Canada: right of reply - Morrissey statement at

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23 April 2014

Canada: right of reply

There was something more than slightly desperate in Gail Shea referring to my recent comments on the annual Canadian seal slaughter as "ignorant", as reported in Canada's National Post.
Speaking on behalf of Gail Shea, Sophie Doucet - showing symptoms of the same Shea disorder - stated: "I would urge Mr. Morrissey to consider the impact that his ignorant and inflammatory statements have on the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working men and women in rural communities". I should remind Sophie Doucet that building and maintaining the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz also provided livelihoods, but this hardly made the Camps warranted. Let it also be added that the vast financial benefits of the seal slaughter are not directly intended for those hard-working men and women in rural communities, who, in fact, are merely used by the Fisheries Minister to do the messy task of searing flesh.
Further, Sophie Doucet's shrill tension claims that my anger against Canada's carnival of death: " ... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know, and only by suppression of humanity could anyone look away and not care. Also, whether a challenge comes from a millionaire or from someone who is homeless is a remark that would only be made by someone of imperious ignorance, who cannot develop the moral debate, and whose own personal financial agenda comes before the lives of thousands of healthy beings.
More importantly, Gail Shea is so constantly absorbed by challenges and counterchallenges of her actions and beliefs that we must wonder why it has not yet occurred to her that she might be doing something wrong. The answer, as it usually is, would be the impossibly constricted mania for financial profit - at any price.
In Western culture, there is no acceptance of the Canadian seal slaughter, and simply because someone bears the badge of Minister does not insulate them from being a disreputable thug. Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country. As ever and as always, it is always up to the people to put things right.
23 April 2014
Los Angeles.

Canada to Morrissey:

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This site has some useful info. Wonder if it is accurate. Seems sound to me...

Thanks. I think it's accurate, though I didn't realise that only 3% of the seal kill is by Inuit, and all of the pups are killed by these psychotics purely to sell fur and 'penis' aphrodisiacs for Asia.

"We all go out for the love of it rather than the money, which isn't there anymore."--Desmond Hunt, sealer

It's pretty obvious this is bloodlust driven, not by any economic or 'survival' rationale, just as it is in with dolphins in the Faroes and Japan. Having killed most of the cod, I wonder what these profoundly disturbed people will kill when there's not enough seals left? Each other, hopefully.

None of this explains the cognitive dissonance of Morrissey appearing in Seoul or Tokyo whilst refusing Toronto, etc. It really would make more sense for Morrissey to go to Canada and cause as much trouble as possible by appearing on t.v and reading the riot act. Mind you, these psychos would probably aim their hakapiks at Morrissey for doing so. Having seen fox hunting outlawed here in the UK, I can't understand why there aren't riots in Canadian cities about this. Perhaps the whole country/culture is psychically deranged beyond even the grouse/deer/fox/badger killers here.

I didn't need Morrissey to remind me this annual bloodbath was taking place. Here in the EU, there's a ban on this crap. So, where are these pup pelts going to? Who's wearing them? Some fascist fashionistas? Beyonce? Time to hunt down the purchasers and give them a 'spectacular' act-up. Oh, I forget: MI5/6 and GCHQ will read this and give me another warning so let me clarify that this 'spectacular' will be purely an 'art-terrorist' response.....Enough of debating/'ranting' on a web forum, it's time to move this to the reality zone.
Thanks. I think it's accurate, though I didn't realise that only 3% of the seal kill is by Inuit, and all of the pups are killed by these psychotics purely to sell fur and 'penis' aphrodisiacs for Asia.

Horrific. I erroneously thought the meat was used to feed the indigenous people. Wow, was I wrong. It's all about the fur. :sick:

"We all go out for the love of it rather than the money, which isn't there anymore."--Desmond Hunt, sealer

Double :sick:

It's pretty obvious this is bloodlust driven, not by any economic or 'survival' rationale, just as it is in with dolphins in the Faroes and Japan. Having killed most of the cod, I wonder what these profoundly disturbed people will kill when there's not enough seals left? Each other, hopefully.

The canadian goverment subsudizes the seal hunt. And since the 2009 trade ban, "ending the seal hunt would save Canada a minimum of $6.9 million per year."

None of this explains the cognitive dissonance of Morrissey appearing in Seoul or Tokyo whilst refusing Toronto, etc. It really would make more sense for Morrissey to go to Canada and cause as much trouble as possible by appearing on t.v and reading the riot act. Mind you, these psychos would probably aim their hakapiks at Morrissey for doing so. Having seen fox hunting outlawed here in the UK, I can't understand why there aren't riots in Canadian cities about this. Perhaps the whole country/culture is psychically deranged beyond even the grouse/deer/fox/badger killers here.

I didn't need Morrissey to remind me this annual bloodbath was taking place. Here in the EU, there's a ban on this crap. So, where are these pup pelts going to? Who's wearing them? Some fascist fashionistas? Beyonce? Time to hunt down the purchasers and give them a 'spectacular' act-up. Oh, I forget: MI5/6 and GCHQ will read this and give me another warning so let me clarify that this 'spectacular' will be purely an 'art-terrorist' response.....Enough of debating/'ranting' on a web forum, it's time to move this to the reality zone.

Seal products are banned in the US and 34 other countries as well.
I didn't need Morrissey to remind me this annual bloodbath was taking place. Here in the EU, there's a ban on this crap. So, where are these pup pelts going to? Who's wearing them? Some fascist fashionistas? Beyonce? Time to hunt down the purchasers and give them a 'spectacular' act-up.

"Canada, Norway fail to overturn EU ban on seal furs"

So, Morrissey trivialised the slaughter of human animals in the Norwegian terrorist massacre, lambasted the slaughter of seal animals in Canada, then paraded the Nobel Peace stage in silly slacks without denouncing Norway as the main market for Canadian seal fur? Is there seriously any out there who can deal with all this cognitive and consumer dissonance? Morrissey attacks Beyonce for wearing fur, whilst supporting Prada, Dolce & Gabbana who use Canadian seal pup pelts? Makes total sense!

"What countries are seal pelts sold in? The value in Canadian dollars of raw seal pelts purchased: Norway 3,046,648 5,998,388 6,858,225 6,761,996"

Is it time to disrupt Morrissey's concerts in protest at this egregious nonsense, as well as his support of Prada and Dolce & Gabbana, who use seal fur? Why is it morally repugnant to play in Canada, but not in Norway, the main export market for Canadian seal fur? Why is it acceptable to wear Prada or Dolce & Gabban, thus shielding them from retribution for using seal fur?

"What fashion companies are marketing seal products? Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is urging a boycott of all Prada, Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci and Versace products"

So, Morrissey has indirectly supported companies who are the main market for seal furs by buying their non-seal products and that's ok? Is there any seal musk in any of his perfumes? Does he check? Is it time to reality check the brand labels of any shirts Morrissey throws to the crowds on his next carbon-extravagant world tour? And the source of the perfume they're drenched in to mask his body odour from eating dairy....Morrissey wears Prada:

“Sparkly Morrissey in Prada on Nov 26th 2011 at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles."

Los Angeles, CA - STAPLES Center (Mar. 1, 2013) post-show:

Lovin' the Dolce & Gabbana bomber. He wears it well.

Morrissey in Gucci Mini Flora Infinity print shirt - intlplayboy / Tumblr

I can't wait to see who pipes up to explain/justify/contextualise/rationalise these incoherent behaviours from someone who sets himself up as morally superior to most other people. The usual suspects, I imagine. Most people struggle to find resources for ethical consumerism. A millionaire pop-star surrounded by a flunky entourage could easily have an ethical personal shopper instead of a salt grindr. Morrissey is perhaps the most depressing entertainer on the planet. That's all he is, an entertainer and an entrepreneur. Anyone wishing to argue otherwise, present your audit trail of evidence. You couldn't invent a more comical figure.
That would be in front of a poster of Morrissey...
Go on and find yourself a mirror!
We dont need you!

No, in front of a full-length mirror. I don't have posters of entertainers on my bedroom wall. I did when I was 12. Bowie and Bolan. I've never found Morrissey physically appealing, certainly not to wake up to...

Begone! Oh, the lols! Cast a spell and I'm sure it will work. Actually, I don't care what you think or this "we" group-think cult hive mind you think you write on behalf of. You silly billy!
Thanks. I think it's accurate, though I didn't realise that only 3% of the seal kill is by Inuit, and all of the pups are killed by these psychotics purely to sell fur and 'penis' aphrodisiacs for Asia.

"We all go out for the love of it rather than the money, which isn't there anymore."--Desmond Hunt, sealer

It's pretty obvious this is bloodlust driven, not by any economic or 'survival' rationale, just as it is in with dolphins in the Faroes and Japan. Having killed most of the cod, I wonder what these profoundly disturbed people will kill when there's not enough seals left? Each other, hopefully.

None of this explains the cognitive dissonance of Morrissey appearing in Seoul or Tokyo whilst refusing Toronto, etc. It really would make more sense for Morrissey to go to Canada and cause as much trouble as possible by appearing on t.v and reading the riot act. Mind you, these psychos would probably aim their hakapiks at Morrissey for doing so. Having seen fox hunting outlawed here in the UK, I can't understand why there aren't riots in Canadian cities about this. Perhaps the whole country/culture is psychically deranged beyond even the grouse/deer/fox/badger killers here.

I didn't need Morrissey to remind me this annual bloodbath was taking place. Here in the EU, there's a ban on this crap. So, where are these pup pelts going to? Who's wearing them? Some fascist fashionistas? Beyonce? Time to hunt down the purchasers and give them a 'spectacular' act-up. Oh, I forget: MI5/6 and GCHQ will read this and give me another warning so let me clarify that this 'spectacular' will be purely an 'art-terrorist' response.....Enough of debating/'ranting' on a web forum, it's time to move this to the reality zone.

The reason Canada is on his shit list is because of the trolols at PETA. They boycott Canada. They also asked him to make the remark about Madonna's African child that you know so well. He'd met with Ingrid the day before he said that onstage. He's a PETA puppet because the Humane Society is strictly L7 dullsville, baby. Even humasexuals would rather hang out with Pamela Anderson.
The reason Canada is on his shit list is because of the trolols at PETA. They boycott Canada. They also asked him to make the remark about Madonna's African child that you know so well. He'd met with Ingrid the day before he said that onstage. He's a PETA puppet because the Humane Society is strictly L7 dullsville, baby. Even humasexuals would rather hang out with Pamela Anderson.

And the evidence to back this claim is... where?
"Canada, Norway fail to overturn EU ban on seal furs"

So, Morrissey trivialised the slaughter of human animals in the Norwegian terrorist massacre, lambasted the slaughter of seal animals in Canada, then paraded the Nobel Peace stage in silly slacks without denouncing Norway as the main market for Canadian seal fur? Is there seriously any out there who can deal with all this cognitive and consumer dissonance? Morrissey attacks Beyonce for wearing fur, whilst supporting Prada, Dolce & Gabbana who use Canadian seal pup pelts? Makes total sense!

"What countries are seal pelts sold in? The value in Canadian dollars of raw seal pelts purchased: Norway 3,046,648 5,998,388 6,858,225 6,761,996"

Is it time to disrupt Morrissey's concerts in protest at this egregious nonsense, as well as his support of Prada and Dolce & Gabbana, who use seal fur? Why is it morally repugnant to play in Canada, but not in Norway, the main export market for Canadian seal fur? Why is it acceptable to wear Prada or Dolce & Gabban, thus shielding them from retribution for using seal fur?

"What fashion companies are marketing seal products? Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is urging a boycott of all Prada, Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci and Versace products"

So, Morrissey has indirectly supported companies who are the main market for seal furs by buying their non-seal products and that's ok? Is there any seal musk in any of his perfumes? Does he check? Is it time to reality check the brand labels of any shirts Morrissey throws to the crowds on his next carbon-extravagant world tour? And the source of the perfume they're drenched in to mask his body odour from eating dairy....Morrissey wears Prada:

“Sparkly Morrissey in Prada on Nov 26th 2011 at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles."

Los Angeles, CA - STAPLES Center (Mar. 1, 2013) post-show:

Morrissey in Gucci Mini Flora Infinity print shirt - intlplayboy / Tumblr

I can't wait to see who pipes up to explain/justify/contextualise/rationalise these incoherent behaviours from someone who sets himself up as morally superior to most other people. The usual suspects, I imagine. Most people struggle to find resources for ethical consumerism. A millionaire pop-star surrounded by a flunky entourage could easily have an ethical personal shopper instead of a salt grindr. Morrissey is perhaps the most depressing entertainer on the planet. That's all he is, an entertainer and an entrepreneur. Anyone wishing to argue otherwise, present your audit trail of evidence. You couldn't invent a more comical figure.

BLESS YOU!!! I was wondering the same exact thing and you broke it down so well. I swear you are the only person who noticed this .I was wondering.
The ones who think that Moz is wrong on this case should go and stand in front of a mirror nad then tell us wha they see... Not many words! What Do They See!?

myself, and the knowlegde in the Netherlands that jews been on deportation from Westerbork[a place in east netherlands,
its still open to get a vision, as also camp Vught, which very close to my city, maybe 20 miles, also it still exists]
to Auswitsch

Morrissey should've known betterr than use that part as a response

I hope if he makes tourplans and comes to europe , Germany or Poland and take 1 day of to go to Auswitz,
and apologize for making this disgusting reply, using Auswitz

'and they say he's mentall'...they should let Him where clothes with the tag, or better red with pink star...
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Anyone who cannot see a comparison between the human slaughter in concentration camps, and the continual animal slaughter in cullings, slaughterhouses etc., really must be bereft of compassion. If there is a difference (other than one being the 'superior' human and the other the 'lowly' animal), please advise? Forced torture and death, regardless of species, is unacceptable in a 'so called' humane society (nothing can be killed humanely - if against its will). Concentration camps were an atrocity - genocide. The treatment of the seals, by Canada, is an atrocity - genocide. The truth -without the trappings of 'spin'.

We can only ever honestly respect the memory of those tortured and murdered in concentration camps when we when we say no to such thinly veiled comparative acts of barbarism.
BLESS YOU!!! I was wondering the same exact thing and you broke it down so well. I swear you are the only person who noticed this .I was wondering.

You make a compelling argument. However, I remain intrigued by your response. You have taken the time and effort to gather 'evidence' to support your argument that Morrissey, in this instance, is a hypocrite. I understand your frustration regarding his inconsistent behaviour re: Norway, eating eggs, dairy and supporting the dubious practices of some fashion houses - these all have their own vile elements of animal cruelty. His actions can, at times, betray his convictions but is this out of malice or ignorance? Are any of us perfect?

If you are aware of veganism then you are aware that there are vegans and then there are vegan facists. These facists, some believing themselves to be well intentioned (through ignorance) - others just provocateurs - want us all to act in one way - one way that they themselves cannot agree upon. Looking for perfection in humans can only ever be a pointless task. So, to refer to my main point ....

Would you rather that Morrissey, despite the points you made, did not add his voice to assist in ending seal culling? Do you think his voice currently resonating internationally ion this matter is pointless? Do you honestly decry the efforts he has made to ensure that no meat products are sold at his concerts? Do you think him incapable of learning from his mistakes? Yes, Morrissey makes mistakes. The list goes on ....

I do understand your frustration re: the inconsistent behaviour but to lamblast him, with no regard for balance, makes what could have been a reasoned argument seem like a somewhat spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry (and in terms of raising the issue of seal culling) unhelpful tirade.

I admire your passion on this matter and hope future correspondence takes a less pious stance.
I see Brummie Boy has given up his animal activist work to become a full time one man Anti-Morrissey pressure group again lol.

These odballs are the price you pay for being the voice of disaffected youth.
You make a compelling argument. However, I remain intrigued by your response. You have taken the time and effort to gather 'evidence' to support your argument that Morrissey, in this instance, is a hypocrite. I understand your frustration regarding his inconsistent behaviour re: Norway, eating eggs, dairy and supporting the dubious practices of some fashion houses - these all have their own vile elements of animal cruelty. His actions can, at times, betray his convictions but is this out of malice or ignorance? Are any of us perfect?

If you are aware of veganism then you are aware that there are vegans and then there are vegan facists. These facists, some believing themselves to be well intentioned (through ignorance) - others just provocateurs - want us all to act in one way - one way that they themselves cannot agree upon. Looking for perfection in humans can only ever be a pointless task. So, to refer to my main point ....

Would you rather that Morrissey, despite the points you made, did not add his voice to assist in ending seal culling? Do you think his voice currently resonating internationally ion this matter is pointless? Do you honestly decry the efforts he has made to ensure that no meat products are sold at his concerts? Do you think him incapable of learning from his mistakes? Yes, Morrissey makes mistakes. The list goes on ....

I do understand your frustration re: the inconsistent behaviour but to lamblast him, with no regard for balance, makes what could have been a reasoned argument seem like a somewhat spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry (and in terms of raising the issue of seal culling) unhelpful tirade.

I admire your passion on this matter and hope future correspondence takes a less pious stance.
Vegan Facists?
What are you talking about?
I have never met a vegan facist.
They do not appear to be a threat.
Are they a problem for you?
Have they occupied a neutral country?
Are you bothered by other facists?
Meat eating facists?
Tap dancing facists?
How about just facists?
These appear to be a more serious issue.
I find it hard to admire your passion on this matter and have no hope that future correspondance will take a less 'holier than thou' stance.
Vegan Facists?
What are you talking about?
I have never met a vegan facist.
They do not appear to be a threat.
Are they a problem for you?
Have they occupied a neutral country?
Are you bothered by other facists?
Meat eating facists?
Tap dancing facists?
How about just facists?
These appear to be a more serious issue.
I find it hard to admire your passion on this matter and have no hope that future correspondance will take a less 'holier than thou' stance.

Lucky you ... never having met a vegan facist. You should get out more. I understand that, in growing numbers, they frequent the Vegan Facist Bar, just off Pious Crescent, in the city centre of Martyrville (insert country of your own choosing). PS: not all vegans are facists (not all facists are vegan). It was good of you though to hone in on that one aspect. Did someone touch a nerve?
I met a tap dancing facist once. I didn't ask is she was vegan. In retrospect maybe I should have?

She had laid down some cheap, uneven laminate flooring in the High Street, behind her was a banner which read "I dance the dance of death. Wash your bloodied hands. People are scum". Clearly, she was out to impress. Wearing clogs culled from a 1000 year old oak tree she began her ponderous tap routine. It was deafening and also out of time with the accompanying gregorian chant music. After some 5 minutes of commitment to the cause, she stopped, took breath and lit a cigarette (we all know how vegan those are? - but we don't know if she is a vegan, so that's all right then. An old woman asked her if she was all right and reminisced about shoes she used to wear as a girl. The tap dancing facist (possible vegan) looked at the old woman with abject disdain - a look that said 'f*** off'. The old woman soon did just thought without a word being spoken.

The moral of this story. Well .. there isn't one. Like so many others I just wanted to prattle on about nothing. Thank you.
I see Brummie Boy has given up his animal activist work to become a full time one man Anti-Morrissey pressure group again lol.

These odballs are the price you pay for being the voice of disaffected youth.

I'm not "anti-Morrissey". I regard him as one of the UK's greatest comedians, albeit that's not his intention.
The reason Canada is on his shit list is because of the trolols at PETA. They boycott Canada. They also asked him to make the remark about Madonna's African child that you know so well. He'd met with Ingrid the day before he said that onstage. He's a PETA puppet because the Humane Society is strictly L7 dullsville, baby. Even humasexuals would rather hang out with Pamela Anderson.

Interesting you mention Ingrid. So what's PETA'S strategy, going forward? Once Morrissey turns the world against Norway for importing Canadian seal pup pelts and the psychotic sealers are given their medication: what will happen to the seals? Will more Polar Bears be introduced from Norway to hunt the excess seals? Or will PETA humanely put them down like they have to do with all the abandoned 'pets'? This is a serious question. Morrissey's fantasy ideation of David Banda-Ciccione being skinned to make a handbag is indeed worth remembering as we watch the seal slaughter. I'm not aware of him ever retracting that absurdly offensive remark. "World PETA Is None Of Your Business"
BLESS YOU!!! I was wondering the same exact thing and you broke it down so well. I swear you are the only person who noticed this .I was wondering.

Thank you. I was wondering "why do they still slaughter the seal pups? who is buying this crap if the EU and US have banned it?" It seems that it's some residents of "Norway" buying the pelts to wear on frigid winter night trips to watch Morrissey cavort in haute couture baggy trousers at the Nobel "Peace" Prize back-slapping, self-congratulating smug-fest. And it's some "Chinese" residents who want the seal penis potions so they can improve their dismal sex lives. Morrissey has 'blessed' China recently with a thank-you. Maybe Morrissey and PETA haven't joined up the dots? I hadn't until yesterday. It's complicated, so let's be gentle with him for a while. He's not exactly the sharpest pencil on the desk. PETA do some useful work but hosting dinner parties which seat Pamela Anderson and Morrissey at the same table is an episode of "Celebrity Come Dine With Me" that the world was sorely robbed of.
Anyone who cannot see a comparison between the human slaughter in concentration camps, and the continual animal slaughter in cullings, slaughterhouses etc., really must be bereft of compassion. If there is a difference (other than one being the 'superior' human and the other the 'lowly' animal), please advise? Forced torture and death, regardless of species, is unacceptable in a 'so called' humane society (nothing can be killed humanely - if against its will). Concentration camps were an atrocity - genocide. The treatment of the seals, by Canada, is an atrocity - genocide. The truth -without the trappings of 'spin'.

We can only ever honestly respect the memory of those tortured and murdered in concentration camps when we when we say no to such thinly veiled comparative acts of barbarism.

Interesting comment, because in public statements, Morrissey seems to prioritise compassion for non-human animal species above expressing the same for human victims of mass murder. I do not Privilege the Holocaust of WW2 above other 'genocides'. What is happening to seal pups isn't equivalent because it isn't 'genocide' or 'speciescide' as the Canadian barbarians don't want to eradicate seals but keep them as prisoners on their tundra concentration camps in perpetuity.

So do you think the song "Istanbul" is likely to be a survey of the atrocities that befell Constantinople and the forced exodus of Armenians from Anatolia? Or a witty-ditty about "Midnight Express" type stuff? Why isn't there a track called "Kigali" about Rwanda? Oh, yes! Morrissey thinks it's witty to make remarks fantasising about a sub-Saharan orphan boy being skinned to make a handbag. Will he add Phnom Penh to his list of Asian tour targets when the Cambodian economy merits attention? Etc.

Some of us think that the existence of Slum Planet phenomenon like BanglaDeshi clothing factories are virtual concentration camps where enforced torture and death are thinly disguised. The fact that it's scores or hundreds who die rather than millions isn't the main distinction. And this laptop was maybe made by a Foxconn employee in China who later jumped from their dormitory high-rise in despair at being forced labour for Privilege lifestyles elsewhere. What's the difference between wearing seal fur, wearing slave labour clothes or using slave labour electronic gadgets? I don't have any easy answers to this other than to note that the Death Cult of Industrial Civilisation is on course to Collapse, taking most species into oblivion along with it.

I look forward to Morrissey's new album and hope he skilfully echoes the sentiments of your closing line by explicitly linking human and non-human animal incarceration in various 'concentration camps' of Industrial Civilisation. The only problem is how he will deal with the island of Uttoya, off Oslo, which became a concentration camp for a fascist ideology one summer afternoon. His previous comments on the deaths of those human animals did not 'honestly respect the memory' of either Norwegian teenage political activists or non-human animals used in fast-food fascism.

I wonder how many of those Norwegian kids were vegetarian/vegan? How many had Morrissey tracks on their i-Devices? I'm going to research those questions once I've had another cup of tea and soya 'milk'.
You make a compelling argument. However, I remain intrigued by your response. You have taken the time and effort to gather 'evidence' to support your argument that Morrissey, in this instance, is a hypocrite. I understand your frustration regarding his inconsistent behaviour re: Norway, eating eggs, dairy and supporting the dubious practices of some fashion houses - these all have their own vile elements of animal cruelty. His actions can, at times, betray his convictions but is this out of malice or ignorance? Are any of us perfect?

If you are aware of veganism then you are aware that there are vegans and then there are vegan facists. These facists, some believing themselves to be well intentioned (through ignorance) - others just provocateurs - want us all to act in one way - one way that they themselves cannot agree upon. Looking for perfection in humans can only ever be a pointless task. So, to refer to my main point ....

Would you rather that Morrissey, despite the points you made, did not add his voice to assist in ending seal culling? Do you think his voice currently resonating internationally ion this matter is pointless? Do you honestly decry the efforts he has made to ensure that no meat products are sold at his concerts? Do you think him incapable of learning from his mistakes? Yes, Morrissey makes mistakes. The list goes on ....

I do understand your frustration re: the inconsistent behaviour but to lamblast him, with no regard for balance, makes what could have been a reasoned argument seem like a somewhat spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry (and in terms of raising the issue of seal culling) unhelpful tirade.

I admire your passion on this matter and hope future correspondence takes a less pious stance.

I've no idea if his inconsistencies arise from either malice or ignorance. Or a combination of both. Unless someone is allowed to actually interview him in depth about all this, then I assume he's just another 'pop star' suffering from the delusionality of 'fame' and 'fans', living in a bubble world of flunky entourages who grind his salt, buy his questionable luxury products without pointing out the dissonance, but probably mock him remorselessly when 'below stairs'/off-duty. I've seen this stuff in real life as an observer. It happens.

I'm not perfect. Nobody is. Morrissey is allowed to make mistakes, but not to think that the bubble he appears to live in can't be punctured by rational analysis of his lifestyle choices. Money provides consumer power. As does wealth and fame. I sometimes have to compromise as do most other inmates of Industrial Civilisation, but I'm at least aware of them when I do so. The various elements of this laptop were probably mined from the earth involving huge habitat destruction and human suffering.

I endorse/support Morrissey using his 'troubled fame' to try and keep the issue of the seal cull in public view, no matter what confusions and compromises appear to be in his personal lifestyle. Who else is doing it? Paul McCartney has done, but I've not seen this on BBC news lately. Pointing out the absurdity of boycotting Canada but not Norway is surely useful to him as it provides him with a reason to either avoid Oslo or go there and apologise for his nonsense about Uttoya and denounce them for importing Canadian seal pelts. Etc.

I think providing a meat-free environment at public events is just as valid as providing a smoke-free environment, so long as tickets clearly state that anyone eating animal slaughter/torture foods will be ejected/refused entrance. Nobody is forced to attend his shows and nobody needs to if they don't want to meet his production requirements. However, where would this all lead? Why stop at one manifestation of animal cruelty, animal flesh food? Why not ban leather? Dairy ice-cream? Or band members wearing rockabilly suede brothel-creepers? Some might say that imposing such restrictions on 'clueless consumers' is spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry and part of an angry tirade against arbitrary elements of lifestyle cruelty whilst ignoring others such as high-fashion house complicity, musk in perfumes. Etc.

Can Morrissey learn from his mistakes? Of course he can. So can anyone, including myself. He might give some thought to an apology to David Banda-Ciccione for imagining him as a human-skinned hand-bag, noting that the Nazis made lampshades out of 'sub-species' human skin. He might wonder how many of those Norwegian kids who died at Uttoya also campaigned for animal rights, or their parents. He might turn his flame-thrower towards those elements of Norwegian society who properly deserve scorn as they continue to allow the Canadian seal atrocity exhibition/industry to remain economically viable by importing seal products.

How can pointing all this out possibly be regarded as "spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry (and in terms of raising the issue of seal culling) unhelpful tirade." ? My combative anger is directed at the Norwegian business community and law-makers today. It would be helpful if Morrissey publicised their outrageous behaviour. How can raising this on a public internet forum be 'spiteful'? As for 'arrogance', what can that possibly mean? I am a World Citizen and "World Peace Is Everybody's Business". I treat everybody with the same respect or ridicule whether or not they are a pope, politician, royal, celebrity or 'civilian'. Do you seriously think I treat a waiter in a restaurant any differently than I do a supposed 'celebrity' or 'politician' sitting at an adjoining table? Everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience. However, when people get on a stage and claim they are morally superior to other people because of Lifestyle Factor X (not eating meat, being a celebrity) whilst immune from criticism of Lifestyle Factor Y (extravagant air-travel, dairy consumption), then it's time to crank up the citizen mockumentary stuff.

I look forward to Morrissey's future correspondence and hope he takes a less pious stance.

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