At least when you're havering about me you don't have time for your usual obsessive trash about Morrissey.
Leave Nerak alone, she's only posting.
She's a good egg.
I love gossip.
I never lie.
I always admit when I've made a mistake. If you convince me I've made a mistake.
You've got some nerve.
You're really not getting over me calling you sexist for calling me shrill. Still, keeps you occupied.
You're really not getting over me calling you sexist for calling me shrill. Still, keeps you occupied.
You are gossip. (note the lack of 'a')
You do lie. Your "I never lie" is testament to that.
"I always admit when I've made a mistake." No. Kicking and screaming you may admit a mistake but on the whole you dig in with your "it's my opinion", "I think", "I've heard" or block/ignore.
You do attack users in this forum without any justification and then deny you have done so.
You attempt to project an image of chatty sociability but are often premature and far too quick off the mark in your condemnation of others for that to ring true.
All in all throughout your extremely short tenure in this forum you have attempted to set yourself up as some intellectual, hectoring force who must be listened to. You have failed.
I understand you need the attention. What I don't understand is why you naively believe that users of this forum should give you the attention you crave in the manner in which you crave it.
I mean, I don't entirely disagree but maybe you should sign in and put her on ignore if it's going to cause all this upset.
Thanks for your concern but l'm really not upset.
Upset, maybe not, but you're certainly rattled & becoming paranoid by her superior knowledge when compared to yours. Give it a rest, you're making yourself look a boring tit, again, skinny.
Vendettas never play out well.
Upset, maybe not, but you're certainly rattled & becoming paranoid by her superior knowledge when compared to yours. Give it a rest, you're making yourself look a boring tit, again, skinny.
Vendettas never play out well.