Der Spiegel audio file of Morrissey interview released

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Here you go. The recording of the interview.

Der Audiomitschnitt zum SPIEGEL-Interview mit Morrissey - Spiegel Online
Sänger Morrissey fühlt sich nach einem Interview mit dem SPIEGEL falsch zitiert und will nun nie wieder mit Printmedien sprechen. Hören Sie hier den Mitschnitt des Interviews.

English version:

The Audio of DER SPIEGEL's Interview with Morrissey
British pop singer Morrissey has accused DER SPIEGEL of falsely quoting him in a recently published interview. The magazine stands behind its reporting and has made the decision to post the audio online in response.

On Friday, Nov. 10, DER SPIEGEL culture reporter Juliane Liebert told her editors that she had been offered an interview with British popstar Morrissey and that a decision needed to be made quickly on whether to accept. We agreed: The former lead singer of The Smiths doesn't shy away from speaking his mind - and he also doesn't grant interviews very often.

The following Monday, Liebert flew to Los Angeles, where she was to interview Morrissey on Tuesday. The interview appointment got delayed several times before finally taking place on Wednesday and lasting 40 minutes. Edited versions of interviews published in DER SPIEGEL are usually authorized by the interview subject before publication, consistent with established procedure in German journalism. But in this instance, Morrissey's team elected to forego authorization.

After its publication on Nov. 18 in DER SPIEGEL, the interview (available behind the SPIEGEL Plus paywall in German) generated headlines not only in the German-language media. English publications like the Independent also wrote about Morrissey's statements regarding Trump, Brexit, the #MeToo debate and questions of national identity.

The musician then sought to distance himself from the published interview. "Unless you see the words form in my mouth and then you see or hear the words come out of my mouth... please, if you don't see that, I didn't say them," he told fans at a concert. He said he would never grant an interview to a print journalist again.

On Monday, Morrissey followed up with a post on his official Facebook page casting doubt on whether his statements had been reflected accurately by DER SPIEGEL. He also alleged that the fact that the magazine had not yet posted the raw audio of the interview was tantamount to an indirect admission of guilt.

To counter that claim, the editors of DER SPIEGEL have decided to post the audio of the interview online.

You can listen to the interview conducted with Morrissey in Los Angeles on Nov. 15 here:

Posted by Famous when dead:

Interview mp3 - yours to keep:
(the exact file as used on the site).

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Juliane Liebert isn't going to put up with any crap. Not from Morrissey. Not from his arse-licking apologists. You go girl!

am lustigsten sind ja die leute, die sich jetzt uber mein englisch beschweren. da interviewt man einen weltstar, das interview geht global viral, er behauptet, man hatte sich alles ausgedacht, man wird tagelang angefeindet, beweist das gegenteil, die leute: nun, er ist zwar wirklich ein arschlock und hat vor einem internationalem publicum lugen uber dich und deine arbeit verbreitet, aber dein englisch, madchen, schamst du dich nicht? um das mal klarzustellen: es gibt viele leute, die seit vielen jahren internationale interviews fuhren und miserables englisch sprechen. aber normalerwiese werden ihre audios nicht veroffentlicht, und es sind manner. es gab keinerlei verstandnis - oder ubersetzungsfehler im interview oder der transkription, nehmt eure sexistschen kopfe aus euren verdammten arschen und lasst mich in frieden, danke

the funniest are the people who complain about my English now. there one interviews a world star, the interview goes global viral, he asserts, everything had been thought up, one gets hostaged for days, proves the contrary, the people: well, he is indeed really a bloke and has before an international publicum peeping about you and spread your work, but your English, girl, are you not ashamed? To put it bluntly, there are many people who have been making international interviews for many years and speak miserable English. but normally their audios are not published, and they are manner. there was no understanding or translation error in the interview or the transcription, take your sexist heads out of your f***ing ass and leave me in peace, thanks

The deeply inadequate journalist who struck lucky... noticed how she was laughing along agreeing with absolutely everything he said. Does that make her racist and evil too?
The point is that their best work is not inextricably linked to Galway or Cork or Drogheda, but to Manchester. Whether they like it or not they are British, and as they are both millionaires Britain has done quite well by them.

Perhaps Marr’s dislike of the British state goes back to his handling of stolen goods. Well, don’t do it, old stick. Perhaps Morrissey’s hatred for the judiciary goes back to his court case. Well, tell the truth, me old mucker. Personally, I find my interactions with the police and state mirror closely the laws I contravene.

I can fully understand why the Irish diaspora become rheumy eyed at the thought of the old country. How could you not? It’s beautiful. However, too often Morrissey in particular has butted heads with the British state and come off worse, feeding his loathing further. Had he stayed in Ireland I dare say he’d do the same there.

If you don’t want to get into trouble don’t steal Trevelyan’s corn, lads.

What a wonderful few days it's been!

So delightful to see The Cult Of Morrissey is absolute disarray as even the craziest of loons struggle to find words to exonerate Dear Leader. They are mortified, in abject distress at the humiliation visited upon them by their false idol.

And how pleasingly discordant and tinnitus-ridden it must be tonight inside Morrissey's head as he is forced to face a new reality wherein he is openly mocked and ridiculed for his stupidity.

It's going to be a delicious interlude as we wait for him to finish his mental contortions and try and come up with some excuse that isn't utterly silly. Or he could apologise. Now, that would be the funniest thing to read ever....

He is finished. Only a fool would now give any credence to any previous interview he's ever done.

In some lonely prison cell 5 star hotel room, a collapsed narcissist is fuming.....we can only hope that when he can no longer withstand the knowledge of his public ridicule that his attempt to reverse this PR catastrophe continue to be as amusing as his ridiculous interview with Der Spiegel.

This is the defining moment in his career. The moment when it all goes tits-up.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving twit.


Am I part of The Cult? because I've been having a lovely week, it's sunny where I am, I've done all my Christmas shopping, I eat well and I sleep in great sheets, all in all it's been a pleasant few days. Shouldn't I be battling some type of inner turmoil or at least be weeping in distress? Please give me guidance oh great one!
You're delusional if you think this has damaged him in any way. It's only made him look more human, more endearing...

It’s all over and the train has left the track.
Notice that Morrissey has refused to defend himself further. It’s clear his career is on life support.
The deeply inadequate journalist who struck lucky... noticed how she was laughing along agreeing with absolutely everything he said. Does that make her racist and evil too?

Was there anything the journo said or didn't say or did or didn't do to make the fault be on her? I dunno. She scored a prize in getting Moz. I don't think she set out to play "gotcha" journalism. She doesn't strike me as that clever. She did seem, however, to encourage Moz when he went down the Spacey downward spiral but it almost felt like Moz got the vibe that she knew where he was coming from so he felt safe to give the "other side" of the coin without being pedantic. Obviously she didn't get where he was coming from and didn't bother to fill in the lines or ask for clarification. Perhaps that is why he said they didn't present his views "fairly". I really wish she would have probed him to clarify the brow-raising comments rather than just move on through and excitedly rush to writing the piece, drooling profusely and laughing maniacally. I can understand WHY Moz might feel a bit betrayed. But why the f*** didn't he just say that his words were taken out of context??!! Instead he just makes it way worse than it should have been. "If you didn't hear the words come out of my mouth". WTF? Was he setting himself up for this in some self-destructive need? Then to double down with a fb post that instead of clarifying remarks gave people the impression that he was denying saying those things!! It almost sounds scripted, doesn't it?

Didn't anyone say to him, "Lord, master, your highness, love booger, are you sure you want to dare them to release the audio? Do you remember what you said?". Now it looks like to Joe Public that Moz got caught flat out lying. I mean to be cross-examined and discredited using your own words?!? Ouch. Hey I still luv ya, Moz, if you're not going to clear things up at least please go write some more great songs. I said, "please"
Am I part of The Cult? because I've been having a lovely week, it's sunny where I am, I've done all my Christmas shopping, I eat well and I sleep in great sheets, all in all it's been a pleasant few days. Shouldn't I be battling some type of inner turmoil or at least be weeping in distress? Please give me guidance oh great one!

LOL Just like me, enjoying this time of the year and preparing my next holidays, despite the noose showing the members of two gangs fighting over a shrinking boot.
Was there anything the journo said or didn't say or did or didn't do to make the fault be on her? I dunno. She scored a prize in getting Moz. I don't think she set out to play "gotcha" journalism. She doesn't strike me as that clever. She did seem, however, to encourage Moz when he went down the Spacey downward spiral but it almost felt like Moz got the vibe that she knew where he was coming from so he felt safe to give the "other side" of the coin without being pedantic. Obviously she didn't get where he was coming from and didn't bother to fill in the lines or ask for clarification. Perhaps that is why he said they didn't present his views "fairly". I really wish she would have probed him to clarify the brow-raising comments rather than just move on through and excitedly rush to writing the piece, drooling profusely and laughing maniacally. I can understand WHY Moz might feel a bit betrayed. But why the f*** didn't he just say that his words were taken out of context??!! Instead he just makes it way worse than it should have been. "If you didn't hear the words come out of my mouth". WTF? Was he setting himself up for this in some self-destructive need? Then to double down with a fb post that instead of clarifying remarks gave people the impression that he was denying saying those things!! It almost sounds scripted, doesn't it?

Didn't anyone say to him, "Lord, master, your highness, love booger, are you sure you want to dare them to release the audio? Do you remember what you said?". Now it looks like to Joe Public that Moz got caught flat out lying. I mean to be cross-examined and discredited using your own words?!? Ouch. Hey I still luv ya, Moz, if you're not going to clear things up at least please go write some more great songs. I said, "please"

Despite everything was said here I think the audio release was good to Morrissey, since it gives a better context to the printed words, which were a manipulated edition of the ideas he expressed during the interview. They chose to print the parts that made him look worst to the public opinion, even when it was pretty clear, considering his own words, that he was not quite informed about Weinstein and Spacey's cases.
About the interviewer, I don't think she acted in a wrong way. Surely she transcribed all the interview and someone else decided which parts were printed. She even seemed quite unprepared when she was making the questions, as if she was reading something written by another person. I think she was only a fool, I mean a tool, used by the media company.
You're delusional if you think this has damaged him in any way. It's only made him look more human, more endearing...[/QUOTE]So

So wanting to murder Donald Trump and lying about it makes him 'more human, more endearing..' ? You really are a stupid brain dead moron!
The deeply inadequate journalist who struck lucky... noticed how she was laughing along agreeing with absolutely everything he said. Does that make her racist and evil too?

mhm, mhmm, mhmm mhmm mhmm, mhmm, like, like, yeah, mhmm, mhmm, mhmm, mhmm mhmm mhmm, la la la la la,mhm, mhmm like, yeah, mhmm mhmm yeah, mhmm mhmm mhmm, yeah yeah.... mhmm .... like, like...


What impressed me the most is that M put up with the interviewers interviewing 'skills', talk about patience and understanding! I applaud you M, I would have walked out after the second question.

It's really too bad the media turned against him again, because in spite of the interviewer, he does ( I deduce from his talkativeness here) enjoy doing face to face interviews.

Mystery cut where she asks '...also thinking about this whole thing with actresses ?' then it cuts out and comes back in with M talking. Very strange. :paranoid:
Despite everything was said here I think the audio release was good to Morrissey, since it gives a better context to the printed words, which were a manipulated edition of the ideas he expressed during the interview. They chose to print the parts that made him look worst to the public opinion, even when it was pretty clear, considering his own words, that he was not quite informed about Weinstein and Spacey's cases.
About the interviewer, I don't think she acted in a wrong way. Surely she transcribed all the interview and someone else decided which parts were printed. She even seemed quite unprepared when she was making the questions, as if she was reading something written by another person. I think she was only a fool, I mean a tool, used by the media company.
I think she was slightly more sneaky than that, luring him into a false sense of security with her giggly girl 'I know nothing' act. There was no malice in anything he said, quite the opposite, which I agree, is even more evident in the recorded version, where you can actually hear him speaking with genuine concern for the way things are in Germany. But it's the big salacious headlines that most people take notice of, and that's what has left Morrissey feeling indignant - and feeling the need to say Hey, I never quite said that. I honestly feel Moz is the only celebrity out there who genuinely cares about what is happening in the world outside of his own head. Other celebrities might say they care, but they wouldn't let it depress them.

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