Off-topic fight thread

Re: 'realitybites' abandons blog(applause!) rejoins Cult. Tries gif-war: doesn't work

I can't speak for the other two but I don't sleep, I dream.

oh dear, insomnia. psychotic ideation. thought disorder. can't be long before the word-salad starts......

listen, I'm working. watching Obama DNC re-cap on BBC/Sky/online. I wish I had more time to list all your florid symptoms, but I need to earn a few quid. now, ring 911 and tell them you need to get to E.R but can't drive the van because it makes you feel even more psychedelic and dislocated from reality. Or call 'realitybites' so she can get someone 'real' to come and interrupt your 'dream'.....

Re: 'realitybites' abandons blog(applause!) rejoins Cult. Tries gif-war: doesn't work

Keep this in mind...when you think of Crystal Geezer.

Is this Beth Ditto? Is it for a new song?
She's cool.

Re: Reputations: do you want to keep the rating system?

I actually didn't know what that little green mark meant! Even asked David about it. I have one little green mark...which is fine, I guess. I usually post positive thoughts here and I'm usually quite nice to most everyone. Apparently, I'm not "popular" here, though, and thanks to Brummieboy's link I found the comments and ratings that I've received. Wow. Kinda sad, really. I tried to click on some users to give marks, or whatever, but I couldn't. So, I've decided to just disable it or hide it. I had great karma with the old system. Don't know why this is so different. Oh well, what difference does it make, anyway?

Not any more you don't :lbf:

I didn't minus it btw!

I don't get why you'd have a rating system or why anyone would care if they're rated or not. It's just a place where a lot of us spout a lot of bollocks like every other internet forum, no?
Re: Reputations: do you want to keep the rating system?

I actually didn't know what that little green mark meant! Even asked David about it. I have one little green mark...which is fine, I guess. I usually post positive thoughts here and I'm usually quite nice to most everyone. Apparently, I'm not "popular" here, though, and thanks to Brummieboy's link I found the comments and ratings that I've received. Wow. Kinda sad, really. I tried to click on some users to give marks, or whatever, but I couldn't. So, I've decided to just disable it or hide it. I had great karma with the old system. Don't know why this is so different. Oh well, what difference does it make, anyway?

In 'the great scheme of things' none at all. But for newbie teenagers looking to validate their 'rubber-ring' which Morrissey has thrown: a little thing could make a huge difference. If they think those with long green 'reputations' are respectable and trust-worthy whilst those with long red ones are 'trolls': they've got this site completely ass-backwards. They will be hurt and confused like you and won't understand why their innocent noob comments are bombarded with troll-feedback by the 3 Mental Patients and their co-dependant 'Stockholm Syndrome' flutters and enablers. When they go to change their avatar pic from Oscar to Moz to Jimmy Dean, they'll see a trail of slime from The Mentalist 3 and their circus freak friends.

It's interesting that you've realised from a personal perspective that being 'nice' here is no defence against the sociopaths and their enablers.

Oh, and DavidT's comment about I.P addresses neglects the existence of proxies and retired id's/shared passwords and all the rest of the baloney that Kewpie recently exposed in The Pigsty when one of the clueless couldn't wait and was stupid enough to post as 2 screen-names on the same I.P. Game over, dudes. Thanks for playing!

world's greatest authority on 'The Artist Formerly Known As Morrissey'.
Re: Exhibit A. Case for the Prosecution of 'The 3 Mental Patients'...

I said a very similar line in another thread...

When I give reputation I leave my name at the end so the person knows who it's from and why.
Perhaps if the anonymity was switched off it would reduce the suspicion and provide a feeling of genuine feedback.

Maybe it should be switched off, to reduce fighting and squabbling.
If people aren't able to get on, it may be better that they are kept apart until they find a place to talk

If 'reputation' was attributable and owned by the author, that would be grown-up and very Web 3.0, rather than this which provides a clever way of allowing trolls/flamers/sociopaths to covertly infest all areas of this site when they should be fighting it out in The Pigsty: with themselves, of didn't take long to get them all 'butt-sore' and running from the Fight Thread to please for me to be banned as a 'troll'. yeah, right.......and they're just here to 'praise Morrissey and The Smiths': tell that to 'Thesmithsmorrissey' who foolishly took their bait....

I'm about to cram at vBulletin boot-camp so I'll report back if assinging screen-names/personas to 'reputation' is available. Or maybe DavidT can clarify and we can have another vote to see it that tweak would be popular.

Of course, the delusional ones aren't so stupid to flame UncleSkinny and the other 'nice' guys/gals. It's possible to turn off the 'negative' rep and just leave the positive if everyone wants to play 'nice', with genuine 'porblem' posts being referred to Mods via the * report function. But that would be too simple...

don't talk to me about people who are nice.....

@3 Mental Patients and enablers/hostages: #jif-thread-derailFAIL!

co-dependent, Stockholm-syndrome-forum hostage situation. Very Year 2000. [sigh] time for coffee...


SeanTheBrummie aka BrummieBoy etc
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Re: Reputations: do you want to keep the rating system?

Not any more you don't :lbf:

I didn't minus it btw!

I don't get why you'd have a rating system or why anyone would care if they're rated or not. It's just a place where a lot of us spout a lot of bollocks like every other internet forum, no?

Tell that to Morrissey next time he's choosing a t-shirt for an encore in Bradford!

It's not just about this site, it's about online authenticity and the like. Heavy sh1t for heavyweights.

Re: Exhibit A. Case for the Prosecution of 'The 3 Mental Patients'...

The user would also need to change IP address each time. A user could just create another registered account to vote also if they want to manipulate the results.

Anyway, if you want to subtract the anonymous votes that doesn't seem hard to do. The polls don't seem very meaningful unless there is a good number of people voting - several hundreds/thousands versus 50 or 100.

So, no-one knows how to 'Hide My Ass!' so they can use 50 different historic/invented screen-names?

'Thesmithsmorrissey' claimed he was 'behind 7 proxies' but was banned. Yes, that screen I.D from that I.P was banned, but it's obviously more complicated than that, otherwise there'd be no need for GCHQ / Homeland Security. But, hey! Let's chill, this is only a 'fan' site for a moderately popular singer and lyricists. It's a useful place to ruminate on a 'forum strategy' for my son's drum'n'bass adventures soon to hit the WWW's. I'm not sure about vBulletin. I'll leave the choice to the techies whilst I stick to high-level concepts, etc.

Everyone back to the cats/frinks/Pigsty. This poll was a worthwhile attempt, but the Mental Patients were bound to trash it.

Re: Exhibit A. Case for the Prosecution of 'The 3 Mental Patients'...


If I'm a troll, and you're allegedly the "trollslayer," why is it that I have yet to been "slayed"? Was I not to "expect you"? I'm waiting.
If having a shitty reputation in the red here means nothing to you, why do you hide it? Seems a bit contradictory. Y'know, sort of like your bullshit about "group-think" when you masquerade as an online anonymous collective. Yip yip three mental patients blah blah Kristeen Young has won yap yap sociopaths blah blah yawn blah my son's day at school blah.
Off topic! I must leave you some 'reputation' to help you improve! No gifs? aaaaw....

If I'm a troll, and you're allegedly the "trollslayer," why is it that I have yet to been "slayed"? Was I not to "expect you"? I'm waiting.
If having a shitty reputation in the red here means nothing to you, why do you hide it? Seems a bit contradictory. Y'know, sort of like your bullshit about "group-think" when you masquerade as an online anonymous collective. Yip yip three mental patients blah blah Kristeen Young has won yap yap sociopaths blah blah yawn blah my son's day at school blah.

Please keep comments relevant to the thread topic. To help you improve as a forum member, I will now leave you a polite 'off-topic' remark on your 'reputation'. This comment, of course, is 'on-topic' to the thread so do not respond to it with further 'off-topic' remarks which are better suited to 'The Pigsty'.:thumb: oops! can't give you no 'feedback' as I have to spread the love around a bit more. Never mind!

We hope you have enjoyed this interaction with 'The BrummieBoy Project'.
Expect us! Srsly!......but you're not 'high priority' so we might have to ask Santa to deliver it.

BrummieBoys'n'Girls watching X-Fcuktor UK and lovin Christopher Maloney's catharsis!

ps: 'I keep mine hidden'......tee! hee!

pps: how do you know my 'reputation' is 'sh1tty'? It's hidden. Always has been, do you know? I know how you know.......I know everything!!!! :lbf:
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Re: Off topic! I must leave you some 'reputation' to help you improve! No gifs? aaaaw

Please keep comments relevant to the thread topic. To help you improve as a forum member, I will now leave you a polite 'off-topic' remark on your 'reputation'. This comment, of course, is 'on-topic' to the thread so do not respond to it with further 'off-topic' remarks which are better suited to 'The Pigsty'.:thumb: oops! can't give you no 'feedback' as I have to spread the love around a bit more. Never mind!

Why on earth would I want to 'improve as a forum member?'

We hope you have enjoyed this interaction with 'The BrummieBoy Project'.
Expect us! Srsly!......but you're not 'high priority' so we might have to ask Santa to deliver it.

Can I expect you sometime before I die of neglect in a nursing home?

pps: how do you know my 'reputation' is 'sh1tty'? It's hidden. Always has been, do you know? I know how you know.......I know everything!!!! :lbf:

I know your reputation is shitty because anytime you've tried to leave negative reputation marks for me in the past, it's apparently never subtracted from my total.
Re: 'realitybites' abandons blog(applause!) rejoins Cult. Tries gif-war: doesn't work

Think about it. Now she belongs to a select group of people who view themselves as insiders so she can take jabs at those outside the circle without regard to how they ever supported her all the while promoting herself as an intelligent, thinking, rational atheist. You know, the kind of intelligencia that gets off on gif wars or dropping cunnilingus bombs.

I'm not gonna get into a bitch-fest out on the forum. So I will respond to your convoluted comment here.

First off, I have no idea what a cunnilingus bomb is and neither does Google's search engine. Is it some kind of ghetto slang that I'm not privy to?

Secondly, what select group of people are you talking about? Does it actually exist, or is it like a ghost, the kind that haunts and taunts Morrissey?

And thirdly, gifs are often the most appropriate and concise way to make a statement. Because sometimes there are no words to express a multifaceted idea or mood. The trick is knowing when to write and knowing when to gif. It is something that us in the intellegencia are quite skilled at. :rolleyes:
Re: 'realitybites' abandons blog(applause!) rejoins Cult. Tries gif-war: doesn't work

I'm not gonna get into a bitch-fest out on the forum. So I will respond to your convoluted comment here.

First off, I have no idea what a cunnilingus bomb is and neither does Google's search engine. Is it some kind of ghetto slang that I'm not privy to?

Secondly, what select group of people are you talking about? Does it actually exist, or is it like a ghost, the kind that haunts and taunts Morrissey?

And thirdly, gifs are often the most appropriate and concise way to make a statement. Because sometimes there are no words to express a multifaceted idea or mood. The trick is knowing when to write and knowing when to gif. It is something that us in the intellegencia are quite skilled at. :rolleyes:

The "cunnilingus bomb" is a reference to Kristeen Young's moronic comment to Morrissey's audience on stage five years ago. She said he gave good head, and then she was fired.

Don't you think on it, Hermione. Don't you think on it one bit.
Re: 'realitybites' abandons blog(applause!) rejoins Cult. Tries gif-war: doesn't work

The "cunnilingus bomb" is a reference to Kristeen Young's moronic comment to Morrissey's audience on stage five years ago. She said he gave good head, and then she was fired.
Ah, yes I do recall that news item from years ago.

Yes, I remember that news item from years ago. Is CG still recycling that one? Wow. How am I like Kristeen Young? This is all lost on me?

Don't you think on it, Hermione. Don't you think on it one bit.

'realitybites' abandons writing as means of communication. Prefers jifs.Go Figure!

I'm not gonna get into a bitch-fest out on the forum. So I will respond to your convoluted comment here.

First off, I have no idea what a cunnilingus bomb is and neither does Google's search engine. Is it some kind of ghetto slang that I'm not privy to?

Secondly, what select group of people are you talking about? Does it actually exist, or is it like a ghost, the kind that haunts and taunts Morrissey?

And thirdly, gifs are often the most appropriate and concise way to make a statement. Because sometimes there are no words to express a multifaceted idea or mood. The trick is knowing when to write and knowing when to gif. It is something that us in the intellegencia are quite skilled at. :rolleyes:

Well, I guess joining the jif circle-jerk is one way of accepting you've failed as a writer. How did Tolstoy manage without them? Having read some of your blog and the 'atheism' thread, I'm sure we'd never class you as part of the 'intelligentsia'.

I suspected either Stockholm Syndrome or complete fabrication. It's now clear from your 'contribution' to the thread on the 'Reputation Poll' thread that are a complete lightweight, as you made no serious attempt to investigate the issue, and having been active here since November 2011, I struggle to accept you were unaware of this ridiculous system.

You blandly state: 'And people are free to hide their karma now. They don't have to participate. ' However, a cursory glance at a related thread that was a precursor to the poll shows the problems with that statement:

You commented several times on the poll, and seemed to have no doubt or curiosity about a different perspective. I wonder why! If you read that previous thread now, you'll sense a profound unease from another user who quite clearly feels violated by the abuse he faced when he checked his 'reputation'. This happens to many gentle souls when they go to change their avatar picture from Oscar to Moz,etc. Whilst you may think that your avatar pic is so splendid that it can remain the same year-in, year-out, others wish to change theirs without wading through ridiculous, offensive and sometimes genuinely threatening 'reputation feedback'.

Given your blog asks us to believe that you were a target and harassed on this site, I am finding it difficult to see why you would be so indifferent to this issue. I have concluded that have, indeed, succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome, as otherwise, it's very challenging to understand the purpose of your blog and forum personas.

By the way: why do you use a different nom-de-plume on your blog? Isn't it 'realitybites' a blog by 'realitybites'? Why go to all the effort of constructing a real-world look-alike id, when you can just use your pseudonymous one? I thought you wanted to keep clear blue water between the past difficulties and the present, in which case there's no way you'd still advertise your actual real-world details. It's confusing that you use two different non-de-plumes for your blog and for the forums. I can't see what it adds to your online confection. But then again: I probably don't fit into the 'intelligentsia' category either.

I'm not sure I accept that CG's comment was 'convoluted'. It's worth recalling that you rebuked CG for a harmless banter with me about blow-jobs, which was correctly situated here in The Pigsty, and which is not appropriately subject to your moralising. If it is acceptable for a demented sociopath to attempt to smear me as a 'racist' in The Pigsty, I can see no possible grounds for anyone objecting to a fun discussion on autofellatio and blowjobs. I recall very clearly that CG offered you an immediate olive branch by inquiring "have I offended you?". You could have let it drop, but you chose to be a smarmy schoolmarm and tell the naughty children at the back of the class to stop talking dirty. I don't think that intervention has served you well.

Re: 'realitybites' abandons writing as means of communication. Prefers jifs.Go Figure

Well, I guess joining the jif circle-jerk is one way of accepting you've failed as a writer. How did Tolstoy manage without them? Having read some of your blog and the 'atheism' thread, I'm sure we'd never class you as part of the 'intelligentsia'.

I suspected either Stockholm Syndrome or complete fabrication. It's now clear from your 'contribution' to the thread on the 'Reputation Poll' thread that are a complete lightweight, as you made no serious attempt to investigate the issue, and having been active here since November 2011, I struggle to accept you were unaware of this ridiculous system.

You blandly state: 'And people are free to hide their karma now. They don't have to participate. ' However, a cursory glance at a related thread that was a precursor to the poll shows the problems with that statement:

You commented several times on the poll, and seemed to have no doubt or curiosity about a different perspective. I wonder why! If you read that previous thread now, you'll sense a profound unease from another user who quite clearly feels violated by the abuse he faced when he checked his 'reputation'. This happens to many gentle souls when they go to change their avatar picture from Oscar to Moz,etc. Whilst you may think that your avatar pic is so splendid that it can remain the same year-in, year-out, others wish to change theirs without wading through ridiculous, offensive and sometimes genuinely threatening 'reputation feedback'.

Given your blog asks us to believe that you were a target and harassed on this site, I am finding it difficult to see why you would be so indifferent to this issue. I have concluded that have, indeed, succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome, as otherwise, it's very challenging to understand the purpose of your blog and forum personas.

By the way: why do you use a different nom-de-plume on your blog? Isn't it 'realitybites' a blog by 'realitybites'? Why go to all the effort of constructing a real-world look-alike id, when you can just use your pseudonymous one? I thought you wanted to keep clear blue water between the past difficulties and the present, in which case there's no way you'd still advertise your actual real-world details. It's confusing that you use two different non-de-plumes for your blog and for the forums. I can't see what it adds to your online confection. But then again: I probably don't fit into the 'intelligentsia' category either.

I'm not sure I accept that CG's comment was 'convoluted'. It's worth recalling that you rebuked CG for a harmless banter with me about blow-jobs, which was correctly situated here in The Pigsty, and which is not appropriately subject to your moralising. If it is acceptable for a demented sociopath to attempt to smear me as a 'racist' in The Pigsty, I can see no possible grounds for anyone objecting to a fun discussion on autofellatio and blowjobs. I recall very clearly that CG offered you an immediate olive branch by inquiring "have I offended you?". You could have let it drop, but you chose to be a smarmy schoolmarm and tell the naughty children at the back of the class to stop talking dirty. I don't think that intervention has served you well.


...says the guy behind this gem
Re: 'realitybites' abandons writing as means of communication. Prefers jifs.Go Figure

...says the guy behind this gem

Please reference any and all past and future comments by the ridiculous 'Skylarker' concerning 'BrummieBoy' to his rather startling admission tonight against his 'credibility' as follows:

Thanks for clarifying you have zero credibility and no-one need ever listen to you..


'I'm hardly in defense mode.
Bottom line is that very few people care about gossip unless it has substantial credibility. So far I don't see any specific claims here that are even remotely first hand or verifiable, and I'm not quite dumb enough to think that my side of the story will change anyone's opinion.'


'Well! It's very good of you to clarify that, like your incoherent nonsense about Kristeen here on this thread: no-one is going to listen to your scurrilous, unsubstantiated 'gossip' about 'BrummieBoy', 'SeanTheBrummie' or any of the other real/invented/impersonated online entities you talk so rabidly about.'

Victoriously yours
Re: 'realitybites' abandons writing as means of communication. Prefers jifs.Go Figure

Well, I guess joining the jif circle-jerk is one way of accepting you've failed as a writer. How did Tolstoy manage without them? Having read some of your blog and the 'atheism' thread, I'm sure we'd never class you as part of the 'intelligentsia'.

Failed marriage? Yes. Failed writer? No. Oh but wait, you are a literary researcher right? You would know all about failed writing. Did you want to be a writer but didn't quite have the talent for it? So you settled for a job reading and cataloging the great works of others? That would be an example of a failed writer.

I suspected either Stockholm Syndrome or complete fabrication. It's now clear from your 'contribution' to the thread on the 'Reputation Poll' thread that are a complete lightweight, as you made no serious attempt to investigate the issue, and having been active here since November 2011, I struggle to accept you were unaware of this ridiculous system.

You have used the term Stockholm Syndrome repeatedly over the last two weeks. I know what the concept is. But I am not so sure you do. You are using it out of context. It makes no sense what you are saying. On that note, another term you are overusing is co-dependency. If there even is such a thing, that term is outdated--12 step psychobabble. You spout the merits of a 3.0 world yet pull your tricks from a 1.0 one.

You blandly state: 'And people are free to hide their karma now. They don't have to participate. ' However, a cursory glance at a related thread that was a precursor to the poll shows the problems with that statement:

You commented several times on the poll, and seemed to have no doubt or curiosity about a different perspective. I wonder why! If you read that previous thread now, you'll sense a profound unease from another user who quite clearly feels violated by the abuse he faced when he checked his 'reputation'. This happens to many gentle souls when they go to change their avatar picture from Oscar to Moz,etc. Whilst you may think that your avatar pic is so splendid that it can remain the same year-in, year-out, others wish to change theirs without wading through ridiculous, offensive and sometimes genuinely threatening 'reputation feedback'.

Given your blog asks us to believe that you were a target and harassed on this site, I am finding it difficult to see why you would be so indifferent to this issue. I have concluded that have, indeed, succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome, as otherwise, it's very challenging to understand the purpose of your blog and forum personas.

Here we go again...

By the way: why do you use a different nom-de-plume on your blog? Isn't it 'realitybites' a blog by 'realitybites'? Why go to all the effort of constructing a real-world look-alike id, when you can just use your pseudonymous one? I thought you wanted to keep clear blue water between the past difficulties and the present, in which case there's no way you'd still advertise your actual real-world details. It's confusing that you use two different non-de-plumes for your blog and for the forums. I can't see what it adds to your online confection. But then again: I probably don't fit into the 'intelligentsia' category either.

It's a 3.0 thing. I thought you were up to speed.

I'm not sure I accept that CG's comment was 'convoluted'. It's worth recalling that you rebuked CG for a harmless banter with me about blow-jobs, which was correctly situated here in The Pigsty, and which is not appropriately subject to your moralising. If it is acceptable for a demented sociopath to attempt to smear me as a 'racist' in The Pigsty, I can see no possible grounds for anyone objecting to a fun discussion on autofellatio and blowjobs. I recall very clearly that CG offered you an immediate olive branch by inquiring "have I offended you?". You could have let it drop, but you chose to be a smarmy schoolmarm and tell the naughty children at the back of the class to stop talking dirty. I don't think that intervention has served you well.

Well, I am glad you understood it. Great minds think alike, I suppose.
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Re: 'realitybites' abandons writing as means of communication. Prefers jifs.Go Figure

Please reference any and all past and future comments by the ridiculous 'Skylarker' concerning 'BrummieBoy' to his rather startling admission tonight against his 'credibility' as follows:

Thanks for clarifying you have zero credibility and no-one need ever listen to you..


'I'm hardly in defense mode.
Bottom line is that very few people care about gossip unless it has substantial credibility. So far I don't see any specific claims here that are even remotely first hand or verifiable, and I'm not quite dumb enough to think that my side of the story will change anyone's opinion.'

There's a big difference between totally unsubstantiated hearsay, which is what I was referring to in the KY thread, and me bringing to the forum's attention an online poster called "Shaun the Brummie" who is clearly revoltingly racist, and whose posting style, i.e. the randomly placed ellipsis and the spacing errors and the same misspellings and same basic style of incoherent rambling, etc. bears a great similarity to yours.

To me, there's not a chance in hell you are not one and the same.
Credibility failure follows fact failure for 'Skylarker'

There's a big difference between totally unsubstantiated hearsay, which is what I was referring to in the KY thread, and me bringing to the forum's attention an online poster called "Shaun the Brummie" who is clearly revoltingly racist, and whose posting style, i.e. the randomly placed ellipsis and the spacing errors and the same misspellings and same basic style of incoherent rambling, etc. bears a great similarity to yours.

To me, there's not a chance in hell you are not one and the same.

Once again, I'm happy to confirm that I/we are NOT this 'ShaunTheBrummie' you refer to. You have admitted you have no credibility and cannot be taken seriously as you are a scurrilous gossip. You now wish to advance to the forum the proposition that you have the mental abilities to do complex writing analysis and comparison and that your attempts to do so in this instance deserve anything other than yet more ridicule. But, guess what? Ridicule is exactly what you now get.

You have used racist language without "air quotes" or any other signifier that might suggest ironic engagement. Quite simply: you are thick! Trying to communicate with you to facilitate your development would be like trying to house-train a baby chimpanzee. Ain't gonna happen! We just accept you are incapable of change and personal growth without a huge crisis emerging in your life.....perhaps you may drink too much 'beer' at 'Halloween' and have an epiphany, a 'moment of clarity'?
Who knows? We no longer care. You are comical. And pathetic. And a bully. That's not a good look, dude. And it won't bring you good luck.

Our visit to this site has confirmed and clarified Ran Prieur's observation that 'Fame is a mental illness in the followers of the famous person'. He probably doesn't know who Kristeen Young is, but it's certainly a killer app quote! We would add that 'Any Artist who puports to be a 'star' above The Audience is co-dependent with the mental illness of the 'fans'. The Stage is merely a viewing platform'. Nothing else.

With your bizarre outbursts and your scampering around from thread to thread, vanishing when you're vanquished, turning up again to resurrect dormant threads and start a new 'fight' has been hugely entertaining but a month or so with this travelling circus is more than enough.

Have you noticed 'Skylarker': you're on your own with the whole 'BrummieBoy' is a 'racist' thing? Have you not noticed there's no line of people behind you ready to back you up. Guess what? There's probably only 3 or 4 crazeeez here who would back you up and then it would only be because they've got nothing to lose in life. Neither have you, by the sounds of it. Your job could bring great joy to children. I've no idea whey you're so ashamed of it, other than that you have the usual machismo-testosterone-poisoning syndrome. That's probably why you're a bald twit as well as a thick twit.

Now, blow a fuse trying to think of a response to this or just run away and ignore it and start another bush-fire on another thread. I could care less. I've exposed you and your silly friends, Viva.NHNS.mcrickson. IonaMink... and all the other sociopathic losers whose names and personalities escape me as they were so completely boring. There are some interesting people here, 'peptastic' and 'seekerofgoogsongs'. 'cornelius' could be reasonable, but tries too hard.Bless! There are other merit awards to hand out but I'm tired now. It's 5:45. I'll play that Who song as I get ready for bed.

I hope you find a place of safety and sanctuary.

Please reference any and all past and future comments by the ridiculous 'Skylarker' concerning 'BrummieBoy' to his rather startling admission tonight against his 'credibility' as follows:

Thanks for clarifying you have zero credibility and no-one need ever listen to you..


'I'm hardly in defense mode.
Bottom line is that very few people care about gossip unless it has substantial credibility. So far I don't see any specific claims here that are even remotely first hand or verifiable, and I'm not quite dumb enough to think that my side of the story will change anyone's opinion.'

Remember that. Your side of the non-story will not change anyone's opinion. Well, not anyone of any importance or genuine influence.

Gosh, look at Morrissey's fans! Look how his music and words changed so many lives for the better. But, sadly, not 'Skylarker' or any of the other numerous '3 Mental Patients'.

A good night's work well done. And, for now, we are almost complete.....

toodle pip!
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