Morrissey’s Latest Is His Most - The Federalist

"Morrissey’s Latest Is His Most - The Federalist
By David Marcus

The master of mope is back at it and his latest is close to his best.

Last week, the almost-cancelled 1980’s, 90’s, and now’s alt-music star Morrissey dropped a new single. It somehow manages to be a complete surprise while fitting onto his oeuvre like a glove. “Love Is On Its Way Out” is the most Morrissey of Morrissey song titles. He is almost mocking his own maudlin tendencies, but inside this song there is a lot to think about.

The song begins with its title, and Morrissey matter of factly explains that love is on its way out. It’s tired, it’s done, it’s over. Throughout his career Morrissey has taken a skeptical view of love. Usually he expresses that he is not worthy of it. In songs like “I Want The One I Can’t Have,” Morrissey paints himself as un-lovable, the title of another of his songs.

The bizarre joke about Morrissey has always been that his fans think he’s super hot with his strong jaw and erect puff of black hair, yet he paints himself as a grotesque gargoyle. This tension has worked its way throughout his entire time in the spotlight. Johnny Carson, the most affable and bright guy on TV, often admitted he was hopelessly shy, what we saw was deflection. So it is with Morrissey.

Love is on its way out. It doesn’t seem like any specific love. This isn’t a break-up, yet. This is love generally. It moves into kids being victims of war and the “sad rich” killing elephants and lions. Quick note here that big-game hunting actually provides considerable funding for conservation, but, setting that on one side: Morrissey is talking about love leaving the world.

Might we wonder if this is true? Is love leaving the world? Do we just hate each other now? Do we refuse to shake hands and rip up speeches? Do we glare at the enemy with glowing animosity? We often do. We probably have a problem.

The song is unique for Morrissey, as it not guitar-driven. Moz has been blessed with absurd guitar talent. As front man for the Smiths, he sang alongside Johnny Marr, a master of the Rickenbacker with no rival. Since going solo, Morrissey has crooned above Boz Boorer, a more workmanlike version of Marr but with his own magic.

But not on this track. The backing here is almost purely electronic. It’s a synth pop style that feels foreign to Morrissey, who at the end of the day, even though it seems weird, is more a rock star than a pop star. But his voice rises above the digital beats as usual, a little bored, a little distracted, until the end.

After, I don’t know, a harpsichord solo? Flush with vague soprano flourishes, the song launches into its coda. And the guitars are back. The niche pop Morrissey tune is suddenly a severe and meaningful one. He’s not joking now. He asks that before love goes, before it makes its bow and exit that someone, we never know who, take the time to show him what its like. As much actor as singer as he always is, he begs. The song turns.

“Take time, be mine and gaze with fondness on the wrong one.” It’s Morrissey understanding his entire philosophy. One based in simple moments that don’t come often enough. A look across a table that makes you think you have value. But also the recognition that you can never truly be what people want you to be.

I had a wonderful history teacher in high school named Don Kawash who was also a professional ragtime piano player. One day I had lunch with him, when he was in his 60s. He said, “David, when I was 25 I could hit any note, but I didn’t know what they meant. Now I know what they mean but I can’t hit them all.” Morrissey knows what the notes mean now and he’s hitting them. This is no retro act; he is making some of his very best music."
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you’re happy for a once great, icon, lyrical pioneer, absolute majestic, enigmatic frontman, to now start shitting out sub par records, homemade cat t-shirts and tacky plastic California son record players. You should be ashamed. Call yourself a fan, reallyyyy????
Why don’t you attack me, Why , you can’t, you never give me a full reply, as I get an odd quip, or a f***ing imoji spewing.... come on REPLY TO ME IN FULL NOW.... bet you’ve had your face dragged through 15 miles of shit....
If I did dislike his new work, how would my dislike and criticism
of his new work change him?

Why would I want him to repeat himself, when he clearly doesn’t want to repeat himself regardless of what others think of his new work?

Man, you just don’t see.

who said i’m trying to change him, you retard. You think he checks this forum and takes opinions on board? I say it’s shit, cos it’s shit. Why does that irk you so much. His last 3 records are intolerable
Go away and make your own forum then. Pathetic wee rat, can’t tolerate an opposing opinion. Are people just supposed to say he’s ace, when he’s obviously not, his music is wank and he’s gone senile, and lynch pins like you are assisting his decline. All I can deduce from that, is, you don’t really care about morrissey that much.

Are so drunk you cant remember you are trolling the Morrissey site?
Why don’t you attack me, Why , you can’t, you never give me a full reply, as I get an odd quip, or a f***ing imoji spewing.... come on REPLY TO ME IN FULL NOW.... bet you’ve had your face dragged through 15 miles of shit....

Cos you’re a f***in retard, and aint in my league. You can barely spell your own name or tie your own shoe laces, Baz, you still live at your mams house in town, and your 50yr old! Haha.
can you grow up. People decline and you’re in denial. If ronaldo started scoring 10 goals a season instead of 45 in 2012, would you still lick his rim and say he’s consistent? Morrissey is shite now! That’s why he gets compared to his best work from the past. Get over it
Sounds like you need to move on. If that was the way I felt about a singer I wouldn't be visiting a forum day in day out to babble on about them. There are quite a few singers I can't stand but the thought of regularly posting hateful comments about them amongst a community of fans who enjoy their music to me is insane. I guess it could be justified behaviour if you were clever or witty but that's clearly not the case.

Anyone else see this as somewhat bizarre?
The music and the lyrics are no longer brilliant. That's the point. The other aspects are not my theme.

That's fair enough.

I do genuinely like his new stuff though. It's catchy & dramatic. I miss his old style & he is in a bit of a state. But I don't mind artists having phases & flaws.

There's always the possibility of the muse striking gold again, as long as they're around to strike it.
Cos you’re a f***in retard, and aint in my league. You can barely spell your own name or tie your own shoe laces, Baz, you still live at your mams house in town, and your 50yr old! Haha.
You don’t listen, you started a sentence with, cos... retard!!! How many times do you use this word!!!!, quite right lad, and you ain’t in my league, as I’ve shown you up on here for weeks and you have chosen to ignore me, time and time again... for once you were all so close to unmask my identity, alas you have no clue... I’ll now give you something to aim for in life. I live in a new build modern 2 bedroom apartment, work for the civil service, decent salary, with a good pension.... shit car though from 2008.... ps 51. Oh so close
who said i’m trying to change him, you retard. You think he checks this forum and takes opinions on board? I say it’s shit, cos it’s shit. Why does that irk you so much. His last 3 records are intolerable

I tolerate your posts. Please respect my opinions by tolerating and not rating or replying to mine.

Remember you are the one who can’t tolerate other people’s opinions and responded to my post by attacking me with name calling. (On page 2 of this thread)

Again, if you think Morrissey’s new work is ‘shite’ then why do you keep rubbing your face in it again and again?
That is surely not the sign of a healthy mind.

Please, get help.
Laughing my ass off at the earliest reviews of the new Morrissey record coming from the f***ing FEDERALIST. My god.
Sounds like you need to move on. If that was the way I felt about a singer I wouldn't be visiting a forum day in day out to babble on about them. There are quite a few singers I can't stand but the thought of regularly posting hateful comments about them amongst a community of fans who enjoy their music to me is insane. I guess it could be justified behaviour if you were clever or witty but that's clearly not the case.

Anyone else see this as somewhat bizarre?
Quite bizarre from folks from Whitehaven, please believe me marred...clever or witty is none of their attributes, taxi drivers go round shooting people in the face.. google Whitehaven shootings 2010.... this is what we’re dealing with...
Cos you’re a f***in retard, and aint in my league. You can barely spell your own name or tie your own shoe laces, Baz, you still live at your mams house in town, and your 50yr old! Haha.


you are the master of mommy basement:swear
and all the empty liquor bottles located within:swear
Ket sun, and my old joke pal, gordy 9. Let’s lighten the mood now......e- bay is useless . I tried to look up lighters, but all they had was 13.469 matches...
His new fan base will wank themselves to sleep over this. They'll wake up in the morning, hard-ons and wide-ons satisfied, then go to work taking up their positions at the For Britain propaganda stall.
I’m old fan base , but as as you announce nothing new, I still mastawank over moz, about the 92-99 look, mmmmm I’ve never had man juice before, but go on then , I would have give it a go but your daddy got there first, does your mother remember your dads name... by any chance...
Gordy9 ...I’ve started a business building yachts in my attic... sails have gone through the grandad has the heart of a lion...and a lifetime ban from the zoo....... I can tell your on the piss tonight lad as no comments from you. Hope ya had a Good en

you are the master of mommy basement:swear
and all the empty liquor bottles located within:swear
Thank you for the back up olde 888 , always here , always ready for the fight, will you be attending either of the announced gigs????? If going to Leeds then look for my t shirt, I would be honoured to by you half a pale ale....

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