Music News / Fiona Dodwell review of "I Am Not A Dog On A Chain" (4/5 stars, March 9, 2020)

La Dodwell has been wheeled out previously to provide hagiographical screeds in times of need, so it's worth wondering why she didn't give it 5/5?
All the more reason to take every review (good or bad) with a pinch of salt.
I must admit that her review sounds like a 5 star, so maybe she picked 4 to avoid being called a sycophantic slag.
Jesus what tripe. The album might very well be 4/5, but Dodwell has once again managed to write not one insightful or interesting thing about the album.
Yes but she did quote some lyrics so you have to think she listened to it. It amazes me how albums aren't leaked and available to download for free. All it would take is one reviewer to rip it. Or is it more high tech than simply sending them a CD?
Those who condemned David Quantick's review because of accusations of bias must surely condemn this review on the same basis, no?
Yes agreed. The review itself is terrible in as much as it sounds like something someone would post on a blog. 'It's really good because the music is nice.' I'm paraphrasing of course,m but t that is literally the depth of Dodwell's critique.

However having heard some more of the album form those IG posts I'm liking pretty much everything I've heard thus far. But then I also really liked World Peace and Low in High School, so anything that is an extension of those two albums I'm probably going to like.
It's a poorly written, but positive review.That is all.

A bit like most of her sycophantic musings since she became one of Morrissey's go-to PR pets.
I don't care about any review and rating.On 20 march i will listen the full album and give my own rating.Opinions and reviews are what they are.
I don't care about any review and rating.On 20 march i will listen the full album and give my own rating.Opinions and reviews are what they are.
Too right, we’ll all be doing the same positive or negative. At least Ms Dodwell has given hers, very positive yeah, but who cares really? Why slag it when we’re only on here for one reason?!!
Christ! Some haters up in here! And for what - a music review? Its not as if you had opted to read a poet laureate or a recent Pulitzer prize winning essay. Its an online music review - for Morrissey!

So its maybe overly glowing, so what? So it doesn't meet your high-quality prose that you exacted on the "pages" of Solo's message boards - groan! Ask yourself - would you have rather seen her trash the album? Keep your sensibilities intact!

The post will be buried soon enough as last weeks news...until Moz's next gaffe whist he generates buzz for the latest tour.

Remain focused on what's important - Morrissey is on tour again supporting a new album. It wasn't like this for so very long...

Edit: Lotsa trolls here as well!
I haven't been here since WPINOYB and the whole Uncle Skinny themed smear machine is still bellowing out nasty hate print of the guy who the talk about 24/7. Here and The Guardian Morrissey music reviews are one in the same. He just ignores the James Comey's of Morrissey.Solo. and they don't know what to do. Hmph.
I haven't been here since WPINOYB and the whole Uncle Skinny themed smear machine is still bellowing out nasty hate print of the guy who the talk about 24/7. Here and The Guardian Morrissey music reviews are one in the same. He just ignores the James Comey's of Morrissey.Solo. and they don't know what to do. Hmph.
John Riggers? Is that YOU? I recognise that disjointed style!

A smear is only a smear if it ain't true. my friend, so feel free to list the lies you see. Though I won't see them, as you're on ignore now. Have a nice day.

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