Binyamina-Giv'at Ada - Zappa Amphi Shuni (July 2, 2023) post-show

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Suedehead / Alma Matters / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Irish Blood, English Heart / Our Frank / I Wish You Lonely / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Knockabout World / Notre-Dame (live debut) / Jim Jim Falls / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / The Night Pop Dropped / My Hurling Days Are Done / Half A Person / Everyday Is Like Sunday / The Loop / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Jack The Ripper // Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of Hagit Yaron FB.

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Musically, Notre-Dame sounds fantastic; as does all I’ve heard from the newest new album: The tone seems to be a hybrid of The Wall and Off the Wall. How great is that?
It definitely has a 70s feel to it, all three songs we’ve heard so far from the WMTWD.

I like the sound, too.
Russell was still shilling for the left when M took his right turn. If anything Brand followed M. He didn't though, Brand has no real belief it's all about the money with Rusty Rockets. He seemed to feck M off a while ago. Remember when M mentioned two A-lister friends walked away from him. Well, Brand was one of them, I'm guessing. Brand rarely mentions M these days.
Russ has no hand in this particular lyrical disaster though, as I distinctly remember him more or less saying he didn't give a toss about Notre-Dame as it was just a man-made construction, unimportant in the universal grand scheme of things.
Whereas, err, mebbee, but not really, as to a few people it's part of their culture, like, I dunno, hanging with hunchbacks looking at massive things that have always been there ( like Boz Boorer, but older) and that must run in their blood a bit,what with all the stone carvers in their family tree, and I very much doubt Russ would approve if I made Stonehenge my personal collection of lampposts and called it unimportant; the old bourgeois hippie might frown a bit as well.
As, Russell, we may aim for the Universal but we are all products of particular times and places, even you, laddie.

Morrissey has written one of the most mediocre lyrics ever written but at least I think he cares about old monuments and historical landmarks ( like Nancy, but older.)

I do too, I just wouldn't insult them with a terminally crap song.
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I don't know if this is posted here or not


The music is a re-hash of Never Again Will I Be Twin. The vocal melody is a Suede track that I'm still trying to place. The lyrics aren't his worst because he wrote 'Noise Is The Best Revenge'.

It's easy to pump out unreleased albums like an assembly line when this little effort is going into them.

I'm still searching for which Suede song it is, but the melody 'Notre-Dame, oh-000h-oh' isn't far away from LP's 'Lost on you-oooooh-oh' either.
David Vance is, who has also posted. Post is an Alt Right political activist, who Thewlis likes.
Poso is not ‘alt-right’ he is a Conservative. Everyone who is to the right of Marx is ‘alt-right’ to you Lefties.
I don't know him at all but a quick Wiki check told me all I needed to know, you should try it sometime.
‘A quick Wiki check’ ooohhh line that settles it then :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Can we all calm down a bit now and please wait until FiDo has made an official announcement on a commercial platform? Thanks in advance.
It's easier to tolerate M's...spouting when the music is good. Going by Notre Dame, the songs aren't good anymore... it's actually bland rubbish

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