Morrissey Central "Joy To The World." Review by Fiona Dodwell (5 of 5 stars) - (October 10, 2022)

I was kind of joking, but you are probably right. I'm addicted to Kerouac's Crack, I'm probably going to like nearly everything he does.

I know you were joking, but it also made me think about the impossibility of an unbiased article on Morrissey, especially these days.

Though, your above Crack, you did lose me.
Maybe something else is needed here. John Riggers, perhaps.

6stars out of 5 no doubt, but something from JR then we might get an ‘interview’ at least.
I’m surprised he wanted to promote such a vanilla article. Say what you want about Fiona (and I have done), she certainly knows a lot about Morrissey. However this reads like some rookie on a shitty local whose just been tasked with doing a review of someone they‘ve never heard of, so relied on some online research to fill those column inches. Almost as thought she’s a bit embarrassed about her previous sycophantic output?
It's like she has a bag of cliches and she puts her hand in, pulls out about 20 of them, and shoves them into a few paragraphs. Every single time.

I'm sure she's a nice person, etc, but it really is the most sycophantic drivel.
Exactly. Surely Moz sees this? Surely he can’t take it seriously?
This has been a sensational run of concerts...his best in many, many years. I don't think any of us who attended need Fiona to tell us why they were so good.

Yep, she's probably a pleasant enough human being...she just needs to stop typing things.
It's like she has a bag of cliches and she puts her hand in, pulls out about 20 of them, and shoves them into a few paragraphs. Every single time.

I'm sure she's a nice person, etc, but it really is the most sycophantic drivel.
Another paid lacki,
working for a narcissist and control freak.
How many times. How many times have we had this person, who, in no other context, does not exist, expound upon the career of her paymaster, and, in a gesture that means nothing at all, dole out a 5 star review?

All you plebeians, you have to bow down at her obviously superior altar, and admit you've always been wrong.

How many times. How many times have we had this person, who, in no other context, does not exist, expound upon the career of her paymaster, and, in a gesture that means nothing at all, dole out a 5 star review?

All you plebeians, you have to bow down at her obviously superior altar, and admit you've always been wrong.
Was wondering where you’d been, idiot
Was wondering where you’d been, idiot
He’s probably been seething ever since the start of the successful tour, much love and support from the British fans camping out, queuing around the blocks, and no protests in Manchester, etc to all the haters that visit this site a disappointment surely.
Another paid lacki,
She is? How much does she get paid then?

You would think with all the devoted fans, Morrissey could easily get them all to fill up the internet with wonderful reviews. Surprised he hasn’t thought of this. Why just one fan, why just her?
no matter what she writes she gets slagged off on here,shes writing from a fans point of view not a cynical old hack who sharpen their knives before the gig/record even begins, i quite like her and she seems decent enough.

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