Morrissey I'm not a dog on a chain NME review 3/5

He isn't & I love him for it.

Though I wish he'd blast them with 'I'm a working-class, non-grad, bisexual, Ist Generation Immigrant, Irish Catholic, provincial, mentally unstable, social misfit with gender dysphoria, so fku'.

I think he'd need a bigger T-shirt to get all that on though...;)
I prefer it when the NME despises Moz. It makes more sense. What next, a positive review from the Guardian?

Moz is an outsider and should remain that way.

It's more cooler for a start. The NME is the antithesis of cool.
I wouldn't dare cross the twittermob line - what if Billy Bragg cancelled me?
Actually in the anal's of time, some bloke called Billy got up on stage once - was it 1983ish - and then started singing Morrissey & Marr songs believe it or not. With Marr present too.
Then the f***er released it !
Yours x
‘Avant-garde ‘?! doh:

Should we then expect Morrissey to do a cover of Cage’s 4′33″ at the next show?

Guess it would be the first cover the haters on here would applaud and ask for more.

It's good.

I dispute that he's urging someone to kill themselves & I wish they'd lay off thinking his political opinions are any worse than anything else going on. And I LOVE River Clean.

But, still, at least they've acknowledged that For Britain is nothing & not worth shunning him for.

Because it really isn't.

He'll be back in favour in a couple of years.

"But, still, at least they've acknowledged that For Britain is nothing & not worth shunning him for."

Really, I guess people will read into things what they want to see. A party that supports Holocaust Denial is not worth shunning him for. Ok. They invite Holocaust Deniers to speak at their conferences and have links to nasty identity groups in europe that believe in the great replacement theory.

But that's ok surely.

He will never recover from that.
"But, still, at least they've acknowledged that For Britain is nothing & not worth shunning him for."

Really, I guess people will read into things what they want to see. A party that supports Holocaust Denial is not worth shunning him for. Ok. They invite Holocaust Deniers to speak at their conferences and have links to nasty identity groups in europe that believe in the great replacement theory.

But that's ok surely.

He will never recover from that.

The Labour Party (the UK's left-wing party) has had holocaust deniers at meetings. There isn't a party in the UK that doesn't have 'problematic' links to something.

For Britain is a joke, run by a couple of oddballs. Moz mentioned it once, wore a badge twice & put one stupid open letter on his facebook page.

He doesn't even vote.

He will recover.

& for anyone interested in just how intricate the politics around Islamism is (& also why singers probably should stay out of it), this is good wee article from the Quilliam Foundation - which was denounced as a hate group for a while by the SPLC before winning its case against them.

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Well balanced review. Some of it they like, some they don't, and a lot of it is a new musical direction for Moz. Maybe the NME is slightly less of a rag mag than it used to be?
Still though, if I thought the album was his 'best in years' I'd give it more than 3 stars/60%. I would have given LIHS and World Peace more than 3 stars, so I'm hoping (that for me at least) it is more like a 4 star album. In the end reviews are fairly meaningless anyway as appreciation of art is decided by individual taste.
Well balanced review. Some of it they like, some they don't, and a lot of it is a new musical direction for Moz. Maybe the NME is slightly less of a rag mag than it used to be?
Still though, if I thought the album was his 'best in years' I'd give it more than 3 stars/60%. I would have given LIHS and World Peace more than 3 stars, so I'm hoping (that for me at least) it is more like a 4 star album. In the end reviews are fairly meaningless anyway as appreciation of art is decided by individual taste.

There's hedge-betting going on - I reckon the smarter ones know the The Monstering of Moz has been ridiculous esp. now The Labour Party has gone up in flames & even Trevor Phillips is now a racist bigot... but... they're not sure if it's acceptable to say that in public yet.
"Morrissey – ‘I Am Not A Dog On A Chain’ review: his best album in years (if you can tune out his opinions)"

@NME & the rest of the music press

You've only got one job.

Listen to an album. Multiple times if possible.


Is that f***ing album good or not?

That's it!

Forget opinions!

Play an album and let us know if it's any good.

If a member of band x shits on a pic of Trump and posts it on Twitter, that has nothing to do with the album. Just like Harvey Weinstein raping women has nothing to do with Pulp Fiction. That film is still a great film.

Do you understand?
There's hedge-betting going on - I reckon the smarter ones know the The Monstering of Moz has been ridiculous esp. now The Labour Party has gone up in flames & even Trevor Phillips is now a racist bigot... but... they're not sure if it's acceptable to say that in public yet.
As long as he remains an official supporter of a far-right political party, he deserves everything he gets. He's not genuinely far right but as long as the support remains in place people are totally justified in jumping to this conclusion.
As long as he remains an official supporter of a far-right political party, he deserves everything he gets. He's not genuinely far right but as long as the support remains in place people are totally justified in jumping to this conclusion.

His support doesn't remain in place. He's said nothing & THE PIN has vanished.

He doesn't deserve it. And considering the state of Labour, it's embarrassing that anyone thinks he does.
Oh, Photo - all the people trying to piously separate The Smiths from Morrissey are going to look like prats.

Moz is riot of marginal/oppressed identities & associations, now more than ever - the rest of them, not so much.
His support doesn't remain in place. He's said nothing & THE PIN has vanished.

He doesn't deserve it. And considering the state of Labour, it's embarrassing that anyone thinks he does.

‘official supporter’


And the pin he wore, did a fan make it? Don’t think it’s even a official pin (no one has proved it was/is).
Yet to see another like it.
His support doesn't remain in place. He's said nothing & THE PIN has vanished.

He doesn't deserve it. And considering the state of Labour, it's embarrassing that anyone thinks he does.
He gave his wholehearted support to For Britain on his website in a clear unambiguous post. He has not retracted it verbally since, and it is still sitting there on his own personal website. Until it is removed or he retracts his support some other way, it is completely understandable that the wider world assumes he has far-right political views, even though you and I know that he doesn't.
Translation: this is a 5 star album - but I can't possibly give it 5 stars because the singer holds view that threaten my world view.
He gave his wholehearted support to For Britain on his website in a clear unambiguous post. He has not retracted it verbally since, and it is still sitting there on his own personal website. Until it is removed or he retracts his support some other way, it is completely understandable that the wider world assumes he has far-right political views, even though you and I know that he doesn't.

No, it isn't.

Not if they're interested enough in him & UK politics to see an ancient blog post & know who FB are.

They're idiots if they're still mad at him.
Eight sentences in four different paragraphs through this review talk about his political opinions. How can this possibly be a good review? Because it actually also talks about the music in a little bit of depth? Our standards have sunk, haven't they? In so many ways.

See you on Saturday, Morrissey.

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