Morrissey interview + Polaroid photo in German Spiegel magazine

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"Ich bin für Klartext" - Spiegel Online

(Excerpt before paywall via Google Translate)

Morrissey's worldview "I'm for plain text"

"Morrissey praises the Brexit referendum, defends Kevin Spacey and calls Berlin a "rape capital" because of its open borders. seriously?"

Whether the Briton Steven Patrick Morrissey, 58, a musician just Morrissey calls, now Genius is or Schrat, self-actor or choleric poet, will probably never settle final. Certainly the man from Manchester, who became famous in the eighties as a singer of pop band The Smiths, is a great eccentric of pop. Whether concert or interview, he maintains the pose of the diva. The meeting took place on the occasion of his new album "Low in High School" in Los Angeles; It was arranged at very short notice and then postponed several times, domination gestures want to be maintained. After all, Morrissey is ready to talk. However, the photographer is referred by one of his managers rude of the room: "Get out of my hotel!" The Polaroid photo was taken by the interviewer.

An interview with Juliane Liebert


SPIEGEL: Mr Morrissey, in your new song "Spent the Day in Bed", you recommend that you no longer see any news. A serious proposal?

Morrissey: Yes. People should stop doing so for their own sanity. You have to stop. The news is just social engineering, and it's about control, not information. There are no more messages. Only control.

SPIEGEL: That sounds like Trump's fake news, but you just spoke out against Trump at a concert.

Morrissey: Trump has received so much attention, especially when compared to other candidates - Bernie Sanders, for example. Although the media said he will not win, every day, all the headlines: Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump! The American media helped Trump, yes, they first created it. Whether they criticize him or laugh at him, he does not care, he just wants to see his picture and his name. The American media have shot themselves in the leg. Since he was in power, he has exhausted the world. He grabs after everything like a little child. He is not a leader. He is a vermin. A huge vermin.

SPIEGEL: Do you think that he will be re-elected?

Full transcript (Google Translate to English), original German text posted by Cornflakes

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Wonder how Moz feels about this latest Brexit development..

The Conservative-DUP alliance has managed to scrap a crucial EU law, putting untold numbers of animals at risk
After a debate in parliament, MPs decided that ‘animal sentience’ will not be included in the EU Withdrawal Bill. Every single Conservative and DUP MP present voted to reject inclusion of the term, which recognises that animals are capable of feeling pain and emotion. All MPs from the Labour, Green and SNP parties voted to include it.
EU Nazis etc.
No it’s not. Anyone who is a parent would ask the question of what was their son doing staying with Spacey. They were either incredibly naive or so keen for their child to be a success (at whatever cost). Equally anyone who works in these industries knows how these things can pan out. That’s why minors are chaperoned. There are laws to protect them. Why are we surprised by any of this?

^^ THIS ^^
Thanks Pilgrimupnorth.
Voice of reason. :thumb:
the #metoo campaign has brought out a lot of people and showed the idiocy of the idea of constant consent

Re-read the last eight words you wrote. Slowly.
Because if not for constant consent in sexual matters, it is rape, it is abuse, it is deplorable.
"Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific. You can't help but feel that the Chinese are a subspecies."

To me this quote (which may or may not be accurate) is constantly and purposefully taken out of context and is simply an attempt to express how inhumane or sub-human he feels it is for a culture to allow explict and horriffic animal cruelty (skinning dogs alive in this instance). The target is not the race, it is the cruelty and the culture that allows it.
Thank you! Always out of context this quote is suppose to prove Moz is racist? Haterz will use any mis-quote to smear or silence him cuz his plea for humanity , what he's really talking about, is still too dangerous an idea ....
He reckons to have shagged a bird called Tina but he's always got this weird looking Damon geezer in the background just out of the shot.

That was self reported about this Tina maybe wishful thinking by M and this Damon guy is M’s bag man.
Thank you! Always out of context this quote is suppose to prove Moz is racist? Haterz will use any mis-quote to smear or silence him cuz his plea for humanity , what he's really talking about, is still too dangerous an idea ....

Please do elaborate on what was misquoted. And this plea for humanity doesn't extend to victims of sexual assault, does it?
Re-read the last eight words you wrote. Slowly.
Because if not for constant consent in sexual matters, it is rape, it is abuse, it is deplorable.

He very sneakily left out mutual and sexual.

Constant consent about everything is impossible of course.

But if we as people in general don’t agre e with the mutual sexual consensus than it is rape, abuse and deplorable; we all are in the race of survival of the fittest. Altruism and compassion means nothing then.

Than the word civilization, for me, living in the western world will have lost its meaning completely.

Which is of course already a very thin layer that vanishes completely when there is war, poverty, hunger, etcetera, etcetera.

In those situations, not uncommon in the history of mankind anything is possible.

It is very disappointing and makes me truly miserable to have to accept that and I am not thinking about it 24 hrs a day cause then you can’t live.

“People know exactly what’s going on. And they play along. Afterwards, they feel embarrassed or disliked. And then they turn it around and say: ‘I was attacked, I was surprised’. But if everything went well, and if it had given them a great career, they would not talk about it.”

Yet plenty of women with long and illustrious careers in Hollywood have spoken out against Harvey Weinstein, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie, Rose McGowan, Rosanna Arquette, Heather Graham, Kate Beckinsale, Mira Sorvino, and numerous others, as Jezebel report.
Leave the Stretford lad alone! He's just trying to promote his brilliant new LP, Low In Fake News, with its brilliant songs and brilliant track listing! In case you missed it...

1. My Love, I’d Do Anything For Fake News

2. I Wish You Fake News

3. Jacky’s Only Happy When She’s Up On The Fake News

4. Fake News Is A Question Mark

5. Read The Fake News In Bed

6. I Bury The Fake News

7. Fake News In Your Lap

8. The Girl From Tel Aviv Who Wouldn’t Read Fake News

9. All The Fake News Must Fall In The Recycling Bin

10. When You Open Your Fake News

11. Who Will Protect Us From The Fake News

12. Fake News

He very sneakily left out mutual and sexual.

Constant consent about everything is impossible of course.

But if we as people in general don’t agre e with the mutual sexual consensus than it is rape, abuse and deplorable; we all are in the race of survival of the fittest. Altruism and compassion means nothing then.

Than the word civilization, for me, living in the western world will have lost its meaning completely.

Which is of course already a very thin layer that vanishes completely when there is war, poverty, hunger, etcetera, etcetera.

In those situations, not uncommon in the history of mankind anything is possible.

It is very disappointing and makes me truly miserable to have to accept that and I am not thinking about it 24 hrs a day cause then you can’t live.
That's pretty irrelevant, Qx3, that mutual and sexual consent was left out given that #metoo is entirely related to sexual aggression without consent. I don't care if consent is revoked at the moment of penetration. It is a human right to deny access to one's body. To move forward in any way, shape, or form at that point is an act of sexual violence.

EDIT: And you shouldn't think of that, or anything, 24 hours a day. There are some things that are ingrained morals and standards that don't need to be thought of, because they are already a part of you if you're a decent person. I'm just surprised that Morrissey- historically "asexual" "humasexual" "celibate" and somehow categorized as other, would have such regressive notions about sex.
I imagine he was in a really bad mood when he said these things. He is the least sexually aggressive person in the world. He personally would never do anything to harm anyone.

Every woman has had to deal with excessive " attention" from men. Men are way too sexual.The real problem is woman are too polite when it happens. Knock em out cold ladies.
I think that's ridiculous. As far as I know, he was in a bedroom with a 14-year-old. Kevin Spacey was 26, boy 14. One wonders where the boy's parents were. One wonders if the boy did not know what would happen. I do not know about you but in my youth I have never been in situations like this. Never. I was always aware of what could happen. When you are in somebody's bedroom, you have to be aware of where that can lead to. That's why it does not sound very credible to me. It seems to me that Spacey has been attacked unnecessarily.

I know Moz was abused and that often gives people a fairly warped view of sexual propriety but Jesus Christ has the "prophet for the fourth sex" really betrayed his 80s self. I know it's inevitable and such, but I truly miss the Morrissey who praised feminist writing and hid his shyness behind faux-arrogance. That Morrissey seems so far away from who he's become.

On the plus side his clarification of his Brexit views is good. Supporting it as a victory for the people against the powers that be kind of fits in with Morrissey's lifelong antipathy for authority and government.
Morrissey in 1987

"Yes, I was beaten as a child - with umbrellas or whatever came to hand. Discipline was very strict when I was small, less as I grew older. As a child I had no freedom. For poor children like us there wasn't enough room to flourish. I just build this wall around myself."

On the same topic in 2003

"Most of the time I have probably deserved it. I was a very noisy child."

This is the typical rhetoric from victims to think that they deserve what has been done to them.
if morrissey really is asexual or one of those people like me who just dont really care about sex either way, then maybe he doesnt really see what the big deal is. people have this notion that asexuals are really prudish and traumatized by anything sexual, but the truth is a lot of the time they just dont really care either way. so people to whom sex isnt something meaningful and who dont relate anything personal to it are the ones who might often be the least rigid about it.
Leave the Stretford lad alone! He's just trying to promote his brilliant new LP, Low In Fake News, with its brilliant songs and brilliant track listing! In case you missed it...

1. My Love, I’d Do Anything For Fake News

2. I Wish You Fake News

3. Jacky’s Only Happy When She’s Up On The Fake News

4. Fake News Is A Question Mark

5. Read The Fake News In Bed

6. I Bury The Fake News

7. Fake News In Your Lap

8. The Girl From Tel Aviv Who Wouldn’t Read Fake News

9. All The Fake News Must Fall In The Recycling Bin

10. When You Open Your Fake News

11. Who Will Protect Us From The Fake News

12. Fake News


How much is it on Betamax no signature ?

BtBB :greatbritain::knife:
Blaming the victims in cases of sexual assault? If there was ever a reason to stop listening to Morrissey, THIS IS IT:mad::mad::mad:!!!
Blaming the victims in cases of sexual assault? If there was ever a reason to stop listening to Morrissey, THIS IS IT:mad::mad::mad:!!!

Interestingly, Morrissey doesn't apply the same rules to himself. He was quick to raise the roof when he made a rather questionable claim of having been sexually assaulted at LAX. Perhaps he shouldn't have dressed so provocatively and avoided arousing the TSA officer! Perhaps, on reflection, he thinks he was also to blame.

Morrissey alleges sexual assault by security guard at US airport
Officials say standard procedures were being followed after former Smiths frontman files complaint saying San Francisco officer ‘groped penis and testicles’
Interestingly, Morrissey doesn't apply the same rules to himself. He was quick to raise the roof when he made a rather questionable claim of having been sexually assaulted at LAX. Perhaps he shouldn't have dressed so provocatively and avoided arousing the TSA officer! Perhaps, on reflection, he thinks he was also to blame.

Morrissey alleges sexual assault by security guard at US airport
Officials say standard procedures were being followed after former Smiths frontman files complaint saying San Francisco officer ‘groped penis and testicles’

Good man, you keep at it, the world is watching!!

# verg anarchy in the uk 2017!!! (Or sometime in the future.)

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