“She had only so much ‘self’ to give. She was dropped by her label after selling 7 million albums for them. She became crazed, yes, but uninteresting, never. She had done nothing wrong. She had proud vulnerability … and there is a certain music industry hatred for singers who don’t ‘fit in’ (this I know only too well), and they are never praised until death - when, finally, they can’t answer back. The cruel playpen of fame gushes with praise for Sinead today … with the usual moronic labels of “icon” and “legend”. You praise her now ONLY because it is too late. You hadn’t the guts to support her when she was alive and she was looking for you. The press will label artists as pests because of what they withhold … and they would call Sinead sad, fat, shocking, insane … oh but not today! Music CEOs who had put on their most charming smile as they refused her for their roster are queuing-up to call her a “feminist icon”, and 15 minute celebrities and goblins from hell and record labels of artificially aroused diversity are squeezing onto Twitter to twitter their jibber-jabber … when it was YOU who talked Sinead into giving up … because she refused to be labelled, and she was degraded, as those few who move the world are always degraded. Why is ANYBODY surprised that Sinead O’Connor is dead? Who cared enough to save Judy Garland, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Holiday? Where do you go when death can be the best outcome? Was this music madness worth Sinead’s life? No, it wasn’t. She was a challenge, and she couldn’t be boxed-up, and she had the courage to speak when everyone else stayed safely silent. She was harassed simply for being herself. Her eyes finally closed in search of a soul she could call her own. As always, the lamestreamers miss the ringing point, and with locked jaws they return to the insultingly stupid “icon” and “legend” when last week words far more cruel and dismissive would have done. Tomorrow the fawning fops flip back to their online shitposts and their cosy Cancer Culture and their moral superiority and their obituaries of parroted vomit … all of which will catch you lying on days like today … when Sinead doesn’t need your sterile slop.”
26 July, 2023.
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“She had only so much ‘self’ to give. She was dropped by her label after selling 7 million albums for them. She became crazed, yes, but uninteresting, never. She had done nothing wrong. She had proud vulnerability … and there is a certain music industry hatred for singers who don’t ‘fit in’ (this I know only too well), and they are never praised until death - when, finally, they can’t answer back. The cruel playpen of fame gushes with praise for Sinead today … with the usual moronic labels of “icon” and “legend”. You praise her now ONLY because it is too late. You hadn’t the guts to support her when she was alive and she was looking for you. The press will label artists as pests because of what they withhold … and they would call Sinead sad, fat, shocking, insane … oh but not today! Music CEOs who had put on their most charming smile as they refused her for their roster are queuing-up to call her a “feminist icon”, and 15 minute celebrities and goblins from hell and record labels of artificially aroused diversity are squeezing onto Twitter to twitter their jibber-jabber … when it was YOU who talked Sinead into giving up … because she refused to be labelled, and she was degraded, as those few who move the world are always degraded. Why is ANYBODY surprised that Sinead O’Connor is dead? Who cared enough to save Judy Garland, Whitney Houston, Amy Winehouse, Marilyn Monroe, Billie Holiday? Where do you go when death can be the best outcome? Was this music madness worth Sinead’s life? No, it wasn’t. She was a challenge, and she couldn’t be boxed-up, and she had the courage to speak when everyone else stayed safely silent. She was harassed simply for being herself. Her eyes finally closed in search of a soul she could call her own. As always, the lamestreamers miss the ringing point, and with locked jaws they return to the insultingly stupid “icon” and “legend” when last week words far more cruel and dismissive would have done. Tomorrow the fawning fops flip back to their online shitposts and their cosy Cancer Culture and their moral superiority and their obituaries of parroted vomit … all of which will catch you lying on days like today … when Sinead doesn’t need your sterile slop.”
26 July, 2023.
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Sinead didn’t kill herself because of the music industry! This, once again, is all about HIM. Also, “fat” — please. Who has used “fat” as a pejorative more than Morrissey? And just like how he couldn’t fathom the mother of a Moors Murder victim never getting over the death of her child, he doesn’t even mention the death of Sinead’s child. He has fooled you (and himself) into thinking he’s deep and caring.
He should have just kept his mouth shut. He has no relationship to her. He’s using her death to complain about the music industry. Again. And while I agree that the music industry sucks, Morrissey is just so difficult, unlikeable, egotistical, selfish, and unwilling to play the game we all have to play that he screws himself over in his career and his personal life over and over.
Every eulogy he gives for someone who has passed is ALWAYS, ultimately, about himself.
He’s comparing his feeling that record companies are conspiring to keep him from getting a hit record and assuming that was Sinead’s biggest problem as well.
Sinead was persecuted in a much more real way by the Catholic Church, the patriarchy, her family and community. Morrissey comparing his self-inflicted trouble with his record companies to that when she’s just died is disgusting. He goes on and on about the record industry and the fans — it goes on so long, it’s clear it’s not about Sinead at all.
He titled this “you know I couldn’t last” — I could write an essay on the various ways that is similarly offensive. For one thing, that song includes smears against Andy, who also just died and got a similar self-centered eulogy from him. “You know I couldn’t last” is about everyone wanting to exploit him for money, which doesn’t apply here at all.
His reference to “cancer culture” was also irritating. Andy just passed from cancer. “Cancel culture” is a dog whistle phrase usually used by the right, like Trump. It refers to the world being rightly outraged at the racist and offensive stuff Morrissey can’t stop saying.
Did the record companies and fans even turn their backs on Sinead? It seemed to me she stopped putting out music and stepped out of the spotlight of her own volition, due more to her mindset and mental issues.