London - The SSE Arena Wembley (Mar. 14, 2020) post-show

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London / I Wish You Lonely / Jim Jim Falls / Satan Rejected My Soul / At Amber / Morning Starship / Lady Willpower / Once I Saw The River Clean / Half A Person / If You Don't Like Me, Don't Look At Me / Munich Air Disaster 1958 / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / Seasick, Yet Still Docked / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Love Is On Its Way Out / Back On The Chain Gang / I've Changed My Plea To Guilty / Home Is A Question Mark / Never Again Will I Be A Twin / Some Say I Got Devil / Wedding Bell Blues / Jacky's Only Happy When She's Up on the Stage // Irish Blood, English Heart / Jack The Ripper

Setlist courtesy of @NealCassidy

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Maybe you should look at what some theatres are saying. I think you mistake love of money with love of fans.

Anybody putting on a gathering like this in the middle of a health emergency with a virus that is spread easily is irresponsible.

Did you also see Damien Dempsey's cancellation notice when he cancelled his London show on Saturday:

Damien Dempsey
March 13 at 6:24 PM ·
Greetings from Kilburn my friends
It was with a heavy heart that myself, John and David took the decision this morning to cancel the Electric Ballroom show.
We felt the British government aren’t at the moment properly looking out for the welfare of the people over here, so we’re taking this responsibility on ourselves for our fans who were coming tomorrow night.
We were so looking forward to seeing you all over here after a year away and celebrating Saint Patricks Weekend the best way we know how, by singing in beautiful unison, becoming one big living breathing vibrating entity, full of love light, healing and empathy, and having one of the singsongs of the century.
We hated aswell letting people down who travelled, bought flights and hotels, we done the same ourselves for our brilliant band and crew.
But the thoughts of maybe people catching this deadly virus at the show, and getting seriously ill or worse, or passing it on to loved ones or strangers, and making them seriously ill or worse, we just couldnt do it.
The health of the incredible fans and incredible genius band and magical crew and the great Ian Prowse and brilliant Junior Brother has to come first.
But the show would'nt have been the same. We need a certain vibration for everyone to be on, together, and to create a great show, we all have to let go, and i dont think we could have properly achieved that because of the highly unusual present situation.
We have re scheduled the show to ‪the 25th of July‬, will be a really nice time to do a show in London, balmy then, and please Jah things have normalised a little by then, if not we can all wear boiler suits and gas masks and have a sweaty muffly sing along.
We were also due to perform in Trafalgar Square at the Patricks Weekend Festival on Sunday, to what is usually from 20 up to 50 thousand people, with Imelda May and Ian Prowse guesting for a couple of songs, so an epic weekend has come to an end before it started but loads more of them to come and to sing all our cares away together at in the future. Big thanks and shout out to Gary Dunne and all at the Camden Irish Centre and all at the Electric Ballroom.
So apologies again to anyone who was coming tommorrow. But its not worth risking all your health and your loved ones health in mass gatherings at this minute, it is our wealth in the end. We’ll do it again really soon, get a big bag of cheap cans tommorrow, alcohol or soda, whatever your into, and a few bin bags of tayto and have a singsong anyway wherever youse are, youtube will strike up the mood, grá mór and stay safe till this blows over my friends. Im gona post up over the next while some of my favourite books, movies and albums, a few suggestion for our little hibernation to come, big big love, Damo X
I think the government and lending institutions and corporations need to cut people who this will affect badly a big lot of slack. And if they refuse to we should all refuse to pay our bills on masse like we for a while in 2015, this kind of thing puts the fear of God into these institutions and is only fair if their being unfair.

Damien Dempsey is a complete tossed. As he hates Britain so much, why doesn’t he f*** off and not come back? Hopefully, he never darkens Moz’s support again.
Again, not true. I know of lots of gigs and nightclub nights that canceled their nights. All football was canceled and many theatres in london closed. If you are going to make up your facts to suit your conscience at least do some research first. I am an event promoter and we canceled 22 events over the weekend.
I didn't make up facts, it was a broad view of the information available over media, unsocial media etc etc. I travelled to London for the gig and stayed in a hotel closeby and as long as gig was on I was going. My feeling regarding the virus is that although thousands of people were at gig your not actually in contact with that many, by the time you enter venue and head to allocated seats (via merch, bar, toilet etc) the contact with people you dont know is limited and I was prepared to do that to see The Great Man. Great show by the way!
You can take it as a sign of bad sales, but it's not heavy promotion. He had next to no promotion & he still got an audience.

Right. Millions of people getting loads of emails is not promotion. Ok. Whatever. He got two poorly attended arena shows. That is a significant drop in what he used to be able to do with no promotion at all and no emails because it was never required. Call it what you want.
Damien Dempsey is a complete tossed. As he hates Britain so much, why doesn’t he f*** off and not come back? Hopefully, he never darkens Moz’s support again.

I don't think Moz would agree with you on that one
I didn't make up facts, it was a broad view of the information available over media, unsocial media etc etc. I travelled to London for the gig and stayed in a hotel closeby and as long as gig was on I was going. My feeling regarding the virus is that although thousands of people were at gig your not actually in contact with that many, by the time you enter venue and head to allocated seats (via merch, bar, toilet etc) the contact with people you dont know is limited and I was prepared to do that to see The Great Man. Great show by the way!

So you were never less than 2 metres from anyone the whole time? That is all it takes for someone to breathe out and for you to breathe it in.
For his management and his record company it is a disaster. That is why they are leaving him behind after this release. You can make up whatever you wish but a couple of poor arenas when he used to be able to sell out a huge arena tour in minutes isn't any sign of an showbiz up and down. It is a business catastrophe and without a record company he will find himself at a loss for how to continue. He is classed in the business as a toxic risk. Prime example of self destruction.
How many times are you going to rehash this same old flannel? You have been repeating yourself like a broken record for years! Morrissey continues to have a successful career despite the bullshit brigade's feeble attempts to derail him, time to bin your poison pen Captain!
I had quite a few "last chance for Morrissey" emails over the past week or so.

20-30% quieter each time... so that makes it 20-30% less than the 2018 shows, which were probably less than the 2015 shows. The idea of a Moz tour in the UK being just 2 half-sold arena shows was unthinkable in terms of demand even five years ago.
I think something's been lost in the translation pal, Feb/March 2018 was his most successful UK tour ever and that was his last run in UK until Leeds & London. It has to be said also that it's not unusual for Moz to play short tour dates around these shores, remember the two date O2 Arena London plus 3Arena Dublin gigs? Also the Manchester Arena plus Usher Hall Edinburgh two dates of a few years ago? Just a reminder to those who are saying a two date UK run is unheard of.
Looks like it was an excellent gig, and crowded. Look forward to clips of Satan and Guilty in particular.
And hope nobody has anything more serious than a Corona beer in the 14 days following.
26 pages of comments??
I don't care to be honest but without the financial backing of a record company or deal he wouldnt be able to continue. He's not a risk! Really. 2 poorly attended arena gigs is his UK tour. Constantly in and out of the press not for very positive reasons when record companies look at it. Constantly in and out of legal battles. Frequent cancelations. Not a risk at all. I'd pump money into that. Lol
Really? I take it you do remember 1997 to 2004 from Maladjusted to YATQ, SEVEN years without a record deal?!?! He toured frequently in those inbetween years so why would it stop him this time? Have you ever realised no matter what adversities he encounters he finds a way to overcome them. Both Leeds & London were well attended despite the 'virus hysteria' plus the short time from gigs being announced to taking place, most bands are announcing gigs approx one year in advance to play the UK arenas, Moz announces gigs approx three months in advance, not always easy to pull that off.
I think something's been lost in the translation pal, Feb/March 2018 was his most successful UK tour ever and that was his last run in UK until Leeds & London. It has to be said also that it's not unusual for Moz to play short tour dates around these shores, remember the two date O2 Arena London plus 3Arena Dublin gigs? Also the Manchester Arena plus Usher Hall Edinburgh two dates of a few years ago? Just a reminder to those who are saying a two date UK run is unheard of.

Not quite. The Quarry arena run in 2004, and the Ringleader December 2006 arena tour were about the same size if not bigger and sold better.
Right. Millions of people getting loads of emails is not promotion. Ok. Whatever. He got two poorly attended arena shows. That is a significant drop in what he used to be able to do with no promotion at all and no emails because it was never required. Call it what you want.
How many folk actually read promo emails? Sure I read some but everyone receives loads of these all the time and they go unread. I've spoken to several people on my travels over last week and they had no idea Moz was playing any dates in UK, now that's a pity as that does suggest he and his team need to up the way the gigs are promoted as some fans are just not aware they're happening.
I went on Saturday and this was my first ever Morrissey concert, he sounded amazing and the band sounded tight! Fabulous Night!!


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How many times are you going to rehash this same old flannel? You have been repeating yourself like a broken record for years! Morrissey continues to have a successful career despite the bullshit brigade's feeble attempts to derail him, time to bin your poison pen Captain!

No you are right. He just had a very successful sold out UK tour!
I think something's been lost in the translation pal, Feb/March 2018 was his most successful UK tour ever and that was his last run in UK until Leeds & London. It has to be said also that it's not unusual for Moz to play short tour dates around these shores, remember the two date O2 Arena London plus 3Arena Dublin gigs? Also the Manchester Arena plus Usher Hall Edinburgh two dates of a few years ago? Just a reminder to those who are saying a two date UK run is unheard of.

But they all sold out within minutes.
How many folk actually read promo emails? Sure I read some but everyone receives loads of these all the time and they go unread. I've spoken to several people on my travels over last week and they had no idea Moz was playing any dates in UK, now that's a pity as that does suggest he and his team need to up the way the gigs are promoted as some fans are just not aware they're happening.

...or a lot knew they were happening and chose not to go... two ways of looking at the same issue
I was there Saturday, not because of what he represents now, but because of what he represented to me throughout my teens, and no poxy virus would have stopped that.

Did he sound amazing.... YES
Was the band tight..... YES

Was it a great concert I would have to say absolutely 100% NO.

The reception he got when he played the ONLY smiths song of the night should have indicated to him the reason most of us were there, sure plug your new album, or your solo stuff, but please ditch the covers of the Pretenders, Melanie et al, we were there because you meant so much to us through those teenage years, you articulated what we felt and at times we felt you were the only friend we had, but to not really please a crowd who were desperate for some of your classics, broke our hearts and if you did it just to prove a point, it shows that all those words and feelings you professed to express were no more than ditties to fill your pockets.

A shame on you Morissey
How many folk actually read promo emails? Sure I read some but everyone receives loads of these all the time and they go unread. I've spoken to several people on my travels over last week and they had no idea Moz was playing any dates in UK, now that's a pity as that does suggest he and his team need to up the way the gigs are promoted as some fans are just not aware they're happening.

Pretty much no one reads them. On average less than 25% of recipients will actually open them & most won't read to the end. You might get the odd sale out of it, but it's really there to put your name in their inbox. And because it's something tangible to offer a client.
Pretty much no one reads them. On average less than 25% of recipients will actually open them & most won't read to the end. You might get the odd sale out of it, but it's really there to put your name in their inbox. And because it's something tangible to offer a client.

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