Fiona Dodwell: "Misunderstanding Morrissey: Sparks and the steady drip, drip, drip of slander" (July 15, 2020)

"One wonders whether the vocal Morrissey detractors have delved much beyond the surface of NME's clickbait headlines and the lefty identity politics of formerly reputable publications like The Guardian."


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Not bad.

Getting to the heart of the problem.

I hope he ends his war with the mainstream media & talks to hacks again.
There is no "war with the mainstream media" but there is a war between his foot and his mouth.
When the media accurately prints quotes as the came out of his mouth, with complete context, (Hello, Der Spiegel, anyone?) then the media are doing their job. To come out and say "I don't like what I said being printed" and to spin and dig deeper is on him. At any point he could clarify, explain, retire, or just say "f*** you, I meant what I said."

Mozpologists and mental gymnastics. Peas and carrots. Morrissey and turdliness.
There is no "war with the mainstream media" but there is a war between his foot and his mouth.
When the media accurately prints quotes as the came out of his mouth, with complete context, (Hello, Der Spiegel, anyone?) then the media are doing their job. To come out and say "I don't like what I said being printed" and to spin and dig deeper is on him. At any point he could clarify, explain, retire, or just say "f*** you, I meant what I said."

Mozpologists and mental gymnastics. Peas and carrots. Morrissey and turdliness.

Where has the media printed things within context? It’s all been twisted for their clickbait needs.

Not only won’t they print what won’t help their agenda, no article has enough room to print all the positive and hilarious things he has said through out his career, nor does the media reference or look into lyrics that don’t fit their hate/anti-Moz campaign, and what about the voice ? It says the most, but can’t be put into words.

It all has to be taken into consideration before one can come to any conclusion or something that even points towards a fair judgment.

The Der Spiegel tape was released, edited as the interviewer did confess it was,why the need for edits? What needed to be erased? What needed to be changed? Morrissey was chatty and seemed to trust her, he also sounded jet lagged,tired, or just very relaxed. I don’t agree with some of things he says, but most of it? nothing controversial. An awful interviewer, and because of that I was only able to stomach listening to it once. Cringe fest.
Where has the media printed things within context? It’s all been twisted for their clickbait needs.

Not only won’t they print what won’t help their agenda, no article has enough room to print all the positive and hilarious things he has said through out his career, nor does the media reference or look into lyrics that don’t fit their hate/anti-Moz campaign, and what about the voice ? It says the most, but can’t be put into words.

It all has to be taken into consideration before one can come to any conclusion or something that even points towards a fair judgment.

The Der Spiegel tape was released, edited as the interviewer did confess it was,why the need for edits? What needed to be erased? What needed to be changed? Morrissey was chatty and seemed to trust her, he also sounded jet lagged,tired, or just very relaxed. I don’t agree with some of things he says, but most of it? nothing controversial. An awful interviewer, and because of that I was only able to stomach listening to it once. Cringe fest.

They weren't accurate, or in context.

He pissed off the Der Spiegel interviewer & she made it sound as if he was making definitive statements.

It's partly hacks always try to make things further a news agenda - but also, I don't think most hacks understand him. He's very complicated & he doesn't have anyone creating a coherent narrative about him. The press releases I've seen are generic puff.

& once he's upset he gets defensive or goes silent.

He's a pain, but I think working with him would create more interesting copy than trying to back him into a corner & killing him off entirely.
There is no "war with the mainstream media" but there is a war between his foot and his mouth.
When the media accurately prints quotes as the came out of his mouth, with complete context, (Hello, Der Spiegel, anyone?) then the media are doing their job. To come out and say "I don't like what I said being printed" and to spin and dig deeper is on him. At any point he could clarify, explain, retire, or just say "f*** you, I meant what I said."

Mozpologists and mental gymnastics. Peas and carrots. Morrissey and turdliness.

That's bollocks.

I was interested in his coverage because it made no sense - you have to severely edit him to stick to the idea that he was or turned into a far right racist.

He doesn't fit in neat boxes & doesn't have a media strategy, which is why he ends up in trouble all the time.

Complete context? What utter shite. It's not possible even if they wanted to. An article needs an angle & the closer to news it is, the more dangerous it is for an artist.
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That's bollocks.
I was interested in his his coverage because it made no sense - you have to severely edit him to stick to the idea that he was or turned into a far right racist.
He doesn't fit in neat boxes & doesn't have a media strategy, which is why he ends up in trouble all the time.
Complete context? What utter shite. It's not possible even if they wanted to. An article needs an angle & the closer to news it is, the more dangerous it is for an artist.

Absolutely - nothing to do with the fact that he urged anyone who had ever taken an interest in him to vote for a far-right political party in a clear, unambiguous post on his own personal website, and wore the party's badge in front of over a million people via TV performances and live shows.
But no, it's clearly the fault of editors that he is considered to be far right. Unbelievable.
Also there is a war with the media - because I have asked around & they want him to do interviews & they're not going to use central as a source.
Absolutely - nothing to do with the fact that he urged anyone who had ever taken an interest in him to vote for a far-right political party in a clear, unambiguous post on his own personal website, and wore the party's badge in front of over a million people via TV performances and live shows.
But no, it's clearly the fault of editors that he is considered to be far right. Unbelievable.

You are more obsessed by this than anyone!

And - aye - it is the fault of the media (other than the voice in the wilderness Nick Cohen) for not looking deeply enough into the political situation we've been heading towards for over 20 years.

And for not wondering why someone who has clearly stated that his problem isn't with skin colour or even faith - but is with the rights of women, animals & LGBT - DOESN'T feel he has a home on the left in the UK.
Absolutely - nothing to do with the fact that he urged anyone who had ever taken an interest in him to vote for a far-right political party in a clear, unambiguous post on his own personal website, and wore the party's badge in front of over a million people via TV performances and live shows.
But no, it's clearly the fault of editors that he is considered to be far right. Unbelievable.
If we were having this conversation in person anyone would have turned and walked away from you. Some American once said. I dont agree what you said., but I defend your right to say it. He has a different opinion than you. So do I. I agree a lot what Morrissey says but I grew up different than you, he grew up different than you. We dont have to have the same idea , we only need to respect each others idea. You dig?
You are more obsessed by this than anyone!

And - aye - it is the fault of the media (other than the voice in the wilderness Nick Cohen) for not looking deeply enough into the political situation we've been heading towards for over 20 years.

And for not wondering why someone who has clearly stated that his problem isn't with skin colour or even faith - but is with the rights of women, animals & LGBT - DOESN'T feel he has a home on the left in the UK.

He's put himself in a far-right box by his own stupidity and by his own stupidity alone. Anyone who understands the absolute basics of politics would realise that unambiguously endorsing a far-right wing political party is obviously going to make you appear of the far right. It really is his own stupid fault. Fingers crossed, one you might realise this but it's looking a little unlikely.
I missed the Der Spiegel controversy when it was happening only because I was probably interfering in the Spanish elections. But I revisited the recording at a later time. M really should have had a minder in the room. And he really should have had the questions pre-vetted and done a run through internally before agreeing to sit down for such a long interview. As a person who is DIRECTLY responsible for some of Claptons biggest MEDIA successes, I can tell you that a lot of prep work goes in ahead of time. The Principal must have a brief in hand at least 72 hours before the interview. Also, I would never left the room and would have taken liberties to interject if I felt the line of questioning was going astray. Anyway, take my advice or leave it. I am a genius. Even Steve knows this.
He's put himself in a far-right box by his own stupidity and by his own stupidity alone. Anyone who understands the absolute basics of politics would realise that unambiguously endorsing a far-right wing political party is obviously going to make you appear of the far right. It really is his own stupid fault. Fingers crossed, one you might realise this but it's looking a little unlikely.

You clearly haven't been paying any attention to politics - the only way to avoid coming a cropper is to agree with the loudest voices on Twitter & not give a shit about anything.

I have no interest in Anne Marie - she's having a liberal nervous breakdown & is doing no one any good - but I actually admire that he was willing to pipe up about some of the garbage fires happening on the left - even if hasn't fully understood them.

I don't blame him for that & I'm hoping he finds an exit strategy, as well as hacks becoming more sophisticated before they're all reduced to clickbait for eternity.
You clearly haven't been paying any attention to politics - the only way to avoid coming a cropper is to agree with the loudest voices on Twitter & not give a shit about anything.

I have no interest in Anne Marie - she's having a liberal nervous breakdown & is doing no one any good - but I actually admire that he was willing to pipe up about some of the garbage fires happening on the left - even if hasn't fully understood them.

I don't blame him for that & I'm hoping he finds an exit strategy, as well as hacks becoming more sophisticated before they're all reduced to clickbait for eternity.

M doesn't need an exit strategy. He needs a personal trainer. And frankly so do I.
I missed the Der Spiegel controversy when it was happening only because I was probably interfering in the Spanish elections. But I revisited the recording at a later time. M really should have had a minder in the room. And he really should have had the questions pre-vetted and done a run through internally before agreeing to sit down for such a long interview. As a person who is DIRECTLY responsible for some of Claptons biggest MEDIA successes, I can tell you that a lot of prep work goes in ahead of time. The Principal must have a brief in hand at least 72 hours before the interview. Also, I would never left the room and would have taken liberties to interject if I felt the line of questioning was going astray. Anyway, take my advice or leave it. I am a genius. Even Steve knows this.

He'd been up all night - I wouldn't have let him say a word about anything that wasn't on the album.

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