Canada: right of reply - Morrissey statement at

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23 April 2014

Canada: right of reply

There was something more than slightly desperate in Gail Shea referring to my recent comments on the annual Canadian seal slaughter as "ignorant", as reported in Canada's National Post.
Speaking on behalf of Gail Shea, Sophie Doucet - showing symptoms of the same Shea disorder - stated: "I would urge Mr. Morrissey to consider the impact that his ignorant and inflammatory statements have on the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working men and women in rural communities". I should remind Sophie Doucet that building and maintaining the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz also provided livelihoods, but this hardly made the Camps warranted. Let it also be added that the vast financial benefits of the seal slaughter are not directly intended for those hard-working men and women in rural communities, who, in fact, are merely used by the Fisheries Minister to do the messy task of searing flesh.
Further, Sophie Doucet's shrill tension claims that my anger against Canada's carnival of death: " ... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know, and only by suppression of humanity could anyone look away and not care. Also, whether a challenge comes from a millionaire or from someone who is homeless is a remark that would only be made by someone of imperious ignorance, who cannot develop the moral debate, and whose own personal financial agenda comes before the lives of thousands of healthy beings.
More importantly, Gail Shea is so constantly absorbed by challenges and counterchallenges of her actions and beliefs that we must wonder why it has not yet occurred to her that she might be doing something wrong. The answer, as it usually is, would be the impossibly constricted mania for financial profit - at any price.
In Western culture, there is no acceptance of the Canadian seal slaughter, and simply because someone bears the badge of Minister does not insulate them from being a disreputable thug. Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country. As ever and as always, it is always up to the people to put things right.
23 April 2014
Los Angeles.

Canada to Morrissey:

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Your brain-ache is easily solved by 2 paracetamol or by putting me on Ignore.

On what ethical basis does Morrissey prioritise seals in Canada over dogs and cats in South Korea? Morrissey writes: " Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country." Given he claims he cannot play concerts in Canada because of the murder/carnage of seals, why was he able to perform in South Korea/Indonesia and ignore the murder/carnage of dogs, cats, snakes. Why is Canada and seals especially egregious?

Don't reply until you're painkillers kick in and your brain-ache eases.

On the ethical basis that he has picked one cause which he believes is a just one and he is fighting that battle. He doesn't need to justify it to you or I. For the amount of shit he gets on here you could be mistaken into thinking he was leading the charge in the massacre.

What you prioritize is entirely up to you. You seem to be fighting the entire battle and not winning anything either. Like I've said elsewhere, if you focused on winning your own battles instead of spending so much time belittling what others are doing you might have more success. But again, just like it's Morrissey's choice what battles he chooses to fight it's your choice what you do. From a neutral prospective it's hard to come to a conclusion that you wouldn't be better off fighting somebody that mostly wasn't on the same side as you.
Well said by Morrissey. He is speaking common sense. The malignant minister knows she is in the wrong and hasn't a hoof to stand on.
No-one in Britain is celebrating the First World War, and to characterise it as such is either wilful mendacity or rank ignorance on your part. The centenary is being commemorated, in much the same way we commemorate our war dead on Remembrance Sunday, but, being a significant anniversary extra events are being planned.

I'm sure, in three years time, the United States will quite rightly hold memorial services and remembrances to celebrate their centenary in much the same way. To pretend it will be a party is disgusting.
This ^^
A bizzare tangent about Britain & war - well replied to.
Thank you, you saved me a paragraph!
I'm Canadian and I don't agree with the seal hunt............however Moz is a TOTAL HYPOCRITE!

He plays several other countries that have horrible animal rights, including the US which is probably the biggest consumer of meat in the world. Yet, he won't play Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver but will gladly whore himself across America multiple times a year playing every backwoods city.

I was a big Moz fan, I've seen him on every tour that came to Toronto but now I couldn't be bothered with his music or seeing a show. He's just become a grumpier old man who puts out mediocre records that no one hears.

If he was a real animal activist he'd bring light to these issues by playing these countries and educating people while donating some of the proceeds to local animal welfare groups. Instead he'd rather alienate his actual fans.
The ones who think that Moz is wrong on this case should go and stand in front of a mirror nad then tell us wha they see... Not many words! What Do They See!?
This may be a bit random but it is true. As a child I was taken to the well known aqauarium that features killer whales in the USA. After the show I wandered below and found a very big window. Very quickly a killer whale swam to the window and just looked at me. The whole incident was beyond scary. After seeing Blackfish on CNN and learning the backstory, it made me sad as a human being. Blackfish raised awareness. To me, that is what Morrissey consistently does for all kinds of animals and for that I have a lot of respect. Could he do more? Should he do more? I do not think it is really for any of us to say or judge.
If Morrissey boycotts Canada, yet plays Japan, Iceland, Denmark and Russian, it's entirely reasonable to question why he singles out one nation yet exempts others. Why? If he went to those countries and actively supported those working to end the excesses of marine hunting cruelties, then there'd be less querying of whether or not he is hypocritical or merely confused. Or thick.

What 'something' do you think has been done in response to Morrissey's boycott of Canada since 2004? What has been achieved other than column inches about Morrissey? He claims good people in Canada are 'ineffectual', yet his own actions have proved to be ineffectual. Isn't it time he changed strategy? Of accepted that "Harp Seals Are None Of Your Business" if dolphins, whales and other tortures in Japan, Iceland, The Faroes/Greenland/Denmark and Russia are ignored? If a pop singer claims to be a serious intellectual rather than just part of the ridiculous 'bread and circus' distraction machineries of celebrity, then some people are going to test that claim. Why is this controversial?

But isn't it just a fact of life that we each have to pick our battles and there are only so many hours in the day?
Wrong. It must be in the same forum.


I think you are referring to this, "The right of reply is the right to defend oneself against public criticism in the same venue where it was published." But there is nothing about Canada or the United States. In the UK, it uses this language,

"When our output makes allegations of wrongdoing, iniquity or incompetence or lays out a strong and damaging critique of an individual or institution the presumption is that those criticised should be given a "right of reply", that is, given a fair opportunity to respond to the allegations.

We must ensure we have a record of any request for a response including dates, times, the name of the person approached and the key elements of the exchange. We should normally describe the allegations in sufficient detail to enable an informed response, and set a fair and appropriate deadline by which to respond.

Any parts of the response relevant to the allegations broadcast should be reflected fairly and accurately and should normally be broadcast in the same programme, or published at the same time, as the allegation.

There may be occasions when this is inappropriate (for legal or overriding ethical reasons) in which case a senior editorial figure, or commissioning editor for independents, should be consulted. It may then be appropriate to consider whether an alternative opportunity should be offered for a reply at a subsequent date."

This is saying that if the BBC "broadcasts" a report that may harm an individual or institution they should be given the right to respond to the allegations in the same broadcast.

The BBC is a recognized and respected source for news. Julia's website is a platform for Morrissey. The policies of the BBC are not even law, so there's no way it applies. The concept I cited, "equal time" is law, and does not apply to what is essentially a personal website.

It's lazy to state a lazy opinion and then back it up with a wikipedia link, which, upon taking the time to read, clearly does not apply. If I am wrong please explain. Of course the odds are I won't get my "right to reply."
Empty hearts continue us on the path to nowhere.

Thankfully, Gail Shea and her party of predatory dimwits are on the way out - never to be seen or heard from again. Canada's next party will most likely be a liberal one, a party that may (please, please) see this wholely barbaric misery for what it is, an extreme example of mankind's soulless behaviour just to make a few dollars. f*** you and all your senseless infantile possessions.
Shea is a typical ignorant isolated Canadian.

This isn't about Morrissey releasing a new record or "new fresh music' or that he is getting tired and old. It has nothing to do with music. It has to do with his strong moral beliefs and him being a PETA spokesperson about slaughtering animals. Morrissey can fight Shea all he wants and post replies all he wants.

How do the Canadians justify the slaughter of the seals anyway? Is it for the fur or the meat? They sure are not hurting for any food source. Every Canadian I have seen, looks very well fed.

Morrissey really needs to stop touring Japan too. I saw the video again of the Japanese fisherman drowning a herd of dolphins. They were SMILING when doing it. Sick f***s.
Shea is a typical ignorant isolated Canadian.

This isn't about Morrissey releasing a new record or "new fresh music' or that he is getting tired and old. It has nothing to do with music. It has to do with his strong moral beliefs and him being a PETA spokesperson about slaughtering animals. Morrissey can fight Shea all he wants and post replies all he wants.

How do the Canadians justify the slaughter of the seals anyway? Is it for the fur or the meat? They sure are not hurting for any food source. Every Canadian I have seen, looks very well fed.

Morrissey really needs to stop touring Japan too. I saw the video again of the Japanese fisherman drowning a herd of dolphins. They were SMILING when doing it. Sick f***s.

Ya, put those fat, ignorant Canadians on an ice flow and beat them around the head with clubs. See how they like that. They'd be easy to catch cause they're so fat.
Ya, put those fat, ignorant Canadians on an ice flow and beat them around the head with clubs. See how they like that. They'd be easy to catch cause they're so fat.

This argument would be more logically sound if you didn't say all the Canadians were fat and ignorant. Actually, there's not much worth gleaning from this argument at all, it's just trolling.
This argument would be more logically sound if you didn't say all the Canadians were fat and ignorant. Actually, there's not much worth gleaning from this argument at all, it's just trolling.

Ok you're right. Not all Canadians are fat and ignorant, but most are. Have you ever been there? I was once - I had a layover in Montreal. It was gross. What a bunch of fur wearing, maple syrup slurping, snow shovelling fools. Never again.

And the whole thing about living in igloos is complete bullshit.
Ok you're right. Not all Canadians are fat and ignorant, but most are. Have you ever been there? I was once - I had a layover in Montreal. It was gross. What a bunch of fur wearing, maple syrup slurping, snow shovelling fools. Never again.

And the whole thing about living in igloos is complete bullshit.

Okay it's going from bad to worse. :D
It's not often that Morrissey wins a public war of words - Gail Shea and her people are flailing, badly. I didn't know he had it in him. Well done!

If only he'd organize a benefit concert to support the cause: he'd do some real good, boost his own credibility, and (just maybe) even make some friends.

This is actually a good idea. If ever Morrissey were to tuck some pro-bono under his belt, it would be amazingly effectual to hold a "100% of the proceeds benefit fighting the seal slaughter" benefit show IN Canada. It would get so much f***ing press that he ended the boycott with such a big f*** YOU and get people talking about the slaughter. Also the weirdo in me identifies with the souls of the seals looking for help and knowing that their helper was nearby singing his heart out in their honor? Omg.
Morrissey made some good points. The the trouble is he us a shit spokesman.
As nobody takes him seriously, apart from the odd die hard.
You can't keep banging on about a country and then thank and support countries that are worse.
America is vile in terms of the treatment of animals, but he lives there. China, Korea, South America and Turkey are worse and he praises and writes songs about them
He swanned around Israel with the flag and accepted the key to the city even though he knows full well they miss treat the the palistunans in the most disgusting way.
People make excuses for mozza because he was good and seemed to be apart What he is now is a power hungry multi millionaire who has found no peace.
No audience is big enough, no amount of money is enough.He is a bitter old drunk peddling a lie. Stay
The reason he dumbs down is because he needs to rely on people who are stupid enough to fall for his bull. The Latino audience aren't very clever and fall for his outsider stance
Morrissey made some good points. The the trouble is he us a shit spokesman.
As nobody takes him seriously, apart from the odd die hard.
You can't keep banging on about a country and then thank and support countries that are worse.
America is vile in terms of the treatment of animals, but he lives there. China, Korea, South America and Turkey are worse and he praises and writes songs about them
He swanned around Israel with the flag and accepted the key to the city even though he knows full well they miss treat the the palistunans in the most disgusting way.
People make excuses for mozza because he was good and seemed to be apart What he is now is a power hungry multi millionaire who has found no peace.
No audience is big enough, no amount of money is enough.He is a bitter old drunk peddling a lie. Stay
The reason he dumbs down is because he needs to rely on people who are stupid enough to fall for his bull. The Latino audience aren't very clever and fall for his outsider stance

There's a lot of valid points here. What you maybe don't recognize is you have to pick your battles. Bludgeoning non-violent doe-eyed babies resonates a level of cruelty in him that other county's atrocities don't, so like a cyclops he goes into battle bringing awareness to the issue that hurts his heart the most. When the seal slaughter ends he'll probably pick another country. He'd be reduced to a legitimate, institutionalized mad man if he had to empathize with EVERY county's violence towards animals with the passion that makes him who he is.
"I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know ".

Yet Mr Morrissey it seems you know nothing about cruelty to animals in other parts of the world, countries you have performed in and continue to perform in, why is this so ?
Is it the case that world animal cruelty and suffering is none of your business and you take "The man on the galloping horse " approach when you drive the covered wagon through to these venues ? You stated you had fell in love with Japan did'nt you ?

Judge weeks was right all along.


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