Morrissey’s Latest Is His Most - The Federalist

"Morrissey’s Latest Is His Most - The Federalist
By David Marcus

The master of mope is back at it and his latest is close to his best.

Last week, the almost-cancelled 1980’s, 90’s, and now’s alt-music star Morrissey dropped a new single. It somehow manages to be a complete surprise while fitting onto his oeuvre like a glove. “Love Is On Its Way Out” is the most Morrissey of Morrissey song titles. He is almost mocking his own maudlin tendencies, but inside this song there is a lot to think about.

The song begins with its title, and Morrissey matter of factly explains that love is on its way out. It’s tired, it’s done, it’s over. Throughout his career Morrissey has taken a skeptical view of love. Usually he expresses that he is not worthy of it. In songs like “I Want The One I Can’t Have,” Morrissey paints himself as un-lovable, the title of another of his songs.

The bizarre joke about Morrissey has always been that his fans think he’s super hot with his strong jaw and erect puff of black hair, yet he paints himself as a grotesque gargoyle. This tension has worked its way throughout his entire time in the spotlight. Johnny Carson, the most affable and bright guy on TV, often admitted he was hopelessly shy, what we saw was deflection. So it is with Morrissey.

Love is on its way out. It doesn’t seem like any specific love. This isn’t a break-up, yet. This is love generally. It moves into kids being victims of war and the “sad rich” killing elephants and lions. Quick note here that big-game hunting actually provides considerable funding for conservation, but, setting that on one side: Morrissey is talking about love leaving the world.

Might we wonder if this is true? Is love leaving the world? Do we just hate each other now? Do we refuse to shake hands and rip up speeches? Do we glare at the enemy with glowing animosity? We often do. We probably have a problem.

The song is unique for Morrissey, as it not guitar-driven. Moz has been blessed with absurd guitar talent. As front man for the Smiths, he sang alongside Johnny Marr, a master of the Rickenbacker with no rival. Since going solo, Morrissey has crooned above Boz Boorer, a more workmanlike version of Marr but with his own magic.

But not on this track. The backing here is almost purely electronic. It’s a synth pop style that feels foreign to Morrissey, who at the end of the day, even though it seems weird, is more a rock star than a pop star. But his voice rises above the digital beats as usual, a little bored, a little distracted, until the end.

After, I don’t know, a harpsichord solo? Flush with vague soprano flourishes, the song launches into its coda. And the guitars are back. The niche pop Morrissey tune is suddenly a severe and meaningful one. He’s not joking now. He asks that before love goes, before it makes its bow and exit that someone, we never know who, take the time to show him what its like. As much actor as singer as he always is, he begs. The song turns.

“Take time, be mine and gaze with fondness on the wrong one.” It’s Morrissey understanding his entire philosophy. One based in simple moments that don’t come often enough. A look across a table that makes you think you have value. But also the recognition that you can never truly be what people want you to be.

I had a wonderful history teacher in high school named Don Kawash who was also a professional ragtime piano player. One day I had lunch with him, when he was in his 60s. He said, “David, when I was 25 I could hit any note, but I didn’t know what they meant. Now I know what they mean but I can’t hit them all.” Morrissey knows what the notes mean now and he’s hitting them. This is no retro act; he is making some of his very best music."
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do you fist your own mouth when you masturbate over morrissey? Like dribble down the forearm and that? Not even being vulgar or lighting your gas here btw, just genuinely curious x

Why do you come here?
You rated me "Troll" first. So I had to react. It's a natural thing.

No you disliked my posts then I rated just one of your posts troll then you continued to down rate mine.

Now you know.
Sounds like you need to move on. If that was the way I felt about a singer I wouldn't be visiting a forum day in day out to babble on about them. There are quite a few singers I can't stand but the thought of regularly posting hateful comments about them amongst a community of fans who enjoy their music to me is insane. I guess it could be justified behaviour if you were clever or witty but that's clearly not the case.

Anyone else see this as somewhat bizarre?

So true.

It’s extremely bizarre behavior. He’s in such a state of denial that he doesn’t even recognize his own loony behavior.
He calls Morrissey’s music ‘shite’ but will make sure that he gets every format that is available of any new Morrissey release.

I mean, talk about :crazy:
Oooh Bobb-ay
You ain’t foolin’ no-bod-AY
Heyyyyayyyy ayyyy-AYYyyy


Oh, well, you punched and fell
Then you felt embarrassed
My heart goes out to you
So I offered love
And it was not required
Oh, what else can I do?
What else can I do?

Significant progress, or?
It's so obvious, it's so clear to see for everyone with at least some sort of musical taste. We have to remind Morrissey's Angels why he once became the hero of so many around the globe. Not because of Bobby, protection from the police or Instanbul.
In other words, I fully agree with the opinion of @ordinaryboy86
You two still tossing off together then ... what a perfect match . I hope the man juice just flows . Perfect wankers...
Thanks for sharing that Thewlis. And thanks for helping to make this site a place worth coming to.
At some point also Lesley , this site will pay homage to your time, achievements , tolerance, and Dam fine posts, and the righter that you will one day become.... Leeds will never be the same without us!!!!
Some Girls ... is my favourite Smiths song. I understand Johnny Marr really dislikes it; I recall reading that he was gobsmacked and annoyed when he first heard the lyrics—because he was particularly pleased with the music.
But whatever their disagreements, it’s a very beautiful song, my fave line is ... as he opened a crate of ale, a line so underused , I still keep it alive though, just like , as my parents said... ashbox, now called a bin... and “ I’m going up street”
But whatever their disagreements, it’s a very beautiful song, my fave line is ... as he opened a crate of ale, a line so underused , I still keep it alive though, just like , as my parents said... ashbox, now called a bin... and “ I’m going up street”
That’s my favourite line too.
Have you even seen morrissey alive.... I know he was in your neck of the woods, around2012 WHERE YOU THERE LUJI.... footage of that South America tour haunts me as it was beautiful.... good looking women throwing them selves at mozzer.... I’m not used to seeing good looking women, where I come from they all have facial hair, or scabies, or crabs.... my only adult contact is jam eater AKA BOY 86.... who is as thick as pig shit.... SAVE ME LUJI.... SAVE ME..SAVE ME..........
Have you even seen morrissey alive.... I know he was in your neck of the woods, around2012 WHERE YOU THERE LUJI.... footage of that South America tour haunts me as it was beautiful.... good looking women throwing them selves at mozzer.... I’m not used to seeing good looking women, where I come from they all have facial hair, or scabies, or crabs.... my only adult contact is jam eater AKA BOY 86.... who is as thick as pig shit.... SAVE ME LUJI.... SAVE ME..SAVE ME..........
Mi querido Carlis= deberias escribir mas claro no entiendo parte de tus escritos asi que respondere lo que entiendo. 1 Es obvio que no conozco a Moz..quien lo conoce? 2 a Morrissey solista lo sigo hace poco ,algo asi como un año, The Smiths me fascina hace muchoo tiempo ,pero a Moz no le daba bola,pero desde que descubri su carrera como solista estoy deslumbradaa estoy escuchando todo de el!!! Es muy talentoso este tipo destrono a algunos de mis idolos hoy Moz para mi es el numero 1, y si vino varias veces a Argentina la ultima fue 2018 y yo me lo perdiii !!! No me perdono por esoo pero tal vez vuelva y ahiii siii voy a estar pero como mi pais esta en crisis por culpa de los politicos corruptos de mierda ,pasara algun tiempo para que pueda verlo y 3 lo de las mujeres no lo entendi,y vos no ves mujeres sos tambien homosexual ?
Bueno si sos hetero no pierdas las esperanzas siempre hay un roto para un descosido!!! besos

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