Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

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Dear god, please, no. Do not summon the Folk Devil.
I only come on here to laugh at the dumb hard up old men and to satisfy myself that light housework is now where she belongs.
Just popped into the drivel thread for the first time in months, and…wow. Shocking. Unsettling. But hopefully she’s better off in the long run.
Just popped into the drivel thread for the first time in months, and…wow. Shocking. Unsettling. But hopefully she’s better off in the long run.
the problem is she doesnt want to get better. she wants to have her delusions about being wildly desirable and think that people around her are sadists and that her malevolence (and, apparently, violence) towards them is justified. she needs to be taught a good lesson about where that behaviour will get her and then maybe she'll try harder for some degree of functionality. i find it disgusting how she's continually feeling sorry for herself with her "poor me" posts when actually she's been quite lucky to live in a beautiful city, have a roof over her head, some spending money (all just handed to her), endless resources and help, when you actually consider the state of many far more deserving canadians these days (many of whom are working two jobs and living in their cars because they cant afford rent!). im just so absolutely disgusted by her at this point, she just strikes me as so abjectly worthless and vile, that i wouldnt care if they threw her in a deep dark hole and forgot about her.
the problem is she doesnt want to get better. she wants to have her delusions about being wildly desirable and think that people around her are sadists and that her malevolence (and, apparently, violence) towards them is justified. she needs to be taught a good lesson about where that behaviour will get her and then maybe she'll try harder for some degree of functionality. i find it disgusting how she's continually feeling sorry for herself with her "poor me" posts when actually she's been quite lucky to live in a beautiful city, have a roof over her head, some spending money (all just handed to her), endless resources and help, when you actually consider the state of many far more deserving canadians these days (many of whom are working two jobs and living in their cars because they cant afford rent!). im just so absolutely disgusted by her at this point, she just strikes me as so abjectly worthless and vile, that i wouldnt care if they threw her in a deep dark hole and forgot about her.
Since she’s ill, however, she will probably never learn that lesson. Sadly enough.
Mentally ill people rarely know they are mentally ill, I think.
When it comes to schizophrenic people they CAN know objectively that their delusions are delusions.. it won't stop them from experiencing them, but it can stop the influence they have over their lives. Of course when ones delusions are the only thing propping up and justifying ones sorry existence while simultaneously making one feel special it would make recognizing them for what they are--that is, delusions--undesirable.
I work with a guy with schizophrenia and he tells me about his delusions, how the moon talks to him, etc. And he knows full well that they're delusions. His schizophrenia doesn't interfere with him having a job, going to school, going to church, volunteering at the homeless shelter, etc. I've never once heard him feel sorry for himself.
Also when I was young my mom had a friend who was schizophrenic. I remember she had been normal and then one day she was at our house crying because the fbi put wilted salad in her fridge. When her daughter came over she told her daughter that she was unwell again. All that time she was crying about the fbi, she knew that she was unwell.

At first it might be difficult for a sufferer to tell what are delusions and what aren't. But schizophrenics tend to have the same recurring delusions so that over time recognizing them becomes a habit. At 60 years old one should have some inkling that the idea a famous singer youve never met has been in love with you for decades and has been going to all sorts of improbable lengths to cross paths with you while never actually speaking to you, is probably not realistic.
At first it might be difficult for a sufferer to tell what are delusions and what aren't. But schizophrenics tend to have the same recurring delusions so that over time recognizing them becomes a habit. At 60 years old one should have some inkling that the idea a famous singer youve never met has been in love with you for decades and has been going to all sorts of improbable lengths to cross paths with you while never actually speaking to you, is probably not realistic.
It’s obvious you have more experience than I, when it comes to schizophrenia (which isn’t a great feat since I have none!), so I really have nothing to add. Does LH have schizophrenia? Has she been diagnosed? Or is it a psychosis? Whatever it is, she doesn’t have a clue what’s real and what’s not. Which is remarkable and speaks volumes of the severity of her illness. I hope they can treat her.
I only come on here to laugh at the dumb hard up old men and to satisfy myself that light housework is now where she belongs.

You come to the fan site for the man who wrote That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore to laugh at lonely people? Interesting choice. It's either self-refuting, anti-Morrissey, or indicates only casual fandom. Gloating over the sad fate of the mentally ill is contradicted by the singer who finds fulfillment making Xmas cards with them, and is himself "not right in the head."
It’s obvious you have more experience than I, when it comes to schizophrenia (which isn’t a great feat since I have none!), so I really have nothing to add. Does LH have schizophrenia? Has she been diagnosed? Or is it a psychosis? Whatever it is, she doesn’t have a clue what’s real and what’s not. Which is remarkable and speaks volumes of the severity of her illness. I hope they can treat her.

Wouldn’t you love to spend an evening drinking with LH though, because she “does have a screw loose but that’s what makes it all so exciting!”? Aren’t you into that idea; drinking with a woman who has a ‘screw loose’ and sitting there beside her shivering like a scared little boy because she’s “terrifying”?
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"At some point during "Miserable Lie" Morrissey was hit in the eye by a flower, dropped his microphone to the floor and left the stage. The band finished the song mostly as an instrumental. Morrissey returned to the stage on time for the ending of "I need advice, I need advice", adding at the end "and so do you!" for the rowdy audience. He remained playful following this, but Johnny Marr later said in an interview that this was his most embarrassing moment. Actually in the 1985 programme for the Meat Is Murder tour, he said this concert was his 'greatest embarrassment'."
His most embarrassing moment? As in Johnny's?

Johnny seems like the kind of guy who would get embarrassed as nearly anything and everything. He has that "nice guy" swagger, but it doesn't seem genuine to me.
Morrissey seems like the kind of guy that is not easily embarrassed. A bit self conscious, but not embarrassed.
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