"Low In High School" album cover posted by Linder on Instagram

Linder just posted what seems to be the cover of the new album! Nothing you wouldn't have expected from Morrissey, to be quite honest...

Image has been removed from Linder's Instagram.


Also posted in the comments by Bluebirds:

According to a FB post by James Maker which shows said cover (Follow-up posted by Famous when dead: "James Maker has since clarified the issue - HMV is the problem"):

I publish this in support of a friend, and in the cause of democracy. Trade and Retail* have informed BMG that they will refuse to handle Morrissey's new album, 'Low in High School' on the grounds that the sleeve art is "offensive". Thus, the entire campaign is in jeopardy unless Morrissey and his record company rethink the album cover. x

(* The HMV chain refuse to stock it.)

Link posted by Famous when dead:

Posted by unloveable:

Btw that is Mando Lopez son...

And by Famous when dead:

...Indeed, Max Lopez who lives in East L.A.
He was also present in Italy during recording of the album.

Posted by an anonymous person:

The photograph is by Tony Molina. The musician?

Media coverage:
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Fat-shaming. You are definitely a Morrissey sickofanatical slag.

Not exactly complimentary to your fellow vegans? So much anger! Not enough meat possibly?

LOL. You sure is a dim one, aren't ye. Methinks you're head must be full of meat.
Sure, but whilst those album titles are pretty stark, the imagery is interesting and has layers, instead of beating you around the head with the obvious meaning. 'The Queen is Dead' having a guy on the cover highlights the double meaning of the 'queen' being gay slang, rather than just a blunt, humourless attack on Elizabeth II. Also, the 'Meat is Murder' slogan pasted to the Vietnam war setting opens up some cultural arguments beyond simply having a kid standing outside a butchers shop with the same sign.

It's not the attack on the Royals that offends me - it's the completely lack of any artistic merit, or wit. When someone has to hold a placard up on the cover to explain the joke ("Axe the monarchy - oh look, he's holding an axe - oh ho ho!') then it's a pretty lame state of affairs.

Still -look on the bright side - when the album flops, and the singles don't get played on the radio, Morrissey can spend months blaming HMV and the Royal Family for a conspiracy against him. That'll be fun, won't it? :rolleyes:
LOL. You sure is a dim one, aren't ye. Methinks you're head must be full of meat.

'you're'? Who's the dim one? HA!

Pull that carrot out of your ass, stop spanking the monkey over your copy of List of the Lost and learn to spell you plant-killing ponce.

At least Benny and Skinny can spell like grown-ups. Watch out or they might visit you with a sponge and a rusty spanner.

The only dim vegan chicken nugget axehole around here is you.


...yeah that about sums you up! HA! HA! HA!
Better shut the f*** up? What are you going to about it? Drugs? I can tell you're not familiar with Morrissey, and likely made it here through some other link.

Let's be clear, people like you are the problem. You made this into an issue about refugees when your own citizens, and government are a greater threat to your safety than any refugee ever could, or will be. They don't mind you focusing your attention on immigrants, and refugees as long as you let them enable their broader agenda.

What people are sick of is the tribal, nationalistic fear-mongering that targets minority groups for scapegoating. The problem is with the ignorant majority, not minorities.

Ultimately, to even defend any aspect of a monarchy in this day and age displays a bizarre attachment to an imaginary world that no mature adult should be associated with.

People like you need to be replaced, and you will be. Guaranteed.
I hope this is just a prank. If it isn't, at least Morrissey should be informed that axing the Monarchy is not what high schoolers worry about.
'you're'? Who's the dim one? HA!

Pull that carrot out of your ass, stop spanking the monkey over your copy of List of the Lost and learn to spell you plant-killing ponce.

At least Benny and Skinny can spell like grown-ups. Watch out or they might visit you with a sponge and a rusty spanner.

The only dim vegan chicken nugget axehole around here is you.


...yeah that about sums you up! HA! HA! HA!

Wow. Are you really this clueless? The spelling and bad English was obviously intentional. :lbf:

Here it is again: "LOL. You sure is a dim one, aren't ye. Methinks you're head must be full of meat"

It must suck being so devoid of humor or wit. You may just be the biggest moron I've ever encountered on the Internet! And that's saying something. Dude, just kill yourself. You're an embarrassment to your species (that's ass in case you didn't know).
On the 2nd glance, the "kid" looks bored off his "tits". No real conviction in those eyes.

On the other hand, this kid could take out the Queen and then some
Wow. Are you really this clueless? The spelling and bad English was obviously intentional. :lbf:

Here it is again: "LOL. You sure is a dim one, aren't ye. Methinks you're head must be full of meat"

It must suck being so devoid of humor or wit. You may just be the biggest moron I've ever encountered on the Internet! And that's saying something. Dude, just kill yourself. You're an embarrassment to your species (that's ass in case you didn't know).

Typical vegan Nazi!

'You're' stupidity is obviously intentional! HA! HA!

Do you always use that excuse when you are caught out! DUH!

Pull the other one it's got bells on it!!! Eat some meat ya lentil lovin' tosser!
I hope this isn't the album cover. The album is his songs, his thoughts. It bothers me that he isn't on the cover, instead pretty much a stranger. Linder art work would have been better.
Typical vegan Nazi!

'You're' stupidity is obviously intentional! HA! HA!

Do you always use that excuse when you are caught out! DUH!

Pull the other one it's got bells on it!!! Eat some meat ya lentil lovin' tosser!

You seem obsessed with the "vegan" thing. I haven't even brought it up. Not once. Guess who's the "Nazi" here? You got some issues you need to work out. Good luck with that. You behave like a histrionic mental patient. Ease up on the CAPS and exclamation points, Tweek Tweak. The only thing that was "caught" was you for your lack of wit by failing to get an obvious joke. I should have known you were too dull to get it. I'm sure if I made a fart joke you would be howling.

Let me revise the sentence in a way you might get

Here it is again:

"LOL. You! tosser! sure is a dim!! one, aren't ye! DUH!. Methinks HA! HA! YOU ARE HEAD!!!!! must be full of meat!! DUH! (insert lame vegan-related insult here)!!"
You seem obsessed with the "vegan" thing. I haven't even brought it up. Not once. Guess who's the "Nazi" here? You got some issues you need to work out. Good luck with that. You behave like a histrionic mental patient. Ease up on the CAPS and exclamation points, Tweek Tweak. The only thing that was "caught" was you for your lack of wit by failing to get an obvious joke. I should have known you were too dull to get it. I'm sure if I made a fart joke you would be howling.

Let me revise the sentence in a way you might get

Here it is again:

"LOL. You! tosser! sure is a dim!! one, aren't ye! DUH!. Methinks HA! HA! YOU ARE HEAD!!!!! must be full of meat!! DUH! (insert lame vegan-related insult here)!!"

Actually I was merely playing devil's advocate to rile you up. And it worked! Ha! I'm actually a staunch vegan myself with a taste for ironic comedy and beetroot burgers. You should try going for a walk instead of losing your rag over some meaningless posts. And refrain from spending your time scouring the internet for pictures of fat guys in an attempt at wit! Whatever gets you through the night. See I did it again! IRONY in motion!

Calm down -it's not long until the new Morrissey album comes out
That seems to be a native american axe, so it has a lot to do with (until now) colonizing british monarchy, and it's obvious why an American born kid holds it. People should read some history books before talking nonsense.
Actually I was merely playing devil's advocate to rile you up. And it worked! Ha! I'm actually a staunch vegan myself with a taste for ironic comedy and beetroot burgers. You should try going for a walk instead of losing your rag over some meaningless posts. And refrain from spending your time scouring the internet for pictures of fat guys in an attempt at wit! Whatever gets you through the night. See I did it again! IRONY in motion!

Calm down -it's not long until the new Morrissey album comes out

Morrissey has a new album coming out????!!!! Sweet!
What a fantastic cover!

Probably one of the best I have ever seen (in recent times anyways).

Well done Moz, stick to your guns.
Does any1 know the real identities of skinney and benny? Some genuine anger there. Moz must have crossed them in a serious way. Any tips would make it more interesting?

On the DavidT payroll most likely. Thankfully since Skinny has an account I can block him but they refuse to turn off anonymous posting because then people could block Benny too - they don't want people doing that.
Who buys their music at HMV these days anyway? Most will download, buy from a physical product from an indie store or order online, from which there are plenty of other retailers to choose. Refuse to let HMV have TQID reissue unless they stock this too. That aside, I'm not opposed to the content but aesthetically it's a poor cover in my view.
That seems to be a native american axe, so it has a lot to do with (until now) colonizing british monarchy, and it's obvious why an American born kid holds it. People should read some history books before talking nonsense.

You are the epitome of a thick bot. You cling desperately to anything you can.

It is not a tomahawk, you cretin. It's a cheap looking store bought axe (I imagine Sam the lackie was sent to fetch it).

As other posters have pointed out, Morrissey has no reason to despise and rant about the Monarchy. They hunt, but so do thousands of others. He's a tax avoiding nancy boy. He is never able to back up any of his radical claims. He runs away, petrified, from any opportunity to be interviewed live. He then spends hours formulating email interview-responses that appear in random foreign magazines. He is so f***ing irrelevant.

The album cover is embarrassingly awful. We knew it would be, but no one could've predicted this. The whole HMV banning it is definitely a stunt. I wouldn't be surprised if the cover got changed simply because of the backlash. Even megabots are slating it.

There's a simple reason Morrissey isn't on this cover - he's fat, bald and covered in wrinkles. Unfortunately, he's also alarmingly vain and yet pathetically insecure. There's not a chance he'd put himself on the cover.

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