Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

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It’s obvious you have more experience than I, when it comes to schizophrenia (which isn’t a great feat since I have none!), so I really have nothing to add. Does LH have schizophrenia? Has she been diagnosed? Or is it a psychosis? Whatever it is, she doesn’t have a clue what’s real and what’s not. Which is remarkable and speaks volumes of the severity of her illness. I hope they can treat her.
Yes, she has been diagnosed! She rubbishes the diagnosis though, because of course she does. Because if all the incredibly strange happenings in her life, like Russell Brand torturing her with microwave rays (which sounds EXACTLY like schizophrenia to me) are real, then how does her schizophrenia manifest? I've tried asking her this many times and have yet to receive an answer.

The thing about schizophrenics is that they live in a delicate balance of functionality--a balance that depends on taking ones medications religiously, having a proper sleep schedule, never overdoing any one thing, frequent reality checks etc. When they don't observe these guidelines, they can easily slide into psychosis. Which is WHY none of the lame-o do-gooders here are doing her any good when they tell her she doesn't need her meds, when they affirm and don't deny the reality of her delusions, etc. So yes, what she is experiencing now IS psychosis brought on by unchecked schizophrenia.

I think the problem for light housework is that her schizophrenia is entwined with a really unfortunate and ugly personality, full of selfishness, victim-hood, etc. Schizophrenia is the diagnosis, but her personality is what dictates the severity of it and the fact that she'll never function in normal society.

I've known several schizophrenics. I even have two cousins with schizophrenia (although I don't have contact with them so I don't know what theirs is like). I'm pretty sure everyone here would know someone with schizophrenia, which makes me wonder if it's much more prevalent in canada then elsewhere.
You come to the fan site for the man who wrote That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore to laugh at lonely people? Interesting choice. It's either self-refuting, anti-Morrissey, or indicates only casual fandom. Gloating over the sad fate of the mentally ill is contradicted by the singer who finds fulfillment making Xmas cards with them, and is himself "not right in the head."
You dolt, that was meant ONLY as a dig at Baz, not the lonely old men of solo generally. I don't laugh at YOU. I mean sometimes I do, but only when you get annoyed because it's kind of funny when gentlemanly, autistic audrey gets annoyed. :lbf:

I was going to say more specifically "the dumb, ugly old men" so that Baz would know I was talking about him, but that struck me as too mean, especially since I called him ugly already recently, and I don't want him crying into his beer. (And for the record, I don't laugh at ugly people either UNLESS they deserve it!)

Interesting that you equate "hard up" with "lonely." I would definitely say that Baz is hard up, in that he will never get a decent woman to even look at him, despite him likely trying, but probably not lonely because he seems to always be socializing, plus he's got his rent-a-ho daughters and their gimpy dog who are seemingly always stopping by.

I don't think you understand morrisseys lyrics at all if you take them as literally as finding "fulfillment" making Christmas cards with the mentally ill. He said he'd feel MORE fulfilled--as in, a fancy way of saying this something I'd RATHER do, sort of like the way people say "I'd rather go for a root canal than have dinner with my mother in law." It was NOT meant to imply that he was Gung ho about making Christmas cards with nutters!

He might talk about the "sad fate of the mentally ill" but have you ever actually seen him having any interaction with them? When he met crystslgeezer my guess is that he wanted to get far away from her as soon as possible. You see in Morrissey compassion, I see someone who hilariously doesn't suffer fools.

In addendum, lonely old men make me very sad. I remember going to the pub here with a friend on New years and there were old men having dinner by themselves and it broke my heart and made me vow to never go there again.
You dolt, that was meant ONLY as a dig at Baz, not the lonely old men of solo generally. I don't laugh at YOU. I mean sometimes I do, but only when you get annoyed because it's kind of funny when gentlemanly, autistic audrey gets annoyed. :lbf:

I was going to say more specifically "the dumb, ugly old men" so that Baz would know I was talking about him, but that struck me as too mean, especially since I called him ugly already recently, and I don't want him crying into his beer. (And for the record, I don't laugh at ugly people either UNLESS they deserve it!)

Interesting that you equate "hard up" with "lonely." I would definitely say that Baz is hard up, in that he will never get a decent woman to even look at him, despite him likely trying, but probably not lonely because he seems to always be socializing, plus he's got his rent-a-ho daughters and their gimpy dog who are seemingly always stopping by.

I don't think you understand morrisseys lyrics at all if you take them as literally as finding "fulfillment" making Christmas cards with the mentally ill. He said he'd feel MORE fulfilled--as in, a fancy way of saying this something I'd RATHER do, sort of like the way people say "I'd rather go for a root canal than have dinner with my mother in law." It was NOT meant to imply that he was Gung ho about making Christmas cards with nutters!

We all interpret his lyrics differently, but I have to say au contraire to this, because I don't think he was being sarcastic. Fame isn't something he outright hates. "All I ever wanted from life was to be famous." He's conflicted about it. It's fatal and plays hideous tricks on the brain, but he's still desperate to go down in musical history. Making Christmas cards with the mentally ill sometimes really is his most fulfilling option. I don't think you give Morrissey enough credit if you think he'd use the company of nutters in the trite, eye-rolling way a normal would use a root canal to groan about a mother-in-law. Morrissey considers nutters his people.

He might talk about the "sad fate of the mentally ill" but have you ever actually seen him having any interaction with them? When he met crystslgeezer my guess is that he wanted to get far away from her as soon as possible. You see in Morrissey compassion, I see someone who hilariously doesn't suffer fools.

I think he likes loonies, but from a distance. His stalkers probably creep him out, but I think he'd be sympathetic to a lonely schizophrenic spinster with a gallery of countless amateur watercolor portraits of him, and her deceased sad-faced dog, and various other people and their pets. If you condensed the Drivel Thread (art, poetry, memoir, vocaroos, music, selfies, and the commentary of hostiles and friendlies) into a ten-minute exhibition, I bet Morrissey would be amused by it.
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Trying to talk my husband into agreeing to a new dog, the last one passed of old age a few years ago and we swore we would never get a new one because it's just too hard when that happens. We've both had pets almost all of our lives, it's kind of strange not having one.
Trying to talk my husband into agreeing to a new dog, the last one passed of old age a few years ago and we swore we would never get a new one because it's just too hard when that happens. We've both had pets almost all of our lives, it's kind of strange not having one.
Dogs really do make a home Redacted, we have 2 chocolate labs, both mad as a bag of cats, create so much mess and mayhem but life just would not be the same without them. Such loving and happy creatures.
Dogs really do make a home Redacted, we have 2 chocolate labs, both mad as a bag of cats, create so much mess and mayhem but life just would not be the same without them. Such loving and happy creatures.View attachment 116939View attachment 116940
They are gorgeous! I had a black lab when I was a child, he was such a great dog. Strangely enough, right after he died (he was old) we heard a dog down the street had puppies so I went to look at them. The mother dog was a different breed and color, a bit smaller, but there was one puppy whose face looked so much like our dog, my mother even noticed it, so I said something and was the only one who looked part lab. She described the father of the puppies and it was our dog! The old man had still been getting around until almost the end and left us a present, she gave us the puppy. I was so thrilled and that dog was my constant companion for years, he even liked to swim in the pool!
Trying to talk my husband into agreeing to a new dog, the last one passed of old age a few years ago and we swore we would never get a new one because it's just too hard when that happens. We've both had pets almost all of our lives, it's kind of strange not having one.
Definitely get a new dog. They are the most amazing creatures ever to walk the face of the earth. It is one of life's cruelties that they only live a dozen odd years. Yes, they break your heart when they die. But they give such love and energy along the way.
Definitely get a new dog. They are the most amazing creatures ever to walk the face of the earth. It is one of life's cruelties that they only live a dozen odd years. Yes, they break your heart when they die. But they give such love and energy along the way.
Honestly, we took this last one so hard, I mean I usually do with all the crying and snotting, but I think this last one was my husband's favorite and he is trying to not go thru it again, and this dog really loved him back. I did find one last night online, he might be thinking about it. He doesn't know I found another this morning......
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