Re: 'realitybites' abandons blog(applause!) rejoins Cult. Tries gif-war: doesn't work
And so another TGIF dawned and in 'Mom's basement' BrummieBoy imagined he was actually living a life and indulged a fantasy-family script of dawn downward-facing dog, dog walk, breakfast, distribute lunch-boxes, drop kids at train/bus, pick up artisan bakery goods, NME (with MASSIVE! disrespect to Morrissey in their 'lyrical genius issue') observed first signs of autumn mists and mellows, wondered what 'mcrickson' was doing (smirk), channel-surfed MSM, checked daily planner, grabbed gym kit bag....then foolishly checked in on the east coast/west coast thing on Moz-Solo. Big mistake!
It will take some time to absorb the latest crimes against taste and decency on this thread. Now it's Clockwork Orange that's dragged into the ditch alongside Straw Dogs and Moz Is A Really Scary Skinhead nonsense.
The gym can wait. This is IMPORTANT! This thread is where the action REALLY IS! We must call an emergency team meeting in the conference suite and re-schedule our day. The '3 Mental Patients' will be sleeping in their coffins now and this site can relax in the tranquil sanities of British culture, uncorrupted by the alien nonsenses of our colonial cousins turned imperialists about to face their come-uppance, etc.