Music News / Fiona Dodwell review of "I Am Not A Dog On A Chain" (4/5 stars, March 9, 2020)

Is Fiona a sixth-former on work experience? The writing has the nuance and subtlety of a hurried shite in a city centre McDonalds. The album may well be 4/5 stars - I hope it is his best ever - but the world can do without this garbage.
Is Fiona a sixth-former on work experience? The writing has the nuance and subtlety of a hurried shite in a city centre McDonalds. The album may well be 4/5 stars - I hope it is his best ever - but the world can do without this garbage.
She's Morrissey's pet blogger, to be wheeled out whenever he needs some ingratiating copy.
Christ! Some haters up in here! And for what - a music review? Its not as if you had opted to read a poet laureate or a recent Pulitzer prize winning essay. Its an online music review - for Morrissey!

So its maybe overly glowing, so what? So it doesn't meet your high-quality prose that you exacted on the "pages" of Solo's message boards - groan! Ask yourself - would you have rather seen her trash the album? Keep your sensibilities intact!

The post will be buried soon enough as last weeks news...until Moz's next gaffe whist he generates buzz for the latest tour.

Remain focused on what's important - Morrissey is on tour again supporting a new album. It wasn't like this for so very long...

Edit: Lotsa trolls here as well!
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I think it's quite a balanced review to be fair...with the obvious caveat being I haven't heard the full album, only the 3 released tracks.
Maybe she's trying to not be so gushing as she might have been previously, for which she's been criticised.
Did you read the review? What’s balanced about it? It’s a fawning slurp-fest.

Lyrically, she’s mistaken “poignant” for “trite”. Musically, she’s mistaken “enchanting” for “elevator pap”.

...but as a reviewer, her 4 out of 5 stars have garnered here a 4 out of 5 here. Had she given it 5 stars, she’d have received the same 5 from the sycophantic slugs around here.

Unbelievable, we’re it not so fully believable at this point.

Fak Arf.
...but as a reviewer, her 4 out of 5 stars have garnered here a 4 out of 5 here. Had she given it 5 stars, she’d have received the same 5 from the sycophantic slugs around here.

You are speaking the truth there, unfortunately.
Is it worth wondering? Does a fairly unknown muso journo, who apparently moonlights as Morrissey's inner circle sycophantic titilate your curiosity?
Perhaps, just perhaps this was a genuine objective review, focusing on the music as opposed to the politics.
If I hadn’t heard the first 3 tracks and read her review, I might have entertained this notion.

Nobody with a functioning aural ability gives the currently available nonsense 4 stars. The rest of the album must be FANTASTIC!
Nope, difference here is Quantick is a hateful prick bitter about Morrissey not being stuck on the leftits chain gain and it showed throughout his lame review
...and Fiona Dodwell is an unctuous, semi-literate twat.

Let’s balance the two, shall we? A 3/5 is more than generous, based on what’s known so far.

The truth will be revealed through physical medium and ticket sales.
"Finally, the last song is 'My Hurling Days Are Over.' “Time, oh time – no friend of mine,” Morrissey sings. These are very reflective lyrics, of the artist looking back on all that's gone – and how quickly. The backing vocals – a children's choir - add an innocent and surprising depth to it. If the album was a box, this song would be the bow tied around it. A nice and fitting end to the album."

I've always thought that if "World Peace" was a dog turd in a kiddies playground, then Oboe Concerto is the ice lolly stick poking out the top of it.
fiona is a classic fan girl. fan boys and fan girls should not be allowed to write reviews about the work of their heroes. they should save their words for the birthday cards and obituaries. and in her case, she should save her words for her own personal diary, which no one will ever want to read.

0 out of 5
You weak-ass sycophants are puppies on chokers. Never mind chains. Beware the yank. If that doesn’t work, the needle will.

f***ing clowns.
I think the only way we can judge this album is by listening ourselves. But this has surely always been the way...
Nobody here is judging the album. Nobody has heard it.

They’re just judging the reviews and reviewers.

...which tells you everything you need to know about Morrissey’s current crop of whack-job fans.
I think the only way we can judge this album is by listening ourselves. But this has surely always been the way...
The perfect sense you impart here ^ is lost on Melvis’ dimwit, boot-licking grovellers and felchers.
My Hurling Days Are Done is my favorite song I heard so far.
That stuff about The Turkey Bear is really cute!

Me thinks you are a little biased...

fiona is a classic fan girl. fan boys and fan girls should not be allowed to write reviews about the work of their heroes. they should save their words for the birthday cards and obituaries. and in her case, she should save her words for her own personal diary, which no one will ever want to read.

0 out of 5
But then surely the same should be said of David Quantick, for exactly the opposite reason. And then if you extend this rule you start to consider the fact that no one who ever liked or disliked anything ever should be allowed to review the work of the person they ever liked/disliked...
Absolutely! She's a sycophant, and a really crap writer as well.

"When it comes to Morrissey, few can argue that his work is unlike any other." I mean, dear god.

I'll give it a miss. I'm happy she cheers him up & that's enough.

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