nicky wire's legs
Rupert Lowe fangirl 😍
Yes, she has been diagnosed! She rubbishes the diagnosis though, because of course she does. Because if all the incredibly strange happenings in her life, like Russell Brand torturing her with microwave rays (which sounds EXACTLY like schizophrenia to me) are real, then how does her schizophrenia manifest? I've tried asking her this many times and have yet to receive an answer.It’s obvious you have more experience than I, when it comes to schizophrenia (which isn’t a great feat since I have none!), so I really have nothing to add. Does LH have schizophrenia? Has she been diagnosed? Or is it a psychosis? Whatever it is, she doesn’t have a clue what’s real and what’s not. Which is remarkable and speaks volumes of the severity of her illness. I hope they can treat her.
The thing about schizophrenics is that they live in a delicate balance of functionality--a balance that depends on taking ones medications religiously, having a proper sleep schedule, never overdoing any one thing, frequent reality checks etc. When they don't observe these guidelines, they can easily slide into psychosis. Which is WHY none of the lame-o do-gooders here are doing her any good when they tell her she doesn't need her meds, when they affirm and don't deny the reality of her delusions, etc. So yes, what she is experiencing now IS psychosis brought on by unchecked schizophrenia.
I think the problem for light housework is that her schizophrenia is entwined with a really unfortunate and ugly personality, full of selfishness, victim-hood, etc. Schizophrenia is the diagnosis, but her personality is what dictates the severity of it and the fact that she'll never function in normal society.
I've known several schizophrenics. I even have two cousins with schizophrenia (although I don't have contact with them so I don't know what theirs is like). I'm pretty sure everyone here would know someone with schizophrenia, which makes me wonder if it's much more prevalent in canada then elsewhere.