Canada: right of reply - Morrissey statement at

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23 April 2014

Canada: right of reply

There was something more than slightly desperate in Gail Shea referring to my recent comments on the annual Canadian seal slaughter as "ignorant", as reported in Canada's National Post.
Speaking on behalf of Gail Shea, Sophie Doucet - showing symptoms of the same Shea disorder - stated: "I would urge Mr. Morrissey to consider the impact that his ignorant and inflammatory statements have on the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working men and women in rural communities". I should remind Sophie Doucet that building and maintaining the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz also provided livelihoods, but this hardly made the Camps warranted. Let it also be added that the vast financial benefits of the seal slaughter are not directly intended for those hard-working men and women in rural communities, who, in fact, are merely used by the Fisheries Minister to do the messy task of searing flesh.
Further, Sophie Doucet's shrill tension claims that my anger against Canada's carnival of death: " ... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know, and only by suppression of humanity could anyone look away and not care. Also, whether a challenge comes from a millionaire or from someone who is homeless is a remark that would only be made by someone of imperious ignorance, who cannot develop the moral debate, and whose own personal financial agenda comes before the lives of thousands of healthy beings.
More importantly, Gail Shea is so constantly absorbed by challenges and counterchallenges of her actions and beliefs that we must wonder why it has not yet occurred to her that she might be doing something wrong. The answer, as it usually is, would be the impossibly constricted mania for financial profit - at any price.
In Western culture, there is no acceptance of the Canadian seal slaughter, and simply because someone bears the badge of Minister does not insulate them from being a disreputable thug. Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country. As ever and as always, it is always up to the people to put things right.
23 April 2014
Los Angeles.

Canada to Morrissey:

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I think both of his statements are well expressed and fairly made. He has a platform and a voice and people DO listen. So, why shouldn't he speak up? If people don't want to read his statements, then just don't read them. Simple as that. Don't go off with stupid gifs and name calling. Morrissey is correct in this matter. Seal clubbing is completely inhumane and if anyone disagrees then they are clearly evil in every way possible. It is definitely those who choose to look the other way who are the most ignorant. And, by the way, I think using Auschwitz as an example is acceptable. Because it is unnecessary. It is evil.

Morrissey himself is a very evil person who runs a very dirty business. He has his minions wish death on other people, gives bad concerts to please his fat arsed minions millions of miles away and then signs his minons' arms with "I am human and I need to be loved". He constantly sings songs about how to abuse people and he abuses people at his concerts.

Apart from this, for a very brief time Morrissey did draw my attention because he was a vegeterian. Paying attention to his music only came second and I thought it quite nice that this man's music sounded good. This was until I encountered him and his minions. Terrible people. By the time I encountered him and them, paying attention to nature and animals had long been self-evident to me, especially as I grew up in a city with an honorary citizen who had helped establish an animals protection act long before Morrissey was born. It had also been self-evident been to me that the way that Morrissey and his minions treat others is a time of the past. It isn't, because they learn nothing and don't move beyond what was there, they are the very people who make history repeat itself. Only good thing is that it was an eyes opener and revisioned my world view accepting that there are pigs like them who only understand things if you punch them directly in the face because they don't understand any other language.

Auschwitz is not the only thing that Brits are eager to bring up. They are even so sick and celebrate a world war this year. CELEBRATE! And release SONGS to CELEBRATE it! Calling them pigs is an insult to pigs. He should care more about the image of his own country.
f*** that. She can reply in any newspaper in the world. She can go on television and reply. In the US it's called "equal time" and it means that if one political party gets network television time "the other" (because we pretend their are only two) gets equal time on that same network. It does not mean that the Republicans have to feature Democratic Party views on their website.

Wrong. It must be in the same forum.

"It's just business, cattle prods, and the I.M.F"

A proper right of reply would be allowing Gail Shea space on TTY to place an unedited reply to this. It does sadden me that the increasingly desperate flag-waving "I'm still here" communications are diminishing a great legacy. We know there's a record coming out, we know your name needs to be in the press, we know you feel strongly about these things, we've seen increasingly outlandish metaphors in your rhetoric, we've seen this so many times before, it's a tired schtick. Just make a f***ing good record and let's talk about how great it is.


A reasonable point but one for Julia, not Morrissey.

Plus, Shea exercised her right to reply in the National Post, which I suspect has a larger and, in relation to Morrissey's statement, more relevant audience than TTY. It wouldn't make sense for her to downsize purely in the interest of meeting the strict definition of 'right to reply'.



I think both of his statements are well expressed and fairly made. He has a platform and a voice and people DO listen. So, why shouldn't he speak up? If people don't want to read his statements, then just don't read them. Simple as that. Don't go off with stupid gifs and name calling. Morrissey is correct in this matter. Seal clubbing is completely inhumane and if anyone disagrees then they are clearly evil in every way possible. It is definitely those who choose to look the other way who are the most ignorant. And, by the way, I think using Auschwitz as an example is acceptable. Because it is unnecessary. It is evil.

So, traditional Inuit cultures of Nunavut were 'clearly evil in every possible way' when the first contact was made by the imperialist expansion of the British Empire into the landmass now re-classified as 'Canada'? Is that what you are saying? Is that what Morrissey is inferring? I hope not. Because to write such drivel is to dignify and condone the historical slaughter of "Red Indians", including Inuit and other cultural groups in Nanavut, by British/Canadian soldiers wearing bearskin/fur hats and using bayonets against seals and 'sub-species' so-called 'natives' with little distinction between a baby seal and a baby human. As they claimed the blood-stained lands for the 'royal family'.

Morrissey has a platform, a voice and every right to make statements. People DO listen (read) and the only purpose of making such statements is to invite replies and take part in a debate. The real issue is whether or not Morrissey is genuine or merely part of the machinery of 'bread and circus' radical-chic entertainment whereby soi-disant 'celebrities' pose as ethical spokespersons for various issues. If it's genuine, I think that's one of the few plausibly valid uses of this supposed 'celebrity'. However, we also know from various charlatans in the past that "world peace is none of your business" when you have a dedicated room for your fur collection in the Dakota building, for example.

If Morrissey is serious about engaging with the debate on Speciesism and the Death Cult Of Industrial Civilisation and isn't just cranking up the hype/ troll-o-meter for publicity then he needs to accept that his wealth and lifestyle will be subject to the same scrutiny as Lennon and Yoko when they sang "give peace a chance". They were, sadly, "all fur coat and no knickers" and managed to contain the cognitive dissonance of 'imagining' a better world whilst contributing to the ongoing slaughter of wild beings for their personal comfort. I'm not sure how many seal fur coats were in that room in the Dakota. Etc.

Morrissey performed in Seoul on his last 'world tour'. The ongoing slaughter and torture of farmed and 'pet' cats and dogs in Korea is just as egregious an industry as that of 'wild' seal clubs being culled. In the holocaust of nature, seals would be preyed on by polar bears and other beings which humans have already exterminated. A profound engagement with animal suffering also needs to address the philosophical question of animal suffering in the 'wild', in 'nature':

"The number of wild animals vastly exceeds that of animals on factory farms, in laboratories, or kept as pets. Therefore, animal advocates should consider focusing their efforts to raise concern about the vast suffering that occurs in the natural environment. While in theory this could involve trying directly to engineer more humane ecological systems, in practice I think activists should concentrate on promoting the meme of caring about wild animals to other activists, academics, and the general public. The massive amount of suffering occurring now in nature is indeed tragic, but it pales by comparison to the scale of good or harm that our descendants -- with advanced technological capability -- might effect. I fear, for instance, that future humans may undertake terraforming, directed panspermia, or sentient simulations without giving much thought to the consequences for wild animals. Our #1 priority should be to ensure that future human intelligence is used to prevent wild-animal suffering, rather than to multiply it."

Is 'existence' itself a dreadful mistake? Is the only way to end animal suffering (including human animals) to end life? Is all of existence a death-camp? And are humans about to engineer ever more levels of suffering? Is this what Morrissey wants to debate? If so, why is the torture/slaughter of previously 'wild' canine and feline beings in South Korea not so offensive to him that it would preclude him playing Seoul as well as Toronto? Why did he ignore this issue in Seoul? And Jakarta?

"I was expecting a comment from him about eating dogs after Meat Is Murder, but he let it go."

View attachment 31602

If Morrissey believes that all sentient beings have equal rights to life and lives according to that ethos, then he is entitled to make the comparison with Auschwitz. But why not also Rwanda? Or Cambodia? Or anywhere else where one group of sentient beings declared another to be a 'sub-species' without an inherent right to life? Such as happens to baby male calves in industrial death-camps aka as 'farms' which exist to provide bovine milk for humans. Does Morrissey still eat dairy? Milk IS Murder. Does Morrissey endorse/allow Boz's branded suede rockabilly brothel-creepers as stage-wear? Or are they pleather?

Very few people have the financial resources and time to live an entirely 'ethical vegan' lifestyle as sourcing medicines without gelatine, say, is very difficult without extreme economic power. Any and all efforts by well-intentioned people to mitigate animal suffering (including human animal suffering) is to be applauded. But some of us have to shop at Primark, buy food with hidden trace ingredients sourced from animal death camps. As a millionaire 'celebrity', Morrissey has more power than most of us. Therefore, he must expect to have his choices with regard to diet, air-travel and clothing subject to scrutiny. It's not a 'witch-hunt' it's logically testing the sincerity of his opinions against his actions.
So, traditional Inuit cultures of Nunavut were 'clearly evil in every possible way' when the first contact was made by the imperialist expansion of the British Empire into the landmass now re-classified as 'Canada'? Is that what you are saying? Is that what Morrissey is inferring? I hope not. Because to write such drivel is to dignify and condone the historical slaughter of "Red Indians", including Inuit and other cultural groups in Nanavut, by British/Canadian soldiers wearing bearskin/fur hats and using bayonets against seals and 'sub-species' so-called 'natives' with little distinction between a baby seal and a baby human. As they claimed the blood-stained lands for the 'royal family'.

Morrissey has a platform, a voice and every right to make statements. People DO listen (read) and the only purpose of making such statements is to invite replies and take part in a debate. The real issue is whether or not Morrissey is genuine or merely part of the machinery of 'bread and circus' radical-chic entertainment whereby soi-disant 'celebrities' pose as ethical spokespersons for various issues. If it's genuine, I think that's one of the few plausibly valid uses of this supposed 'celebrity'. However, we also know from various charlatans in the past that "world peace is none of your business" when you have a dedicated room for your fur collection in the Dakota building, for example.

If Morrissey is serious about engaging with the debate on Speciesism and the Death Cult Of Industrial Civilisation and isn't just cranking up the hype/ troll-o-meter for publicity then he needs to accept that his wealth and lifestyle will be subject to the same scrutiny as Lennon and Yoko when they sang "give peace a chance". They were, sadly, "all fur coat and no knickers" and managed to contain the cognitive dissonance of 'imagining' a better world whilst contributing to the ongoing slaughter of wild beings for their personal comfort. I'm not sure how many seal fur coats were in that room in the Dakota. Etc.

Morrissey performed in Seoul on his last 'world tour'. The ongoing slaughter and torture of farmed and 'pet' cats and dogs in Korea is just as egregious an industry as that of 'wild' seal clubs being culled. In the holocaust of nature, seals would be preyed on by polar bears and other beings which humans have already exterminated. A profound engagement with animal suffering also needs to address the philosophical question of animal suffering in the 'wild', in 'nature':

"The number of wild animals vastly exceeds that of animals on factory farms, in laboratories, or kept as pets. Therefore, animal advocates should consider focusing their efforts to raise concern about the vast suffering that occurs in the natural environment. While in theory this could involve trying directly to engineer more humane ecological systems, in practice I think activists should concentrate on promoting the meme of caring about wild animals to other activists, academics, and the general public. The massive amount of suffering occurring now in nature is indeed tragic, but it pales by comparison to the scale of good or harm that our descendants -- with advanced technological capability -- might effect. I fear, for instance, that future humans may undertake terraforming, directed panspermia, or sentient simulations without giving much thought to the consequences for wild animals. Our #1 priority should be to ensure that future human intelligence is used to prevent wild-animal suffering, rather than to multiply it."

Is 'existence' itself a dreadful mistake? Is the only way to end animal suffering (including human animals) to end life? Is all of existence a death-camp? And are humans about to engineer ever more levels of suffering? Is this what Morrissey wants to debate? If so, why is the torture/slaughter of previously 'wild' canine and feline beings in South Korea not so offensive to him that it would preclude him playing Seoul as well as Toronto? Why did he ignore this issue in Seoul? And Jakarta?

"I was expecting a comment from him about eating dogs after Meat Is Murder, but he let it go."

View attachment 31602

If Morrissey believes that all sentient beings have equal rights to life and lives according to that ethos, then he is entitled to make the comparison with Auschwitz. But why not also Rwanda? Or Cambodia? Or anywhere else where one group of sentient beings declared another to be a 'sub-species' without an inherent right to life? Such as happens to baby male calves in industrial death-camps aka as 'farms' which exist to provide bovine milk for humans. Does Morrissey still eat dairy? Milk IS Murder. Does Morrissey endorse/allow Boz's branded suede rockabilly brothel-creepers as stage-wear? Or are they pleather?

Very few people have the financial resources and time to live an entirely 'ethical vegan' lifestyle as sourcing medicines without gelatine, say, is very difficult without extreme economic power. Any and all efforts by well-intentioned people to mitigate animal suffering (including human animal suffering) is to be applauded. But some of us have to shop at Primark, buy food with hidden trace ingredients sourced from animal death camps. As a millionaire 'celebrity', Morrissey has more power than most of us. Therefore, he must expect to have his choices with regard to diet, air-travel and clothing subject to scrutiny. It's not a 'witch-hunt' it's logically testing the sincerity of his opinions against his actions.

This sort of argument makes my brain ache. Nobody would ever get anything done if they were to fight every battle worth fighting and had to fight them all at the same time in case something got missed, or else be called a hypocrite.
This sort of argument makes my brain ache. Nobody would ever get anything done if they were to fight every battle worth fighting and had to fight them all at the same time in case something got missed, or else be called a hypocrite.

Your brain-ache is easily solved by 2 paracetamol or by putting me on Ignore.

On what ethical basis does Morrissey prioritise seals in Canada over dogs and cats in South Korea? Morrissey writes: " Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country." Given he claims he cannot play concerts in Canada because of the murder/carnage of seals, why was he able to perform in South Korea/Indonesia and ignore the murder/carnage of dogs, cats, snakes. Why is Canada and seals especially egregious?

Don't reply until you're painkillers kick in and your brain-ache eases.
So, traditional Inuit cultures of Nunavut were 'clearly evil in every possible way' when the first contact was made by the imperialist expansion of the British Empire into the landmass now re-classified as 'Canada'? Is that what you are saying? Is that what Morrissey is inferring? I hope not. Because to write such drivel is to dignify and condone the historical slaughter of "Red Indians", including Inuit and other cultural groups in Nanavut, by British/Canadian soldiers wearing bearskin/fur hats and using bayonets against seals and 'sub-species' so-called 'natives' with little distinction between a baby seal and a baby human. As they claimed the blood-stained lands for the 'royal family'.

What I'm saying, Brummie, is that I couldn't club a seal and live with myself. Could you? I mean, really. Don't you think that's in tune to being quite evil? I do. And, that's what I'm inferring. It was not my intention to go all the way back to the eighteenth century with my modern day drivel. Talk about starting before the beginning...

Morrissey has a platform, a voice and every right to make statements. People DO listen (read) and the only purpose of making such statements is to invite replies and take part in a debate. The real issue is whether or not Morrissey is genuine or merely part of the machinery of 'bread and circus' radical-chic entertainment whereby soi-disant 'celebrities' pose as ethical spokespersons for various issues. If it's genuine, I think that's one of the few plausibly valid uses of this supposed 'celebrity'. However, we also know from various charlatans in the past that "world peace is none of your business" when you have a dedicated room for your fur collection in the Dakota building, for example.

If Morrissey is serious about engaging with the debate on Speciesism and the Death Cult Of Industrial Civilisation and isn't just cranking up the hype/ troll-o-meter for publicity then he needs to accept that his wealth and lifestyle will be subject to the same scrutiny as Lennon and Yoko when they sang "give peace a chance". They were, sadly, "all fur coat and no knickers" and managed to contain the cognitive dissonance of 'imagining' a better world whilst contributing to the ongoing slaughter of wild beings for their personal comfort. I'm not sure how many seal fur coats were in that room in the Dakota. Etc.

Morrissey performed in Seoul on his last 'world tour'. The ongoing slaughter and torture of farmed and 'pet' cats and dogs in Korea is just as egregious an industry as that of 'wild' seal clubs being culled. In the holocaust of nature, seals would be preyed on by polar bears and other beings which humans have already exterminated. A profound engagement with animal suffering also needs to address the philosophical question of animal suffering in the 'wild', in 'nature':

"The number of wild animals vastly exceeds that of animals on factory farms, in laboratories, or kept as pets. Therefore, animal advocates should consider focusing their efforts to raise concern about the vast suffering that occurs in the natural environment. While in theory this could involve trying directly to engineer more humane ecological systems, in practice I think activists should concentrate on promoting the meme of caring about wild animals to other activists, academics, and the general public. The massive amount of suffering occurring now in nature is indeed tragic, but it pales by comparison to the scale of good or harm that our descendants -- with advanced technological capability -- might effect. I fear, for instance, that future humans may undertake terraforming, directed panspermia, or sentient simulations without giving much thought to the consequences for wild animals. Our #1 priority should be to ensure that future human intelligence is used to prevent wild-animal suffering, rather than to multiply it."

Is 'existence' itself a dreadful mistake? Is the only way to end animal suffering (including human animals) to end life? Is all of existence a death-camp? And are humans about to engineer ever more levels of suffering? Is this what Morrissey wants to debate? If so, why is the torture/slaughter of previously 'wild' canine and feline beings in South Korea not so offensive to him that it would preclude him playing Seoul as well as Toronto? Why did he ignore this issue in Seoul? And Jakarta?

"I was expecting a comment from him about eating dogs after Meat Is Murder, but he let it go."

View attachment 31602

If Morrissey believes that all sentient beings have equal rights to life and lives according to that ethos, then he is entitled to make the comparison with Auschwitz. But why not also Rwanda? Or Cambodia? Or anywhere else where one group of sentient beings declared another to be a 'sub-species' without an inherent right to life? Such as happens to baby male calves in industrial death-camps aka as 'farms' which exist to provide bovine milk for humans. Does Morrissey still eat dairy? Milk IS Murder. Does Morrissey endorse/allow Boz's branded suede rockabilly brothel-creepers as stage-wear? Or are they pleather?

Very few people have the financial resources and time to live an entirely 'ethical vegan' lifestyle as sourcing medicines without gelatine, say, is very difficult without extreme economic power. Any and all efforts by well-intentioned people to mitigate animal suffering (including human animal suffering) is to be applauded. But some of us have to shop at Primark, buy food with hidden trace ingredients sourced from animal death camps. As a millionaire 'celebrity', Morrissey has more power than most of us. Therefore, he must expect to have his choices with regard to diet, air-travel and clothing subject to scrutiny. It's not a 'witch-hunt' it's logically testing the sincerity of his opinions against his actions.

I know that you think he's a hypocrite. I get what you're saying and I see why you would think that. All I am simply saying, however, is that I agree with his statement and feel a genuine need to support it. I don't know if Morrissey is sincere or not. I should hope so. I think he is. I don't know why he doesn't address the issues in South Korea or Jakarta. I wish he would. That's all I will say. It's all I can say.

Witch-hunt. I'm so sick of that term.
Seriously, I love the man, but he is such a f***ing hypocrite, it makes it hard. He's been droning on about this Canadian seal thing for years and years, yet he plays places like Japan? A country that has been responsible for the largest whale and dolphin holocaust the planet has ever seen? Let not forget his comments, about the great country of Japan:

"I fell in love anew with Japan. It hit me like a lightning thrust, and I woke each day eager for the love of it all; a civility unlike anywhere else on earth. America could never catch up, and England could never be in the race in the first place. By comparison, England is a country of condemnations, whereas America is a country of exclusions, with the obvious inequality of all. Japan has the most finely perceptive culture I have ever known, and I am thrilled to witness the emergence of broad and wide vegetarian options on all restaurant menus, as the dumb misery of eating death recedes. Record shops also continue to exist in Japan - most notably Tower Records, where we are allowed to remember the joy of 'accidental discovery'."

I mean, how can anyone be that ignorant? Yeah, those poor Canadian seals, but what about the thousands of dolphins and whales Japan has unapologetically murdered in the last decade? What about the fact that he will happily play in Denmark, a country where they murder whales and dolphins in the Faroe Islands entirely for fun and tradition? They still cull seals in the UK you know, Morrissey? I really don't understand this man's thought process sometimes. The guy obviously has some sort of agenda against Canada, and no, I am not Canadian. Japan thanks you Morrissey, but how can you sleep at night spouting this nonsense about Canadian seals when Japan has been bathing in the blood of whales and dolphins for years.
Your brain-ache is easily solved by 2 paracetamol or by putting me on Ignore.

On what ethical basis does Morrissey prioritise seals in Canada over dogs and cats in South Korea? Morrissey writes: " Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country." Given he claims he cannot play concerts in Canada because of the murder/carnage of seals, why was he able to perform in South Korea/Indonesia and ignore the murder/carnage of dogs, cats, snakes. Why is Canada and seals especially egregious?

Don't reply until you're painkillers kick in and your brain-ache eases.

I think Charlie makes a reasonable point.

This 'but what about the [insert species suffering at the hands of humanity here]?' whilst intellectually valid can only ever result in mass paralysis (i.e. Christ, why bother? It's too f***ing hard!). Surely, we have to allow for hypocrisy in order that something is done, rather than nothing. Your various appeals, whilst ideologically beautiful and intellectually solid are, in practical terms, simply too big an obstacle for most people to even consider attempting to overcome.

It makes for very interesting reading, though. :)
so it would be ok for me to go up to gail shea,lying on a beach,and put her out of her misery....great
Well said, Morrissey, I totally agree. Her reply made no sense and basically said nothing at all to defend her 'cause'. Morrissey's reply on the contrary is well balanced and he's totally right about it.
Wrong. It must be in the same forum.


If someone had to invite the other to make a reply, it would have to be the National Post of Canada inviting Morrissey to speak as guest writer and not the other way round. Do you really believe the platform of TTY is on the same scale of importance as a national newspaper?! Only Morrissey fans check TTY (and he's far from holding a celebrity status as Madonna for goodness sake) as oppose to said newspaper (one of many optional platforms for Gail Shea), based in one of the most important countries of the world, CANADA!

Secondly, if you've raised the subject of sadness and disappointment, I'm yet again disappointed to see how the moderator of Morrissey-Solo is enraged because Morrissey speaks his mind. You have every right to dislike/despise every idea and opinion he values, but you don't have to right to cry out how he should be silenced, and concentrate on making records instead. TTY is his personal blog and he can speak about any subject he wishes to speak, just like this site!
This site, incorporating his name in the title, contains and saves space to some of the most horrid insults and feuds that in any other respected site wouldn't be acceptable. Nevertheless, you and the webmaster defend these postings and questionable users time after time in the name of "freedom of speech", while dragging Morrissey's reputation down the dirt (speaking of "diminishing a great legacy").
So please, don't lecture on freedom of speech and censorship if you'd like to deprive it from people such as Morrissey (how ironic, the main subject of this site!), telling him to basically "shut up and be pretty" in other words. It doesn't go well with your so called objectivity, especially as one who holds the position of a moderator in a Spaghetti Western film.
What I'm saying, Brummie, is that I couldn't club a seal and live with myself. Could you? I mean, really. Don't you think that's in tune to being quite evil? I do. And, that's what I'm inferring. It was not my intention to go all the way back to the eighteenth century with my modern day drivel. Talk about starting before the beginning...

I know that you think he's a hypocrite. I get what you're saying and I see why you would think that. All I am simply saying, however, is that I agree with his statement and feel a genuine need to support it. I don't know if Morrissey is sincere or not. I should hope so. I think he is. I don't know why he doesn't address the issues in South Korea or Jakarta. I wish he would. That's all I will say. It's all I can say.

Witch-hunt. I'm so sick of that term.

Morrissey may be more confused and illogical than 'hypocritical'. He may simply lack the intellectual scaffolding to seriously engage with these debates. No, I absolutely could not club a seal for any reason. If it was in pain or dying from a predator attack from a polar bear, I'd help administer pain relief and seek a vet to end the creature's torment. In extremis, if no vet was available, then yes, I'd end it's pain acting from compassion.

I agree with Morrissey on most of this, but I think he needs to ante-up and hunker down with the full extent of the debate and the implications of some of his more outlandish turns of phrase as it damages his image, and that of others working to alleviate animal suffering.

I totally reject the notion that those conducting this 'cull' are doing so on any legitimate cultural basis, and some amongst their own communities agree that there are serious ethical issues 'going forward'. If you can afford to spend $15-24k to buy Duck Dynasty animal serial killer gear, you can afford to have food freighted in from Wal-Mart. These people have precious little to do with the survival culture that their ancestors practised, where sacrificing animals wasn't just 'sport':

Inuit hunting market: cultural betrayal or necessity?

Metallica played Antarctica 'because it was there', maybe Morrissey should play a gig in Iqualuit and record it on video. He missed the opportunity to face down the Duck Dynasty deviants, so now's his chance. Oh, and i'm sure Gail Shea has every right to feel that Morrissey is using her in a 'witch-hunt' by imagining her having her brains bashed out as part of his 'debate'. Childish, but it's getting him face-time-attention-whore coverage in The Guardian which covers his key demographic, I guess. Be sure: I admire the fact he is prepared to broach these topics, i just question both his skill and sincerity in doing so. Until someone seriously interviews him on all this, it's impossible to know if he's merely a troll or a serious thinker on animal welfare.
I think Charlie makes a reasonable point.

This 'but what about the [insert species suffering at the hands of humanity here]?' whilst intellectually valid can only ever result in mass paralysis (i.e. Christ, why bother? It's too f***ing hard!). Surely, we have to allow for hypocrisy in order that something is done, rather than nothing. Your various appeals, whilst ideologically beautiful and intellectually solid are, in practical terms, simply too big an obstacle for most people to even consider attempting to overcome.

It makes for very interesting reading, though. :)

If Morrissey boycotts Canada, yet plays Japan, Iceland, Denmark and Russian, it's entirely reasonable to question why he singles out one nation yet exempts others. Why? If he went to those countries and actively supported those working to end the excesses of marine hunting cruelties, then there'd be less querying of whether or not he is hypocritical or merely confused. Or thick.

What 'something' do you think has been done in response to Morrissey's boycott of Canada since 2004? What has been achieved other than column inches about Morrissey? He claims good people in Canada are 'ineffectual', yet his own actions have proved to be ineffectual. Isn't it time he changed strategy? Of accepted that "Harp Seals Are None Of Your Business" if dolphins, whales and other tortures in Japan, Iceland, The Faroes/Greenland/Denmark and Russia are ignored? If a pop singer claims to be a serious intellectual rather than just part of the ridiculous 'bread and circus' distraction machineries of celebrity, then some people are going to test that claim. Why is this controversial?
so it would be ok for me to go up to gail shea,lying on a beach,and put her out of her misery....great

No it wouldn't, as she is covered by legislation against random human murder and depending on where the beach was, you might pay for your psychopathic murder with your life. Has she said she's 'miserable'?

Humans such as Gail Shea have legal rights to resist being subject to 'culling on beaches'. The debate is about extending that right to other sentient beings (seals), not in removing it from human animals.
Well said, Morrissey, I totally agree. Her reply made no sense and basically said nothing at all to defend her 'cause'. Morrissey's reply on the contrary is well balanced and he's totally right about it.

As Morrissey is thinking on your behalf, you've no need to trouble yourself with the nuances of this debate any further. Her reply made sense from her current understanding of the issues, but you were unable to understand it. That's your challenge, not hers. Morrissey certainly attracts intellectual heavy-weights and you, 'gonzax' are a prize example of the cognitive calibre of his 'fans'.
One point interesting to note was Gail Shea's following comment"... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
Has she failed to realise who's the target market of Seals's fur? Millionaire celebrities, lo and behold.
Auschwitz is not the only thing that Brits are eager to bring up. They are even so sick and celebrate a world war this year. CELEBRATE! And release SONGS to CELEBRATE it! Calling them pigs is an insult to pigs. He should care more about the image of his own country.

No-one in Britain is celebrating the First World War, and to characterise it as such is either wilful mendacity or rank ignorance on your part. The centenary is being commemorated, in much the same way we commemorate our war dead on Remembrance Sunday, but, being a significant anniversary extra events are being planned.

I'm sure, in three years time, the United States will quite rightly hold memorial services and remembrances to commemorate their centenary in much the same way. To pretend it will be a party is disgusting.
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It's not often that Morrissey wins a public war of words - Gail Shea and her people are flailing, badly. I didn't know he had it in him. Well done!

If only he'd organize a benefit concert to support the cause: he'd do some real good, boost his own credibility, and (just maybe) even make some friends.

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