Canada: right of reply - Morrissey statement at

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23 April 2014

Canada: right of reply

There was something more than slightly desperate in Gail Shea referring to my recent comments on the annual Canadian seal slaughter as "ignorant", as reported in Canada's National Post.
Speaking on behalf of Gail Shea, Sophie Doucet - showing symptoms of the same Shea disorder - stated: "I would urge Mr. Morrissey to consider the impact that his ignorant and inflammatory statements have on the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working men and women in rural communities". I should remind Sophie Doucet that building and maintaining the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz also provided livelihoods, but this hardly made the Camps warranted. Let it also be added that the vast financial benefits of the seal slaughter are not directly intended for those hard-working men and women in rural communities, who, in fact, are merely used by the Fisheries Minister to do the messy task of searing flesh.
Further, Sophie Doucet's shrill tension claims that my anger against Canada's carnival of death: " ... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know, and only by suppression of humanity could anyone look away and not care. Also, whether a challenge comes from a millionaire or from someone who is homeless is a remark that would only be made by someone of imperious ignorance, who cannot develop the moral debate, and whose own personal financial agenda comes before the lives of thousands of healthy beings.
More importantly, Gail Shea is so constantly absorbed by challenges and counterchallenges of her actions and beliefs that we must wonder why it has not yet occurred to her that she might be doing something wrong. The answer, as it usually is, would be the impossibly constricted mania for financial profit - at any price.
In Western culture, there is no acceptance of the Canadian seal slaughter, and simply because someone bears the badge of Minister does not insulate them from being a disreputable thug. Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country. As ever and as always, it is always up to the people to put things right.
23 April 2014
Los Angeles.

Canada to Morrissey:

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I've no idea if his inconsistencies arise from either malice or ignorance. Or a combination of both. Unless someone is allowed to actually interview him in depth about all this, then I assume he's just another 'pop star' suffering from the delusionality of 'fame' and 'fans', living in a bubble world of flunky entourages who grind his salt, buy his questionable luxury products without pointing out the dissonance, but probably mock him remorselessly when 'below stairs'/off-duty. I've seen this stuff in real life as an observer. It happens.

I'm not perfect. Nobody is. Morrissey is allowed to make mistakes, but not to think that the bubble he appears to live in can't be punctured by rational analysis of his lifestyle choices. Money provides consumer power. As does wealth and fame. I sometimes have to compromise as do most other inmates of Industrial Civilisation, but I'm at least aware of them when I do so. The various elements of this laptop were probably mined from the earth involving huge habitat destruction and human suffering.

I endorse/support Morrissey using his 'troubled fame' to try and keep the issue of the seal cull in public view, no matter what confusions and compromises appear to be in his personal lifestyle. Who else is doing it? Paul McCartney has done, but I've not seen this on BBC news lately. Pointing out the absurdity of boycotting Canada but not Norway is surely useful to him as it provides him with a reason to either avoid Oslo or go there and apologise for his nonsense about Uttoya and denounce them for importing Canadian seal pelts. Etc.

I think providing a meat-free environment at public events is just as valid as providing a smoke-free environment, so long as tickets clearly state that anyone eating animal slaughter/torture foods will be ejected/refused entrance. Nobody is forced to attend his shows and nobody needs to if they don't want to meet his production requirements. However, where would this all lead? Why stop at one manifestation of animal cruelty, animal flesh food? Why not ban leather? Dairy ice-cream? Or band members wearing rockabilly suede brothel-creepers? Some might say that imposing such restrictions on 'clueless consumers' is spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry and part of an angry tirade against arbitrary elements of lifestyle cruelty whilst ignoring others such as high-fashion house complicity, musk in perfumes. Etc.

Can Morrissey learn from his mistakes? Of course he can. So can anyone, including myself. He might give some thought to an apology to David Banda-Ciccione for imagining him as a human-skinned hand-bag, noting that the Nazis made lampshades out of 'sub-species' human skin. He might wonder how many of those Norwegian kids who died at Uttoya also campaigned for animal rights, or their parents. He might turn his flame-thrower towards those elements of Norwegian society who properly deserve scorn as they continue to allow the Canadian seal atrocity exhibition/industry to remain economically viable by importing seal products.

How can pointing all this out possibly be regarded as "spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry (and in terms of raising the issue of seal culling) unhelpful tirade." ? My combative anger is directed at the Norwegian business community and law-makers today. It would be helpful if Morrissey publicised their outrageous behaviour. How can raising this on a public internet forum be 'spiteful'? As for 'arrogance', what can that possibly mean? I am a World Citizen and "World Peace Is Everybody's Business". I treat everybody with the same respect or ridicule whether or not they are a pope, politician, royal, celebrity or 'civilian'. Do you seriously think I treat a waiter in a restaurant any differently than I do a supposed 'celebrity' or 'politician' sitting at an adjoining table? Everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience. However, when people get on a stage and claim they are morally superior to other people because of Lifestyle Factor X (not eating meat, being a celebrity) whilst immune from criticism of Lifestyle Factor Y (extravagant air-travel, dairy consumption), then it's time to crank up the citizen mockumentary stuff.

I look forward to Morrissey's future correspondence and hope he takes a less pious stance.

Dear Brummie Boy,

In reference to the last paragraph (see above) beginning with 'How can pointing ...' on reading the original post the writer, to my mind, displayed all of the actions described. That was my view, and on reading the article again, it remains so. I have no issue with the person expressing their view, just in the same way that I have expressed mine. Morrissey is, as most of us are, a flawed character but in matters such as this he takes the time and effort to make his views known. I for one, think that that should be commended, not attacked and vilified. So few 'celebrities' or 'politicians' would dare sully their hands with such a topic - the shadows are where they lurk. By making his statement Morrissey has assisted in bringing international news coverage to the topic and barbarity of seal culling. I think that to be noteworthy.

Apart from being an artist that I thoroughly enjoy listening to, I also, wholly admire his stance on animal rights (although I may not always agree with all of his comments - we all have our own views). The original article could have considered what Morrissey has, and continues to do, in terms of animals rights rather than focus negatively on what he isn't doing.

As for "Why stop at one manifestation of animal cruelty, animal flesh food? Why not ban leather? Dairy ice-cream? Or band members wearing rockabilly suede brothel-creepers? Some might say that imposing such restrictions on 'clueless consumers' is spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry and part of an angry tirade against arbitrary elements of lifestyle cruelty whilst ignoring others such as high-fashion house complicity, musk in perfumes. Etc." I agree almost entirely .... I would delete 'spiteful. See. We all have our views and although quite similar are often quite different.
surely its time for brummie boy to be banned from here,or shall I fetch my harpoon...the poor sole,must of been bullied at school.
surely its time for brummie boy to be banned from here,or shall I fetch my harpoon...the poor sole,must of been bullied at school.
I think a harpoon for sole is overdoing it. A net would suffice.
Ban Brummie? Are you mad?
Who would step into his shoes keeping this site interesting and challenging?
I think a harpoon for sole is overdoing it. A net would suffice.
Ban Brummie? Are you mad?
Who would step into his shoes keeping this site interesting and challenging?

Hello 'Peterb'. Yes, banning dissident opinions is really useful. I'm sure some people in Canada would try to ban Morrissey if he announced concerts there. Maybe that would be a fun stunt for him to explore. It's ironic that Morrissey banned DavidT from a show in Copenhagen, given that Denmark/Greenland are one of the markets for Canadian seal products alongside Norway.

I'm about to 'ban' myself again for a while until the next shows/single release. I have lots of other stuff to do in life. But I'm really looking forward to 'WPINOYB'. Whether it's silly TTY diatribe stuff or a genuine return to form, @troubledmozza is always worth keeping an eye on and provides a stimulating trigger for debate either in my own mind or on these forums.
Hello 'Peterb'. Yes, banning dissident opinions is really useful. I'm sure some people in Canada would try to ban Morrissey if he announced concerts there. Maybe that would be a fun stunt for him to explore. It's ironic that Morrissey banned DavidT from a show in Copenhagen, given that Denmark/Greenland are one of the markets for Canadian seal products alongside Norway.

I'm about to 'ban' myself again for a while until the next shows/single release. I have lots of other stuff to do in life. But I'm really looking forward to 'WPINOYB'. Whether it's silly TTY diatribe stuff or a genuine return to form, @troubledmozza is always worth keeping an eye on and provides a stimulating trigger for debate either in my own mind or on these forums.
Take care BB.
I'll keep watch for your return.
I've no idea if his inconsistencies arise from either malice or ignorance. Or a combination of both. Unless someone is allowed to actually interview him in depth about all this, then I assume he's just another 'pop star' suffering from the delusionality of 'fame' and 'fans', living in a bubble world of flunky entourages who grind his salt, buy his questionable luxury products without pointing out the dissonance, but probably mock him remorselessly when 'below stairs'/off-duty. I've seen this stuff in real life as an observer. It happens.

I'm not perfect. Nobody is. Morrissey is allowed to make mistakes, but not to think that the bubble he appears to live in can't be punctured by rational analysis of his lifestyle choices. Money provides consumer power. As does wealth and fame. I sometimes have to compromise as do most other inmates of Industrial Civilisation, but I'm at least aware of them when I do so. The various elements of this laptop were probably mined from the earth involving huge habitat destruction and human suffering.

I endorse/support Morrissey using his 'troubled fame' to try and keep the issue of the seal cull in public view, no matter what confusions and compromises appear to be in his personal lifestyle. Who else is doing it? Paul McCartney has done, but I've not seen this on BBC news lately. Pointing out the absurdity of boycotting Canada but not Norway is surely useful to him as it provides him with a reason to either avoid Oslo or go there and apologise for his nonsense about Uttoya and denounce them for importing Canadian seal pelts. Etc.

I think providing a meat-free environment at public events is just as valid as providing a smoke-free environment, so long as tickets clearly state that anyone eating animal slaughter/torture foods will be ejected/refused entrance. Nobody is forced to attend his shows and nobody needs to if they don't want to meet his production requirements. However, where would this all lead? Why stop at one manifestation of animal cruelty, animal flesh food? Why not ban leather? Dairy ice-cream? Or band members wearing rockabilly suede brothel-creepers? Some might say that imposing such restrictions on 'clueless consumers' is spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry and part of an angry tirade against arbitrary elements of lifestyle cruelty whilst ignoring others such as high-fashion house complicity, musk in perfumes. Etc.

Can Morrissey learn from his mistakes? Of course he can. So can anyone, including myself. He might give some thought to an apology to David Banda-Ciccione for imagining him as a human-skinned hand-bag, noting that the Nazis made lampshades out of 'sub-species' human skin. He might wonder how many of those Norwegian kids who died at Uttoya also campaigned for animal rights, or their parents. He might turn his flame-thrower towards those elements of Norwegian society who properly deserve scorn as they continue to allow the Canadian seal atrocity exhibition/industry to remain economically viable by importing seal products.

How can pointing all this out possibly be regarded as "spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry (and in terms of raising the issue of seal culling) unhelpful tirade." ? My combative anger is directed at the Norwegian business community and law-makers today. It would be helpful if Morrissey publicised their outrageous behaviour. How can raising this on a public internet forum be 'spiteful'? As for 'arrogance', what can that possibly mean? I am a World Citizen and "World Peace Is Everybody's Business". I treat everybody with the same respect or ridicule whether or not they are a pope, politician, royal, celebrity or 'civilian'. Do you seriously think I treat a waiter in a restaurant any differently than I do a supposed 'celebrity' or 'politician' sitting at an adjoining table? Everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience. However, when people get on a stage and claim they are morally superior to other people because of Lifestyle Factor X (not eating meat, being a celebrity) whilst immune from criticism of Lifestyle Factor Y (extravagant air-travel, dairy consumption), then it's time to crank up the citizen mockumentary stuff.

I look forward to Morrissey's future correspondence and hope he takes a less pious stance.

I would just like to say Brummie Boy I know you get bashed on here sometimes but someone does appreciate your insight.I also wanted to ask what you think of him stating the Staples Center was entirely vegetarian but there were people who posted mentioning that they attended this concert but the venue was not actually ENTIRELY meat free.While I do think that any efforts made to represent the veg way are commendable ,I find it rather odd that he tends to exaggerate that the venue was completely meat free as a way to present his image as someone who seems to be a great mighty hero and I am not trying to bash him or anyone but it's the lie that concerns me. Also, I know articles are inconsistent but did you ever notice that some say he is "Vegan" and some say he is just "Vegetarian" but in any interview of recent he just constantly keeps rehashing the same subject matter.I know some time ago he has clarified this but has anything changed? He is fond of referring to himself as an "Artist" but it seems lately we don't hear much about his "Art" at all. In a way it is hard not to feel duped by this man because he sort of seems very desperate for attention in a majority of the posts that he makes. The updates on True To You are very annoying .The public tallying of his chart placement and if a concert is " Sold out" which nowadays raises questions as they may be sold out but you can still get the tickets online.This sometimes comes off as not having much gratitude at all almost like a slap in the face to people .In interviews in the past he has stated things to the effect of how people like to be treated as though they are intelligent but there does to an extent seem to be an element of relying on people to actually be kind of stupid to be on the bandwagon with him. I guess without wanting to sound overly negative I just think these sweeping statements of his are very annoying. There are so many other ways he could take steps/actions to raise awareness and attract attention to a cause but now the way he promotes himself seems to be through playing with the press and trying to make shock statements to get people talking about him.This seems like some kind of formula or recipe at this point . I feel sort of like there has been some substance missing in anything he says for a long time .His comments are on repeat constantly .I would just like to add that I am vegan and not a fascist either. I always embrace diversity. I find it odd that in such a manner he will draw attention to some subjects in a manner that creates drama however does not seem to be self aware. I mean no harm. I just have these questions and I feel kind of let down by his recent antics.I think it would be refreshing for him to try something totally different next time he is interviewed.
"I don't need to defend my own point of view." - Morrissey, Billboard, 27th February, 2014.

You don't need to know anything more about Morrissey than that. He's a cretin.
if only he did not defend his pov, but no, instead he says things that make us fan of his music look like idiots(guilt by association) :eek:
& dare I say it, an entire mass movement of people(vegans/vegetarians) by their now unfortunate association with this man :(
he is on his way to becoming the vegetarian who did the most harm for such an ethos, strike that :straightface:
there is one guy who comes to mind, now that I think about it, that will always be #1 in that category :cool:

also, a spelling note, its Auschwitz, pretty sure Herr Moz spelled it right, but before logging in, I saw some "alternative" spellings in this thread
no biggie, I'm still just a little bit in teacher mode is all :o
Interesting you mention Ingrid. So what's PETA'S strategy, going forward? Once Morrissey turns the world against Norway for importing Canadian seal pup pelts and the psychotic sealers are given their medication: what will happen to the seals? Will more Polar Bears be introduced from Norway to hunt the excess seals? Or will PETA humanely put them down like they have to do with all the abandoned 'pets'? This is a serious question. Morrissey's fantasy ideation of David Banda-Ciccione being skinned to make a handbag is indeed worth remembering as we watch the seal slaughter. I'm not aware of him ever retracting that absurdly offensive remark. "World PETA Is None Of Your Business"

I don't support PETA and I'm not sure they have a longterm strategy. They are trolls. That's why he's attracted to them. He understands the publicity value of soundbites and scandal. Morrissey's gameplan makes a lot more sense if you realize that a lot of his statements aren't designed to promote himself as a singer but as a media figure. He's been highly successful at that. Not saying this is rational, it just is.
I was one of the few who thought his remark about Madonna's son was horrible and sounded racist and inhumane. Most people here at the time thought he'd really put it to Madonna with that remark.
I don't believe there is such a thing as excess seals.Surely we can't believe that without believing there are excess people. Nature would take care of itself.Even if it wouldn't, "excess" is a semantics trick.
PETA should stick to throwing paint on people's fur coats and using Nickolodeon stars to promote vegetarianism to schoolchildren. They are good at both of those things.
he says things that make us fan of his music look like idiots

In fairness Robby, spending so much time dedicated on a website dedicated to someone that a lot of you think is (Insert your own derogatory term here) seems a bit idiotic. I don't think Morrissey needs to do anything else to add to it.
In fairness Robby, spending so much time dedicated on a website dedicated to someone that a lot of you think is (Insert your own derogatory term here) seems a bit idiotic. I don't think Morrissey needs to do anything else to add to it.
Come on Charlie. This is site is fun. It doesn't matter that the subject of the forum is a dimwit.
We have some terrific posters here (yourself included).
Come on Charlie. This is site is fun. It doesn't matter that the subject of the forum is a dimwit.
We have some terrific posters here (yourself included).

Thanks Peter, of course it is!

My own take Peter, as long as nobody is harming anyone else they can say whatever they like, who am I to judge? I do think it's more dimwitted to persistently attack someone else's opinions though. It'd be like me going and posting on a website dedicated to Phil Collins or Michael Gove every day. I know they're twats that make my blood boil without having to annoy myself by endlessly talking about them. I do like this website though
In fairness Robby, spending so much time dedicated on a website dedicated to someone that a lot of you think is (Insert your own derogatory term here) seems a bit idiotic. I don't think Morrissey needs to do anything else to add to it.

Not really true, morrissey has always been a creation, this third phase ( smiths/ 90s solo/ American moz) is just a shit version of the two that went before.
Most of us ( I'm guessing) loved the first two stages especially the first. Lots of fans can now see the game he's playing, he wore out excuses years ago. Ge is a media celeb now, like Elton John or Madonna. There is no art at all in what he does, his music, interviews and the rest are all for his empty fame nothing else.
Mr Cheswick implied I'm an idiot

In fairness Robby, spending so much time dedicated on a website dedicated to someone that a lot of you think is (Insert your own derogatory term here) seems a bit idiotic. I don't think Morrissey needs to do anything else to add to it.
Well, ofcourse there are plenty of great posters to keep us coming back, such as yourself Jehne.
But BB was on my mind at the time.

Brummie is not only very educated and smart he is the greatest wit on solo. No one comes close. He has roasted me many times. But usually he is spot on. Plus he does it with his tongue in cheek--most of the time. He isn't viscous. So yes, if he left, I'd miss him too.
Not really true, morrissey has always been a creation, this third phase ( smiths/ 90s solo/ American moz) is just a shit version of the two that went before.
Most of us ( I'm guessing) loved the first two stages especially the first. Lots of fans can now see the game he's playing, he wore out excuses years ago. Ge is a media celeb now, like Elton John or Madonna. There is no art at all in what he does, his music, interviews and the rest are all for his empty fame nothing else.

Yet you all still keep coming back...

I'm too old for all this celebrity worship or hate to be honest. I do find it interesting that everybody seems to know for certain what another person's motives are though. I don't know myself that well never mind someone I've never met.
Yet you all still keep coming back...

I'm too old for all this celebrity worship or hate to be honest. I do find it interesting that everybody seems to know for certain what another person's motives are though. I don't know myself that well never mind someone I've never met.

Yes we come back bevause if the first two stages, that's the point you knob cheese
I don't have him but I.dint think he is coadting on his past. Can you see any merit in his last few Lps?
Some ok songs and that's it.
I've no idea if his inconsistencies arise from either malice or ignorance. Or a combination of both. Unless someone is allowed to actually interview him in depth about all this, then I assume he's just another 'pop star' suffering from the delusionality of 'fame' and 'fans', living in a bubble world of flunky entourages who grind his salt, buy his questionable luxury products without pointing out the dissonance, but probably mock him remorselessly when 'below stairs'/off-duty. I've seen this stuff in real life as an observer. It happens.

I'm not perfect. Nobody is. Morrissey is allowed to make mistakes, but not to think that the bubble he appears to live in can't be punctured by rational analysis of his lifestyle choices. Money provides consumer power. As does wealth and fame. I sometimes have to compromise as do most other inmates of Industrial Civilisation, but I'm at least aware of them when I do so. The various elements of this laptop were probably mined from the earth involving huge habitat destruction and human suffering.

I endorse/support Morrissey using his 'troubled fame' to try and keep the issue of the seal cull in public view, no matter what confusions and compromises appear to be in his personal lifestyle. Who else is doing it? Paul McCartney has done, but I've not seen this on BBC news lately. Pointing out the absurdity of boycotting Canada but not Norway is surely useful to him as it provides him with a reason to either avoid Oslo or go there and apologise for his nonsense about Uttoya and denounce them for importing Canadian seal pelts. Etc.

I think providing a meat-free environment at public events is just as valid as providing a smoke-free environment, so long as tickets clearly state that anyone eating animal slaughter/torture foods will be ejected/refused entrance. Nobody is forced to attend his shows and nobody needs to if they don't want to meet his production requirements. However, where would this all lead? Why stop at one manifestation of animal cruelty, animal flesh food? Why not ban leather? Dairy ice-cream? Or band members wearing rockabilly suede brothel-creepers? Some might say that imposing such restrictions on 'clueless consumers' is spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry and part of an angry tirade against arbitrary elements of lifestyle cruelty whilst ignoring others such as high-fashion house complicity, musk in perfumes. Etc.

Can Morrissey learn from his mistakes? Of course he can. So can anyone, including myself. He might give some thought to an apology to David Banda-Ciccione for imagining him as a human-skinned hand-bag, noting that the Nazis made lampshades out of 'sub-species' human skin. He might wonder how many of those Norwegian kids who died at Uttoya also campaigned for animal rights, or their parents. He might turn his flame-thrower towards those elements of Norwegian society who properly deserve scorn as they continue to allow the Canadian seal atrocity exhibition/industry to remain economically viable by importing seal products.

How can pointing all this out possibly be regarded as "spiteful, arrogant, combative, angry (and in terms of raising the issue of seal culling) unhelpful tirade." ? My combative anger is directed at the Norwegian business community and law-makers today. It would be helpful if Morrissey publicised their outrageous behaviour. How can raising this on a public internet forum be 'spiteful'? As for 'arrogance', what can that possibly mean? I am a World Citizen and "World Peace Is Everybody's Business". I treat everybody with the same respect or ridicule whether or not they are a pope, politician, royal, celebrity or 'civilian'. Do you seriously think I treat a waiter in a restaurant any differently than I do a supposed 'celebrity' or 'politician' sitting at an adjoining table? Everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience. However, when people get on a stage and claim they are morally superior to other people because of Lifestyle Factor X (not eating meat, being a celebrity) whilst immune from criticism of Lifestyle Factor Y (extravagant air-travel, dairy consumption), then it's time to crank up the citizen mockumentary stuff.

I look forward to Morrissey's future correspondence and hope he takes a less pious stance.

There are high profile writers in this forum who clearly chase a life of 'cult' celebrity within the confines of this website - riding precariously on the (sometimes) talented coat-tail of Morrissey. Often they can be seen to shoot themselves in the foot and " .. then I assume they are just another 'forum blogger' suffering from the delusionality of 'fame' and 'fans', living in a bubble world of flunky entourages who grind their salt and buy into their questionable comments". These forum 'celebrities' crave acknowledgement to a worrying degree and scatter their comment far and wide in the hope that something will 'hit'. Their comments are less and less about Morrissey and more and more about how clever they think they are. Granted some are very good writers, and on occasion, it can make for an engaging read but, for the most part, it's just bile. Tired, regurgitated bile.

"Everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience".
Really? I would say this is extremely naive. Courtesy, respect and patience are to be earned they are not entitlements. I offer no courtesy, respect or patience to racists, those that kill and eat animals, smokers, homophobes, those that abuse children, those that violate women etc., etc., etc.

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