know, the bits she edited out of the recording.

Juliane has clarified on Twitter that she excised a section that contained private anecdotal information about either/both herself and/or Morrissey. If Morrissey thinks it is now germane to include that section of the tape then he may request it so long as it doesn't intrude upon Juliane's privacy. I've no doubt his lawyers are on to this as they sense/scent another chance to bring him to the brink of bankruptcy by contesting this matter further. Morrissey will end up sucking cock for loose change at bus stations if he is foolish enough to think he can take up legal cudgels on these matters. His reputation is in tatters and no Judge of any repute could possibly defend him against his own stupidities. Trust me.....I know what i'm talking about. Morrissey doesn't even know the difference between 'slander' and 'libel'. I bet there are Legal Eagles on their knees praying in London this morning that the phone rings and he's on the war-path. Let him go that route if he's stupid enough to. A basic principle of defamation law is that the 'man on the Clapham Omnibus' would take umbrage at the insults or alleged defamation. Such aforementioned bus passenger would throw Morrissey off the open-top upper deck into the murky Thames. Morrissey has no reputation left to defend. He has destroyed it himself. If only he'd listened to Taylor Swift's new album before mouthing off and eviscerating himself. Too late. What next? Morrissey sends in a legal SWAT team to try and shut this website down? Does he think he can silence Der Spiegel? Oh my! Bring it.....!

Morrissey, you are the weakest link. Goodbye!

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I think it was worse that she didn't know the name of "this organization". She could have googled BDS 5 minutes before the interview.

There is absolutely no reason why a professional print journalist should be up to date with every detail of an interviewees life. It's just another gig for her. She interviews from the perspective of the public interest' not the delusional 'fan'
Is this the most reply or comments any one story has received on Morrissey solo.

Well, it's the bonfire of the vanities that is Morrissey-Solo, a decades long karaoke self-tribute to The Smiths so one would expect it to run and run......for eternity! Unless the site proprietor is intimidated into taking down this site....

Morrissey's career is now a corpse. He is now trapped with his most delusional 'fans' in a circle of hell that even Dante Alighero couldn't have conjured up.

Karma is a bitch, Steven. Suck it up...

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