Canada: right of reply - Morrissey statement at

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23 April 2014

Canada: right of reply

There was something more than slightly desperate in Gail Shea referring to my recent comments on the annual Canadian seal slaughter as "ignorant", as reported in Canada's National Post.
Speaking on behalf of Gail Shea, Sophie Doucet - showing symptoms of the same Shea disorder - stated: "I would urge Mr. Morrissey to consider the impact that his ignorant and inflammatory statements have on the livelihoods of thousands of hard-working men and women in rural communities". I should remind Sophie Doucet that building and maintaining the Concentration Camps of Auschwitz also provided livelihoods, but this hardly made the Camps warranted. Let it also be added that the vast financial benefits of the seal slaughter are not directly intended for those hard-working men and women in rural communities, who, in fact, are merely used by the Fisheries Minister to do the messy task of searing flesh.
Further, Sophie Doucet's shrill tension claims that my anger against Canada's carnival of death: " ... is clearly just another case of a millionaire celebrity, desperate for a hobby".
I can assure Sophie Doucet that I know more about the seal hunt than I wish to know, and only by suppression of humanity could anyone look away and not care. Also, whether a challenge comes from a millionaire or from someone who is homeless is a remark that would only be made by someone of imperious ignorance, who cannot develop the moral debate, and whose own personal financial agenda comes before the lives of thousands of healthy beings.
More importantly, Gail Shea is so constantly absorbed by challenges and counterchallenges of her actions and beliefs that we must wonder why it has not yet occurred to her that she might be doing something wrong. The answer, as it usually is, would be the impossibly constricted mania for financial profit - at any price.
In Western culture, there is no acceptance of the Canadian seal slaughter, and simply because someone bears the badge of Minister does not insulate them from being a disreputable thug. Murder is not debatable, and the people of Canada must speak up and stop this carnage in order to restore the global image of their country. As ever and as always, it is always up to the people to put things right.
23 April 2014
Los Angeles.

Canada to Morrissey:

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Yes we come back bevause if the first two stages, that's the point you knob cheese
I don't have him but I.dint think he is coadting on his past. Can you see any merit in his last few Lps?
Some ok songs and that's it.

lol @ nob cheese.

I think the albums that get slated are generally better than people give him credit for and some of the ones that are feted aren't as good as people say. Meat is Murder to Strangeways was pretty flawless for me. I like the last album where as most people seem to think it's shit. It's all subjective no?

Anyway, those Canadians...
I would just like to say Brummie Boy I know you get bashed on here sometimes but someone does appreciate your insight.I also wanted to ask what you think of him stating the Staples Center was entirely vegetarian but there were people who posted mentioning that they attended this concert but the venue was not actually ENTIRELY meat free.While I do think that any efforts made to represent the veg way are commendable ,I find it rather odd that he tends to exaggerate that the venue was completely meat free as a way to present his image as someone who seems to be a great mighty hero and I am not trying to bash him or anyone but it's the lie that concerns me. Also, I know articles are inconsistent but did you ever notice that some say he is "Vegan" and some say he is just "Vegetarian" but in any interview of recent he just constantly keeps rehashing the same subject matter.I know some time ago he has clarified this but has anything changed? He is fond of referring to himself as an "Artist" but it seems lately we don't hear much about his "Art" at all. In a way it is hard not to feel duped by this man because he sort of seems very desperate for attention in a majority of the posts that he makes. The updates on True To You are very annoying .The public tallying of his chart placement and if a concert is " Sold out" which nowadays raises questions as they may be sold out but you can still get the tickets online.This sometimes comes off as not having much gratitude at all almost like a slap in the face to people .In interviews in the past he has stated things to the effect of how people like to be treated as though they are intelligent but there does to an extent seem to be an element of relying on people to actually be kind of stupid to be on the bandwagon with him. I guess without wanting to sound overly negative I just think these sweeping statements of his are very annoying. There are so many other ways he could take steps/actions to raise awareness and attract attention to a cause but now the way he promotes himself seems to be through playing with the press and trying to make shock statements to get people talking about him.This seems like some kind of formula or recipe at this point . I feel sort of like there has been some substance missing in anything he says for a long time .His comments are on repeat constantly .I would just like to add that I am vegan and not a fascist either. I always embrace diversity. I find it odd that in such a manner he will draw attention to some subjects in a manner that creates drama however does not seem to be self aware. I mean no harm. I just have these questions and I feel kind of let down by his recent antics.I think it would be refreshing for him to try something totally different next time he is interviewed.

I now find it useful to think of Morrissey along the lines of "I Am Two People". There's the increasingly splenetic online/media comedy clown making bizarre statements that can easily be debunked and ridiculed, and there's the 'artist' who still has the capacity to genuinely move people with his voice and lyrics. Morrissey is not a vegan as far as I'm aware and I simply do not understand why a man of such wealth and leisure doesn't educate himself about these issues beyond a superficial soundbite analysis. He often comes across as a troll, and the click-bait media love his rants because they make great headlines. But I can't see how they actually have any political content other than to wake young people up to some of these issues.

I sense an increasing desperation as he fights to avoid realising that his life project of 'fame' hasn't lead to any increase in personal happiness. In a rather tragic sense, he seems to be as trapped in 5* hotels as he was in his teenage box-room. Despite this, I am pleased he continues to exhibit himself and find him preferable to most other ridiculous 'celebrities'. He is very clear that he is 'troubled' and doesn't paint a smiley face on his existential crisis, which has lasted from his teenage years to late middle-age. That is brave, even if it's often quite painful to observe.

The constant updates about numbers of tickets/books sold and the obsequious gratitude that wealthy consumers in emerging market economies are still prepared to allow him to play 'pop star' seems to indicate a profound mistrust of his genuine achievements. Some of his breathless reports of fan-adoration in Jakarta, Seoul and Istanbul are especially troubling as you can find the same reaction to any number of 'heritage Boomer' acts on YouTube.
I don't support PETA and I'm not sure they have a longterm strategy. They are trolls. That's why he's attracted to them. He understands the publicity value of soundbites and scandal. Morrissey's gameplan makes a lot more sense if you realize that a lot of his statements aren't designed to promote himself as a singer but as a media figure. He's been highly successful at that. Not saying this is rational, it just is.
I was one of the few who thought his remark about Madonna's son was horrible and sounded racist and inhumane. Most people here at the time thought he'd really put it to Madonna with that remark.
I don't believe there is such a thing as excess seals.Surely we can't believe that without believing there are excess people. Nature would take care of itself.Even if it wouldn't, "excess" is a semantics trick.
PETA should stick to throwing paint on people's fur coats and using Nickolodeon stars to promote vegetarianism to schoolchildren. They are good at both of those things.

I was just wondering what the seals pups would eat if they are allowed to surive, now that the Newfoundland fisheries have been destroyed by human greed.
In fairness Robby, spending so much time dedicated on a website dedicated to someone that a lot of you think is (Insert your own derogatory term here) seems a bit idiotic. I don't think Morrissey needs to do anything else to add to it.

I disagree. This site uses "Morrissey" as a starting point for all manner of amusing, fractious, fascinating and ridiculous discussions. Often, he's irrelevant to the discussion after the initial prompt. And what should people do instead? Online poker? Consort with prostitutes? What is "spending so much time" supposed to mean? *rollseyes*
Brummie is not only very educated and smart he is the greatest wit on solo. No one comes close. He has roasted me many times. But usually he is spot on. Plus he does it with his tongue in cheek--most of the time. He isn't viscous. So yes, if he left, I'd miss him too.

I'm not viscous, but I am vicious. And I'll hit you with a flower. Do it every hour......I still haven't got over losing Lou Reed. Srsly!
I disagree. This site uses "Morrissey" as a starting point for all manner of amusing, fractious, fascinating and ridiculous discussions. Often, he's irrelevant to the discussion after the initial prompt. And what should people do instead? Online poker? Consort with prostitutes? What is "spending so much time" supposed to mean? *rollseyes*

I met a bloke today at work, he was talking about some bloke he knows who spends all his time gossiping and moaning about other people. He said his problem is he's got f*** all going on in his own life. Said he could do with a jolt of electricity to make him sort his act out.

Don't know what made me think of that.
I now find it useful to think of Morrissey along the lines of "I Am Two People". There's the increasingly splenetic online/media comedy clown making bizarre statements that can easily be debunked and ridiculed, and there's the 'artist' who still has the capacity to genuinely move people with his voice and lyrics. Morrissey is not a vegan as far as I'm aware and I simply do not understand why a man of such wealth and leisure doesn't educate himself about these issues beyond a superficial soundbite analysis. He often comes across as a troll, and the click-bait media love his rants because they make great headlines. But I can't see how they actually have any political content other than to wake young people up to some of these issues.

I sense an increasing desperation as he fights to avoid realising that his life project of 'fame' hasn't lead to any increase in personal happiness. In a rather tragic sense, he seems to be as trapped in 5* hotels as he was in his teenage box-room. Despite this, I am pleased he continues to exhibit himself and find him preferable to most other ridiculous 'celebrities'. He is very clear that he is 'troubled' and doesn't paint a smiley face on his existential crisis, which has lasted from his teenage years to late middle-age. That is brave, even if it's often quite painful to observe.

The constant updates about numbers of tickets/books sold and the obsequious gratitude that wealthy consumers in emerging market economies are still prepared to allow him to play 'pop star' seems to indicate a profound mistrust of his genuine achievements. Some of his breathless reports of fan-adoration in Jakarta, Seoul and Istanbul are especially troubling as you can find the same reaction to any number of 'heritage Boomer' acts on YouTube.

Morrissey isn't perfect. Nobody's perfect. Isn't it great that imperfect people such as Morrissey try to do at least something to make the world a better place, instead of doing absolutely nothing in fear of coming across as hypocrites? If perfect people were the only people that were allowed to condemn different forms of cruelty and injustice, there'd be nobody standing up for the oppressed, because perfect people don't exist.
There are high profile writers in this forum who clearly chase a life of 'cult' celebrity within the confines of this website - riding precariously on the (sometimes) talented coat-tail of Morrissey. Often they can be seen to shoot themselves in the foot and " .. then I assume they are just another 'forum blogger' suffering from the delusionality of 'fame' and 'fans', living in a bubble world of flunky entourages who grind their salt and buy into their questionable comments". These forum 'celebrities' crave acknowledgement to a worrying degree and scatter their comment far and wide in the hope that something will 'hit'. Their comments are less and less about Morrissey and more and more about how clever they think they are. Granted some are very good writers, and on occasion, it can make for an engaging read but, for the most part, it's just bile. Tired, regurgitated bile.

"Everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience".
Really? I would say this is extremely naive. Courtesy, respect and patience are to be earned they are not entitlements. I offer no courtesy, respect or patience to racists, those that kill and eat animals, smokers, homophobes, those that abuse children, those that violate women etc., etc., etc.

Well, you can just put anyone you suspect of seeking micro-fame here on Ignore.

And yes, everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience whilst being processed through any court-room on any of the charges you list. And in prison afterwards, or do you think they should be shanked? Thanks for sharing your hang'em flog'em moral outrage. That moves the debate on......

- - - Updated - - -

I met a bloke today at work, he was talking about some bloke he knows who spends all his time gossiping and moaning about other people. He said his problem is he's got f*** all going on in his own life. Said he could do with a jolt of electricity to make him sort his act out.

Don't know what made me think of that.

You/he were/was probably thinking of Morrissey.
Morrissey isn't perfect. Nobody's perfect. Isn't it great that imperfect people such as Morrissey try to do at least something to make the world a better place, instead of doing absolutely nothing in fear of coming across as hypocrites? If perfect people were the only people that were allowed to condemn different forms of cruelty and injustice, there'd be nobody standing up for the oppressed, because perfect people don't exist.

There's a question mark over whether Morrissey's outbursts are actually improving things rather than making the topics subject to ridicule, but I agree it's preferable to watching the Kardashians, or whatever it's called.
There's a question mark over whether Morrissey's outbursts are actually improving things rather than making the topics subject to ridicule

This is another subject. At least he's trying to improve things, even if he's failing. (But yeah, I think that as an animal activist, Morrissey's highly ineffective. Even destructive, just like PETA. Like PETA, Morrissey lacks the necessary understanding of how the human psyche works: how people change their minds about things, how they react to new information. Comparing eating meat to pedophilia, for instance, is an absolutely ridiculous move.)
I was just wondering what the seals pups would eat if they are allowed to surive, now that the Newfoundland fisheries have been destroyed by human greed.

I understand. Nature's solutions can be very cruel. But generally if there isn't enough to eat then less pups would be born? I do understand the idea of hunting as wildlife management. I just don't like the idea of Kanye/Beyonce/Gaga saying that their boots were made of "excess" seals. Thinking it through, I guess the theory is that there is still enough fish left for the seal mothers to give birth to healthy pups, but not enough fish for all the pups to grow to adulthood, and that the entire population would be at risk if they were allowed to do so. I can actually understand this in theory, but I wonder if that's how it works.

I read at another site that being anti-seal hunt is racist because it ignores the Inuit culture, but then it seems only a small percentage of the cull is conducted by Inuit anyway? It's definitely more complicated than "Boycott Canada," but boycotting Canada gives PETA a warm glow, and as has been established Morrissey's boycott of Canada doesn't really affect his income in any way.

Maybe his message should be that we ought to be aware that our actions affect others and require research, but I just can't see him spending the time to consider that. I have a hard time picturing him reading a book let alone doing any research and I'm pretty sure he is happy to have all the information he feels he needs fed to him by PETA.

You've talked about "the coming catastrophes" so you know this whole thing with the seals is really just a hint for anyone that is paying attention.

I have a Facebook friend that constantly posts pictures of abused animals and occasionally posts a rant about those that will not share these pictures. Recently she posted a picture of her dinner, and of course, you guessed, it was murder. I don't know what it's going to take to make people wake up but you are not the only one expecting future catastrophe. However, I can't live with that on my mind so I try to harm as little as possible and make a contribution in ways that are meaningful to me.

About the seals, if there were an excessive number wouldn't the few remaining sharks eat them? And maybe spit out the furry bits? Boots that were pre-punctured by shark teeth would be super-edgy and ethically pure as well.
There's a question mark over whether Morrissey's outbursts are actually improving things rather than making the topics subject to ridicule, but I agree it's preferable to watching the Kardashians, or whatever it's called.
His rants about the Royal family for example, are so infantile and off the point that he taints a very
rational and impersonal republican argument.
He has voiced support for Farage. For me, this is not good.
I'd like to think of dear ol' Moz as a 'good thing', but only as a gifted artist.
He needs hire a PR person who could tell him:
"Shut the f*** up and make more records, you big chinned, podgy c***!".
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His rants about the Royal family for example, are so infantile and off the point that he taints a very
rational and impersonal republican argument.
He has voiced support for Farage. For me, this is not good.
I'd like to think of dear ol' Moz as a 'good thing', but only as a gifted artist.
He should hire a PR person who could tell him:
"Shut the f*** up and make more records,you big chinned, podgy c***!".

Lol @ big chinned podgy c***.

The point is Peter that he's saying these things because they're his opinions. If you or I don't like 'em who gives a f***? Really?

I like the outlandish ones more, they make me laugh. It's a bit like when you get a footballer who does something crazy like Cantona kicking that fan or Di Canio sitting down on the halfway line because the ref didn't give him a free kick. Everyone reacts with outrage but we love it really. It'd be boring if he said f*** all.
His rants about the Royal family for example, are so infantile and off the point that he taints a very
rational and impersonal republican argument.
He has voiced support for Farage. For me, this is not good.
I'd like to think of dear ol' Moz as a 'good thing', but only as a gifted artist.
He needs hire a PR person who could tell him:
"Shut the f*** up and make more records, you big chinned, podgy c***!".

That last line strikes a chord with me, I've just been up North to Edinburgh and every time I read the paper I kept having to do a double take when looking at the rotund S N P leader Alex Salmond mistaking him for our rotund supa hero Ste-Mo. Check it out see what you think.

And Russian oligarchs and their wives/whores in Chelski-on-Thames where it regularly plummets to -50. And ex-Inuit and survivalist crackpots on the Canadian tundra who have to wrap up when they go get another crate of beer from the 4x4/diesel snowmobile as they watch the ice-hockey with that infernal Blur "woo! hooo!" crap every few minutes. And Morrissey's old mate, Pete Burns, probably. Still, his face is his karmic reward for that monkey coat. *smirk*. If only Moz had put his windows through, it would have certainly livened up Holland Park! LOOOOOL!

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What kind of stupid speciesist-shaming humour is that meant to be? What's wrong with having hooves? Very revealing. Don't forget those beasts hurled over the Baltard Cliffs.What are ye doing about that one, lads? Ireland is hardly animal welfare central, is it? Shame they didn't hurl a few banksters and FF/FG over as well.

Brummie you are some spanner! Anyways I like hooves but not when they are on the end of a human's leg. That was me who pushed the corpses over the cliff. There are only so many horses I can eat after a face full of beer.
Lol @ big chinned podgy c***.

The point is Peter that he's saying these things because they're his opinions. If you or I don't like 'em who gives a f***? Really?

I like the outlandish ones more, they make me laugh. It's a bit like when you get a footballer who does something crazy like Cantona kicking that fan or Di Canio sitting down on the halfway line because the ref didn't give him a free kick. Everyone reacts with outrage but we love it really. It'd be boring if he said f*** all.
You know Charles, you may have a point.
That last line strikes a chord with me, I've just been up North to Edinburgh and every time I read the paper I kept having to do a double take when looking at the rotund S N P leader Alex Salmond mistaking him for our rotund supa hero Ste-Mo. Check it out see what you think.

I think, Benjamin, that there is a likeness, but only if you wish to be unkind.
Did someone mention Pete Burns?
Look, I'm a liberal kind of chap. I'm very accepting and try not to judge.
But Pete Burns is shocking isn't he?
For crying out loud.
What has he done to his face?
(I'm all over the forum tonight!)
I still don't understand why a man who can afford endless shopping sprees at Whole Foods and a private chef continues to eat dairy. He's given up eggs, and the Meet your Meat video has a section on dairy cows. He knows the extreme cruelty of the industry, which is tied to the veal he so hates. I just don't get it.
Well, you can just put anyone you suspect of seeking micro-fame here on Ignore.

And yes, everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience whilst being processed through any court-room on any of the charges you list. And in prison afterwards, or do you think they should be shanked? Thanks for sharing your hang'em flog'em moral outrage. That moves the debate on......

"And yes, everybody is entitled to courtesy, respect and patience whilst being processed through any court-room on any of the charges you list". Really?! I think that you'll find the law in the UK does not entitle such people to respect: courtesy and patience perhaps within a court of law. Such people are entitled to express their opinion but even then only within the confines of anti-discriminatory and anti-hate crime legislation. Anyone who would state publicly that someone who abuses a child is entitled to respect is thoroughly misguided.

Far from a "hang'em flog'em moral outrage", I think you'll find I mentioned neither. But when all else fails - attack! It seems to be the modus opernadi within this forum.

It's quite hypocritical for the celebrity craving, serial forum posters within this forum to take the moral high ground to bash celebrity status when it is clearly something that they themselves crave. Perhaps they could display a modicum of modesty and cease with the "look at me!" prattle, whilst bashing other so-called celebrities? Posts by these 'celebrity craving, serial forum posters' are so often off-topic that it begs the questions "Why do you come here? And why, why do you hang around? In short because of an attention seeking disorder that has little, or in a majority of cases, nothing to do with Morrissey or The Smiths. Yes, it annoys me. Perhaps it shouldn't but it does.

There are fans in this forum, creative writers and people with diverse interests and opinions. I applaud all of that. Some of the people I have described are creative writers but the constant need for attention soon becomes tiresome.

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