Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

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Trying to talk my husband into agreeing to a new dog, the last one passed of old age a few years ago and we swore we would never get a new one because it's just too hard when that happens. We've both had pets almost all of our lives, it's kind of strange not having one.
Rescuing an animal, getting it out of the sad shelters and into a loving home is so worth the heartbreak, in my opinion. The memories you make with them is all worth it. Knowing you gave them a warm and comfortable home to live out their short lives is worth it.

I've always had pets growing up, so I don't know what it's even like to not have at least one; I can't even imagine. I have a rescue rat terrier (Sir) we brought in a couple years ago. He grew up in really bad breeder situation, he was deemed "unfit for sale" because his fur pattern and his fur was "too soft" (nonsense). I think he may have been abused for the first 3 years of his life before the shelter took him in. He's damaged goods, but he's such a sweetheart. I love him.

My first cat child, Tiny, died on 8-15-23. That was the hardest death I've ever been though. She died at only 10 years old, in a tragic way. I still decorate, visit, and care for her grave often. I miss her every single day and I still cry from time-to-time. (Tearing up now, typical me)
When Tiny was about 8 years old, we brought in a kitten (Blossom) that became her best friend. If it wasn't for Blossom, Tiny's death would have been immensely harder. Blossom was literally by my side through that horrific day. She is now my best friend, she loves hanging out with me. Now I catch her doing new little things that Tiny used to do. It fills my heart. Scarred, but healed.

It never gets easier, but like I said, giving them a loving home instead of letting them stay them in a cold shelter... feels so right. :)

Good luck with your endeavors!

This is Blossom and Sir. ❤️
Honestly, we took this last one so hard, I mean I usually do with all the crying and snotting, but I think this last one was my husband's favorite and he is trying to not go thru it again, and this dog really loved him back. I did find one last night online, he might be thinking about it. He doesn't know I found another this morning......
The passing of a dog is emotionally devastating. A good friend of mine lost his mum and his dog in the same year, about 6 months apart. He still hasn't recovered. But you can't experience the joy that a dog brings without experiencing the loss when they go. Joy and loss go hand in hand. The joy they bring is truly amazing.
It's on the Nicky Wire thread. But I think you might have the OP on ignore, which could mean the thread doesn't show up for you.
Just popped in there myself and…woah! That was some truly disturbing stuff. The thing about the cancer was especially cruel.
Have a picture of beefcake dougie in the gross dead terrorists old chair sitting like a king on a throne, as he should, for it has been written that 'when dougie hast seated himself in thy sinful chair, though knowst thou hast been defeated for ever and ever amen (christ is king!)'

For what it's worth, I didn't know you weren't allowed to post a Twitter post containing a picture of a terrorist with a hole in his head. I couldn't care less if a mod wants to remove the picture!

Twitter removed/filtered the image - nothing to do with this site.
Sorry, Baz, I’ve let you down. It wasn’t a shit at all. I have been drinking soda water all evening and what I thought was a shit turned out to be just lots of hot, wet gas. This is in no way a reflection on you, my sweet prince. Love you, hun x
I’ll probably wake up around 1am dying for a shit, and that one will be for you, bro. Love you, bro.
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