Morrissey Central "YOU KNOW I COULDN’T LAST" (July 26, 2023)

“She had only so much ‘self’ to give. She was dropped by her label after selling 7 million albums for them. She became crazed, yes, but uninteresting, never. She had done nothing wrong. She had proud vulnerability … and there is a certain music industry hatred for singers who don’t ‘fit in’ (this I know only too well), and they are never praised until death - when, finally, they can’t answer back. The cruel playpen of fame gushes with praise for Sinead today … with the usual moronic labels of “icon” and “legend”. You praise her now ONLY because it is too late. You hadn’t the guts to support her when she was alive and she was looking for you. The press will label artists as pests because of what they withhold … and they would call Sinead sad, fat, shocking, insane … oh but not today! Music CEOs who had put on their most charming smile as they refused her for their roster are queuing-up to call her a “feminist icon”, and 15 minute celebrities and goblins from hell and record labels of artificially aroused diversity are squeezing onto Twitter to twitter their jibber-jabber … when it was YOU who talked Sinead into giving up … because she refused to be labelled, and she was degraded, as those few who move the world are always degraded. Why is ANYBODY surprised that Sinead O’Connor is dead? Who cared enough to save Judy Garland, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Holiday? Where do you go when death can be the best outcome? Was this music madness worth Sinead’s life? No, it wasn’t. She was a challenge, and she couldn’t be boxed-up, and she had the courage to speak when everyone else stayed safely silent. She was harassed simply for being herself. Her eyes finally closed in search of a soul she could call her own. As always, the lamestreamers miss the ringing point, and with locked jaws they return to the insultingly stupid “icon” and “legend” when last week words far more cruel and dismissive would have done. Tomorrow the fawning fops flip back to their online shitposts and their cosy Cancer Culture and their moral superiority and their obituaries of parroted vomit … all of which will catch you lying on days like today … when Sinead doesn’t need your sterile slop.”

26 July, 2023.


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Morrissey, 1986: "Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston. I think they’re vile in the extreme... Obviously to get on Top Of The Pops these days, one has to be, by law, black."
"Cruel and dismissive" surely covers calling someone "vile in the extreme"?

Morrissey, 2023, after Whitney Houston's death, includes her in this rant excoriating everyone for saying terrible things while she/Sinead were alive only to praise them posthumously like "cowards." Hmmm.
He's been known to change his mind. He did so with the Rolling Stones and Ramones, for example.

What an absolute smooth brain.

You can’t respect someone and talk well of them unless you outwardly support all of the same causes that they do???

I hope he says the same when Morrissey eventually leaves us if anyone has anything nice to say about him:

I'm a big Morrissey fan, but I wonder why M comes out to defend so many people. Who defends him when he makes his statements? When he messes with thorny issues and he is right, who or those who defend him?

Maybe the way so many people are admitting that what he says resonates, is a defence of him? You'd hope he has a selection of boltholes when needed. He'd certainly be welcome at mine where he'd feel right at home, probably more than I do, as I'm surrounded by an abundance of strong-willed loquacious mature women remarkably reminiscent of his past three girlfriends i.e. Virginia Woolf, Edith Sitwell, and Ena Sharples...
Any better offers?!

Add to the list of defenders the Moncrief Show on Irish Newstalk radio, quoting Morrissey with both incredulity and admiration as the one voice of truth in respect of Sinéad, just half-hour in, after the 14.30 mark -

Lovely story about Sinéad's first gig as a school-girl and the teacher who helped -

Also, her career in a few pictures -

According to Morrissey's statement, "15 minute celebrities and goblins from hell and record labels of artificially aroused diversity are squeezing onto Twitter to twitter their jibber-jabber …"

I've started reading a book called Complaint! written by a diversity expert Sara Ahmed, who finds, "complaints procedures function rather like diversity: when offered as solutions to problems, they are problems given new forms."
"I ended up being involved with this group that was writing a race equality policy. Writing that policy was my first hard institutional lesson. We brought what I thought of as a critical language into it, but the university was able to use the policy—which was about articulating racism in the institution—as evidence of how good it was at race equality. What I learned from that was how easily we can end up being interpellated. It’s not only that there’s a gap between statements about inclusivity and diversity and what actually happens. It’s also that we end up working to create the appearance of what isn’t the case."-

Food for thought.

I've seen Sinéad live half a dozen times, last at Revival Festival in Listowel. There were numerous mentions today of her discreet work for various charity causes. In the late 90s I attended a fund-raising show in the Button Factory Dublin featuring quite a few artists, in support of sustainability projects, and at the end, Sinéad made a surprise special guest appearance, reverently received. It made an impression. I still have the Trees for Life CD as pictured, but because she wasn't pre-scheduled, her name isn't included on it.

Trees for Life gig CD.jpg

Deeply dippy

Hopefully, because of Morrissey putting his neck out once again, more people will come
out about their experiences with this subject.
firstly RIP Sinead secondly like decent folk we work for a living we are blessed many in far off lands cant - what makes me vomit lately is this " celebrity" level , as if they're all on a different plane in the universe - in the words of MOZ and to MOZ your're not , get over it - the man or woman working in a factory means more to the universe than any celebrity - get over it - the man and women in the factory put you where you are , were- Starf***ERS as a man once said - get over it
JFC. Did Morrissey really think that they were ‘vile in the extreme’ ? Lol. Another example of him saying shit just because he knew it would ruffle some feathers. Humor that’s lost on many, unfortunatelyJFC. Did Morrissey really think that they were ‘vile in the extreme’ ? Lol. Another example of him saying shit just because he knew it would ruffle some feathers. Humor that’s lost on many, unfortunately.
Who knows when he genuinely means what he says in interviews? All I know is he often says contradictory things years apart. I think he's warmed to Whitney.
He sometimes says off the cuff things simply because he knows it’s not the ‘proper’ or expected thing to say. If some can’t see that, guess there’s nothing to do, but shake one’s head.

It depends on context, he may still naturally not care for her music, he’s talking here about human beings though, that’s obviously in a caring tone, in spite of the way he feels about the human race in general. Lol.
You're right; he might still dislike her music, but I'm sure he's abandoned any personal grudge he may have had.
You're right; he might still dislike her music, but I'm sure he's abandoned any personal grudge he may have had.

I don’t think there really was any personal grudge directed at Janet Jackson or Whitney. I took it as him just generalizing about a type of dance pop music that he felt was dominating the charts at the time.

“She had only so much ‘self’ to give. She was dropped by her label after selling 7 million albums for them. She became crazed, yes, but uninteresting, never. She had done nothing wrong. She had proud vulnerability … and there is a certain music industry hatred for singers who don’t ‘fit in’ (this I know only too well), and they are never praised until death - when, finally, they can’t answer back. The cruel playpen of fame gushes with praise for Sinead today … with the usual moronic labels of “icon” and “legend”. You praise her now ONLY because it is too late. You hadn’t the guts to support her when she was alive and she was looking for you. The press will label artists as pests because of what they withhold … and they would call Sinead sad, fat, shocking, insane … oh but not today! Music CEOs who had put on their most charming smile as they refused her for their roster are queuing-up to call her a “feminist icon”, and 15 minute celebrities and goblins from hell and record labels of artificially aroused diversity are squeezing onto Twitter to twitter their jibber-jabber … when it was YOU who talked Sinead into giving up … because she refused to be labelled, and she was degraded, as those few who move the world are always degraded. Why is ANYBODY surprised that Sinead O’Connor is dead? Who cared enough to save Judy Garland, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Holiday? Where do you go when death can be the best outcome? Was this music madness worth Sinead’s life? No, it wasn’t. She was a challenge, and she couldn’t be boxed-up, and she had the courage to speak when everyone else stayed safely silent. She was harassed simply for being herself. Her eyes finally closed in search of a soul she could call her own. As always, the lamestreamers miss the ringing point, and with locked jaws they return to the insultingly stupid “icon” and “legend” when last week words far more cruel and dismissive would have done. Tomorrow the fawning fops flip back to their online shitposts and their cosy Cancer Culture and their moral superiority and their obituaries of parroted vomit … all of which will catch you lying on days like today … when Sinead doesn’t need your sterile slop.”

26 July, 2023.


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Never a truer word from Morrissey. Her career in the big time was over when she tore up the popes picture. Her time spent in a Magdalene Laundry at age 14 in part prompted her actions. She donated a house in Limerick to help young people in recovery. Her heart was always in the right place. The cowards in the media and politics who snickered at her mental illness are the ones now lauding her "iconic " status. The same cowards tried to close the case on the near 800 children buried in a sewerage system in Tuam. The same cowards have "no comment" on children dying of heart attacks, myocarditis and blood clots, since 2021, despite the official statistics on excess deaths from the Central Statistics office. Nothing. Crickets. The same cowards "lose" children in care, including her own son. The abuse continues by the lying "lamestreamers". You do not question the official narrative or attempt to shine a light on it. It will end your career and possibly your life. I grew up listening to her haunting voice and though I did not agree with her views on everything, I admired her courage in being true to herself. Ar Dheis De go raibh si.
I don’t think there really was any personal grudge directed at Janet Jackson or Whitney. I took it as him just generalizing about a type of dance pop music that he felt was dominating the charts at the time.
Actually, that's a lot more accurate. I've forgotten my point - in fact, I can't recall if I had one at all.
Using capital letters rarely strengthens a point. And you have admirably proved that.
His post was an utter embarrassment. Woe is me bollocks. You knows it.
I don't know that capital letters are supposed to strengthen a point. They're just to show emphasis. I also don't think it was an utter embarrassment. It might have been clumsy at times but I am positive he meant well.
It was all about him. He just can’t help himself.

I thought it was ‘all about the money’ ? You need to PM skinny, and get this sorted out.
Matt showing how it’s done… this was perfect. No surprise. He’s always told it like it is and in my experience always treated others fairly (was very kind to and went out of his way for me). Top cat and I feel for him and his family.
Yeah but what about the record CEOs who ignored her; the music industry that denied her (and continues to deny me?).
Thank you, Morrissey. Thank you and God rest your sweet soul, Sinead. When she tore up that photo of JPII, I had just escaped 7 yrs. of sexual and physical abuse at the hands of a Catholic priest. Her bravery prompted me to make a formal complaint at age 22. The Church buried it..... but 27 yrs later another brave soul named Siobhan O'Connor, the bishop's personal secretary became a whistle-blower and my abuser was finally caught. My case ended up proving just how bad the cover up was, prompting the FBI and DOJ to get involved. They started with a list of 42 priests and it was close to 200 once the lid was ripped off. The list of bishops, archbishops and cardinals involved in covering up my case alone is staggering.

"Fr. Maryanski, accused of having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl, was left off the list of 42 priests because Church leadership “did not remove him from ministry despite full knowledge of the case, so including him on the list might require explanation,” the 60 Minutes report said."

Looking fwd to one thing: seeing Morrissey at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta in October. Moz has truly saved my life over and over.
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