Canada: right of reply - Morrissey statement at

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23 April 2014

Canada: right of reply

There was something more than slightly desperate in Gail Shea referring to my recent comments on the annual Canadian seal slaughter as "ignorant", as reported in Canada's National Post.
Speaking on behalf of Gail Shea, Sophie Doucet - showing symptoms of the same Shea disorder - stated: "I would urge Mr. Morrissey to consider the impact that his ignorant and inflammatory statements have on the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working men and women in rural communities". I should remind Sophie Doucet that building and maintaining the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz also provided livelihoods, but this hardly made the Camps warranted. Let it also be added that the vast financial benefits of the seal slaughter are not directly intended for those hard-working men and women in rural communities, who, in fact, are merely used by the Fisheries Minister to do the messy task of searing flesh.
Further, Sophie Doucet's shrill tension claims that my anger against Canada's carnival of death: " ... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know, and only by suppression of humanity could anyone look away and not care. Also, whether a challenge comes from a millionaire or from someone who is homeless is a remark that would only be made by someone of imperious ignorance, who cannot develop the moral debate, and whose own personal financial agenda comes before the lives of thousands of healthy beings.
More importantly, Gail Shea is so constantly absorbed by challenges and counterchallenges of her actions and beliefs that we must wonder why it has not yet occurred to her that she might be doing something wrong. The answer, as it usually is, would be the impossibly constricted mania for financial profit - at any price.
In Western culture, there is no acceptance of the Canadian seal slaughter, and simply because someone bears the badge of Minister does not insulate them from being a disreputable thug. Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country. As ever and as always, it is always up to the people to put things right.
23 April 2014
Los Angeles.

Canada to Morrissey:

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There's a lot of valid points here. What you maybe don't recognize is you have to pick your battles. Bludgeoning non-violent doe-eyed babies resonates a level of cruelty in him that other county's atrocities don't, so like a cyclops he goes into battle bringing awareness to the issue that hurts his heart the most. When the seal slaughter ends he'll probably pick another country. He'd be reduced to a legitimate, institutionalized mad man if he had to empathize with EVERY county's violence towards animals with the passion that makes him who he is.

It's not about him picking the correct battles and taking a stance that is riddled with holes
He doesn't have to talk up turkey, a country that treats women badly let alone animals, he didn't have to wave a flag in Israel, knowing full well he is supporting the new Nazi Jews, it goes on and on
In the UK he isn't taken as a serious artist at all anymore, he has fans but they can see the game he is playing
Any fan who had read enough, knows his book is at least 60% fiction, it's real in the way an autobiography by a fictional character is.
It odd to think 14 years ago, he was thought of as past his prime but with respect and there was a sense he knew was an artist with some depth
These days he only a game player with nothing to say. It's shocking as shit he had ago at the Canadian women for having ago at him for having money, as that's exactly what he used to talk about old rock stars, now he's old, talk about thevruch but now hocus rich
He has a good voice, that's his only plus point these days
This is actually a good idea. If ever Morrissey were to tuck some pro-bono under his belt, it would be amazingly effectual to hold a "100% of the proceeds benefit fighting the seal slaughter" benefit show IN Canada. It would get so much f***ing press that he ended the boycott with such a big f*** YOU and get people talking about the slaughter. Also the weirdo in me identifies with the souls of the seals looking for help and knowing that their helper was nearby singing his heart out in their honor? Omg.

I quite like this.... We are all inter-connected, whether we like it or not. xx
These two statements about thumping seals around the head are they from the same Tosser who announced he loved nothing more than going to boxing matches in Camden watching two men in a ring knock seven bells of shit out of each other risking brain damage and death, giving it large with the blood thirsty crowd, watching the " weary wife walking away ",
also released a song and album called boxers, performed a boxers tour wearing make up to look like boxers scars ? ? ?

Hit me ! Hit me ! Hit !. . . . . . MEeeeeeee! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!

Thank you Morrissey for telling it! Sophie Doucet's own personal financial agenda comes before the lives and feelings of others. She suffers from low moral character and ignorance. She's scared to show intelligence; it might smear her lovely career. Moz, you've got them on the ropes!!! You are a true hero.

As a Canadian, the seal hunt is wrong and embarrassing to me. Also wrong and embarrassing are My governments approval of the War on Terror in Afghanistan, Residential Schools, Alberta Tar Sands, and various new bills that curb and diminish our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. However, in this day and age no country in the Western World and Israel are clean of similar environmental, military, and overall political violations.
Shea is a typical ignorant isolated Canadian.

This isn't about Morrissey releasing a new record or "new fresh music' or that he is getting tired and old. It has nothing to do with music. It has to do with his strong moral beliefs and him being a PETA spokesperson about slaughtering animals. Morrissey can fight Shea all he wants and post replies all he wants.

How do the Canadians justify the slaughter of the seals anyway? Is it for the fur or the meat? They sure are not hurting for any food source. Every Canadian I have seen, looks very well fed.

Morrissey really needs to stop touring Japan too. I saw the video again of the Japanese fisherman drowning a herd of dolphins. They were SMILING when doing it. Sick f***s.[/QUOT

The ones who think that Moz is wrong on this case should go and stand in front of a mirror nad then tell us wha they see... Not many words! What Do They See!?

I see pride, I see courage, I see a bad ass Mother who don't take no shit publicity stunts from a Tosser on tour with a new album coming out !

I see Benny-the-British-Butcher
Not to derail, but I apologize for my remark about doubting I'd be given the right to reply. It's pretty obvious, even to me, that this site does try to let everyone be heard. At times when my posts have not made it through the moderation system I can usually understand why.
But isn't it just a fact of life that we each have to pick our battles and there are only so many hours in the day?

Morrissey has been 'battling' Canada for a decade with 'ineffectual' results. If he had the balls to stand on stage in Korea/Copenhagen/Reykjavik/Moscow/Jakarta/Tokyo' and say "Whale/Dolphin/Dog/Cat Meat Is Murder. So I'm never playing here again as you're as bad as Canada" and walk offstage after "Meat Is Murder" then I'd respect him as consistent. Of course, every country has animal abuse but as many here agree, he'd be far more effective working with people in Canada/Korea, etc who are trying to change things. He sneered at Live Aid for humans, so let's see him organise Animal Aid......why not? Either he's an activist or he's a face-time-attention-whore media troll. Which is it?

ps: only so many hours in the day? yes, and sometimes room service takes AGES!!! *rollseyes*.
One point interesting to note was Gail Shea's following comment"... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
Has she failed to realise who's the target market of Seals's fur? Millionaire celebrities, lo and behold.

And Russian oligarchs and their wives/whores in Chelski-on-Thames where it regularly plummets to -50. And ex-Inuit and survivalist crackpots on the Canadian tundra who have to wrap up when they go get another crate of beer from the 4x4/diesel snowmobile as they watch the ice-hockey with that infernal Blur "woo! hooo!" crap every few minutes. And Morrissey's old mate, Pete Burns, probably. Still, his face is his karmic reward for that monkey coat. *smirk*. If only Moz had put his windows through, it would have certainly livened up Holland Park! LOOOOOL!

- - - Updated - - -

Well said by Morrissey. He is speaking common sense. The malignant minister knows she is in the wrong and hasn't a hoof to stand on.

What kind of stupid speciesist-shaming humour is that meant to be? What's wrong with having hooves? Very revealing. Don't forget those beasts hurled over the Baltard Cliffs.What are ye doing about that one, lads? Ireland is hardly animal welfare central, is it? Shame they didn't hurl a few banksters and FF/FG over as well.
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There's a lot of valid points here. What you maybe don't recognize is you have to pick your battles. Bludgeoning non-violent doe-eyed babies resonates a level of cruelty in him that other county's atrocities don't, so like a cyclops he goes into battle bringing awareness to the issue that hurts his heart the most. When the seal slaughter ends he'll probably pick another country. He'd be reduced to a legitimate, institutionalized mad man if he had to empathize with EVERY county's violence towards animals with the passion that makes him who he is.

Nice try, but he's stated he's watched dogs and cats being skinned alive on YouTube videos of China,so it's hard to see how that didn't 'hurt his heart the most' as well as 'doe-eyed non violent babies'. What a load of tosh!

Animals do not recognise 'countries', it makes no difference to them whether their killer is a seal hunter in Canada, a 'cook' in China, or a dairy farmer in Britain. Repeat: animals do not recognise nationalist identities, so why does 'world peace citizen' Morrissey fixate on one arbitrary stretch of post-colonial land above the 49th parallel? "Imagine there's no countries, it isn't hard to do" Unless you spend most of your life on planes switching from one tax efficient location to the next and need to be very sure you don't overstay anywhere. I hope Morrissey never gets on a plane that is crashed by a flock of birds being sucked into the engines. That would be awful!
"imagine all the people...." being able to have a room to store their furs in the Dakota building. "if you think peace is a common goal...."

No matter how you spin it, once you get past its a good cause.This shouldn't be happening to seals.
Then moz looks a c***. He's a pop star not a nurse on the NHS. He doesn't work 45 hours a week.
If he can find time to lock himself in rooms for weeks and get pissed every other day then he can do more than give a once a year memo about seals. He is basically a Facebook activist. Press like have a moan and feel it's enough. If you say he means it, then why not mean it about another country, Especially Turky, Japan and China?
If then it shows he doesn't belive it, then he is just another pop star using protest and causes to push product. Mozza has become the worst kind of fake.
This is another reason why it's worthless having a go at KY, he is virtually as bad, only thing that saves him from being as bad is his work pre quarry.
He'd not that person anymore. He's no longer respect for anything but money and status these days.
This link categorizes the top 10 animal cruelty countries. Canada is not one of them. Molly, cancel your Lewiston, NY concert. It's a mile away from Canada. We don't want you that close. If any Canadians go, I suggest openly eating meat products during the show. Seal jerkies, hot dogs, Canadian Bacon. Maybe the guys from Epic Meal Time and make him a bacon jacket.

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