Yes, I see there's almost some denial from the 'anon' that you're responding to there, Hof.
Must be another queer who has an over-sensitive gaydar, i.e. if there's anything neg posted about gays, regardless of wider issues of grooming & family deceit (that's ok it seems with him), & he's up defending it claiming 'homophobic'.
Morals? No.
In the curious world that the likes of celebs like Schofield live, the family aren't saying what they actually think. It's almost political in nature. Let's keep PC & pretend all this is ok, because if the press get a whiff of our real feelings, then it will all come out. His career will be over, we'll all get hammered in the press, dragged through the shit, & tarnished because of his behaviour.
I'd say f*** 'em, spit it out, get it off your chest & tell the world about how f***ing disappointed & let down you really are as a wife, or child of his, because of his disgusting behaviour.
The grooming is wrong. It's predatory. It's manipulative. It's calculated. It's scheming. It's despicable.
It demonstrates how strategically & long term a queer like Schofield operated. An adult gay man fixated; planning & plotting a future affair with, at the time, a 10-year-old innocent boy, & all the while hiding it from his family, friends, & to some extent, himself. Why? Because it's filthy, dirty, abhorrent, immoral, & shameful.
The sheer level of the long-term deception is what Schofield needs exposing, & has to answer to his family, for. The lies, the deceit. Tells us so much about him as a person, so stark in contrast to the fake, clean-cut, projected TV image that we see.
I saw him do his TV confessional with sycophant Willoughby, & saw the rest of the TV-lovies telling him 'it's ok, you've been so brave'.
No, it's not brave. He hasn't been brave at all. He's covering his arse b'cos he knows shit is arriving on his doorstep very, very soon.
If it's all so right & ok, & nothing untoward happened, then why has he sought, & managed to get, a super-duper injunction? To try & shut certain people up. To close any unpleasantness down. To avoid being confronted with his shame. It stinks & the press have got a whiff.
There's shit to answer for, & it's this that the press are digging for. They will find it in due course, they always do in the end, & Schofield's shame-filled world will unravel. When it does, that's when the knives will come out, & we'll hear what his family, & his TV-lovies really thought all along, & rightly so.
Bastard scheming, plotting, predator, lying, queer. Disgusting.
I praise the day that brings you pain.