"Low In High School" album cover posted by Linder on Instagram

Linder just posted what seems to be the cover of the new album! Nothing you wouldn't have expected from Morrissey, to be quite honest...

Image has been removed from Linder's Instagram.


Also posted in the comments by Bluebirds:

According to a FB post by James Maker which shows said cover (Follow-up posted by Famous when dead: "James Maker has since clarified the issue - HMV is the problem"):

I publish this in support of a friend, and in the cause of democracy. Trade and Retail* have informed BMG that they will refuse to handle Morrissey's new album, 'Low in High School' on the grounds that the sleeve art is "offensive". Thus, the entire campaign is in jeopardy unless Morrissey and his record company rethink the album cover. x

(* The HMV chain refuse to stock it.)

Link posted by Famous when dead:

Posted by unloveable:

Btw that is Mando Lopez son...

And by Famous when dead:

...Indeed, Max Lopez who lives in East L.A.
He was also present in Italy during recording of the album.

Posted by an anonymous person:

The photograph is by Tony Molina. The musician?

Media coverage:
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You seem to miss the fact that they add over a billion pounds to the uk economy each year.

Yes and the poor, the helpless and needy so profiting of it. The benefit scroungers. It's a disgrace. :crazy:
Long live the UK economy, the word itself leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

This is absolute cobblers. Have you looked at it?

First of all, they add together a set of totally arbitrary and ridiculous figures for the intangible value of various things the Windsors are supposed to bring to the economy. Stuff like Kate Middleton wearing a dress in a magazine and everyone rushing out to buy it. Now, I'm not going to totally deny that there's any such effect at all. However, valuing it as a national asset worth £4.2 billion is clearly absurd. The easiest answer, anyway would be a straight swap for Beyoncé. Same thing with tourism, which is valued at £17.1 billion. Virtually no-one visits the UK just because the Queen lives here. Of course, if you count every tourist who visits Windsor castle while they're here as being down to the Queen, you might be able to get a sizable figure. But it would be dishonest, because after we've fed the royals through a wood-chipper, Windsor castle will still be there. Versailles is a very good model that gets far more visitors.

What they don't take into account is all the money the royal family makes from its estates, rental income etc. That far outstrips any money they might actually bring into the economy. And it represents a loss to the rest of us, because that money could simply better used if we had no royal family. So, the net contribution is from us to them, not the other way around.
This is absolute cobblers. Have you looked at it?

First of all, they add together a set of totally arbitrary and ridiculous figures for the intangible value of various things the Windsors are supposed to bring to the economy. Stuff like Kate Middleton wearing a dress in a magazine and everyone rushing out to buy it. Now, I'm not going to totally deny that there's any such effect at all. However, valuing it as a national asset worth £4.2 billion is clearly absurd. The easiest answer, anyway would be a straight swap for Beyoncé. Same thing with tourism, which is valued at £17.1 billion. Virtually no-one visits the UK just because the Queen lives here. Of course, if you count every tourist who visits Windsor castle while they're here as being down to the Queen, you might be able to get a sizable figure. But it would be dishonest, because after we've fed the royals through a wood-chipper, Windsor castle will still be there. Versailles is a very good model that gets far more visitors.

What they don't take into account is all the money the royal family makes from its estates, rental income etc. That far outstrips any money they might actually bring into the economy. And it represents a loss to the rest of us, because that money could simply better used if we had no royal family. So, the net contribution is from us to them, not the other way around.

Thanks but more reputable sources beg to differ

Firstly, royalty in the UK costs each taxpayer only about £0.62 per annum. Secondly, the British monarch is purely ceremonial; the queen has no actual power and, thirdly, the concepts of republic and social equity don't necessarily go hand-in-hand (see "USA" for further details).

In principle, I'm not at all an advocate of monarchy. The Windsors' position, their wealth and their privilege is unearned and unjustifiable in a society that flatters itself that it is meritocratic. Mind you, precisely the same can be said of celebrities.

Would-be pop-stars like your idol, Morrissey, ought to be mocked and ridiculed out of existence. In fact, they are being mocked out of existence. Take a look around these boards: it's happening already, and has been happening for years. Long gone are the days when people like Morrissey could preserve the kind of mystique necessary for fans' deference and awe.

In the age of the Internet, the music industry is in its death-throes, and some people's lingering attachment to pop-stars who believe they should be worshiped for just singing a few trivial songs and poncing about on a stage isn't insanity - it's utter stupidity.

Grow up.

BtBB :greatbritain::knife: Highly rated this post :thumbsup:
I publish this in support of my favourite clown Tosso Tosserrey, and in the cause of democracy. False rumours have been posted that HMV will refuse to handle Tosso Tosserrey's new album, 'Low in High School' on the grounds that the sleeve art is "offensive". Thus, the entire charade is in jeopardy unless Tosso and his record company rethink the album cover.
I would like to take this opportunity to point out that sleeve art is far from offensive !
The true fact is it's 4kin hilarious, how can anyone take it seriously ?

The banner is totally shit for a start, it's got a shit outline, the lettering on it is terribly out of scale, who writes a banner of that size with a 4kin 2H pencil ? And if that's not bad enough who the 4cking hell in their right mind would use a piece of 3" X 3" pit prop to nail it upon ?
The grip on the Poundland axe looks a bit suspicious as though the kid has cracked his thumb with the it. Another funny is Tosso's use of the kid to perform the stunt :clap:. It has all the hallmarks of the dildo artist but I'm sure Fiona Bruce and Philip Mould will be able to sort that matter out.

I strongly urge H M V not pull the plug on this. As the great comedian Sir Ken Dodd once said "Laughter is the greatest music in the world". Especially when it's so cheap :rofl:

#Switzerland is mine

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:
Maybe we have it all wrong. Maybe the actual sleeve is the "This photo or video has been removed from instagram" pic?
Maybe we have it all wrong. Maybe the actual sleeve is the "This photo or video has been removed from instagram" pic?

But I saw it here when it was still visible and it was the same.
You are joking and I am missing it completely? Yes? :straightface:
My Son will not be silenced ! Do you hear me you fekin eejit haters ?
He's a good boy is our Steven, we all know he can be a wee bit of a diva but there's no denying he writes a mean number one album yer know !
Oor Jackie was right to speak out about that fekin film Switzerland is mine ! Pile er shite that was, our Steven doesn't receive a single fekin dollar whatsoever from it, it fekin stinks.
Mike and Andy have got a fekin lot to answer for in all this I'll tell yer. I don't know why our Steve doesn't just walk away from it all and settle down with his girlfriend Tina.
Fek you all haters :handpointup:and fek that fekin butcher as well :handpointup:

Cheshire Sep 2017
My Son will not be silenced ! Do you hear me you fekin eejit haters ?
He's a good boy is our Steven, we all know he can be a wee bit of a diva but there's no denying he writes a mean number one album yer know !
Oor Jackie was right to speak out about that fekin film Switzerland is mine ! Pile er shite that was, our Steven doesn't receive a single fekin dollar whatsoever from it, it fekin stinks.
Mike and Andy have got a fekin lot to answer for in all this I'll tell yer. I don't know why our Steve doesn't just walk away from it all and settle down with his girlfriend Tina.
Fek you all haters :handpointup:and fek that fekin butcher as well :handpointup:

Cheshire Sep 2017

How funny!
My Son will not be silenced ! Do you hear me you fekin eejit haters ?
He's a good boy is our Steven, we all know he can be a wee bit of a diva but there's no denying he writes a mean number one album yer know !
Oor Jackie was right to speak out about that fekin film Switzerland is mine ! Pile er shite that was, our Steven doesn't receive a single fekin dollar whatsoever from it, it fekin stinks.
Mike and Andy have got a fekin lot to answer for in all this I'll tell yer. I don't know why our Steve doesn't just walk away from it all and settle down with his girlfriend Tina.
Fek you all haters :handpointup:and fek that fekin butcher as well :handpointup:

Cheshire Sep 2017

Esta vez te luciste Benny
Are you joking? I can't tell :)

But I saw it here before it wasn't visible anymore and it was the same! You got me thinking there was a completely different cover, not yet revealed. :eek:
So I can't tell either if you are joking!
Not that I mind, it's okay if you are joking! :)
But I saw it here before it wasn't visible anymore and it was the same! You got me thinking there was a completely different cover, not yet revealed. :eek:
So I can't tell either if you are joking!
Not that I mind, it's okay if you are joking! :)
Ah that explains it. It all makes sense now.

Why bother calling the album 'Low in High School' at all? Why not just call it 'Axe The Monarchy' and be done with it? At least then it'd make some sort of sense.
Ah that explains it. It all makes sense now.

Why bother calling the album 'Low in High School' at all? Why not just call it 'Axe The Monarchy' and be done with it? At least then it'd make some sort of sense.

I agree with you Marred!:thumb:
Only thing is, I would hold on to the title: axe the monarch.y :)
Maybe I am to obsessed with the details but in this case it is a tiny, but very important one.

A "period" very well placed, and more intriguing then the hyphen.
I am sick already of hyphen-gate :) before it started.
But that strategically placed period which could be a little poop of a fly is funny (I can hear him say it) and intriguing me. :rolleyes:
He is a pathetic charlatan. His bluff was well and truly called over confronting the British Monarchy. He was offered a platform and bottled it. Just as he was offered a platform to confront the David Cameron and bottled it. He is a troll who scarpers when challenged. The fact he's still droning on about 'the Royal family' whilst ensconced in Switzerland to avoid UK taxation just adds to the nonsense.

After the debacle of his claims of police harassment in Rome, this pathetic album art means his forthcoming release is now already a comedy classic. Let's just hope the song lyrics are as funny.

He really still thinks there's publicity kudos to be garnered by re-hashing the Sex Pistols coup 4 decades after the event? What a tosser.

Morrissey says he turned down alternative Christmas message to rival Queen


So why are you here? If Moz is such a tosser, move on. Find an artist that checks all your boxes and go live in his/her forums.

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