Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

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Honestly, we took this last one so hard, I mean I usually do with all the crying and snotting, but I think this last one was my husband's favorite and he is trying to not go thru it again, and this dog really loved him back. I did find one last night online, he might be thinking about it. He doesn't know I found another this morning......
Get a cat. Dogs are very 2023.
Maybe I’ve just been lucky with mine.
A friend of mine has a cat and got another recently and they bring dead birds and mice into the house all the time and stare at him when he eats haha, these cats are horrible.
A friend of mine has a cat and got another recently and they bring dead birds and mice into the house all the time and stare at him when he eats haha, these cats are horrible.
Mine doesn’t go out, too many busy roads etc. It behaves like a little dog; brings toys, sits quietly in your lap, will happily sit and watch tv, doesn’t mind my frequent and violent trips to the toilet. All it requires in return is a box to shit in, and it even buries the shit itself.
Consider it. They’re lovely animals.

(I’m saying “it” because I don’t want any of you sick f***ers knowing what gender my cat is)
It may be region related to one of the several caching layers. I haven't seen any issues on my end in the US and haven't heard any reports of other issues. If you can try a different browser / device that would show if it might be related to something with Firefox.
Maybe that photo of the dead body with a hole in the head.. photos, actually, there were two.. that one of the weirdos on here posted without consequence has flagged something at Firefox HQ and they’re filtering stuff.
Mine doesn’t go out, too many busy roads etc. It behaves like a little dog; brings toys, sits quietly in your lap, will happily sit and watch tv, doesn’t mind my frequent and violent trips to the toilet. All it requires in return is a box to shit in, and it even buries the shit itself.
Consider it. They’re lovely animals.

(I’m saying “it” because I don’t want any of you sick f***ers knowing what gender my cat is)
I will think about that, maybe you are just a really exceptional cat owner
They are gorgeous! I had a black lab when I was a child, he was such a great dog. Strangely enough, right after he died (he was old) we heard a dog down the street had puppies so I went to look at them. The mother dog was a different breed and color, a bit smaller, but there was one puppy whose face looked so much like our dog, my mother even noticed it, so I said something and was the only one who looked part lab. She described the father of the puppies and it was our dog! The old man had still been getting around until almost the end and left us a present, she gave us the puppy. I was so thrilled and that dog was my constant companion for years, he even liked to swim in the pool!
I think labs are the best, best temperament, friendly to everyone and just love being with you, all the bloody time lol. The one time we took them both in a pool, rufus, the big baby just sat by the edge refusing to go in but Ruby would only jump in if you tried to catch her, which meant she landed on your head and nearly drowned you most of the time.
Honestly, we took this last one so hard, I mean I usually do with all the crying and snotting, but I think this last one was my husband's favorite and he is trying to not go thru it again, and this dog really loved him back. I did find one last night online, he might be thinking about it. He doesn't know I found another this morning......
Do it!
Well, I have to find a way to make him think it's his idea
Hmmm, dunno, you could find the page online and just leave it somewhere for him to see? Or just pick up your pup and take it home so when he comes home it's there waiting, wagging it's tail. Sneaky, but you know he will love it.
We all interpret his lyrics differently, but I have to say au contraire to this, because I don't think he was being sarcastic. Fame isn't something he outright hates. "All I ever wanted from life was to be famous." He's conflicted about it. It's fatal and plays hideous tricks on the brain, but he's still desperate to go down in musical history. Making Christmas cards with the mentally ill sometimes really is his most fulfilling option. I don't think you give Morrissey enough credit if you think he'd use the company of nutters in the trite, eye-rolling way a normal would use a root canal to groan about a mother-in-law. Morrissey considers nutters his people.
No, he doesn't. Eccentrics maybe. Fabulously "off" people, maybe. But you can be SURE that he does NOT consider rotten toothed, food on face, jaundiced looking, violent fantasists HIS people. That's such a stretch, and such a dumb notion to posit. Furthermore, they're just lyrics, probably written for the witty factor more than anything else, not to be taken as a fervent assertion of some deep-seated desire. SO dumb, audrey! SO dumb!
I think he likes loonies, but from a distance. His stalkers probably creep him out, but I think he'd be sympathetic to a lonely schizophrenic spinster with a gallery of countless amateur watercolor portraits of him, and her deceased sad-faced dog, and various other people and their pets. If you condensed the Drivel Thread (art, poetry, memoir, vocaroos, music, selfies, and the commentary of hostiles and friendlies) into a ten-minute exhibition, I bet Morrissey would be amused by it.
Yeah, no. There's nothing contained within the pages of the drivel thread that would lend itself to any poetic notion one might have of the mentally ill. There's a whole lot of grossness however that would mitigate any poetic element one might attribute to such tragic characters. I think you must have a high disgust threshold, audrey, if you do not have an overwhelming feeling of disgust just thinking about the drivel thread. I have a low disgust threshold. Most women do have a lower disgust threshold than men. I would suspect mozzer does too and thus, he would be so disgusted and turned off by everything contained within the drivel thread.

But thank you for the insight into the fact that you don't understand Morrissey AT ALL.
And I am pretty confident that Morrissey would have no sympathy for someone who purposely exacerbates a wound on her chest, and then makes a complaint about a likely hard working lab technician having done it to her because he was a sadist!
No, he doesn't. Eccentrics maybe. Fabulously "off" people, maybe. But you can be SURE that he does NOT consider rotten toothed, food on face, jaundiced looking, violent fantasists HIS people. That's such a stretch, and such a dumb notion to posit. Furthermore, they're just lyrics, probably written for the witty factor more than anything else, not to be taken as a fervent assertion of some deep-seated desire. SO dumb, audrey! SO dumb!

The line is definitely witty, but I think it’s Morrissey’s inversion of the famous Kerouac passage, “the only people for me are the mad ones”—except instead of all that over-romanticized, life-affirming, Dionysian, tortured-poet American crap, he prefers the quaint, ordinary, hopeless cases doing craft hour at the mental institution. It’s funny and it cuts against the grain.

Yeah, no. There's nothing contained within the pages of the drivel thread that would lend itself to any poetic notion one might have of the mentally ill. There's a whole lot of grossness however that would mitigate any poetic element one might attribute to such tragic characters. I think you must have a high disgust threshold, audrey, if you do not have an overwhelming feeling of disgust just thinking about the drivel thread. I have a low disgust threshold. Most women do have a lower disgust threshold than men. I would suspect mozzer does too and thus, he would be so disgusted and turned off by everything contained within the drivel thread.

But thank you for the insight into the fact that you don't understand Morrissey AT ALL.

I don’t have a high disgust threshold at all. Mine is very low. The grossness is there, for sure, but overall it’s minimal. It’s redeemed by the commitment to the art, and the dreamy obsession with empathy, and her great mug. I think Morrissey would like her disheveled, dishwater-redhead aesthetic. I’ve told her before, she definitely has something of a classic “Smiths look” to her. If she traded the trainers and the hoodie for a drab parka and Doctor Martens, and stood against a brick wall, I think she would look the part better than almost anybody. But maybe Morrissey doesn’t share my taste. It doesn’t mean you understand him better.
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