Off-topic fight thread

Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Where does one go to to discuss blowjobs if not the pigsty? :squiffy:
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Pure awesomeness, of course.

The way I read her annoyance with you (since you asked :D) is that you have a very didactic tone when you very rarely say anything substantial. Telling people how to give blowjobs? C'mon man, no one wants to hear that shit.

Pomposity in general is abhorrent but if you're gonna stick to your guns and act like you know it all, at least have the chops to back up the things you say. You like to throw around a lot of insults (sassypants!) and cite posts that are 300 years old but when it really comes down to it you just seem like a very embittered, petulant child.

Realitybites is not really someone who strikes me as catty or argumentative and she definitely doesn't seem like the type who would take up arms against someone because of a difference of opinion...look at the Atheism Thread for example. Lots of opposing viewpoints to hers but she suffers them all with great respect and levelheadedness. So if you've annoyed her to the point where she would be vocal about it, then maybe that's because -as everyone else here has said infinitely- you come across as an extremely unpleasant person who has no desire to be seen as anything other than a pest.

Re: once again, the tiresome 'mcrickson' shrieks 'notice me'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'please BrummieBoy: notice me!'

really snappy gif! really, really 'snappy'!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

#mcricksonZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 'Mom's basement', trying not to be a racist Saun/Shawn/Sean....whatever!!!!

It's almost painfully not a .gif, dumbshit.
"#fail"? That's really all you've got? I thought we were supposed to "expect you"? I thought you "do not forgive" and "do not forget"? I'm still waiting for your poetic justice. Simply stating things like "wow hah! you're totally having a mental breakdown, it's really quite sad" isn't exactly unmerciful. It's more like a pussy cop-out.
For you to suck at a comeback this badly is like heresy for someone who spends as much time on the internet typing paragraph after paragraph as someone writing their doctorate thesis - all in self-defense when someone suggests that you might be a racist. The only difference is, what are you going to have to show for it in five years?
There is absolutely no necessity for you to so exhaustingly deny Skylarker's allegations - what possible difference could it make to your personal life that someone links your username to some other bigot on the internet? And yet you do it anyway. In the form of verbal diarrhea. Hours and hours you've spent here typing to Skylarker over this. All to protect an online persona? Slander and defamation? Why does it mean so desperately much to you that you have to take that much time out of your daily schedule to sit and formulate multiple chapter-divided posts just to make sure people on this website don't think you're a racist? Why care what anyone - especially on here - thinks?
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Realitybites is not really someone who strikes me as catty or argumentative and she definitely doesn't seem like the type who would take up arms against someone because of a difference of opinion...look at the Atheism Thread for example. Lots of opposing viewpoints to hers but she suffers them all with great respect and levelheadedness. So if you've annoyed her to the point where she would be vocal about it, then maybe that's because -as everyone else here has said infinitely- you come across as an extremely unpleasant person who has no desire to be seen as anything other than a pest.

Hey, Skylarker. I know that you've stated before that you are smarter and better looking than me and that's the way it is, wait...let me find the quote, it's too good not to relive:

"I'm much smarter than you, and much more attractive, and that's how it is and that's how it will stay." (:rofl:)

But I've been thinking about this new partnership with a cause for Morality and Maturity in this creepy ghost town and I'm thinking Skybites probably isn't going to be the new TomKat. You should read this before you invest any more time:

But whatever floats your boat, dude. Change is a good thing. Maybe if you hang out with her long enough you can keep your misogynistic tendencies in check. :lbf:
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Your bedroom... with your boyfriend. ;)

Really not sure what to make of've had some bad experiences here but still returned. 'Stockholm Syndrome' does seem relevant.

You seem balanced then there these 'mood-swings', not totally wild ones, but certainly noticeable - and they don't seem to be part of any deliberately exaggerated persona. This is The Pigsty so the censorious and prissy tone towards CG seems a bit.....odd?

I was amused when you called me a 'gay pseudo-troll'.
I'm certainly doing 'gay' stuff when I'm with a man, but what about when I'm with a woman?
I guess I'm 'bisexual' when I'm in a threesome with a man and a woman, not that that happens nearly as much as I'd like.

Ah! Morrissey and his 'fans' and their obsessive-compulsive labelling of his and everyone else's sexual behaviour. He's really had an effect on people, hasn't he?

I'm sorry you think I'm a 'psuedo-troll': I must try harder until you see me as a bona-fide troll. A 'gay, racist, Scottish-Irish racist pseudo-troll', of course!

regards B.B
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Really not sure what to make of've had some bad experiences here but still returned. 'Stockholm Syndrome' does seem relevant.

You seem balanced then there these 'mood-swings', not totally wild ones, but certainly noticeable - and they don't seem to be part of any deliberately exaggerated persona. This is The Pigsty so the censorious and prissy tone towards CG seems a bit.....odd?

I was amused when you called me a 'gay pseudo-troll'.
I'm certainly doing 'gay' stuff when I'm with a man, but what about when I'm with a woman?
I guess I'm 'bisexual' when I'm in a threesome with a man and a woman, not that that happens nearly as much as I'd like.

Ah! Morrissey and his 'fans' and their obsessive-compulsive labelling of his and everyone else's sexual behaviour. He's really had an effect on people, hasn't he?

I'm sorry you think I'm a 'psuedo-troll': I must try harder until you see me as a bona-fide troll. A 'gay, racist, Scottish-Irish racist pseudo-troll', of course!

regards B.B

Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

Hey, Skylarker. I know that you've stated before that you are smarter and better looking than me and that's the way it is, wait...let me find the quote, it's too good not to relive:

"I'm much smarter than you, and much more attractive, and that's how it is and that's how it will stay." (:rofl:)

But I've been thinking about this new partnership with a cause for Morality and Maturity in this creepy ghost town and I'm thinking Skybites probably isn't going to be the new TomKat. You should read this before you invest any more time:

But whatever floats your boat, dude. Change is a good thing. Maybe if you hang out with her long enough you can keep your misogynistic tendencies in check. :lbf:

Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

You want that smirk knocked off your face? Cuz that's what's gonna happen.

Now go get me one of those books you pretend to have read so I can have something to set my f***ing beer down on.
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

She was the worst thing about 'Straw Dogs'...

I have not seen the original, only the 2011 remake. But I agree her character, Amy Sumner, is detestable. Have you seen both films?
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Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

I have not seen the original, only the 2011 remake. But I agree her character, Janice Hedden, is detestable. Have you seen both films?

A) Who is the chick in the .gif you and Viva are talking about? She's hot.

B) If we really had a baby who liked like Audrey, that would RULE
Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

I have not seen the original, only the 2011 remake. But I agree her character, Janice Hedden, is detestable. Have you seen both films?

I have not seen the remake. I kinda liked the original because it's hard not to like a movie with both Dustin Hoffman and David Warner directed by Peckinpah...

Since you've seen the remake, I'm wondering if they added the scene where she gets raped by her ex-boyfriend and then 20 seconds later starts to enjoy it? Makes me hate her even more that she didn't tell little Dustin about it.
'realitybites' abandons blog(applause!) rejoins Cult. Tries gif-war: doesn't work etc

wish we had time to lampoon your Oprah-lite blog, but, alas!

here's a classic that we did briefly scan before needing a sedative to counter the hysteria:

yes, laughter is medicine, but we are concerned that credulous folk might read you and think: "i've always been perturbed by some of the goings on on this site, and I'm so pleased i've found a genuine person who isn't just another co-dependent delusional narcissist exhibiting 'stockholm syndrome' symptoms"

the truth behind the Morrithey-Solo cult's 'skybites' arranged-wedding can no longer be concealed:

The Happy Couple celebrate their almost but not quite too late, 'late-in-life lesbian' wedding:

Re: Goodness me! There are SO MANY replies from Skylarker. All nonsense, of course! l

I have not seen the original, only the 2011 remake. But I agree her character, Janice Hedden, is detestable. Have you seen both films?

not a fan of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' then?


with a shudder, BrummieBoy realised that the crazy Yanks were now desecrating British film, not understanding Green Man culture and the 'complicated' social-power-dynamics of rural Cornwall. Peckinpah! So much to answer for!

still, the subject of 'rape' had returned to the Pigsty, long before Skylarker and !VivaHate! would run off to Mommy forgetting's The Pigsty, baby! You take your censorious Puritan prudery back to yo blog! why are you wasting your talents here? 'pears before swine' etc? Your many, many blog readers are sitting there, waiting, waiting.....for another cutting-edge Paglia-esque missive on 'How To Be A Woman' . Now I see where Caitlin Moran got all her ideas from:rolleyes:....she was spotted early in Wolverhampton by 'BrummieBoy'. He gave the nod, and.....look what happened! Some people just have that 'soft power'. Sadly, like you: some don't. Sorry!


[note to self: hmmmmn. 50 Shades of Grey/50 Words for I have to re-visit my review of Kate's latest opus. Speaking of ..... hey! Long Island Lady! Hope you're well. Don't worry, it's not a betrayal, becuz that ain't my name! Every word I ever wrote you was planned for a world-historic audience You keep yourself TTY and don't let the haterz here bring you down. Not sure if i can finally make it to Amurika for the Fall tour, but if I do I'll need your contact details. You still on Blackberry? I can't use 'that' email no more.legals.I'll get someone to PM you with a new one, a real one this time, and we can maybe meet in The Hamptons. I can hang at F.S.111's place for a while, so dates flexible. Love ya hon!]
Re: 'realitybites' abandons blog(applause!) rejoins Cult. Tries gif-war: doesn't work

the truth behind the Morrithey-Solo cult's 'skybites' arranged-wedding can no longer be concealed:

There is no wedding and no conspiracy... nobody is united or in cahoots. It's all some delusion living inside CG's head. And now she has you, her right-wing man, towing the line.

not a fan of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' then?

I am not a prude. Loved Fifty Shades of Grey. And I am not homophobic, if that was what you garnered from my comment, gay pseudo troll. Bravo is my favorite channel. And I adore Andy Cohen. I could elaborate further, but I won't.

...Oprah-lite blog...

Please don't reference my blog and Oprah in the same sentence. She is no hero of mine. Oprah is an irrational fool who has done America a disservice with her grandstanding for the Woo Woo movement and books such as The Secret, sending impressionable minds back into the realms of the dark ages. Irresponsible and destructive, to say the least.

I responded to CG in the manner in which I did because I felt that she was painting herself in a bad light. She cannot seem to self-monitor. Also, she has been resorting to all-time lows these last few weeks by posting private information which was revealed to her confidentially, digging up links to age-old threads, and, now, posting a link to a year-old blog post of mine. How she knew where to find that blog entry is beyond me. I couldn't locate it as quickly. And, I honestly don't get her point of posting it anyway. It was meant to be an off-the-cuff experiment in polemical writing. Whether or not I succeeded, is another thing. But my blog is public. It has been for eight years. Nothing being re-posted from it will embarrass or shock me. Otherwise it wouldn't already be out in the open. If you or CG think you can twist my words to mean something different from their original meaning, go for it. Glad I could fill your vacuous schedules.

I am surprised, however, than you have now decided to take personal shots at me. I have always been civil with you... even here in this Pigsty. I'd like to call a truce with you now... before this escalates. But if you continue to target me, well, I will not respond like I did here. And I did respond to you just now because I thought it best to let you know where I stood on things. And it was a courteous thing to do.

Peace ~

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