"Low In High School" album cover posted by Linder on Instagram

Linder just posted what seems to be the cover of the new album! Nothing you wouldn't have expected from Morrissey, to be quite honest...

Image has been removed from Linder's Instagram.


Also posted in the comments by Bluebirds:

According to a FB post by James Maker which shows said cover (Follow-up posted by Famous when dead: "James Maker has since clarified the issue - HMV is the problem"):

I publish this in support of a friend, and in the cause of democracy. Trade and Retail* have informed BMG that they will refuse to handle Morrissey's new album, 'Low in High School' on the grounds that the sleeve art is "offensive". Thus, the entire campaign is in jeopardy unless Morrissey and his record company rethink the album cover. x

(* The HMV chain refuse to stock it.)

Link posted by Famous when dead:

Posted by unloveable:

Btw that is Mando Lopez son...

And by Famous when dead:

...Indeed, Max Lopez who lives in East L.A.
He was also present in Italy during recording of the album.

Posted by an anonymous person:

The photograph is by Tony Molina. The musician?

Media coverage:
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Does any1 know the real identities of skinney and benny? Some genuine anger there. Moz must have crossed them in a serious way. Any tips would make it more interesting?

Does it matter it's only a forum and if you are really interested in Uncle Skinny, he is pretty well known as he a appeared on a TV programme called Mastermind, his subject was, The Smiths. He did very well.
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He's a total 4kin CrankFraud BB.
Christmas is going to come early this year when high skool musical is released in November. Fingers crossed that BMG don't get wind of it like Harvest and Steve Barnett did and pull the plug.
He just can't help himself :rofl:comedy gold. That performance in Rome was classic when he had to get on his knees in front of a hundred passers by and suck Barone's cock.

Hope you are well and best wishes.

#steve sucks policeman's cock on the streets of Rome

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

If Viz designed a Morrissey album cover, this is what it would look like. Beyond parody & as others point out, in bad taste given a couple of police officers were attacked by a maniac with a sword outside the palace. Presumably Morrissey endorses such behaviour or is it the case he thinks an axe attack on the palace is ok but a sword is taking it too far?

He is a hopeless troll. It's just getting ridiculous. I thought it would be a comedy classic but didn't realise we wouldn't even need to hear it to be rolling in the aisles, gurgling in the circle. It's going to be AWESOME to watch the Paranoid Conspiracy Ideation in relation to this. Either it's banned in which case 'they' ruin his new album or it's just ignored as silly trolling in which case 'they' ruin his new album because it didnt' get enough publicity.

I wonder how Morrissey would react if somebody ran on stage with an axe?
£1.50 and half a packet of Werthers Originals says we get some lyric changes to 'Ask' on the new tour.

"Axe me, I won't say no - how could I?
Axe me, axe me, axe me...etc"
LOL. You sure is a dim one, aren't ye. Methinks you're head must be full of meat.

No Vegan, it's more something like " what goes in one ear dissapears through the other".
And of course there is nothing between them to prevent that.
On the 2nd glance, the "kid" looks bored off his "tits". No real conviction in those eyes.

On the other hand, this kid could take out the Queen and then some

I see Rooney genes.

at least WPINOYB was released,and taken out about 3 weeks.

This is serious ,I ask Morrissey not to be stubborn, and just make another sleeve,if not...I think the album won't get released,I know Morrissey is keen os his album,sleeve, the complete concept,but this is about His last chance to release an album via a big recordlabel.

Trouble loves me, but Morrissey knew this could raise some problems,and 2 months before release he gets it,it's simple Morrissey, be stubborn and your carreer, regarding recordlabels and releases is over on big recordlabels,or be smart and just make another,and your carreer plus the album gets support from the recordlabel,please make the right choice this time.

at least WPINOYB was released,and taken out about 3 weeks.

This is serious ,I ask Morrissey not to be stubborn, and just make another sleeve,if not...I think the album won't get released,I know Morrissey is keen os his album,sleeve, the complete concept,but this is about His last chance to release an album via a big recordlabel.

Trouble loves me, but Morrissey knew this could raise some problems,and 2 months before release he gets it,it's simple Morrissey, be stubborn and your carreer, regarding recordlabels and releases is over on big recordlabels,or be smart and just make another,and your carreer plus the album gets support from the recordlabel,please make the right choice this time.

Yes, I wish that too.
But, hate it to once again recite some Moz-songlines,
"So the choice I have made
Seems strange to you
But who asked you anyway
It's my life
To wreck my own way"
Axe the artwork. Its awful. Not that i believe for a second that this was actually going to pass. Most likely a publicity stunt, it will no doubt drum up a bit of interest. But surely this cant be the real cover? (I have no idea what the end product will look like, but 100/1 it has Morrissey on the front)
No Vegan, it's more something like " what goes in one ear dissapears through the other".
And of course there is nothing between them to prevent that.

Thanks Sigmund 'Quacko Quacko Wacko' Freud with your amazing ability to decipher evidence of brain function based on a post to Morrissey Solo. You are so brainy you should get a job in eugenics.

Anyway, most people keep their brains between their legs.

Don't you find?
This would make a much better sleeve.

I hoped he might do something with that image one day... it would certainly be better than the axe-gate cover. The sleeves have been progressively heading in this staged "meaningful prop" direction since Quarry with a strong sense of diminishing returns. I quite liked it in the olden times when you just got a picture of the man himself which didn't even relate to the title. (No buttocks on the cover of Your Arsenal, etc.) I had wondered if we might see a school-aged Morrissey on this one in the vein of Playboys. Or a still from a thematically relevant 60s/70s film could have been really effective. Perhaps somebody should start an alternate cover thread if they already haven't...

Still, it's only the cover art, I suppose, and it's the content that matters.
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Could it mean that the real title was Axe the Monarchy, but BMG or Morrissey did not dare?

I expect HMV would have been fine with the title "Axe The Monarchy" as long as the cover didn't have the violent imagery. He could have had a cover featuring Charles I, perhaps. My main problem with this artwork is it is so lazy.

I'm one of those who thought the cover of Wotld Peace was rather good. This, in contrast, looks like it was chosen with a shrug of the shoulders. It is another example of Morrissey's diminishing quality control. If the music manages to remain on peoples' smartphones for any period of time I reckon there will be many searching for the sepia fan art published here last week.

Like many confused monomaniacs Morrissey is certain his personal view is widely shared and seems convinced the Monarchy is teetering on the brink of collapse waiting for the merest push to send it crumbling into the abyss. That is not currently borne out by opinion polls. When the Queen dies then perhaps things will change, as neither Charles or William seem to engender great confidence.

I have no great admiration for the Monarchy beyond the Queen and Phil. I do, however, quite like the stability brought by knowing who our Head of State will be for the best part of the next eight decades. As a system of government I don't think constitutional monarchy is any stranger than any other system. So far Her Majesty has not hindered my life in any aspect at any time.

The United States has had three political dynasties in my lifetime: the Kennedys, the Bushes and the Clintons, and might now be seeing the advent of a fourth. Meanwhile, we whiz through our political leaders like crap through a goose, to quote General Patton.

Nicolai Ceausescu is one of many despots in history who discovered very quickly how fast a population can turn. I can assure our friends across the world we are a very long way away from that. The only person likely to be running to a rooftop helicopter to escape in the next few weeks is Morrissey himself. This album is the most important of his career, even more so that Quarry. It's make or break and he knows it.
I wouldn't be so quick to link Linder removing her post with the cover being potentially shelved.
Her post was inundated with comments and linked to via twitter, FB et al and I suspect it was a bit too much for her (she averages about 2 comments per post on her own material).
I also don't think a mother would allow her 8 year old child to participate in a publicity stunt in the knowledge it was a fake cover designed to 'outrage', but probably would participate if they thought it was real.

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