Morrissey blog post on bullfighting, album stream to be posted on PETA US website

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An anonymous person posts the link:

‘The Bullfighter Dies’: Exclusive Morrissey Song Hits Out at Cruel Sport Ahead of Pamplona - PETA blog


In a sneak peak from a blog post written by the compassionate star, which will be posted in full later this month by PETA US, Morrissey says of bullfighting:

The contest is not equal, the animal is unable to protest or to walk away, and the bullfighter doesn’t even actually fight the bull at all! Whatever the results, whatever the motive, the bullfight is systematic torture, and the disgrace of it falls back on any society that allows it to continue.

He also explained the message of the song, which you can listen to here:

“The Bullfighter Dies” is a shout out for the total abolition of the living horror of bullfighting, and since those who control such barbarity have no interest in the welfare of the bull, then we can only approach the subject by stressing how the overwhelming majority do not have any sympathy when the bullfight does not go the bullfighters’ way. Why should we?
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morrissey loves to preach all this animal rights bullshit but is only vegetarian because he lives off butter sandwiches and cheez-its.
im vegan and even by morrissey's standards i'm better than him lmao
cheez-its are rank :sick:
Oh I agree. As much as I truly do admire the way Moz stands by his convictions re: animal rights, I could never actually just get up and walk away from somebody just because they eat meat. But somebody’s gotta do it.

It's hard not to do, but I keep the judginess in my mind. I try to educate delicately. If a meat eater feels shamed by me it'll just make them hunker down and defend meat more. But if I lead by example and educate gently, they'll be more prone to trying it my way. NOBODY likes to be told what to do or to be judged like that anonymous poster judged Morrissey. Morrissey's contribution to animal rights is a THOUSAND fold to what some good-for-nothing militant vegan spouting off their superiority complex has likely done for animals.

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