"Low In High School" album cover posted by Linder on Instagram

Linder just posted what seems to be the cover of the new album! Nothing you wouldn't have expected from Morrissey, to be quite honest...

Image has been removed from Linder's Instagram.


Also posted in the comments by Bluebirds:

According to a FB post by James Maker which shows said cover (Follow-up posted by Famous when dead: "James Maker has since clarified the issue - HMV is the problem"):

I publish this in support of a friend, and in the cause of democracy. Trade and Retail* have informed BMG that they will refuse to handle Morrissey's new album, 'Low in High School' on the grounds that the sleeve art is "offensive". Thus, the entire campaign is in jeopardy unless Morrissey and his record company rethink the album cover. x

(* The HMV chain refuse to stock it.)

Link posted by Famous when dead:

Posted by unloveable:

Btw that is Mando Lopez son...

And by Famous when dead:

...Indeed, Max Lopez who lives in East L.A.
He was also present in Italy during recording of the album.

Posted by an anonymous person:

The photograph is by Tony Molina. The musician?

Media coverage:
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Could it be possible that HMV have only now confirmed that they are willing to stock the album as there has been some level of outcry for them to reconsider?

Morrissey is a well known (and legally proven) bullshit artist with a long history of making things up, probably fed by his overbearing paranoia. Even after people the last HMV lie, when people posted photos of other artists who had the 'limited to one copy per customer' stickers on, he still refused to remove the original post or apologise for claiming he was being singled out.

The man's as nutty as a fruitcake, simple as that. Believe anything that comes out of his lips at your peril.
He looks fed up doesnt he. Like he's just spent the day traipsing around B&Q with his overbearing father, buying garden fencing supplies. I recall a similar look on my face when my mam used to get me to hold her bags of shopping.
The one person I know who works in HMV is adamant that covers are not scrutinised 2 months prior by HMV staff nor is there a process by which artists submit their albums to judge suitability.

Well, apparently that person at HMV was wrong if you believe their statement.
Could it be possible that HMV have only now confirmed that they are willing to stock the album as there has been some level of outcry for them to reconsider?

Level of outcry by whom?
I didn't hear a thing, but I am deaf of course.
HMV is a big distribution organization I reckon, so profit they could make with selling Moz-products is just a very tiny part of the whole.
If not Moz then there is something else. They would get their profit anyway. They stock everything that can be sold. Why would they say no? That cover is joke.
HMV say it's bollocks. And are not happy, as this isn't the first time. So it appears all made up to kick off a storm, which was obvious all along. It looks like the Moz camp employed a bunch of friends to propagate this nonsense at the same time as a calculated move. But it was a lie, according to HMV.

Devious, truculent and unreliable - seems like the judge was right.

Not sure why you dislike my comment Ketamine, facts are facts, he has lied on 3 occasions in the last couple of months. 1, the Rome lie, 2, The Queen is Dead - HMV lie and 3, Another HMV lie. That tells me he is Devious, truculent and unreliable.
HMV say it's bollocks. And are not happy, as this isn't the first time. So it appears all made up to kick off a storm, which was obvious all along. It looks like the Moz camp employed a bunch of friends to propagate this nonsense at the same time as a calculated move. But it was a lie, according to HMV.

where did HMV say in that post that M was lying?

Interesting or is this usual business? why would BMG share the album cover with HMV? do all labels check first if stores will approve of artwork and carry the record? And did BMG tell M that HMV would not carry it? And who is this 'Morrissey's camp' that HMV is talking about? I know he can come off as 'camp' to some sometimes, but I'm pretty sure HMV means something entirely different.
Devious, truculent and unreliable - seems like the judge was right.

Not sure why you dislike my comment Ketamine, facts are facts, he has lied on 3 occasions in the last couple of months. 1, the Rome lie, 2, The Queen is Dead - HMV lie and 3, Another HMV lie. That tells me he is Devious, truculent and unreliable.

assumptions are not facts. where is the evidence of your claims that he was lying on any of those accounts? we would love to see them? links? videos? thank you in advance. HMV doesn't state that M was lying, but of course Uncleskinny does.
Famous when dead said:
The one person I know who works in HMV is adamant that covers are not scrutinised 2 months prior by HMV staff nor is there a process by which artists submit their albums to judge suitability.

'Well, apparently that person at HMV was wrong if you believe their statement.'

yes, very interesting.
HMV took the time to post on Maker's FB post too:


(note: 'shared the artwork' doesn't denote a corporate procedure to accept selling an album).
i'm sure northernleech could educate us on this, but í just don't believe that HMV et al get sent proposed cover art 2 months ahead of retail date for a record that has barely even been mixed&mastered.
Northernleech is dead ... long live kennethwilliamsunderstudy !!
Unfortunately i know nothing about this
.. just had a customer mention it which is why i am here !! Its not on our system yet to pre order but thats not unusual ..still a while until release. Would love to get a few signings sorted but probs not gonna happen... haha

all it will take is HMV, should they get wind of this storm in a thimble, to put out a tweet saying 'WTF?' and Moz Inc ends up looking like a prize wazzock, again; see 'QiD' vinyl, Carabiniere-gate, etc.

interesting how far HMV will go to cover up their tracks. I mean why do they care? unless they have something to hide?

BOYCOTT HMV !!!! :rock::rock::rock::rock:

assumptions are not facts. where is the evidence of your claims that he was lying on any of those accounts? we would love to see them? links? videos? thank you in advance. HMV doesn't state that M was lying, but of course Uncleskinny does.

Another way of looking at this is -Rome, he claimed over 100 people saw what happened, yet in this day and age no one took a photo or any video - even with your one eyed view of Morrissey's world, that's odd wouldn't you say? With HMV why would they need to come out and defend their corner if their refusal was true, surely they would say - no we are not stocking the album and here is the reason.

He tells lies as an attempt at self promotion and fails every time. I cannot think of any other artists who do this.

interesting how far HMV will go to cover up their tracks. I mean why do they care? unless they have something to hide?

BOYCOTT HMV !!!! :rock::rock::rock::rock:

Probably not the best idea - in January 2015, HMV overtook Amazon to become the largest retailer of physical music in the UK.
HMV took the time to post on Maker's FB post too:

View attachment 42203

(note: 'shared the artwork' doesn't denote a corporate procedure to accept selling an album).

Expect Maker to delete his post asap. Expect absolutely no explanation for this nonsense. Expect more nonsense in the next few weeks in a desperate attempt to position Morrissey as 'edgy' and 'Outsider' when he's just a delusional brat given to either paranoid ideation or hallucinations. Either Morrissey presents evidence to support this claim or he becomes a laughing stock. Again. His late-career comedy panto phase is really going well.....hilarious stuff. What a tosser.
Does it matter it's only a forum and if you are really interested in Uncle Skinny, he is pretty well known as he a appeared on a TV programme called Mastermind, his subject was, The Smiths. He did very well.
15 minutes of fame
The album isn't even out yet, and yet we are already getting evidence of behind the scenes arguments going on regarding the marketing/promotion. This is all going to go tits up again, just like it did with Harvest Records, isn't it?

Oh Morrissey. Why are these things so predictable? :rolleyes:
You are the epitome of a thick bot. You cling desperately to anything you can.

It is not a tomahawk, you cretin. It's a cheap looking store bought axe (I imagine Sam the lackie was sent to fetch it).

As other posters have pointed out, Morrissey has no reason to despise and rant about the Monarchy. They hunt, but so do thousands of others. He's a tax avoiding nancy boy. He is never able to back up any of his radical claims. He runs away, petrified, from any opportunity to be interviewed live. He then spends hours formulating email interview-responses that appear in random foreign magazines. He is so f***ing irrelevant.

The album cover is embarrassingly awful. We knew it would be, but no one could've predicted this. The whole HMV banning it is definitely a stunt. I wouldn't be surprised if the cover got changed simply because of the backlash. Even megabots are slating it.

There's a simple reason Morrissey isn't on this cover - he's fat, bald and covered in wrinkles. Unfortunately, he's also alarmingly vain and yet pathetically insecure. There's not a chance he'd put himself on the cover.

FYI tomahawk is not the only kind of axe used by native americans. There are hundred of them. It's obvious a child holds a fake axe, a representation of a true one. It's a symbol, not an actual arm. You hatebot.

What's your problem with people being fans of Morrissey? He is a great artist and you know it. Besides, he is the only one out of thousands of foreign artists who constantly visit my country, an important part of them british, who dared to publicly condemn Malvinas infamous colonisation. That talks a lot about him, and you posting insults anonymously talks a lot about you.
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Every time Morrissey releases an album cover, everyone thinks it's the worst one ever.

The lingering attachment to the idea of a Monarchy makes no sense at all. None. It should be mocked and ridiculed out of existence.

You're celebrating a tribe of people who thought inbreeding was a good idea, and believed that they should be worshiped solely by birth right.

Pure insanity.

Firstly, royalty in the UK costs each taxpayer only about £0.62 per annum. Secondly, the British monarch is purely ceremonial; the queen has no actual power and, thirdly, the concepts of republic and social equity don't necessarily go hand-in-hand (see "USA" for further details).

In principle, I'm not at all an advocate of monarchy. The Windsors' position, their wealth and their privilege is unearned and unjustifiable in a society that flatters itself that it is meritocratic. Mind you, precisely the same can be said of celebrities.

Would-be pop-stars like your idol, Morrissey, ought to be mocked and ridiculed out of existence. In fact, they are being mocked out of existence. Take a look around these boards: it's happening already, and has been happening for years. Long gone are the days when people like Morrissey could preserve the kind of mystique necessary for fans' deference and awe.

In the age of the Internet, the music industry is in its death-throes, and some people's lingering attachment to pop-stars who believe they should be worshiped for just singing a few trivial songs and poncing about on a stage isn't insanity - it's utter stupidity.

Grow up.

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