I think it obviously isn’t about money. Because if it was just about money an artist like Morrissey could put his unreleased albums on a music site like Bandcamp. Selling 100,000 copies on a site like that would be more profitable than selling a million copies signed on a major label. I think it has to do with his pride. He probably feels that his 40 plus year career in the industry means he shouldn’t have anything but a major deal because he’s earned it. He probably thinks of it like a 60 year old Bowie not being able to get signed. The difference however is that Bowie was a gigantic pop star in the 1970’s. Other than a bit of rotation on MTV in the 1990’s with tracks like Tomorrow, and The more you ignore me.. and The Smiths being hailed in the music press for being so influential Moz has just been a kind of niche artist. The days of kids lining up around the block for a meet and greet circa 1991 in front of Tower records are over. People just aren’t as passionate about music the way they used to be when you now have so many modern day entertainment options like the internet,streaming tele/movies, and video games. But let’s face it the clock is ticking. He might have ten good years left of preforming and recording. Just find a way to release the two albums already, otherwise the rabid fan base he does still have left will become bored and uninterested. There’s only so many times one is going to shell out their hard earned money to basically see the same exact shows with more or less the same exact set lists, set designs etc…