The Guardian: Johnny Marr - "You ask the questions" (February 6, 2022)

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Johnny Marr: ‘When I play Smiths songs I experience this huge wave of elation’

Particularly liked Bernard Butler's question...

Did the Smiths ever fall out over football or politics?
Andy Burnham, mayor of Greater Manchester

We never discussed football so that’s that. And we never fell out over politics, but we probably would now.

Morrissey’s recent political views have cast a shadow over the Smiths for me – reaching back into the past and tainting something that was very important to me. I’m so disappointed in him. Has it impacted how you feel about the Smiths or are you able to separate the past from the present, the band from the man? I find it very difficult to do so.
Johnny Spence, Northern Ireland

It hasn’t impacted how I feel about the Smiths. That’s all I can say about that. I’m certainly able to separate the past from the present. I don’t know whether you can separate the band from the man, but I can separate myself from the man and what I did, so when I do see how disappointed people are, it really does make me sad. But it’s completely out of my control. And I can only really do what is in my control. So I play Smiths songs for reasons that I think are real. And over the years I’ve tried to take care of the catalogue and the releases as much as I was able to. As I would have done anyway. So, you know, I see it the way everybody else sees it. I don’t have any answers. And I don’t want to have any answers.


We have both had many casual musical flings but one very strong personal bond in our lives. How has your relationship with the wonderful Angie influenced your creativity, and does she have a favourite guitar?
Bernard Butler, musician

I’ll answer the easy bit first: Angie’s always loved Les Pauls. That’s to do with when we first met – she was 14 and I was 15. We were into Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers, so she became bit of a Gibson fan. I’ve had a Gold Top guitar for 20-odd years and I think if I’ve ever got rid of that one, she’d leave me. The important thing I can say about my relationship with Angie is that she made me brave at 15, 16. Not only did Angie know me before everybody else knew me, but she knew me before I knew myself. She was there before the Smiths started: it was me and Angie. And then when that whole thing got together, it was me and Angie and Joe Moss [the late manager of the Smiths]. Not only was I with my soulmate, but I was with somebody who was very smart and very talented.

Johnny, out of 10 what would you give me for my turn as Mozzer on Celebrity Stars in Their Eyes? [Hill sang This Charming Man.] PS: if you and the fellas ever decide to regroup and his nibs won’t play ball, I still have the wig – and more importantly, the hearing aid.
Harry Hill, comedian

I sort of remember that. I’m going to have to give Harry a solid two out of 10 for that, and he can make of that what he will. As for the offer, I don’t even know what to make of that…!
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Johnny! I totally see you playing Stephen Graham's little little brother.
Stephen strutting his stuff and diminutively threatening everybody in sight as you sit at home, avoiding conflict and wearing cool shirts.
You'll need a bartender noone can see behind the counter to confide in at some point in the film . I volunteer.
I have the title already. The Tinies. ( sure, Kylie can have a cameo.)

For the people who are excited because of that Johnny Marr translation (foreign languages are exciting!!!), which was a thing about 30 years ago and lasted about 30 seconds, I'll give you another, less known translation, to get super-excited about:

Morrissey= mort ici = dead here.
You can point at your heart for maximum dramatic effect.

...Oooh, I see your interest in modern languages has vanished. :)
Johnny! I totally see you playing Stephen Graham's little little brother.
Stephen strutting his stuff and diminutively threatening everybody in sight as you sit at home, avoiding conflict and wearing cool shirts.
You'll need a bartender noone can see behind the counter to confide in at some point in the film . I volunteer.
I have the title already. The Tinies. ( sure, Kylie can have a cameo.)

For the people who are excited because of that Johnny Marr translation (foreign languages are exciting!!!), which was a thing about 30 years ago and lasted about 30 seconds, I'll give you another, less known translation, to get super-excited about:

Morrissey= mort ici = dead here.
You can point at your heart for maximum dramatic effect.

...Oooh, I see your interest in modern languages has vanished. :)



LePep is going to play a 60 yr old younger brother while wearing a

if he wants 'dramatic effect' the erotic britches would do the job:crazy:
never back down,even if it meant no record deal he can still tour and play the new songs,this site is a miniscule number when it comes to his fans,if you watch any M video on youtube the comments are all favourable.he is certainly good at fore-shadowing with his 15 miles of shit line in quarry.
The comments are all favorable or they get deleted. Try slagging him off on one of his official vids
The scum at the NME have tried to put a different spin and openly lied about what Johnny said. The headline was actually part of a fans question.

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The scum at the NME have tried to put a different spin and openly lied about what Johnny said in response to one of the fan questions.

The art of subtlety, normally they at least try to look like they attributed the quote to the right person. They must be desperate for some M on M action.
Sure LePep you never said it.:lbf:
' i dont know whether you can separate...etc more gossip psycho babble'... he cant stop. he cant stop talking and psycho babbling Moz it uncanny his obsession.
he wrote o Smiths lyrics but knows what they are all about. no doubt
that LePep has issues. Ive never seen anything like it. its like he has gossip motor mouth. He needs assistance.

Did you look at the stats for Morrissey's last "tour" and I use the word tour very lightly?

That’s not what was under discussion in the anons post or my reply to it.
I don't wish to get in the fight Morrissey vs Marr, just to chip in regarding this whole "opening act" debate:

both Tom Jones and Cliff Richards opened for Morrissey.

Sure, like Marr they want to play to as many people as they could, maybe hoping to even win over some new fans.
Still both are and will be remembered by far more people than M, so...

yes while their fans are still alive they will be remembered by more, I guess.

But I wonder how many future generations will discover enjoy and so in a way remember The Smiths/Morrissey’s work over say discovering or becoming interested in the work of Jones and Richard?
Sure, like Marr they want to play to as many people as they could, maybe hoping to even win over some new fans.

yes while their fans are still alive they will be remembered by more, I guess.

But I wonder how many future generations will discover enjoy and so in a way remember The Smiths/Morrissey’s work over say discovering or becoming interested in the work of Jones and Richard?

I think it's a generational thing, my 20 and 18 year old are aware of The Smiths/Morrissey but not Tom Jones/Cliff Richard, they are aware of The Beatles though. It will be the same for their kids (if they have any) I should think, they may have be aware of (for example) Courteeners but may be not The Smiths/Morrissey.
It will be the same for their kids (if they have any) I should think, they may have be aware of (for example) Courteeners but may be not The Smiths/Morrissey.

Dear God, what an apocalyptic thought.
Sure, like Marr they want to play to as many people as they could, maybe hoping to even win over some new fans.

yes while their fans are still alive they will be remembered by more, I guess.

But I wonder how many future generations will discover enjoy and so in a way remember The Smiths/Morrissey’s work over say discovering or becoming interested in the work of Jones and Richard?
Again, it doesn’t show my personal preference obviously, objectively I think, in 100 years’ time of someone will take the Herculean task to write the history of 20th century pop music, borh Richards and Jones will be more prominent figures than Morrissey.
The scum at the NME have tried to put a different spin and openly lied about what Johnny said. The headline was actually part of a fans question.

I can't see the first Tweet - what did it say?
He chose to put himself where is presently. Why does Johnny catch flack due to the actions of others for? Does he duck nor dodge questions as regards The Smiths in interviews? No. All the anti-Marr contingent would pour scorn upon him, were he ever to do so. He, Mike, Andy & Craig aren’t to be found tarnishing their legacy.
The songs may say “Morrissey/Marr” on the credits, but they were still - and remain - a collective effort. Nothing anyone says changes that.

he dont duck out from questions WTF???
he only makes commie interviews FFS nobody even asks about his dumb wig.:mad: he goes around wearing erotic britches and 0 comments?????

tell your idol, LePepe to come here for the peeps to interview him. dont
🦆 out. o_O
skinny will be banned from making questions as there will be no softball questions allowed.:lbf:


I can't see the first Tweet - what did it say?

They made this question by a fan the headline and implied Johnny had said it. It's been removed now as the responses to the tweet were brutal.

Morrissey’s recent political views have cast a shadow over the Smiths for me – reaching back into the past and tainting something that was very important to me. I’m so disappointed in him
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