Canada: right of reply - Morrissey statement at

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23 April 2014

Canada: right of reply

There was something more than slightly desperate in Gail Shea referring to my recent comments on the annual Canadian seal slaughter as "ignorant", as reported in Canada's National Post.
Speaking on behalf of Gail Shea, Sophie Doucet - showing symptoms of the same Shea disorder - stated: "I would urge Mr. Morrissey to consider the impact that his ignorant and inflammatory statements have on the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working men and women in rural communities". I should remind Sophie Doucet that building and maintaining the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz also provided livelihoods, but this hardly made the Camps warranted. Let it also be added that the vast financial benefits of the seal slaughter are not directly intended for those hard-working men and women in rural communities, who, in fact, are merely used by the Fisheries Minister to do the messy task of searing flesh.
Further, Sophie Doucet's shrill tension claims that my anger against Canada's carnival of death: " ... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know, and only by suppression of humanity could anyone look away and not care. Also, whether a challenge comes from a millionaire or from someone who is homeless is a remark that would only be made by someone of imperious ignorance, who cannot develop the moral debate, and whose own personal financial agenda comes before the lives of thousands of healthy beings.
More importantly, Gail Shea is so constantly absorbed by challenges and counterchallenges of her actions and beliefs that we must wonder why it has not yet occurred to her that she might be doing something wrong. The answer, as it usually is, would be the impossibly constricted mania for financial profit - at any price.
In Western culture, there is no acceptance of the Canadian seal slaughter, and simply because someone bears the badge of Minister does not insulate them from being a disreputable thug. Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country. As ever and as always, it is always up to the people to put things right.
23 April 2014
Los Angeles.

Canada to Morrissey:

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Unless it's an anonymous person critiquing you, THEN IT'S THAT ONE GUY WHO HAS A VENDETTA AGAINST HOW AMAZING I AM WHO I CAN'T EXACTLY PROVE WHO IT IS WITHOUT THROWING EVERYONE I KNOW UNDER THE BUS BY SHAMING THEM FIRST. THe big picture is often lost on you, but lets talk about editing and not Morrissey and Canada.

Did you know you used the word "I" seven times in your initial post? Certainly there's an internet quiz somewhere that will prove you are in fact not selfish.

You may want to layoff using caps. Nobody likes screamers outside of a porn film.
Yes. Consider it a public service. I appreciate when people point out my grammar and writing errors.

Didn't you post someone's photograph about a week ago because he corrected your misuse of "providence"?

I rarely repeat them again.

Anything you can do to cut down on the repetition is appreciated.
Didn't you post someone's photograph about a week ago because he corrected your misuse of "providence"?

Nope. I posted a pic of an expression to indicate 'Oops, made a mistake.'

Anything [one] can do to cut down on the repetition is appreciated.

Agree. So you might want to crawl back under that rock. Out of sight; out of mind.
Nope. I posted a pic of an expression to indicate 'Oops, made a mistake.'

You're lying. You posted a picture available nowhere else on the internet. You claimed it was of the man who had been making the anonymous posts you feel so tortured by. Now you've deleted that specific claim as you've changed your story yet again ("Blogs have been updated," LOL).

I hope you appreciate this correction as much as you claim to appreciate all others.
You're lying. You posted a picture available nowhere else on the internet. You claimed it was of the man who had been making the anonymous posts you feel so tortured by. Now you've deleted that specific claim as you've changed your story yet again ("Blogs have been updated," LOL).

I hope you appreciate this correction as much as you claim to appreciate all others.

I appreciate all spelling and grammar corrections.
Yes but ask your self how his message of vegetarianism way back during The Smiths even reached a person in the United States living miles and miles away from Morrissey experienced a life changing point of view that would stay with them years later after listening .It was because that message reached them. How is he being the least bit positive by refusing to play somewhere ? Animal cruelty is so ingrained in society and happens everywhere . Why would you not be using your stance to keep on bringing this message to people but instead put down entire groups of people and name drop those places when there is a lot of work to be done so to speak?In every city or region there are usually groups of animal activists or vegans and vegetarians.Does he ever think maybe those people would appreciate his support? It's not just that there are many other reasons and ways he could think of if he is so brilliant to go about how he does things.I suppose if he really cared that much he would be involved on a different level than purposely generating sensational ideas to draw attention to himself all the time . It makes no sense. Also , there are plenty of people who travel to his concerts from further away bringing other influences there. This man is full of it .He deserves to be told off .He is no better than the people he cannot stand.I would laugh so hard if someone on here made a list to compile the similiarities between him and the people he publicly denounces as a comedic thing .Come on you can find parallels in just about anything if you would like .He only seems interested in talking a bunch of crap and he used to wear leather when he claimed he was so against animal cruelty and could much more easily go vegan than some people if he wanted to. Morrissey probably has his head so far up his ass from being out of touch with reality and having adjusted to being coddled thanks to wealth he probably cannot even remember his origins. Now, a message that seemed sincere and made a difference seems like it is more a part of his shtick than a heartfelt meaningful thing to say. Where does animal cruelty stem from?PEOPLE .How do you get people to change their views?It definitely isn't by shaming them rather than educating them and frankly sometimes Morrissey does not seem very well educated on a lot of things. Why else does he wear designer clothing by companies that support cruelty ? I am sure he spends LOTS OF MONEY on them too given how fond he is of throwing his shirt into the audience so technically he is no better. Some people need clothes but Morrissey spends loads of money on clothes for nothing more than to throw them into the audience as a part of his show.He needs to knock it off. He also panders to the blue rose lame tards who are full of it .Anything other than to tell the truth just for some publicity.Better to hurt other people if it makes you look better no matter how supportive they are .Morrissey buys tons of designer clothing by cruelty supporting companies and wears them just to throw them away. He needs to grow up and he is a liar and hypocrite.

So, would it be better if he just remained silent, or engaged in trivial,vapid behavior like most other 'celebrities'? Morrissey has always been vocal on this subject, and his comments have never been 'positive' or sugar-coated in any way. I think that it's admirable that he attempts to illuminate issues of animal torture, torment, and brutal slaughter, even though his controversial statements have often been countered with ridicule and contempt. I don't think the problem is that he has somehow changed his message; it's quite the opposite: he hasn't changed his message enough. Morrissey was very influential in educating people about the cruelty of supporting the meat industry, and in doing so, he prompted many of his listeners to become vegetarians; however, today, most people who are committed animal advocates are aware of the heinous treatment that occurs in factory farms. If 'killing is killing' is one's philosophy, then it would seem that veganism would be the obvious choice.

I don't see Morrissey's behavior as intentionally malicious; he just seems to become very fixed in his viewpoints. Unfortunately, anyone who takes such a passionate stand on a topic that causes so much debate should expect the opposition to scrutinize his/her lifestyle, searching for any form of hypocrisy. I will agree that the boycott of Canada seems counterproductive. This really only hurts his fans, many of whom quite possibly share his views already. As Brummie and others have stated, working with a reputable animal advocacy group and hosting a concert that would educate and rally the public would be much more effective. Also, I agree that you can't react so vehemently against one nation and overlook the brutality of others. Mexico, Spain, Portugal, and most Southern American countries continue to view bullfighting as a valued tradition and a valuable tourist attraction. Every country has its shameful behavior; Morrissey would have to stop touring if he decided to boycott every nation that supports some form of animal cruelty.

Yes, his inconsistent behavior potentially undermines his good intentions, but he is still attempting to prompt change, which is more action than most of us can be bothered to take. I serioulsy doubt that his messages are some calculated publicity stunt; I believe them to be truly heartfelt. Howerver, I do find it amusing that you criticize Morrissey for berating and shaming people for their bad behavior rather than providing some sort of positive enlightenment, then in the same paragraph you insult him and invite others to similarly attack him. Isn't it possible that he just needs some gentle "positive" persuasion and education? Do you understand the meaning of the word hypocrite?

This is Shakespearean. "Have once but will not say 'could care less' ever again."

Alternative: Having once said,'could care less,' I will not again.

This made me chuckle.
For the record: I'm not a grammar Nazi!
However, Shakespeare wouldn't have used a 60's American adaptation of an English phrase: 'couldn't care less'.
I slay me... :lbf:

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