"Low In High School" album cover posted by Linder on Instagram

Linder just posted what seems to be the cover of the new album! Nothing you wouldn't have expected from Morrissey, to be quite honest...

Image has been removed from Linder's Instagram.


Also posted in the comments by Bluebirds:

According to a FB post by James Maker which shows said cover (Follow-up posted by Famous when dead: "James Maker has since clarified the issue - HMV is the problem"):

I publish this in support of a friend, and in the cause of democracy. Trade and Retail* have informed BMG that they will refuse to handle Morrissey's new album, 'Low in High School' on the grounds that the sleeve art is "offensive". Thus, the entire campaign is in jeopardy unless Morrissey and his record company rethink the album cover. x

(* The HMV chain refuse to stock it.)

Link posted by Famous when dead:

Posted by unloveable:

Btw that is Mando Lopez son...

And by Famous when dead:

...Indeed, Max Lopez who lives in East L.A.
He was also present in Italy during recording of the album.

Posted by an anonymous person:

The photograph is by Tony Molina. The musician?

Media coverage:
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HMV say it's bollocks. And are not happy, as this isn't the first time. So it appears all made up to kick off a storm, which was obvious all along. It looks like the Moz camp employed a bunch of friends to propagate this nonsense at the same time as a calculated move. But it was a lie, according to HMV.

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HMV say it's bollocks. And are not happy, as this isn't the first time. So it appears all made up to kick off a storm, which was obvious all along. It looks like the Moz camp employed a bunch of friends to propagate this nonsense at the same time as a calculated move. But it was a lie, according to HMV.

Devious, truculent and unreliable - seems like the judge was right.
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I wouldn't be so quick to link Linder removing her post with the cover being potentially shelved.
Her post was inundated with comments and linked to via twitter, FB et al and I suspect it was a bit too much for her (she averages about 2 comments per post on her own material).
I also don't think a mother would allow her 8 year old child to participate in a publicity stunt in the knowledge it was a fake cover designed to 'outrage', but probably would participate if they thought it was real.
I don't think it would really be known if the photos were going to be used at the time they were taken. It seems like it was done pretty quickly.
HMV say it's bollocks. And are not happy, as this isn't the first time. So it appears all made up to kick off a storm, which was obvious all along. It looks like the Moz camp employed a bunch of friends to propagate this nonsense at the same time as a calculated move. But it was a lie, according to HMV.

Was that pretty exciting for you to be able to accuse Morrissey of a LIE!!!!!! You even have evidence!

This really got you going. lol You have that same sense of false outrage found in the comments section of the Daily Mail.
HMV say it's bollocks. And are not happy, as this isn't the first time. So it appears all made up to kick off a storm, which was obvious all along. It looks like the Moz camp employed a bunch of friends to propagate this nonsense at the same time as a calculated move. But it was a lie, according to HMV.

P. please feel free to merge my thread with this, I seperated it as this thread is getting rather large and fragmented.
P. please feel free to merge my thread with this, I seperated it as this thread is getting rather large and fragmented.

You should ask David for merging a mainpage article and a forum thread.
Other mods do not have a tool to merge them.
I'm sure HMV have enough to pursue a defamation lawsuit against BMG and the Morrissey camp...

Unless it's a big plot for the Morrissey album to sell bundles and HMV to get all the sales... but that's a bit far fetched.
You should ask David for merging a mainpage article and a forum thread.
Other mods do not have a tool to merge them.
Apologies, perhaps the term merge was incorrect - I simply meant move my non mainpage post regarding HMV and add it to this thread.
Thanks Sigmund 'Quacko Quacko Wacko' Freud with your amazing ability to decipher evidence of brain function based on a post to Morrissey Solo. You are so brainy you should get a job in eugenics.

Anyway, most people keep their brains between their legs.

Don't you find?

Some don't :)
I voted to remain.

I know, you said so.
I would have voted too to remain if I could.
I don't like it the British people leaving the EU.
Europe will miss them very much so. We need them.
England belongs to Europe in culture, tradition and mentality.
Not to America! :thumb:
as suspected a statement saying we have f*** all idea what he is talking about, can't believe people still believe anything he says.
Could it be possible that HMV have only now confirmed that they are willing to stock the album as there has been some level of outcry for them to reconsider?

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