Music News / Fiona Dodwell review of "I Am Not A Dog On A Chain" (4/5 stars, March 9, 2020)

At least she actually deals with all the songs. Those reviews where it's a paragraph at most do my head in.

AGREED. However, don't get me wrong here. Her words may be poor, but it seems nowadays so few reviews actually do what's intended - review the material to any meaningful degree. Does everything need to be the length of a tweet in these times?
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The more I’m reading these reviews the more I think, what’s the point really. There was a fan on here a few weeks ago who had a promo copy of the album and was giving their thoughts. And I realised from various things they had to say about previous songs/albums, that we both had very different tastes. Which is probably the case with most of these reviewers. Even if they’re impartial, their opinion is still based on what they consider to be good music.
The more I’m reading these reviews the more I think, what’s the point really. There was a fan on here a few weeks ago who had a promo copy of the album and was giving their thoughts. And I realised from various things they had to say about previous songs/albums, that we both had very different tastes. Which is probably the case with most of these reviewers. Even if they’re impartial, their opinion is still based on what they consider to be good music.

I try to look at reviews in the aggregate in that, if taken as a whole, they provide a general sentiment that its good, then I look forward to the album's release. If its questionable, or bad, I tend to want to know more or at least read a little bit more intently to try and discern why the reviewer felt they way they did to fashion a poor review.

But as you mentioned, after a certain point - what's the point really?

Maybe David T., or an enterprising mod, could fashion a Rotten Tomatoes-esque type of aggregate review here on Solo?
I try to look at reviews in the aggregate in that, if taken as a whole, they provide a general sentiment that its good, then I look forward to the album's release. If its questionable, or bad, I tend to want to know more or at least read a little bit more intently to try and discern why the reviewer felt they way they did to fashion a poor review.

But as you mentioned, after a certain point - what's the point really?

Maybe David T., or an enterprising mod, could fashion a Rotten Tomatoes-esque type of aggregate review here on Solo?

Yeah that would be useful. The first couple of reviews are always exciting because so little is known about the album at that point. But I’m at the stage now where I just want to hear the album for myself.

I actually find it more interesting, reading reviews back after I’ve heard the album, to compare opinions. I especially enjoy comparing options on here. It’s always fascinating to me how although we’re all Morrissey fans, which in itself is a unique musical taste, we still all have our own tastes, within that.
It’s always fascinating to me how although we’re all Morrissey fans, which in itself is a unique musical taste, we still all have our own tastes, within that.

"Truer words were never spoken"....
At least she actually deals with all the songs. Those reviews where it's a paragraph at most do my head in.
Yes! A glowing walk-through of each song, by a well-known sycophant sympathizer gets respect from the felchers.

A quick, honest review by someone who’s not a slug clown gets panned.

Nothing like the half-wit musings of the Melvis minions, is there?
AGREED. However, don't get me wrong here. Her words may be poor, but it seems nowadays so few reviews actually do what's intended - review the material to any meaningful degree. Does everything need to be the length of a tweet in these times?
Where this rubbish is concerned, the answer is a resounding “no”.

One sentence is plenty is plenty to sum up the try-hard pablum we’ve heard so far.
...and Fiona Dodwell is an unctuous, semi-literate twat.

Let’s balance the two, shall we? A 3/5 is more than generous, based on what’s known so far.

The truth will be revealed through physical medium and ticket sales.

Nope, Truth is revealed when you listen to the album. You keep looking for approval from hack writers
tldr :lbf:

Only 4/5 stars ?!!! :squiffy:

I thought Fiona was one of us ?

How dare she ! :mad::censored:

í don't really care whether it's a good or bad review; it's not going to make Buckley's to me when í listen to it.

í do care whether it's a well written analysis, one that is able to explain, in a handsome or thrilling manner, why the LP is great, or shit. This is not.

It's like something a slightly bright kid might come up with, after 15 minutes thought.

The review or the record?
"Finally, the last song is 'My Hurling Days Are Over.' “Time, oh time – no friend of mine,” Morrissey sings. These are very reflective lyrics, of the artist looking back on all that's gone – and how quickly. The backing vocals – a children's choir - add an innocent and surprising depth to it. If the album was a box, this song would be the bow tied around it. A nice and fitting end to the album."

I've always thought that if "World Peace" was a dog turd in a kiddies playground, then Oboe Concerto is the ice lolly stick poking out the top of it.

Wowe! You and Fiona should collaborate on something!:D
But seriously, only 4/5 stars ?

Guess Mozzy didn’t send her those tickets like he promised.

But then surely the same should be said of David Quantick, for exactly the opposite reason. And then if you extend this rule you start to consider the fact that no one who ever liked or disliked anything ever should be allowed to review the work of the person they ever liked/disliked...

at least david is good at what he does and can actually put together a sentence.
I think the only way we can judge this album is by listening ourselves. But this has surely always been the way...
nine your forgetting your on msolo,its even worse now than before its shit reskin because that's all it was.
Yeah that would be useful. The first couple of reviews are always exciting because so little is known about the album at that point. But I’m at the stage now where I just want to hear the album for myself.

I actually find it more interesting, reading reviews back after I’ve heard the album, to compare opinions. I especially enjoy comparing options on here. It’s always fascinating to me how although we’re all Morrissey fans, which in itself is a unique musical taste, we still all have our own tastes, within that.
Tbevie, half the people on here don't have 1 Morrissey album in their collection.
God save us from the mangled metaphors and sycophantic drivel of Fiona Dodwell. It is puzzling how this woman seems to have become the journalistic torch-bearer for late-period Morrissey, particularly since she seems to know nothing about music. Or journalism. In fact, at times she doesn't even seem too familiar with Morrissey.
I'm going to agree with you Pep! One of Moz's strength is that he does capture time and place very strongly so I disagree with her assertion that his music is hard to be dated at a specific time. An obvious example of this is the Italian influence was very strong in Ringleaders of the Tormentors.

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