Morrissey interview + Polaroid photo in German Spiegel magazine

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"Ich bin für Klartext" - Spiegel Online

(Excerpt before paywall via Google Translate)

Morrissey's worldview "I'm for plain text"

"Morrissey praises the Brexit referendum, defends Kevin Spacey and calls Berlin a "rape capital" because of its open borders. seriously?"

Whether the Briton Steven Patrick Morrissey, 58, a musician just Morrissey calls, now Genius is or Schrat, self-actor or choleric poet, will probably never settle final. Certainly the man from Manchester, who became famous in the eighties as a singer of pop band The Smiths, is a great eccentric of pop. Whether concert or interview, he maintains the pose of the diva. The meeting took place on the occasion of his new album "Low in High School" in Los Angeles; It was arranged at very short notice and then postponed several times, domination gestures want to be maintained. After all, Morrissey is ready to talk. However, the photographer is referred by one of his managers rude of the room: "Get out of my hotel!" The Polaroid photo was taken by the interviewer.

An interview with Juliane Liebert


SPIEGEL: Mr Morrissey, in your new song "Spent the Day in Bed", you recommend that you no longer see any news. A serious proposal?

Morrissey: Yes. People should stop doing so for their own sanity. You have to stop. The news is just social engineering, and it's about control, not information. There are no more messages. Only control.

SPIEGEL: That sounds like Trump's fake news, but you just spoke out against Trump at a concert.

Morrissey: Trump has received so much attention, especially when compared to other candidates - Bernie Sanders, for example. Although the media said he will not win, every day, all the headlines: Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump! The American media helped Trump, yes, they first created it. Whether they criticize him or laugh at him, he does not care, he just wants to see his picture and his name. The American media have shot themselves in the leg. Since he was in power, he has exhausted the world. He grabs after everything like a little child. He is not a leader. He is a vermin. A huge vermin.

SPIEGEL: Do you think that he will be re-elected?

Full transcript (Google Translate to English), original German text posted by Cornflakes

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But isn’t that “a bit racist” to state those statistics?
Just asking. I am not saying you are of course.

Would it be better to not focus on them as they can be misleading and there could be, or are, other factors, not yet researched leading to those figures?
Again, I am only asking your opinion.
Statistics on reported crime are just that. Numbers. You remove the humans from the equation and look at the data.
Interesting that he would do an in person interview, it's been years. Also, "if I can't tell a person I like HIM". Finally, letting is slip that he is into men. It is way,.way past his time to have a home and a partner.

Is this man Morrissey a homosexual
I for one support his statements. And people who complain that his politics are all over the place. Well that’s what happens when someone doesn’t tow a party line and thinks for themselves.

....or is a reactionary twat whose politics reek of a sixth former trying to be edgy but still influenced by his racist da
Those tweeting twitter idiots who are accusing Morrissey of pedophilia are stupid as sin. What a bunch of incoherant morons know know nothing about Morrissey, if they did, they wouldn't make those idiotic accusations

That said, the #metoo campaign has brought out a lot of people and showed the idiocy of the idea of constant consent
I do think Moz is walking on very thin ice. Of course he's not important enough any more for his views to matter that much - but he's also not important enough to recover from such statements. And certainly he doesn't have the looks any more for this youth and beauty obsessed age. Face it - Spacey has been socially exiled primarily for looking a bit creepy. Could you imagine if Bieber was accused of groping a 14 year old girl? His record sales would go through the roof. Moz too is looking (and sounding) increasingly like a creepy old man - he would be better off adopting a magisterial silence...
What's this Morrissey isn't towing the party line nonsense? His point of view is a party line. It's a very distinct, and well-funded party line. Sure, it's not the party line of most intelligent, tactful people, but that's why they're considered intelligent and tactful people, while people like Morrissey are considered cliched cranks, usually of a certain age.

The whole point of providing your opinion is to get a reaction. Otherwise, there would be no reason to ever say it out loud. If you don't like the reaction, then don't give your opinion. People will always choose the company of those similar values, over those with differing ones. People choose to cooperate in their working lives with those they don't share core values with, but beyond that, don't expect an invitation to their Christmas party.

We are discussing things that affect real people. We are not discussing our favorite color, or our favorite flavor of ice cream. These thoughts have consequences that go beyond someone simply stating their opinion.

What some of you can't tolerate is that there are people who think that what you believe is ridiculous, and shallow. You're just going to have to come to terms with the fact that this is how free speech works.

You are not free from the consequences of your words in a social setting. It's never going to change, so get the thumb out of your mouth, and stop playing the victim. Morrissey's ideas aren't rebellious, substantial, or well-founded. They're common, ignorant musings that no one is stopping anyone from saying. You just want to be appreciated for it.

If you want to go on promoting tribalism, then don't act offended when someone wants to shun your tribe. You're establishing that same boundaries through your own opinions.
....or is a reactionary twat whose politics reek of a sixth former trying to be edgy but still influenced by his racist da

Yes, the problem is perhaps not his opinions per se, the problem is that they are pedestrian reactionary opinions, crassly expressed, on the part of someone who is supposed to be an artist of great originality and lyrical deftness.
Actually there is no evidence at all that Oscar had sex with 'underage' boys - although the term underage back then had no meaning as all sex between men was considered 'gross misconduct' regardless of age. All the rent boys Oscar paid for sex were over the age of 18. At least as far as the evidence given at his trials. But the comparison is similar - a talented career brought low by sexual impropriety, with all the associated hysteria and calumny.

An interesting article on Oscar - especially in the light of the recent Spacey allegations:

16 and 17 year old boys were on the menu - and Bosie certainly went younger, suggesting that Oscar probably did too.
it is really cynical, though, to deny anthony rapp, to have been a victim of rape by an extreme predatory kevin spacey. to blame him (and current) or even his parents for letting this happen is so incurably insane, ... i have no words for it.

Er, Rapp wasn't raped. Fact. He alleges Spacey lay on top of him fully clothed in an attempt to make a pass at him. Rapp then got up and left the apartment. Under no legal system in the world would that constitute statutory rape. It might not even constitute sexual assault. Inappropriate behaviour with a minor - certainly. But let's get the facts right. The rape allegation is a new allegation made just recently by an anonymous 48-year old actor.
Yes, the problem is perhaps not his opinions per se, the problem is that they are pedestrian reactionary opinions, crassly expressed, on the part of someone who is supposed to be an artist of great originality and lyrical deftness.

Yes, the funny thing to me is seeing Morrissey trying so hard to be controversial these days when to me it seems like he'd be a better artist AND court more controversy if he had just sticked to his englishness that made The Smiths and the first run of solo albums so great. Imo -soundwise and lyricwise- he shouldve just always kept close to that. Now he seems like this international crooner over a bland world music rock from allover the place. In fact he has become the very thing he seems to bemoan, a global generic soup product. And then he tries to spice it up with some secondhand third rate alex jonesy soundbites! Imagine instead Morrissey with an english band making english music about english people of today. Now that would have been controversial!
Interesting that he would do an in person interview, it's been years. Also, "if I can't tell a person I like HIM". Finally, letting is slip that he is into men. It is way,.way past his time to have a home and a partner.

I wouldn't get too excited just yet. It may just be the English to German to English translation...

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